Jan 082013

I’ve lamented before about the lack of Catholic podcasts. There are certainly some high quality ones out there, but there are relatively few compared to Protestant and even atheist podcasts

Now one avenue for getting quality Catholic media out there is to take an existing show produced for radio and make it available as a podcast. Catholic Answers, EWTN, and Al Kresta do this. This is an excellent way to increase discoverability and to allow people to listen to shows at their leisure.

Unfortunately I saw today two examples of Catholic media failure in this regard. The examples I found indicated they had no idea what a podcast really was. For one thing making an mp3 file available on a website is not a podcast. An actual podcast provides a syndication feed (RSS) where you subscribe to the podcast to listen to via a podcast application. These podcast application can be used on a computer or mobile device. The podcast application then checks when new shows are available and downloads them for use.

There were a couple of Catholic shows I wanted to check out. One was the Son Rise Morning Show with Brian Patrick and the other is Patrick Madrid’s new show “Right Here, Right Now

At the top of the Son Rise Morning Show’s site there was a promising tab for “Podcasts”. It even had a Podcast button labeled “Full Feed.” This was not an actual Podcast RSS feed you could subscribe to but just a link to the same page which has a list of shows you could listen to.

Now that was annoying, but I thought maybe I could just download the show to listen to later on my iPad. Nope, no download link just streaming from the site. Plan B: Well I will just load up the page on my iPad to listen to it. Plan B Fail: Page would load, but no episodes appear on the iPad.

Update: Immaculate Heart Radio let me know that they do indeed have podcasts for some of their shows available in iTunes.  They will have Patrick Madrid’s show as a podcast in the future.

Next I went to Immaculate Heart Radio where I saw a banner for “More streams, podcasts, and more!” Now was there an actual podcast I could subscribe to? You guessed it, no. What they did have is a new mobile app for iOS and Android. This app allows you to listen to live streams and what it called “Podcasts”. In this case the only show available was “Bay Area Catholics” and not Patrick Madrid’s show. Plus again it was not really a podcast, but a show available on demand for streaming.

At least on their Audio Archives page you could download individual shows. It is certainly nice to support someone being able to listen to a show by clicking on a link on their site. Actual podcasts allow you to listen to shows when not online.

EWTN’s new mobile app is another thing I found quite annoying. For the most part mobile apps created for Catholic broadcasters are usually just not very good. Now I understand this is something they hire out for and cost is of great concern. This app certainly I think reflects that. On the plus side they had a universal app for both the iPhone/iPod Touch and for the iPad. There was really no consideration is how it looked/worked on the iPad and you could not change orientation from portrait to landscape for the menus. At least videos played in landscape mode (sometimes). If you lost internet connection and wanted to play where you left off for the video – no luck there. Overall the app was just not visually appealing in any way. On the other hand it might be perfectly usable for many people and it does provide something needed. Maybe I am too picky as being both a developer and somebody who has come to understand how important interface and aesthetics are. This app though looks to me like the iconoclasts won.

Here is something else I found embarrassing. EWTN has a page dedicated to using EWTN on your mobile phone.

On your Iphone or iTouch, start Mobile Safari browser.

Wow where can I get an Iphone? Is that a Chinese knockoff of an iPhone?

How about some instructions for Android users or is it this page just never got updated? Possibly since they don’t even mention their new mobile apps.

They do have a Mobile Apps page and here they link to the iOS and Android apps stores to download this. Oddly though instead of using the standard Android icon, they used the Google Play store icon.

Now I might be a pot complaining about the color of the kettle considering the grammar and spelling mistakes that appear on my site. Still I find the problems noted above to be indicative of some Catholic media.

Jan 072013

The Sacred Page Michael Barber is a professor of scripture and theology at John Paul the Great University. He maintains a blog called The Sacred Page along with two other professors. In addition he has created a podcast with the same name.

