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Will we get to see you at one of the pro-life events in January?

 40 Days for Life

January is a HUGE month for pro-life activities, and we wanted to let you know in advance about the major events 40 Days for Life will be part of.

Hopefully ... we can see you in person! Click to see the listing of these events for more information and/or registration details ... [more]

Here's how YOU can make a difference in only 40 days

"A future and a hope" webcast details campaign blessings

 40 Days for Life

Following the just-completed 40 Days for Life campaign, you can hear the results of this effort from local and national campaign leaders ... and discover the plans for saving more lives ... closing more abortion centers ... and helping more abortion workers to quit ... on A Future and a Hope – a recording of this exciting webcast.

DAY 41: 8,000 babies ... and their moms ... saved from abortion

 40 Days for Life

We’re still receiving information from our hard-working local coordinators. Through 40 days of prayer and fasting, we have so far received reports of 476 babies saved from abortion (that we know of) ... [more]

DAY 40: Encouraging signs as the campaign comes to an end

 40 Days for Life

It's Day 40! As another 40 Days for Life campaign comes to an end today, we look back at all the amazing blessings God has poured out in 306 locations in ten countries around the world ... [more]

DAY 39: Sad Saturdays - busy days at many abortion centers

 40 Days for Life

Some reports estimate there are up to 8,000 abortions every Saturday in the United States alone. So if at all possible, you really need to pray at your closest 40 Days for Life vigil TODAY. Check the list of 306 locations ... [more]

DAY 38: A new generation takes up the pro-life banner

 40 Days for Life

“They’re so young!” That was the reaction of abortion advocate and former NARAL president Nancy Keenan when she walked out of Union Station in Washington, DC and saw the massive crowd at the March for Life. She’s right – the pro-life movement is young ... [more]

DAY 37: It's getting colder at northern vigil locations

 40 Days for Life

During the last week of the campaign, it can get downright chilly in many North American locations. One of the volunteers in Calgary had a chance to show the warmth of Christ’s love to a man who sounded like he really needed it ... [more]

DAY 36: Here come the pro-abortion protesters

 40 Days for Life

Only a few 40 Days for Life locations are “blessed” with active opposition. But it really isn’t a surprise. After all, Christ did alert us to the prospects of persecution ... [more]

DAY 35: 40 Days for Life makes a huge impact in England

 40 Days for Life

Every time a 40 Days for Life campaign has been run in London, lives are saved that would have otherwise been aborted, tangible help is offered to women and prayer is making a huge difference ... [more]

• 600,000 participants
• 16,500 churches
• 2,786 total campaigns
• 522 cities
• 21 countries
• 8,245 lives saved
• 88 workers quit
• 44 clinics closed

• Prayer and fasting:

Christ told us that some demons can only be driven out by prayer and fasting. The two go hand in hand.
• Constant vigil:

40 Days for Life's most visible aspect is a peaceful prayer vigil outside an abortion facility.
• Community outreach:

During 40 Days for Life, the message is proactively taken to the community through focused efforts.

"We have the power to stop abortion, even while it remains legal. Now is the time to mobilize, sustained by prayer. I strongly endorse the 40 Days for Life effort. I look forward to promoting it nationwide and participating in it in many communities."

Fr. Frank Pavone
Priests for Life

"This campaign is exactly what the pro-life movement has been waiting for. 40 Days for Life will prepare pro-life activists across the country to end abortion in our lifetimes. The end is near for legalized abortion on demand, and 40 Days for Life is leading the charge."

Kristan Hawkins
Students for Life of America

"Fasting and praying with 40 Days for Life unifies pro-life energies and illuminates us with grace in our efforts to conquer the culture of death. I strongly encourage every person and organization that believes in the dignity of life to join the 40 Days for Life campaign."

Peggy Hartshorn
Heartbeat International

"I believe 40 Days For Life is an incredibly powerful movement to break the spiritual powers that still restrain the final overthrow of the death decree of 1973. Jesus fasted 40 days and broke the power of Satan himself. Why not 40 Days For Life?"

Lou Engle
The Call

"40 Days for Life is sounding a clear trumpet blast calling the Church to engage with God's heart for the ending of abortion. This extraordinary mobilization of prayer gives us all hope that the culture of death can and will change."

Matt Lockett
Bound 4 Life

"40 Days for Life is blessed with committed leadership, superb prep materials, and marvelous passion. It is flexible and doable. Most important of all, it values and relies on God, the giver of life."

Royce Dunn
Life Chain

"40 Days for Life is an opportunity for the body of Christ to see God work in extraordinary ways as we come together in repentance for the travesty of abortion. The results, I believe, will be nothing short of miraculous as hearts are healed, restored, and emboldened to embrace life for future generations."

Carmen Pate
Truth in Action Ministries