Monthly Archives: April 2011

“Twisters as usual walk the walk…” The Twisters Tornado Relief Marathon

30 April 2011

By Teri Peters

Updates by Kimberly Morin

Assistance by all the Twisters!

April 30, 2011

The Twisters Tornado Relief Marathon

We are nine women from across America who joined forces less than a year ago with a focused mission; to sponsor and raise money for conservative political candidates. Our twitter bio states that we are “ a tightly knit group of superpower wielding, patriotic conservative bad-asses of the female kind.” Most of this is true. Unfortunately we don’t really have superpowers. Therefore this weekend we are asking for your assistance in a mission that is a departure from our norm. Beginning now, that mission is to provide a variety of assistance, primarily financial, to the victims of the deadliest tornadoes to hit the United States since the Great Depression.

Our avatar is a twister with clouds that resemble a heart. It has obviously been enhanced but the original image was born from an actual twister. As I have learned in the past few days, tornadoes have no heart. Though I live in California and have never experienced the wrath of a tornado I need not be an expert to know that Mother Nature has once again reminded us that she is the one with the superpowers.

Since the tornadoes began I have been worried about using the twisters hashtag. My concern is that someone affected by the tornadoes might find it insensitive or worse. It is not an irrational thought. In the midst of posting updates about San Diego’s 7.2 magnitude Easter day quake in 2010, I received a tweet expressing the hope that “ California would fall into the ocean” . From my perch under the dining room table, I broke down. Not wanting to cause any further strife to a victim, I have been pondering the thought of temporarily changing our avatar and dispensing with the twisters hashtag. As is often the case when I am troubled, yesterday I spent some time at the beach mulling things over. Sitting on the warm sand witnessing the familiar power of the sea, a thought occurred. Instead of disabling the hashtag we could use it to help the victims of this tragedy. The twisters tornado relief marathon was formulated. Within an hour the twisters were on a conference call and this plan was quickly formed. I stress “quickly” as we know we haven’t captured all of the links or resources and there again, we seek your help.

This post contains links to numerous relief agencies, information on how you can help and as much data as we could gather on short notice. The blog will be updated as additional resources come to light. Though our primary goal is to raise funds for the victims of these deadly tornadoes, we will also be posting information on rescue and recovery efforts. We have seen the great generosity of Americans on so many occasions when natural disasters strike and we are confident that with your help we shall rise to this challenge.

We are acutely aware that these are difficult economic times, even for those of us who did not lose our possessions or loved ones in the devastating storms. This does not daunt us. Our experience with political fund raising and social media has taught us that even a $5.00 or $10.00 donation adds up quickly and every little bit helps. We are posting a wide variety of charitable organizations and resources so if one is not to your liking for whatever reason; we hope you will choose another. We are only asking you to do what is within your means. All assistance is welcome including ideas. If all you can do is help us enhance this effort and/or spread the word, please do so. We are asking for your retweets and Facebook postings. Additionally, please email this and any updated posts to those who are not on social media.

As stated, this marathon was planned quickly and we know that we have not captured all of the resources. We need your assistance to inform us of additional relief efforts, organizations or any other information that will be helpful to our fellow Americans who have been impacted by this horrific series of storms.

Tragedy knows no political affiliation. Although “the Twisters” are 9 conservative women, we are hoping that this be an apolitical effort. Our ideology may differ but events such as these remind us that politics are unimportant when our neighbors are in need. We thank you in advance for your help with this marathon. We are not famous or wealthy but we do have social media as our arena. Let’s rock this!

You can track our posts by following us at @theTwisters and/or on our individual twitter accounts = @0402sgrl @1SupremeGoddess @AssKickyMcHotti @ConservativeInd @FlyingPatriot @GaltsGirl @hipEchik @Runedart @Suziplasse. We are also on Facebook at . Additionally, you can follow the #twisters hashtag on twitter.

The hour is late, the time is short. Please forgive any typos etc. The organizations we have chosen to begin with are as follows (in no particular order). Please help us help those in need. Thank you and God Bless.

UPDATE: This list has gotten quite extensive – a huge THANK YOU to everyone passing along information!! We are separating out by state so that if you are in that state or near and want to donate or volunteer you can easily find where to go and what to do. THANK YOU to all who are donating money, items and time – you have no idea how much this means to the people of these devastated states.

Please click here to go to the blog for the complete Resource list…

NOW YOU KNOW WHY I LOVE THESE GIRLS! If you want something done right, go to #TheTwisters! Please go to the site and be generous…these are our people suffering in this devastation. AMERICANS! Our brothers and sisters of this great land. We give to the world, let charity BEGIN AT HOME!

God love the Twisters!


Novena to end on Fulton Sheen’s Birthday May 8th

29 April 2011

Here at we always end Editorial comments and personal messages from Sofia with the exhortation, “God Love you!”

This was the phrase which was used by the holy, Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen whenever he met with people on the streets of NYC or from the studios of his TV show, “Life is Worth Living”. His Eminence never worried about whether the person was a Catholic, a Christian or even an atheist. He knew that God loves us whether we believe it or not and wanted to share that with all whom he came into contact.

Those who volunteer their time here at AlwaysCatholic have started a small prayer campaign following the lead of our dear friend @lamblock on Twitter for the beatification and canonization of Archbishop Sheen by praying for Sofia in his name. Many friends on twitter and the blog have joined in. We firmly believe that his intercession has contributed to the healing of our sister in Christ.