This is a quite excellent podcast with a focus on scripture. Michael Barber’s love of what he is teaching is infectious and it is hard to not get excited by what he is teaching. The podcast ranges from a typical hour long topic or shorter ones following the liturgical calendar. During Advent and Christmastide he has been rather active producing several shows.

I like the way he can give the basics of a topic and then go deeper while also providing historical information.

My only complaint is that as far as consistency goes this podcast is not always on any kind of schedule.


St. Irenaeus Ministries This is a podcast produced by the St. Irenaeus Ministries in Rochester, NY. My first though was to echo Nathaniel “Rochester! Can anything good come from there?” Well the answer is a massive yes. This weekly podcasts goes through books in the bible and provides commentary. This seems to be a recorded version of a class where there are questions from the group.

The main speaker is David Higbee who converted to the Church in the 70’s. He is quite a good teacher and has an amazing depth of knowledge. I have especially enjoyed his teaching on the Pauline epistles He really dives into the scriptures and you come to understand them much better on a multiple levels. What he has to say is solid and orthodox along with keen insights. The personality that comes across to me in the podcast is a bit gruff at time, he doesn’t put up with heterodox opinions lightly. Although for me that is a plus and not a minus.


Jan 062013
Weekly Benedict

This is the 44th volume of The Weekly Benedict ebook which is a compilation of the Holy Father’s writings, speeches, etc which I post at Jimmy Akin’s The Weekly Benedict. The post at Jimmy Akin’s site contains a link to each document on the Vatican’s site and does not require an e-reader to use.

This volume covers material released during the last week for 16 December, 2012 – 6 January 2013.

The ebook contains a table of contents and the material is arranged in sections such as Angelus, Speeches, etc in date order. The full index is listed on Jimmy’s site.

The Weekly Benedict – Volume 44 – ePub (supports most readers)

The Weekly Benedict – Volume 44 – Kindle

There is an archive for all of The Weekly Benedict eBook volumes.  This page is available via the header of this blog or from here.

Jan 052013

Of course, you’ve heard about the petition on the Whitehouse.gov site that urges President Obama to designate Catholics as a hate group, right?

“Let me tell you about the petition I started to label the Catholic Church as a hate group.”

Well, now there’s a petition to designate the people who made the first petition as a hate group.

My wife says we could turn the other cheek, and she’s probably correct.

But it is kind of funny to call the haters haters.  So, let’s turn the other cheek, but also quickly, as we are turning, call them hateful bigots and then finish by turning the other cheek.

Let’s see if we can get 25,000 signatures before the anti-Catholic bigots can get their signatures.

I saw the petition last week and pretty much ignored it. Petitions on the Whitehouse.gov site are a dime-a-dozen and can be just about any idiotic thing. Besides how could this petition really affect the Whitehouse? They already treat Catholics as second-class citizens and certainly many members of the Obama administration already fall inline with this attitude.

I also notice the irony in that those who describe the actions of others as based on hatred, usually fall into a bigoted stereotype that in no way engages in what others think. Really reading what the Pope actually wrote and coming up with the idea that what he wrote was based on hate said more about the people who created and signed the petition than anything about what the Church teaches.

So if turnabout fair play in calling them haters? The problem with the whole hate crime environment is that is a failure of charity to always describe opponents as having the motive of hate.

Maybe the mindset of some who signed this petition was actually motivated by hate, but I think it is mainly motivated by a false understanding.

“There are no more than 100 people in the world who truly hate the Catholic Church, but there are millions who hate what they perceive to be the Catholic Church,” – Venerable Fulton J. Sheen

This quote is particularly apropos in regards this view of the Church. Condemning homosexual acts is suppose to be based on hatred of the person with same-sex attraction. Yet the action of the Church is based on the love of the person in not wanting them to sin. If we truly hated persons with same-sex attraction we would not warn them against the sin of homosexual acts. Hatred leads to wanting somebody to continue in sin.

Now I don’t expect proponents of homosexuality to agree that this is a sin. What I would expect is that they at least attempt to understand what the Church actually teaches and to make assertions based on that. To call the Church hateful just displays a bigoted and just plain ignorant understanding. Understanding of another’s view point is not the same as agreement.

