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The Middle Class In America Is Being Wiped Out – Here Are 60 Facts That Prove It

The Middle Class In America Is Being Wiped Out - Here Are 60 Facts That Prove It

The middle class in the United States is being systematically destroyed, and nobody is doing much of anything to stop it.  Our incomes are shrinking, our share of the income pie is at an all-time low, our jobs are being sent overseas, debt burdens have soared to unprecedented heights and millions of formerly middle class Americans have fallen into poverty.  America once had the largest and most vibrant middle class that the world has ever seen, but now it is rapidly being shredded.  Unfortunately, this is particularly true for younger Americans.  Today, families that have a head of household that is under the age of 30 have a poverty rate of 37 percent.  That is astounding.  The truth is that there are not enough decent jobs for the hordes of young people that are entering the marketplace each year.  Once upon a time, a college degree was just about a guaranteed ticket to the middle class, but in 2011 more than half of all college graduates under the age of 25 were either unemployed (Read More....)

You Might Hate America If…

You Might Hate America If... (Photo by David Shankbone)

In America today, there is an all-out attack on the values that this country was founded upon.  Many of the people that are involved in these attacks actually claim to "love America" and yet they viciously attack the values and the principles that were foundational to what early Americans believed.  In particular, there are two documents that were greatly cherished in early America that are being relentlessly assaulted today: the U.S. Constitution and the Bible.  In colleges and universities all over America, students are being taught that these documents are "flawed" and that they need to "evolve" as society changes.  Those teaching this philosophy honestly believe that modern values are far superior to the values found in those documents.  They are convinced that it is foolish to be "bound" by the wisdom of the past.  That is why they love to refer to the U.S. Constitution as a "living, breathing document".  They believe that they should be able to "reinterpret" the Constitution without going through the hassle of the formal amendment process.  And of course we have seen courts do this over and over again in recent years.  When they feel it is necessary, our politicians and our courts will even openly ignore the Constitution when they feel it is necessary.  At (Read More....)

You Won’t Believe The Crazy Things That Are Being Said About Gun Owners

Whenever there is a great crisis or a great tragedy in the United States, the collectivists immediately try to use it for their own political advantage.  As Rahm Emanuel once said, "you never want a serious crisis to go to waste".  So it should be no surprise that liberals are doing their best to exploit the horrible tragedy that just happened at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut.  20 small children and 6 adults were savagely murdered, and instead of appropriately mourning this great loss, liberals are in a feeding frenzy and are falling all over one another as they rush to exploit this horrible tragedy for political gain.  Some of the most horrible things that you can imagine are being said about gun owners and about the NRA.  They are being called murderers, terrorists and "the new KKK".  Some are even suggesting that they should be shot or rounded up and put into camps.  It is absolutely disgusting to watch what is going on, and the mainstream media is just eating all of this up.  The mainstream media loves any story that they can use to demonize those that are opposed to the collectivist agenda.

Fortunately, the rampant demonization of gun owners is only (Read More....)

20 Outrageous Examples That Show How Political Correctness Is Taking Over America

The thought police are watching you.  Back in the 1990s, lots of jokes were made about "political correctness", and almost everybody thought they were really funny.  Unfortunately, very few people are laughing now because political correctness has become a way of life in America.  If you say the "wrong thing" you could lose your job or you could rapidly end up in court.  Every single day, the mainstream media bombards us with subtle messages that make it clear what is "appropriate" and what is "inappropriate", and most Americans quietly fall in line with this unwritten speech code.  But just because it is not written down somewhere does not mean that it isn't real.  In fact, this speech code becomes more restrictive and more suffocating with each passing year.  The goal of the "thought Nazis" is to control what people say to one another, because eventually that will shape what most people think and what most people believe.  If you don't think this is true, just try the following experiment some time.  Go to a public place where a lot of people are gathered and yell out something horribly (Read More....)

Detroit: One Of Our Greatest Cities Has Become A Desolate Wasteland Where The Lawless Reign

Once upon a time, Detroit was one of the greatest cities in the entire world.  Today, it has become a desolate wasteland where the lawless reign.  Once upon a time, Detroit was a teeming metropolis of about 2 million people.  Today, it has become a rotting war zone with a population that is down to about 700,000.  Once upon a time, Detroit was known for good paying manufacturing jobs and it was packed with middle class homes.  Today, nearly all of the good paying manufacturing jobs are gone (many of which has been shipped overseas), and there are more than 30,000 vacant homes in Detroit.  The city was once a shining example for the rest of the world, but now it is a laughingstock for the rest of the world.  If you can believe it, more than 50 percent of all children in Detroit are living in poverty, and (Read More....)

UN Control Of The Internet Would Mean UN Control Of Free Speech

If the UN is given control of the Internet, that would be a massive step toward making the UN a true global government.  The Internet is the number one venue for free speech and freedom of expression on the planet today, and if the UN is given authority over the Internet it would only be a matter of time before free speech is severely cracked down on.  Of course it would not happen immediately.  At first, UN officials would likely mostly keep their promises of maintaining a "free and open Internet".  But inevitably you would see them act to remove "terrorists" from the Internet, to crack down on "hate speech" and to repress any "politically incorrect" speech that is likely to insult anyone in any way.  If you were censored or banned from the Internet, you could scream about the 1st Amendment all you want, but the United Nations is not bound by the 1st Amendment.  The UN is not there to protect you or your freedoms.  If the UN becomes "the government of the Internet", you can essentially kiss freedom of speech goodbye.  If you do not believe that this could ever happen, you might want to pay close attention to a UN conference that is being held over in Dubai starting on Monday.  (Read More....)

Obama = Jesus???

Should we be concerned that some Americans are putting Barack Obama up on the same level as Jesus Christ?  Should we be alarmed when a famous actor refers to "our Lord and Savior Barack Obama" on national television or when a prominent artist depicts Obama wearing a crown of thorns?  What should we think when authors write books about "Apostle Barack" or groups of school children sing songs about how wonderful he is?  It is very dangerous when national leaders start to become objects of national worship.  This is the kind of thing that happens in North Korea - not in the United States of America.  When we put men up on a pedestal, pretty soon we find ourselves going along with whatever they say even when we know that it is wrong.  It is fine to admire, respect and support our politicians if that is what you choose to do.  But when the line is crossed and we start giving any politician the kind of praise and worship that only God should receive, there is a big problem.  Barack Obama is not Jesus.  He is just a man.  Unfortunately, the truth is that many Americans believe that he is much more than that.  What you are about to see should really disturb you...

Recently, actor Jamie Foxx referred to Barack Obama as "our Lord and Savior Barack Obama" during a television broadcast of the 2012 Soul Train Awards in Las Vegas, Nevada.  (Read More....)

29 Signs That The Elite Are Transforming Society Into A Total Domination Control Grid

The elite want to tightly control almost everything that we do, say and think.  When most people think of "tyranny", they think of thugs with guns and little dictators running around barking orders at everyone.  But that is not how the elite are accomplishing their goals these days.  They want us to actually believe that we have freedom and that we are choosing our own leaders, but in the background they are exerting "soft power" in a way that is absolutely ruthless.  They fund the political campaigns of our politicians, they own nearly all of the large corporations and financial institutions, they exert very tight control over the media and their agenda is being promoted through the education systems of virtually every nation on the planet.  What the elite are doing is not illegal.  In fact, they use the government and they use the law to accomplish their purposes.  That is one reason why the elite love big government.  For them, it is an instrument of control.  The larger the government is, the easier it is to watch, track, monitor and control the rest of us.  As you read this, a "total (Read More....)