Your Online Catholic Newspaper For The 3rd Millennium
Melkite Catholic bishop announces plan to begin ordaining married men in the United States
... more
Justice Breyer warns of Orwellian government
... more
S.N.A.P.: 84-year old Paterno should start new career advocating against sports culture
... more
Catholic Life After the Ivy League: The Church of Our Saviour, NYC
... more
Ariz. Immigration Law Author Loses Recall
... more
Town Clerk in NY That Refuses to Sign Gay Marriage Licenses Wins Re-Election
... more
Virginia Pro-Lifers Pick Up Senate, Defeat Abortion Activist
... more
Irish foreign minister: Pope not invited for 2012 visit
... more
Bishop Zurek ignores plea to let
Father Pavone speak at International
Pro-Life Youth Conference
... more
Benedict XVI reflects on depths of the longest Psalm; beauty of God's Word. ... more
Catholic College Invites Anti-Catholic, Pro-Abortion Rights Speaker from Amnesty International. ... more
Extraordinary Form Comes to Catholic College. ... more
Strong Catholic Identity Benefits Ave Maria University and Benedictine College  . ... more
At religious campuses, atheist groups operate underground. ... more
College adds dorms, locker rooms to gender-neutral policy. ... more
AmericaMag: "It is always time to show forth the face of the loving mother in the person of the priest". ... more

A Call for Catholic Assistance to the Occupy Movement. ... more
New England bishops end 'ad limina' with Mass at Pope John Paul's tomb. ... more
US Bishops Return to Rome after 7 Years. ... more
Vatican and Biotech Company to Host Wednesday Conference to Promote Adult Stem Cell Research Over Use of Embryonic Stem Cells. ... more
GLAAD Sends Oscars Producer To Re-Education Camp. ... more
Gov. Scott Walker Upsets Atheists, Changes Holiday Tree to Christmas Tree. ... more
Former Bishop of Cheyenne hit with sixth sexual abuse lawsuit. ... more
Kansas City-Star's sexual abuse hypocrisy. ... more
Snap Files Suit Against Backdrop of KC Nun Speaking Out On Clergy Sex Abuse Scandal. ... more
UK Court: Catholic Church can be held responsible for wrongdoing by priests. ... more

London Abbey to Lose Control of School After Abuse. ... more
Archbishop Martin says Vatican Embassy closure 'strange'. ... more
What Is the Catholic Campaign for Human Development Trying to Do?. ... more
The Catholic Campaign for Human Development: Reform or Bust. ... more
US bishops' conference slams CCHD critics. ... more

USCCB files freedom-of-information request over HHS grant denial. ... more
First US 'ad limina' visits highlight religious freedom, evangelization. ... more
Wisconsin Gov. Walker restores name of state's 'Christmas' tree after 25 years as 'holiday' tree. ... more
Obama Administration to Reconsider Christmas Tree Tax. ... more

Obama Inflicts Grinch Tax. ... more
Remains of U.S. war dead dumped in landfill. ... more
A person's still not a person no matter how small in Mississippi. ... more
We will try again, vows head of Personhood USA after Mississippi defeat. ... more
Obama Hails Defeat Of "Extreme" Mississippi Pro-Life Law.... ... more
The God Whisperer. ... more
Are all football coaches perverts?. ... more
National Labor Relations Board Caught Mocking Boeing, Demint. ... more
The speed-camera lie. ... more
The FDA Kills. ... more
Ohio Voters Reject Key Element of Obamacare As Well As Limits on Collective Bargaining. ... more
Unions win a round in Ohio; ObamaCare goes down bigtime. ... more
Religion Is Poised to Be a Major Factor in the 2012 Presidential Campaign. ... more
Issa Demands ACORN Fraud Probe Over OWS. ... more

Poll Worker Bites Voter's Nose In Ohio. ... more
Planned Parenthood Charges Dropped as Sebelius Destroyed Records. ... more
We Were Forced To Learn How To Do Abortions Against Our Consciences: NJ Nurses. ... more
Paterno to retire at end of season. ... more
Off-Year Votes Forecast Rough and Rowdy 2012. ... more

Virginia Pro-Lifers Pick Up Senate, Defeat Abortion Activist. ... more
Herman Cain Denies all Allegations, Hires Libel Lawyer. ... more
Romney comes under attack by Planned Parenthood. ... more
Vortex: Your Daily Catholic Commentary on the News. ... more
First euthanasia in Netherlands of severe Alzheimer's patient. ... more
It's Official: Obama Administration Promotes Islamist Regimes; Insists They are Moderate. ... more
Obama hugs an Islamic supremacist. ... more
British Benedictines to surrender control of school after sex-abuse inquiry. ... more
Ealing Abbey to hand over control of school. ... more
Next summer, the incorrupt heart of the Curé d'Ars will be visiting the diocese of Shrewsbury; but why only Shrewsbury?. ... more
My grandson's generation that will have to take up the struggle for Christian values. ... more
D.C. Circuit Upholds Health Care Reform, Giving Short Shrift To Religious Freedom Argument. ... more
President Calderón Meets with Catholic Bishops in Mexico. ... more
Why We Must Stop Liberal Catholics From Handing The Church Over To the State. ... more
Granny Snatching: Euthanasia Battle Being Waged at Home, Abroad. ... more
'Glee' Episode Showing Straight, Gay Couples Losing Their Virginity Has Parents Outraged. ... more
A Fish Story. ... more
Medvedev: God's presence in Russia is "a miracle". ... more

Russian Orthodoxy has a new star. His name is Aleksandr. ... more
The Real Case Against Sexual Harassment. ... more
Dependency and Democracy. ... more
National politics returns to Europe. ... more
In Italy, gain and loss in the struggle for life. ... more
Polish Party Wants Crucifix in Parliament Removed. ... more
Awkward: Sarkozy tells Obama that Israeli PM is a "liar" with mic on, Obama complains about having to "deal with him even more". ... more
CNN's 'Belief Blog': Good Catholics Accept Homosexuality. ... more
Pre-teen gay youth 4X more likely to have sex than straight peers. ... more


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