The fact that they claim that Pope Benedict XVI’s 2012 Christmas address to the Roman Curia “demeaned and belittled homosexual people around the world”, “Using hateful language and discriminatory remarks, the Pope painted a portrait in which gay people are second-class global citizens,” shows something beyond simple ignorance since the Pope said nothing of the kind and had more to say on the state of marriage and the family today than anything about homosexual marriage or homosexuality at all. They had to totally read this into the speech. Most of the reaction seems to be more towards false press reports regarding this document than to the actual words.

So I would not call the creator of this petition hateful. Either they are just plain ignorant and did not read the document themselves, or that they have really poor skills in reading and comprehension, or perhaps purposely distorted what the Pope said to advance an agenda. Whatever motivated this petition I am not much concerned with. I am more concerned with the ignorance and lack of understanding it shows and how many people display the same ignorance. Although it is also certainly true the Church has not really communicated the message regarding Church teaching at a very wide level. Church teaching when wrung through the filter of the media becomes a parody of distortion.

Jan 052013

The continuously funny Eye of the Tiber:

Wichita, KS––Reports out of The Church of the Most Holy Trinity in Wichita, Kansas are confirming that last week’s launch of their new drive-thru confessional was a complete success. “It’s an absolute blessing,” Church Pastor Father Donald Borland told Eye of the Tiber. “One day I was sitting in the confessional listening to this old man’s confessions, and all I could think about was how long this poor old man was standing in line. I remember I thought to my self, ‘Self, there’s gotta be a better way to do this than to have people standing in line for 20 minutes.’” So began the idea to create the first drive-thru confessional. “I love it, and it’s so simple,” Stephanie Randal, a college sophomore said. “You drive up to a menu with a list of all types of sins and combo sins, and you just tell the priest which number or numbers you did on the menu. No chit-chat, no nothing. I remember I told him I committed a number four super-sized, and he asked me to please drive forward. That’s it. You drive up to him at the first window, he absolves you, and the last step is you go to the second window where his secretary tells you your total. They call it a penance, I guess…I don’t know, I drove right through that part.”

I had a similar idea seven years ago, but I love his touch about the second window where you get the penance total.

From my previous post:

The question though is what is the best method to get American to frequent the confessional? In this fast food culture maybe we could appeal to a fast food idea like drive thru confession. I propose a new company called Jiffy Shriven after the Old English term to go to confession.

Here would be my logo.

And a sample drive thru.

And to easily remind people when to return to confession, the following sticker could be placed on the driver side windshield.

While your there they could also check your holy water font or holy water bottle level to see if more fluids need to be added. Though you won’t have to worry about them trying to hawk other sacrament while there. You won’t hear “I noticed you are not looking so well. We can give you final unction as part of a package deal.”

Jan 042013

While we can all have fun with the women’s ordination video “Ordain a Lady”, it is really indicative of so much of this movement. The Women’s Ordination Conference (WOC) really does not have serious replies regarding their advocacy.

For example if you read through their “Why Ordination” section they really fail to answer basic objections and introduce very dubious information on past women priestesses. The image of the women with the title of Theodora Episcopa in Rome is suppose to prove this when in fact she was the widowed mother of Paschal, who was Bishop of Rome at the time. Their view of Jesus is also very odd. Instead of the Lion of Judah he is more like the kitten of Judah afraid to ordain women because of the culture of the time.  He could change everything else, but not that.  Every culture around Israel had women priests, yet this would be too radical to accept.  What their cultural conditioning view also forgets is that the reason women priests would have been a new thing to the Jewish people is that God previously had restricted the ministerial priesthood to male members of the Tribe of Levi.

