Monthly Archives: September 2012

An interesting request from Sofia: You KNOW you want to read this…Yes. Yes, you do

29 September 2012

Posted by Sofia Guerra
September 29, 2012 A.D.

I know I have a habit of asking our readers here at Always Catholic to do stuff for us and the tradition continues.

The one thing I have learned about the blogosphere (particularly the Catholic niche) is that there are a plethora of bloggers who are overlooked in the process of deciding which blog to read. There definitely is a A-list (I’ll get to that one day in a RANT) and most of us bookmark most of them. What we do not do is to be spontaneous in our reading choices as if we are driven by this group-think mentality to read those who are “known” here in outer-space cyberspace.

Today I am asking our readers to visit two blogs written by two friends, both who have been doing it for years. The first thing you will notice is that my friends are WRITERS who blog.

Not that being a blogger and sharing your thoughts and likes and dislikes with the rest of us isn’t a good thing. IT IS! Some of us have been gifted with acumen for writing and some of us just love to blog (like me). Both of these groups are necessary as variety is the spice of life. You wouldn’t want to eat the same food, for every meal, everyday, forever, would you?

My all-time favorite writer’s blog is a tie between two (you know who you are) and today I am asking all of you who are reading this now to go to each of these blogs and then come back and comment on which blog you liked and why. I am posting two links: A and B so you won’t find out what the blogs are until you go there. I’m awful, aren’t I?

When you comment, please include your email so we can let you know if you are the winner of our Giveaway! The prize is a $10 donation to to the blogger of
your choice as a tip for the hard work they do. The donation will be made in your name if you are the winner of the Giveaway! The winner for the Giveaway will be chosen randomly from the comments.

I will be doing this today and tomorrow and announcing the Giveaway Winner on Monday, October 1st. I will also post the names of the blogs and some of your positive comments. This is a fun thing and I think you will see my point. There are so many people out there writing and hoping to be heard. Let’s let them know that they are being read, that their thoughts are being heard.

After all, aren’t we all called to fraternal charity, aren’t we??

God love you,




@CatholicLisa shows you why “politics make me sick”, rants Sofia

27 September 2012

September 27, 2012 A.D.

Editor’s Note: I just can’t stand it anymore. Where are the people of character and decency? When did we lose our way in this great country? It is so sad when more people know Snooki (from that ridiculous and disgraceful show, Jersey Shore. BTW, I can call it that since I was born on the Jersey Shore and was raised there) then know Abraham Lincoln.

Our culture now is that of impulsivity for things, for sex and of course fame and money. We have turned our back on what has made us the greatest country in the world and our political leaders (except for a few) are leading the way. Let me make sure you know really how I feel. Our clergy (quite a few of them) are right there smiling it up for the cameras selling out just like the political guys.

When does it stop? When we look in the mirror and say that wrong is wrong, no matter what.

What do you think? Can you do that? Will you do that? I will.

God love you,



"The" Catholic Bandita : Lisa Graas

Mitch McConnell Snubs Todd Akin, Sucks Up Fundraising Dollars in Missouri for Himself

by Lisa Graas at her blog,

My fellow Kentuckians (especially Catholics) should take note that Mitch McConnell needs to be forcibly retired. Someone — anyone — who is a real conservative needs to run against him. His latest trick is the worst yet because he stands alone in it.

Via BuzzFeed:
Washington, D.C. — When Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell visited St. Louis Wednesday, he did so quietly, touring Monsanto’s headquarters and holding a fundraising event for his his 2014 campaign.

Not on the Kentucky Republican’s schedule? A meeting with or an endorsement of Rep. Todd Akin, who is challenging Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill for her seat.

While Akin may have been persona non grata with virtually all Republicans after his inflammatory “legitimate rape” comments, only McConnell has so far toed the harsh line the GOP drew in the sand in August when they tried — in vain — to force him out of the race.

Democrats argue against Todd Akin and for Claire McCaskill, on behalf of the “Sandra Fluke” vision of America, wherein women are considered to be oppressed unless the Church pays for abortion…

Please go to Catholic for the rest of this honest appraisal of a very sad situation by clicking HERE

@AncientSoul knocks it out the park! MUST READ: “Memo from the devil”

26 September 2012

September 26, 2012 A.D.

Posted by Mary Wellman at her blog, “BattleBeads

This is really lengthy, but EXCELLENT! You may wish to take a paragraph or two a day .. but get to it all .. the insight is phenomenally wonderful! We need to think of all these things before the Illumination/Warning!

The following is a memo from satan to his apprentice demons on earth. Don’t ever forget that there is a war going on for your soul all of the time. 1/3 of the angels fell when given the opportunity to serve God. And since he can’t get God, he goes after His children, you and me. So beware of his traps, some of which are outlined below…

(** Caveat emptor – The devil is a liar, and mixes truth with lies to confuse us humans, so not EVERYTHING he says is to be taken as true….)

