An Interview with Kevin Long, Information Technology Specialist

This week’s interview is with Kevin Long, Information Technology Specialist in our Information Technology Office.

Describe your background

I was born and raised in Northwest Washington, DC.  I’ve been married to my wife Michell for 18 years. We have two sons.  My family and I have been residents of Prince George’s County, MD for over 20 years.  My sister, brother and I spent our summers in Springfield, GA, with my grandmother and cousins.

What is your academic/professional history?

After graduating high school, I briefly attended the University of the District of Columbia, then worked several odd jobs while raising a family.  In 1990, I started work for a high-end retail store, Tiffany & Co.  It was a great place to work.  At that time I learned about the three C’s of a diamond – cut, clarity and carat.  I also learned about the quality of fine china and crystal.  For the first two years, I was a Loss Prevention Officer protecting the merchandise and, of course, the customers.  For the next two years I was a Sales Associate.  It was fun meeting people and building up a clientele.

How would you describe your job to other people?

I tell people that I am an Information Technology Specialist working at the world’s largest Law Library at the Library of Congress.  My job consists of help desk support, and maintaining the Law Library’s website and intranet.  I’m also the resident photographer in the Law Library.

Why did you want to work at the Law Library of Congress?

In February 1995, I started my career at the Library of Congress as a temporary employee in the Serials and Acquisitions Divisions.  Two years later I received a permanent position as a Library Technician for the Collection Services Office in the Law Library.  By 2000, my IT career had begun – I was always fascinated with computers, so I started self-studying and taking several online classes.

What is something that most of your co-workers do not know about you?

Most of my co-workers know that my wife and I love to travel to Miami, FL every chance we get.  But what they don’t know is that I like to collect die cast cars.  I also like fine writing instruments such as Mont Blanc and Waterman pens.

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