They have really been unwilling to engage with actual arguments both theologically and concerning the nature of the Church. There super-negative view of ecclesiology, the popes, and the teachings of the Church really make you wonder why they want to belong to it at all. It reminds me of Kathy Shaidle’s reaction to 9/11 Truthers “How can you believe that your President killed 2,000 people, and in between bitching about this, just carry on buying your vente latte and so forth?” I have a similar reaction to those who believe such terrible things about the Church and believe she has been resisting the Holy Spirit for 2,000 plus years. Maybe it is the part of human nature when you are told you can’t do something that you are more attracted to doing it.

In the past I reviewed The Catholic Priesthood and Women: A Guide to the Teaching of the Church by Sr. Sarah Butler (Who once was for women’s ordination) In 1978, she headed a task force of the Catholic Theological Society of America that came out in support of female priests. Later though she realized the error of the arguments made and wrote this book that rebuts them and totally supports the Church’s teaching. In this book she looks at all the arguments for women’s ordination and answers them. You just don’t see the same type of rigorous intellectual endeavor on the other side. Instead you get appeals to scripture as if they are the authentic interpreters of scripture. Who needs the magisterium when you have the WOC and the National Catholic Reporter.

Part of their lack of seriousness is that they have really not thought this through. As the video suggests the criteria for becoming a women priest is a perceived call from God. Where is the discernment? Why are there no seminaries created by WOC? When a man perceives such a calling he just doesn’t go to his bishop, get ordained, and assigned a parish. There is a rigorous screening and years of discernment both by the man and by his bishop and the bishop’s representatives in the seminary. There are plenty of men who entered the seminary only to have discerned later that they were not called to the priesthood. Remember when Sinead O’Connor was “ordained” a women priest – yes lots of discernment there.

There is also a distorted view of the priesthood as mainly a means of power. If you don’t have access to the priesthood then you don’t have access to church power. There is also an irony in their non-contextual use of St. Therese “If only I were a priest!” Yes what Therese who is a saint and a Doctor of the Church was lacking was being a priest. If only she had been a priest imagine what she could have done! Funny thing that I am much more likely to run across a parish named after a women saint then one named after a parish priest. I am much more likely to run across a statue of a women saint than a male priest. If only Catherine of Siena, Teresa of Avila, and Hildegard of Bingen could also have been priests. Imagine what they could have done. Really everybody should be ordained priests, imagine what St. Francis could have done if he had been a priest.

The Women’s ordination conference doesn’t seem to have much concern regarding women saints. Their site is pretty much devoid of them and there are no images of these saints. The Blessed Virgin Mary is also noticeably lacking on their site. Maybe it is because there was not a women saint in history who noticed that the Church was persecuting them and that not ordaining women was directly opposed to the Holy Spirit. I guess they were all just tools of the male hierarchy and male magisterium. Although they explain much of this as just cultural shifts of view. Well if the culture can currently be in favor of it, it also means in the future it might not be. Why do they think their view is not culturally conditioned?

Obviously when it comes to discernment we can see that the Women’s Ordination Conference which insults St. Paul and Blessed John Paul II are the ones being lead by the Holy Spirit. A group that could not discern that their video would be a laugh-riot for faithful Catholics is super smart.

On the serious side, what I pray for supporters of women’s ordination is that instead of wasting their time in this advocacy that they dedicate it to becoming saints – as we are all called to do. Nothing is more glorious for the Church than her saints – and you don’t even have to be priest.

Jan 042013

I had almost forgot about. Somewhere around two years ago Matthew Warner asked me to send in a video question for his “Ask Fr. Barron” series.

So I tried to ask a somewhat intelligent question and of course got back a very cogent answer.

One nice thing about seeing this video other than the total Catholic geek-out of having Fr. Barron respond, is that since I made that video I have lost over 60 pounds and have kept that weight off after over a year.

So while I am still what Mark Shea would call a “Jolly”, here is a more recent picture of me.

The Curt Jester

The Curt Jester

Matthew Warner’s blog Fallible Blogma

Jan 042013

When the 113th Congress is sworn in today, its new members will include the first Hindu member of Congress and the first Buddhist to serve as senator. Also for the first time, Congress will welcome a member who describes her religion as “none.”