To all of my earthly tempters: HELL-O

Deathbed Conversions

1. Never forget that HE always comes to them at the moment of death, asking them if they love HIM, if they are truly sorry for their sins, and if they forgive their enemies . You must sufficiently torment your subject while you can, so as to prevent any deathbed conversions. A sincere and humble “Yes” to these questions by the dying humans undoes our work in a nano-second. We also come to him at the time of his death, to tempt him one last time with everything we’ve got to make him reject his own salvation. Make sure you get there first


For the rest of the “memo” please click HERE… this is a post everyone should read…

If I were a rich man … (2012 Edition) via @manwithblackhat

25 September 2012

September 25, 2012 A.D.
by David Alexander
at his blog,

VIDEO: Chaim Topol as Tevye, in the 1971 motion picture Fiddler on the Roof, which won three Academy Awards, and was nominated for Best Picture and Best Actor.

There have been stories of people reaping a fortune in millions of dollars from state lotteries, only to squander it away and subsequently ruin their lives. But oh, no, not me, mes amis. I would be one to show the world that this need not happen.

How dare do I make such a bold claim, you ask, dear minions?

For the rest of this quite interesting perspective, click HERE

Jersey Girl reflects on becoming a Packers Fan – Yes, the Catholic Faith is the reason! UPDATE!

25 September 2012

September 25, 2012 A.D.
Posted by Sofia

I originally published this piece last January when my beloved NY Football Giants decided they wanted it a wee bit more than my Packers. (Did I realaly say that?
After last night’s senseless debacle on Monday Night Football at the hands of referees who are not experienced enough for the NFL, I decided that the pain I was feeling is the true pain of a Packer fan and that my Green and Gold blood needed to remember why I love football so much.

This Post is special to me and I hope you will read it (again) and let me know if indeed I am just a silly Jersey Girl or I have grown up now since I made the big move to Wisconsin. Enjoy and please fell free to comment (yes, you can vent in the combox about the ridiculous scenario the NFL has gotten itself into with this officiating nonsense.

Having been born and bred on the Jersey Shore there was never a question which football team one would root for.The NY Football Giants (as they are affectionately known by locals; not to be confused with the long-defunct NY Baseball Giants now residing in San Fran) were the first kids on the block with the Jets coming along later for the younger set.

My Dad took me to Yankee Stadium to see my first Giant game (nope, not telling the year!) and I was hooked by Big Blue.

Now, I must say there were many lean years of being a long-suffering Giant fan, but we were finally rewarded with Lawrence Taylor, Phil Sims and a Super Bowl. Four years ago, defeating the hated Patriots and Tom “I’m too good for myself” Brady in one of the most exciting Super Bowl game’s ever made me proud to have hung in there for so many years.

I do have a confession to make though… I have been a secret Green Bay Packers fan the whole time. Whenever the Giants played the Pack I would root unethusiastically for the Giants. My Dad, even though he was a de facto Giants fan always talked about the great Vince Lombardi and Lambeau Field. He loved the Packers so much that the one and only time he came with us to the beach (thank goodness it was only once!) he built us a sand castle rendition of Lambeau Field! Some Giants fan.

One fall day when we were raking leaves before kickoff time I asked my Dad why he loved the Packers if he was a Giant fan. He told me about Vince Lombardi, how humble the Packer organization is and in particular how great the people of Wisconsin are.

He told me he heard Lombardi interviewed once years ago when he was the Defensive Coach of the NY Giants (before becoming the Packer coach) and that Lombardi had said when he asked where he got his philosophy and strength. Lombardi said, “I derived my strength from daily Mass and Communion.”

That was it for my Dad and for  me. He knew this was the guy and he would love the team that this guy worked for. So, Lombardi started out with the Giants (ahem) and then went to Green Bay and the rest is history. Please read a bio of Vince Lombardi and some of his inspiring quotes here: This is a webpage sponsored by the family of Vince Lombardi.

Interesting thing: Half of my family is buried in a Catholic cemetery in Middletown.NJ. Lombardi is buried there with his wife and other family even though he was from Brooklyn. When my Dad went to the cemetery to make his visits, he said he always had to stop and see his friend Vince. Until I wrote this post I never knew the “Vince” he spoke about was the great Lombardi. Now, I really get it.

Last year when the Packers marched to the Super Bowl I was truly happy. My Dad was still talking about the great Lombardi and Aaron Rodgers was a quarterback all of football found classy. I still rooted for the Giants but I was relieved when it was evident they weren’t going anywhere. I was free to root for the Pack! So this Jersey girl was a cheesehead in her last days living on the Jersey Shore.

Then, Divine Providence opened a door for me and I was moving to Wisconsin!!! Long story, saving that for another post! Anyway, here I was going to the land of the Packers, great cheese and cold! Well, it’s really a terrific place, everybody in America should visit WI…the people, well…here;s the post I’m reprinting and it will tell why the Packers are so beloved and why the Wisconsin people are so special…



“Maybe the Only Truly Romantic Thing Left in American Sports: The Green Bay Packers”

(This article was in The Desert News, the Salt Lake City newspaper.)