With that being said and much more to be written on this topic, we would like to post this Novena that is beginning April 30 ending on May 8th. The following post is from the site: Archbishop Fulton Sheen, Servant of All

Novena in honor of Archbishop Fulton J Sheen – Day One – April 30th

“In each child, God whispers a new secret to the world; adds a new dimension of immortality to creation” Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

God whispered a wonderful love story to the world through Fulton J. Sheen so let us whisper prayers back to Him. This is a 9 day novena with the prayer for canonization at the bottom of this page.  As all of us are “Treasures in Clay” the Archbishop Fulton Sheen Foundation invites you to join us in a journey reflecting upon the wonderful life of Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen through a novena beginning on April 30th and ending on May 8th, Archbishop Fulton Sheen’s birthday. Please join us in praying for the cause of his canonization while reflecting upon his life. After each quote and prayer we will pray the Prayer for his Canonization, The Our Father, the Hail Mary and the Glory be to the Father. May this journey bring you closer to God through the Servant of God Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen.

DAY 1 “How God will judge my life I know not, but I trust he will see me with mercy and compassion. I am only certain there will be three surprises in Heaven. First of all, I will see some people whom I never expected to see. Second, there will be a number whom I expect who will not be there. And – even relying on God’s mercy – the biggest surprise of all may be that I will be there. When the record of any human life is set down, there are three pairs of eyes who see it in a different light. 1. As I see it. 2. As others see it. 3. As God sees it.“ Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

Lord help us to focus on You as Fulton Sheen did so that we may be humble when looking upon ourselves, so that others will see You when they look upon us, and so we can see our lives as You see it.

Prayer of Canonization, Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be


Heavenly Father, source of all holiness, You raise up within the Church in every age men and women who serve with heroic love and dedication. You have blessed Your Church through the life and ministry of Your faithful servant, ARCHBISHOP FULTON J. SHEEN. He has written and spoken well of Your Divine Son, Jesus Christ, and was a true instrument of the Holy Spirit in touching the hearts of countless people. If it be according to Your Will, for the glory of the Most Holy Trinity and for the salvation of souls, we ask You to move the Church to proclaim him a saint. We ask this prayer through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

For the rest of the Novena click here…

Prayer Breakfast Celebrates JPII

27 April 2011

by Matt Bowman
April 27, 2011


The National Catholic Prayer Breakfast here in DC concluded about an hour ago and was once again a highly professional, inspiring event.  CatholicVote was among many sponsor level organizations.  Here is a sampling of what we heard.

Virginia Governor and lifelong Catholic Bob McDonnell recounted his sometimes embarrassing adventures as an altar boy, and emphasized that Pope John Paul II’s defense of human dignity and rights is resonant with America’s founding principles that the rights of life and liberty come from the Creator, not from the government.

Former Speaker of the United States House and recent convert Newt Gingrich described the video he produced about the “Nine Days that Changed the World” when Pope John Paul II visited Poland in 1979 and created a “revolution of conscience” that eventually brought freedom to peoples dominated by the Soviet Union.

Bishop William Lori was the keynote speaker–he is bishop of the Diocese of Bridgeport Connecticut as well as being a leader on USCCB pro-life and pro-marriage committees and a spiritual leader of the national Knights of Columbus.  He recounted Pope John Paul II’s synthesis of human dignity, freedom, and truth, emphasizing the importance of religious freedom.

Pro-life activist and also recent Catholic convert Lila Rose reminded the audience of Pope John Paul II’s love of the youth and his prophetic calls that America defend and welcome the most vulnerable among us, the preborn.  Lila also noted that she grew up as one of eight siblings, and since she became Catholic 2 years ago four of her siblings as well as her parents have entered into or reconciled with the Church.

Solemn High Mass in the Traditional Roman Rite: Mass of Easter Sunday narrated by Archbishop Fulton J.Sheen; the Regina Caeli Laetare – both videos with Online Missal

24 April 2011

Ordo Missae for Dominica Resurrectionis begins on page 436 from Sancta

Regina Caeli Laetare begins on page 498.

Archbishop Fulton J Sheen narrated this Solemn High Mass on Easter Sunday, 1941. His cause for canonization is currently in progress. For more info please go to: Archbishop Sheen Cause

Editor’s Note: Thank you to trady & vianinigiovanni on You Tube

We Adore You oh Christ and we Praise You …. via BattleBeadsBlog

23 April 2011

... because by Your Holy Cross, You have redeemed the world!

How often have we gazed upon a Crucifix in our lives? If we grew up in a Catholic family, we likely can’t even count how often our eyes fell upon this sometimes uncomfortable Image. But why do we sometimes feel an uncomfortableness? How many times have we looked at it as if it were nothing more than a picture or statue of some familiar object? How many have really taken just 5 solid minutes to seriously LOOK at a Crucifix and meditate on the Savior of the world, thinking how He hung there for all humanity, knowing how He’d be ridiculed, scorned and despised? This Good Friday, I challenge EVERYONE to pray for the grace to truly behold His Suffering and not take it for granted because we’re used to seeing it from children. To really study, consider and open our hearts to the Truth of His Eternal Love and Mercy. Yet while we were still sinners He suffered and died for us.

Do we sometimes look away from the Cross?

Read the rest of this post from the writer herself at BattleBeadsBlog here>>>

Beautiful post Mary! Perfect for Holy Saturday…

Good Friday – Extraordinary Form – Videos & Online Missal

22 April 2011

Ordo Missae for Good Friday
from Sancta
Feria VI In Parasceve begins on page 265.

Editor’s Note: Thank you to cathcom (Sacramental Films) on You Tube

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