Democratic Arizona Rep. Kyrsten Sinema, who was raised a Mormon, is religiously unaffiliated but does not describe herself as an atheist. Her campaign was unavailable for comment to Whispers due to the swearing in, but spokesman Justin Unga told the Religion News Service in November that Sinema favors a “secular approach.” He told the New York Times the same month that Sinema “believes the terms ‘nontheist,’ ‘atheist’ or ‘nonbeliever’ are not befitting of her life’s work or personal character.” (source)

Now that is a very odd answer by her spokesman. Not fitting of a life’s work or personal character? What in the world does that have to do with anything? How about fitting of belief? Although the term “believer” seems to usually only get applied to theists, really atheism, theism, and agnosticism is a form of belief – an act of the will based on your knowledge and conclusions.

Atheism, agnosticism, and theism seem to me to be the acceptable choices that pretty much cover the issue of God’s existence. Unless I am missing something here you don’t get to vote “None of the above” and agnosticism covers a lot of the muddle in between. When she votes does she get to choose, yes, no, and present? Perhaps since she also says she is bisexual maybe she is just covering all the bases – male, female, theism, agnosticism, and theism.

On the other hand I can appreciate a politician caller themselves a “None” to some extent. Too many describe their religion as being something that is not apparent in their actions. I would suspect many more to be in the “None” category or honestly in the atheist/agnostic category. She does replace the only admitted atheist in Congress – Pete Stark.

Jan 032013

His Excellency the Most Reverend Thomas John Paprocki, Bishop of Springfield in Illinois, has written a two-page letter to be read and/or placed in the bulletins of his parishes this weekend. He is certainly not one to hold his punches.

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Our state’s elected lawmakers will soon consider a bill called “The Religious Freedom and Marriage Fairness Act.” A more fraudulent title for this dangerous measure could not be imagined. The proposed law is, in truth, a grave assault upon both religious liberty and marriage. All people of goodwill, and especially Christ’s faithful committed to my pastoral care in the Diocese of Springfield in Illinois, should resolutely oppose this bill and make their opinions known to their representatives.

If you want to know what a bill is not about, read the title. Bill titles share something with headlines. They both are poor indicators of the content. Although while headlines are hyperbolic representations urging you to read the content., bill titles are the opposite where they want you to be satisfied with the title and to read no further.

Read the whole letter at Servant and Steward.

Jan 032013

Some choice bits from Fr. George Rutler at Catholic Exchange (originally published by Crisis Magazine).

“The Catholic saints are never surprised by joy, because they are only surprised by a lack of it in the world around them.”

“It is sad but predictable that those Religious communities that abandon this purpose of their existence tend to embrace a neo-paganism that lacks the nobility of the best ancient pagans. “Peace and Justice” become to them what the virtues were to the Stoics, but nothing more. Half-baked paganism lacks the savor of the original dish, and the end result is a loss of radiant joy. We may have to endure for a few more years the degrading spectacle of arthritic Religious walking their labyrinths like superannuated debutantes, but the actuarial tables are against them. In the Catholic scheme of things, they are sadder than the Boethians were to the Athenians, for the one thing lacking in the most virtuous pagan soul is the confidence that moved Saint Bernard of Cluny to sing: “I know not, O I know not/ What joys await us there,/ What radiancy of glory,/ What bliss beyond compare.”

When Sinsinawa Dominican Sister Laurie Brink told a 2007 national gathering of the LCWR about “moving beyond the church, even beyond Jesus” it displayed this attitude. Though there is nothing beyond Jesus. Moving behind Jesus and even moving behind Paganism. Jesus once told Peter “Get behind me Satan” as Peter refused to accept Jesus’ predicted suffering and death. “You are thinking not as God does, but as human beings do.” These types of religious communities also tell the descendant of Peter, the Pope, to get behind them and really see him as Satan. But the role is reversed where Peter is teaching with the keys and these communities think as secular human beings do in a world directed not by God through his Church, but in conformance with shallow secularists thinking.