Monthly Archives: March 2012

Dominican Cloistered Nuns on Fox Special Palm Sunday! UPDATE!

31 March 2012

UPDATE: PLEASE CHECK Y CLICKING THE LINK >>  “It’s Up! Fox News features Dominican Cloistered Nuns,Seignadou Soaps & the Shroud? “ 

Fox News To Feature Seignadou Soaps!

Posted on Seignadou Soaps
~ Monastery Gift Shoppe of the Dominican Nuns of Summit, New Jersey

Even Fox News knows about Seignadou Soaps! They will be airing a story about the soap, the nuns who make it and also talk about the copy of the Holy Shroud that is special and in our possession here at the monastery.

The story is schedule to air on April 1st, Palm Sunday. We don’t know what time. We don’t want TV or the news so hopefully it will also be online.

Stay tuned!

Please click here to check in at the Nuns Monastery Gift Shoppe. Leave a comment for the Sisters and better yet, Buy Seignadou Soaps and Lotions instead of candy this Easter!

The quality of the soap and lotions are like no other and you will be help support a monastery of nuns praying for all of us! Below is a sample pic of the lavender soap which is FABULOUS….

We are doing a story on the nuns in the next couple days…Stay tuned! Please check your Fox listings for the special with the Dominicans and Lauren Green…

Pueri Hebraeorum – Tomás Luis de Victoria for Palm Sunday

31 March 2012

Today is the Day to Offer your Lenten Prayers, Fasting & Abstinence for #ReligiousLiberty!

30 March 2012

US bishops set March 30 as day of prayer, fasting for religious liberty
Catholic News Service

WASHINGTON — The U.S. bishops have urged Catholics and “all people of faith” across the nation to observe March 30 as a day of prayer and fasting for religious freedom and conscience protection.
The bishops announced the daylong observance in a statement titled “United for Religious Freedom” that was approved March 14 by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Administrative Committee.
They asked Catholics and others to join them in “prayer and penance for our leaders and for the complete protection of our first freedom — religious liberty — which is not only protected in the laws and customs of our great nation, but rooted in the teachings of our great tradition.”
The bishops said that among current threats to religious liberty is the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services mandate that forces employers, including religious ones, to provide coverage of contraception/sterilization in their health plans.

Prayer resources have been posted on the USCCB website,
Also, “Prayer for Religious Liberty” prayer cards are available as a downloadable PDF file. The cards are available in English and Spanish, and feature three different images: Mary as the Immaculate Conception, patroness of the U.S.; Our Lady of Guadalupe, patroness of the Americas and the unborn; and St. Thomas More, the patron saint of the legal profession who was martyred for standing up for his religious beliefs.
In a letter about the March 30 day of prayer addressed to Catholics in their state, Pennsylvania’s bishops said the observance was planned in response “to the assault by the federal government on constitutionally guaranteed religious liberty.” They, too, cited the federal contraceptive mandate, saying it “punished the church for its firmly held beliefs and consistent teaching.”
Meanwhile, the Pro-Life Action League, based in Chicago, and Citizens for a Pro-Life Society, based in Michigan, have organized a Nationwide Rally for Religious Freedom for March 23.
An announcement said the rally was to take place at noon (local time) outside federal buildings, congressional offices and historic sites. Religious leaders and other public figures were scheduled to be among the speakers at the various sites. The website included general information about the rally and locations across the country.
The event, described as “a peaceful, family-friendly, nonpartisan, ecumenical event,” has its theme “Stand Up for Religious Freedom — Stop the HHS Mandate!”
WASHINGTON — The U.S. bishops have urged Catholics and “all people of faith” across the nation to observe March 30 as a day of prayer and fasting for religious freedom and conscience protection.

The bishops announced the daylong observance in a statement titled “United for Religious Freedom” that was approved March 14 by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Administrative Committee.
They asked Catholics and others to join them in “prayer and penance for our leaders and for the complete protection of our first freedom — religious liberty — which is not only protected in the laws and customs of our great nation, but rooted in the teachings of our great tradition.”

The bishops said that among current threats to religious liberty is the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services mandate that forces employers, including religious ones, to provide coverage of contraception/sterilization in their health plans.

Prayer resources have been posted on the USCCB website,

Also, “Prayer for Religious Liberty” prayer cards are available as a downloadable PDF file. The cards are available in English and Spanish, and feature three different images: Mary as the Immaculate Conception, patroness of the U.S.; Our Lady of Guadalupe, patroness of the Americas and the unborn; and St. Thomas More, the patron saint of the legal profession who was martyred for standing up for his religious beliefs.

In a letter about the March 30 day of prayer addressed to Catholics in their state, Pennsylvania’s bishops said the observance was planned in response “to the assault by the federal government on constitutionally guaranteed religious liberty.” They, too, cited the federal contraceptive mandate, saying it “punished the church for its firmly held beliefs and consistent teaching.”

It’s all About Catholic Identity: Michael Voris & the Young Shock Troops

30 March 2012

Yesterday we published a video (“Latin, Anyone?”) from that had been posted by our colleague, Father Zuhlsdorf…Catholic Identity is what Father has been teaching all of us at his blog, “WhatDoesthePrayerReallySay?”

Here Michael Voris follows up yesterday’s posting of “Latin, Anyone?” with “The Young Shock Troops”. It doesn’t get any better than this….

It’s ALL about the Latin Mass. Yes. Yes, it is! Thanks @FatherZ!

29 March 2012

New Voris video addresses where the “action” is in Catholic communities.

Posted on 28 March 2012 by Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Michael Voris has a new video about the use of the “Traditional Latin Mass”, the Extraordinary Form. After his travelogue, start paying attention about about 1:45.

He speaks about the young people who are attending the Extraordinary Form. This is obvious to most of us (who aren’t liberals… cough).

Mr. Voris hits the point I am constantly harping about: Catholic identity! [Emphasis ours]

Usually when we source a story from another blog, we post the first part of it then crosspost the rest to the original blog. We do that because we are grateful to have sources like Father Z and must give credit where it is due .Additionally, we want to share the audience with the original source of the posting.

With this particular post, it was so brief that there wouldn’t be anything to post if we crossposted it. We decided to post the complete piece with credit to FatherZ and then with the following link request that you frequent Father’s blog.

Please click HERE to read Father’s Z’s Blog for the BEST in all things Roman Catholic!

Thank you!


The Holy Father in Cuba: “I have also prayed…for those who suffer and are deprived of freedom”

27 March 2012

Pope Celebrates 400 Years of Charity of Cobre, “Cuba needs faithful marriages”

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