The PJ Tatler

San Diego Muslim man arrested for brutal murder of his wife was US Army Islamic cultural adviser


Will media apologize for grinding ‘Islamophobia’ narrative over faked hate crime?

“When people like me stay quiet…”

by Charlie Martin

When we let the enemies of liberty define us….


Feinstein: Benghazi Attack Should’ve Been Labeled Terrorism When Mortars, RPGs Were Fired


The five prior incidents in Libya this year alone “aren’t intelligence, they are not threats. They are actual attacks.”

Feinstein Dismisses Petreaus Resignation, Benghazi Connection


Petreaus may testify anyway as private citizen.

Denmark Will Repeal ‘Fat Tax’


This just in: Taxes designed to change people’s eating habits don’t work.

FBI Probe of Petreaus Triggered by Threatening Emails Sent by Mistress


The plot thickens.

Will a Deal to Avoid the Fiscal Cliff be Reached this Year?


Outline of an agreement is doable before the end of the year.

2012 Gender Gap Largest in History


“War on Women” meme worked.

Report: FBI Uncovered Petreaus Infidelity


Mistress hacked into CIA director’s private email account.

Winner of ‘Four More Years and All Our Fears’ Photo Caption Contest


Laughing through the tears.

Clinton Turns Down Request to Testify on Benghazi Next Week


Whoops, Australia calling…

Lockheed Martin Exec Who Followed Admin Lead on WARN Act Resigns Due to Affair


The CEO-in-waiting was behind a controversial memo bowing to White House advice to not warn employees before election of impending sequestration layoffs.

Refugee Problem Spirals Out of Control in Syria


It can take weeks or months to build a camp, but only hours to fill it.

Petraeus Resigns as Head of CIA, Says He Cheated on Wife


Six days before he was set to testify before House and Senate intelligence committees about the Benghazi attack.

Obama Invites Congressional Leaders for Fiscal Cliff ‘Consensus’ Talks


Starting point: the head-butt over raising taxes on upper income brackets.

Clinton: Stevens ‘Understood’ Diplomats Sometimes Operate ‘Where Soldiers Do Not’


“You saw and you heard the president’s inspired and inspiring words” on Benghazi.

Now Up on the PJ Media Homepage


Looking for glimmers of sunshine amidst the rubble.

Was 2012 the Last Stand of the White Voter?


True realignment? Or just ordinary apathy?

Israel Fires Warning Shot Into Syria


First shot fired in anger at Syria since 1973.

Senate Intelligence Panel to Probe Why Congress Wasn't Told About Petraeus Investigation


Homeland Security chairman: Timeline of the FBI’s investigation in relation to campaign season “doesn’t add up.”

Petraeus to Try to 'Put Life Back Together' Before Any Benghazi Testimony

Holly Petraeus

Ranking Republican on Senate Intelligence Committee “fine” with CIA deputy testifying.

Remember: It's Racist to Call Him the 'Food Stamp President'


He’s set so many other records it’s unfair to single out just one of his accomplishments

Another 'Woe Is Us' Election Analysis Proves One Too Many


Is this really the end of America “as we know it”?

Jesse Jackson, Jr. Plea Deal to Include Resigning from Congress


Some jail time likely.

Vive la Révolution

by Charlie Martin

Pour qui ces ignobles entraves/Ces fers dès longtemps préparés ?

Pentagon Benghazi Timeline Shows 19 Hour Delay in Getting Help to Diplomats


Delays, inaction, lack of foresight.

The Competent Man


The wisdom of Robert A. Heinlein.

Feinstein Questions Obama's Acceptance of Petraeus Resignation


“He was especially cooperative with Congress as we executed our oversight responsibility,” she noted of the man who was to testify on Benghazi next week.

Acting CIA Director to Testify on the Hill Next Week Instead of Petreaus


Should we question the timing?

3 Reasons Why I'm Joining the Republican Party Today

Anti-Slavery Republican

The anti-slavery party.

Companies Announce Layoffs in the Wake of Obama Re-Election


Only the beginning.

In Vowing to 'Put Politics Aside,' Reid Accuses GOP of Wanting to Protect Trump's Wallet

"Donald J. Trump's Fabulous World Of Golf" Screening

“The sooner Republicans come to grips with this reality, the sooner we can forge an agreement…”

Darwin Gets 4,000 Votes Vs. Creationist Congressman


Also receiving votes were “Anybody but Broun” and “Bill Nye, the Science Guy.”

Boehner: What Tea Party?


“This has been the most misreported story of my two years’ tenure.”

Race and Islamic Radicalization in the USA

Hopeless trap?