Seriously, America, what’s not to like about the Green Bay Packers? What’s not to like about a small-town team that is not only surviving, but thriving in the billion-dollar business of professional football?

There is nothing like them in professional sports. Think about what an oddity they are. Teams have come and gone in the NFL in a continuous game of musical chairs–the Baltimore Colts moved to Indianapolis, the Cleveland Browns to Baltimore, the Oakland Raiders to L.A. and back to Oakland, the Cardinals from Chicago to St. Louis to Phoenix, the Los Angeles Rams to St. Louis …

But the Packers have stayed in tiny Green Bay, Wisconsin, since their birth in 1919. America ‘s second biggest city, Los Angeles, with a population of 4 million, doesn’t even have a franchise, but Green Bay , with a population of 101,000, does. It’s like plunking down a team in the middle of Sandy , Utah . They are the smallest market in pro sports. Green Bay ‘s metro area–if you stretch the definition of “metro”–is 283,000. Buffalo, the next smallest in sports, has 1.1 million. New York City has 8.5 million in the city limits alone, 19 million in the metro area.

What’s not to like about a team that was dreamed up during a street-corner conversation one day? Curly Lambeau, a former Green Bay prep star and Notre Dame football player, hatched the idea and convinced his employer, the Indian Packing Company, to buy uniforms and provide a practice field. In turn, the team called itself the Packers. Lambeau was the team’s first star player (for 11 years) and its first coach (for 30 years) and–you’ve got to like this–he pioneered the forward pass in the NFL.

What’s not to like about the last small-town survivor of the National Football League? In the early ’20s, the fledgling NFL consisted almost entirely of small-town teams like Green Bay–the Decatur Staleys, Akron Pros, Canton Bulldogs, Muncie Flyers, Rochester Jeffersons, Rock Island Independents. But as the league turned fully to professionalism, those teams either folded or moved to big cities for bigger profits. Green Bay found a way to keep the Packers–the community bought them.

What’s not to like about a team that is owned by its fans? The Packers are the only publicly owned team in professional sports… There’s no Jerry Jones, George Steinbrenner, or Daniel Snyder in Green Bay . The other teams have one very rich, often reviled, owner; the Packers have 112,000 shareholders–or 112,000 Monday-morning quarterbacks who are legally entitled to kibbutz. They’ve rescued the team from financial hardship four times–in 1923, ’35, ’50 and ’97. Without them, the team simply would not exist.

What’s not to like about this team? Apparently, not much. Despite their small-town roots–or perhaps because of it–they have courted a world-wide following. According to a 2010 Harris poll, the Packers are still the third most popular team in the country, 40 years after their glory years. Someone once asked the late, former, NFL commissioner, Pete Rozelle, to name the best football city in America … “Green Bay,” he replied. “A small town. People owning their own football team. Rabid supporters.”

The Packers have one of the longest waiting lists for season tickets in pro sports, some 80,000 deep (Lambeau Field seats only 78,000). The average wait for season tickets is estimated to be 30 years, but if you added your name to the list now you probably wouldn’t get tickets in your lifetime. Packer fans are known to leave season tickets in their wills or to place newborn babies on the waiting list. Packer games have been sold out since 1960

“I’m a ‘green and gold’ season ticket holder and have some voting stock in the team,” explains Walt Mehr, a Utah resident who grew up in Eagle River, WI, just north of Green Bay. “It took me 23 years to get season tickets. We have a big shareholders meeting in July and vote. We were involved with remodeling of the stadium. As season-ticket holders, we had to put up money for that – $5,000. My tickets are in my will.”

It’s every fan’s dream–they get to help run the team… You’ve got to like that.

The rest of the post is at Kate the Right’s blog, “From the Right of Center”. Please click HERE

@FatherZ Watch: Creepy Obama Flag (Yup, it is…)

21 September 2012

Posted on 21 September 2012 by Fr. John Zuhlsdorf
at his blog, “What Does the Prayer Really Say?”

Have you seen the latest swag being offered by the Obama campaign? For a contribution, you can have one of these!

This guy isn’t full of himself, is he.

Perhaps he should have made the stripes into the colors of the rainbow. He is, after all, The First Gay President, right? At least that way, they would look less like blood smears.

On the site where I saw this, there was a photo of the blood-smeared wall in the consulate in Benghazi. HERE. Looks familiar.

That’s what the Obama campaign is offering you: empty visual rhetoric harking to his prediction of the end of global warming and the rolling back of the oceans, or whatever that hogwash was. This is the same guy who, having been honored at Notre Dame, promised to seek common ground with the Church. This is the same gay, aggressively pro-abortion and even pro-infanticide, who lied to Card. Dolan.

Creepy.    (Yes. Yes, it is… Emphasis mine…Sofia)
Please click HERE to go to Fr.Z’s site for the rest of the post. While you are there please visit Father Z’s Swag Store and purchase from the link, “Catholic & Faithful, American & Free”. Bumper Stickers, Mugs, etc. Perfect for this life-changing election. Father Z gives us his all out here, let’s help him continue his mission.

God Love you,


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