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Dec 18,2012

Does Religion Matter?

by Donald Devine Issue 218– December 26, 2012 Why does it matter if America is ...[Read More ]


Dec 18,2012

1% the Left Loves

by  John Goodman Issue 218– December 26, 2012 Have you ever noticed that people who ...[Read More ]


Dec 18,2012

Fed Doubles Down

by Brian S. Wesbury and Bob Stein Issue 218– December 26, 2012 The Federal Reserve ...[Read More ]


Dec 18,2012

Media Too Conservative!

by Brent Bozell Issue 218– December 26, 2012 How could a liberal actually be upset ...[Read More ]


Dec 18,2012

Obamacare Resistance Movement

by Grace-Marie Turner Issue 218– December 26, 2012 ObamaCare may be the law, but a ...[Read More ]


Dec 18,2012

Hillary 2016 Bandwagon

by Kyle Drennen Issue 218– December 26, 2012 On a recent Sunday NBC Meet the Press, ...[Read More ]

Latest News

December 18,2012

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The American Conservative Union (ACU) Chairman Al Cardenas today announced the first round of speakers invited to appear at CPAC 2013 ...[Read More ]

December 17,2012


WASHINGTON, D.C. – The American Conservative Union (ACU) today announced its inaugural ACU Ratings of the New Jersey State Legislature honoring the Garden State’s ...[Read More ]

December 14,2012


Watch Chairman Al Cardenas discuss the fiscal cliff debate between Congress and the White House with Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski on MSNBC’s Morning ...[Read More ]