Tonight on the Dark Side with Kira Davis


11/18/14 Live from Dallas! I’m in town to do the Dana Loesch show on The Blaze TV where I’ll be participating in a dramatic reading of possibly the weirdest interview ever – Jaden and Willow Smith’s interview about freezing time and “teenagery” stuff. We’ll break that mess down on the show tonight as well as […]

Tonight on the Dark Side with Kira Davis

American Flag

11/11/14 Thank you, Veterans! Tonight we break down the joy that was last Tuesday night. Also, Salon proves they’re the worst blog in the world yet again and Chris Cuomo feels the sads for Bin Laden. Join us tonight at 10pmET on FTR Radio. You can also listen live on your mobile device by searching […]

Tonight on the Dark Side w/Kira Davis


UPDATE: FTR LINE-UP HAS BEEN CANCELLED TONIGHT SO THE CREW CAN PRODUCE THE REDSTATE COVERAGE! SORRY! SEE  YOU NEXT WEEK!   11/4/14 Whatever shall we talk about? The difference between yams and sweet potatoes? Christian Bale’s decision to drop out of the new Steve Jobs biopic? Why my cat keeps peeing on blankets? Oh, I […]

Kira’s Quick Reference California Voter Guide – 2014


Dear California Readers: I get requests around election time to break down the California Voter Guide because no matter how “simple” they try to make it, these proposals and measures are often complicated and tricky. I have taken the liberty of “simplifying the simplification” for you. Please take note: this is a very GENERAL overview […]

Tonight on the Dark Side with Kira Davis


10/7/14 Tonight we’ll talk about the news of the day and what the latest in the “marriage” battle means to me. We’ll also hear from activist Karen Siegemund about Truthfest 2014. Join us tonight at 10pmET/7pm Pacific on the might FTR Radio. You can also stream live from your mobile device by searching “ftrradio” (no […]

Tonight on the Dark Side with Kira Davis


9/30/14 Everything I’ve found insufferable about the past week – Valerie Jarrett on my favorite show, millennials and the President. Join us tonight at 10pmET on the mighty You can also listen on your mobile device by searching “ftrradio” (no quotes,no spaces) in Shoutcast or Tunein Radio.

Tonight on the Dark Side with Kira Davis


9/23/14 Tonight on the Dark Side – adventures in tampons and Obama’s ISIS “strategy”. Those things may or may not be related. We also saw Americans rally against global climate change (take that, Earth!) – I’ll share how I talk to my kids about climate change. Tune in tonight at 10pmET/7pmPacific on You can also […]

Tonight on the Dark Side with Kira Davis


9/16/14  Slate writer Jordan Weissmann hops aboard the Margaret Sanger eugenics train – how old ideas always find new life among the intellectual set. Also, Southern California is so hot…its too hot to even make a joke. Tune in tonight at 10pmET on Listen live on your mobile device by searching “ftrradio” (no quotes, […]

The Dark Side w/Kira Davis is Back Tonight!


Our summer hiatus has ended and we are ready to dive back into the mess! Tonight I’ll talk about Ray Rice drama and how we lay aside political differences to fight Big Government. Join us tonight at 10pm ET/7pm Pacific on FTR Radio. You can also stream on your mobile device by searching “ftrradio” (no quotes, […]

Tonight on the Dark Side with Kira Davis


7/1/14 Happy Canada Day! Tonight we talk SCOTUS fever, lib outrage and why I don’t think conservatives should be crowing about the Hobby Lobby decision. Tune in tonight at 10pmET/7pm Pacific on the mighty FTR Radio. Listen live from your mobile device by searching “ftrradio” no quotes, no spaces) in Tune-In Radio or Shoutcast.