Monthly Archives: April 2012

85 & Still Cool- Happy Birthday BXVI ツ

17 April 2012

Oompah band, Schuhplattler give Bavarian flair to Pope’s Birthday

Posted on April 16, 2012 by Carol Glatz

VATICAN CITY — The apostolic palace’s frescoed Clementine Hall became the stage for a mini-Bavarian festival today to celebrate Pope Benedict’s 85th birthday.

A small band played “oompah” music and ten children dressed in traditional outfits swirled, stomped and clapped as they performed the Schuhplattler before the pope. They were part of a large delegation of Bavarian bishops and 150 government representatives from the region who came to greet the pope and celebrate his birthday.

The pope’s brother, 88-year-old Msgr. Georg Ratzinger, also attended the festivities as well as representatives from the Lutheran church and the Jewish community in Bavaria.

The children presented the pope with white flowers and a Maypole covered with colorful ribbons. They also recited a German birthday poem.

The government delegation presented the pope with gifts of a wooden crucifix sculpted by a well-known 18th-century Bavarian woodcarver and a large Easter basket filled with traditional cakes, dark bread, ham and painted eggs.

Take a look at our video coverage of the pope’s milestone birthday

And here’s the Vatican’s coverage from the morning Mass:


8 April 2012




Dear Brothers and Sisters in Rome and throughout the world!

“Surrexit Christus, spes mea” – “Christ, my hope, has risen” (Easter Sequence).

May the jubilant voice of the Church reach all of you with the words which the ancient hymn puts on the lips of Mary Magdalene, the first to encounter the risen Jesus on Easter morning. She ran to the other disciples and breathlessly announced: “I have seen the Lord!” (Jn 20:18). We too, who have journeyed through the desert of Lent and the sorrowful days of the Passion, today raise the cry of victory: “He has risen! He has truly risen!”

Every Christian relives the experience of Mary Magdalene. It involves an encounter which changes our lives: the encounter with a unique Man who lets us experience all God’s goodness and truth, who frees us from evil not in a superficial and fleeting way, but sets us free radically, heals us completely and restores our dignity. This is why Mary Magdalene calls Jesus “my hope”: he was the one who allowed her to be reborn, who gave her a new future, a life of goodness and freedom from evil. “Christ my hope” means that all my yearnings for goodness find in him a real possibility of fulfilment: with him I can hope for a life that is good, full and eternal, for God himself has drawn near to us, even sharing our humanity.

But Mary Magdalene, like the other disciples, was to see Jesus rejected by the leaders of the people, arrested, scourged, condemned to death and crucified. It must have been unbearable to see Goodness in person subjected to human malice, truth derided by falsehood, mercy abused by vengeance. With Jesus’ death, the hope of all those who had put their trust in him seemed doomed. But that faith never completely failed: especially in the heart of the Virgin Mary, Jesus’ Mother, its flame burned even in the dark of night. In this world, hope can not avoid confronting the harshness of evil. It is not thwarted by the wall of death alone, but even more by the barbs of envy and pride, falsehood and violence. Jesus passed through this mortal mesh in order to open a path to the kingdom of life. For a moment Jesus seemed vanquished: darkness had invaded the land, the silence of God was complete, hope a seemingly empty word.

And lo, on the dawn of the day after the Sabbath, the tomb is found empty. Jesus then shows himself to Mary Magdalene, to the other women, to his disciples. Faith is born anew, more alive and strong than ever, now invincible since it is based on a decisive experience: “Death with life contended: combat strangely ended! Life’s own champion, slain, now lives to reign”. The signs of the resurrection testify to the victory of life over death, love over hatred, mercy over vengeance: “The tomb the living did enclose, I saw Christ’s glory as he rose! The angels there attesting, shroud with grave-clothes resting”.

Dear brothers and sisters! If Jesus is risen, then – and only then – has something truly new happened, something that changes the state of humanity and the world. Then he, Jesus, is someone in whom we can put absolute trust; we can put our trust not only in his message but in Jesus himself, for the Risen One does not belong to the past, but is present today, alive. Christ is hope and comfort in a particular way for those Christian communities suffering most for their faith on account of discrimination and persecution. And he is present as a force of hope through his Church, which is close to all human situations of suffering and injustice.

May the risen Christ grant hope to the Middle East and enable all the ethnic, cultural and religious groups in that region to work together to advance the common good and respect for human rights. Particularly in Syria, may there be an end to bloodshed and an immediate commitment to the path of respect, dialogue and reconciliation, as called for by the international community. May the many refugees from that country who are in need of humanitarian assistance find the acceptance and solidarity capable of relieving their dreadful sufferings. May the paschal victory encourage the Iraqi people to spare no effort in pursuing the path of stability and development. In the Holy Land, may Israelis and Palestinians courageously take up anew the peace process.

May the Lord, the victor over evil and death, sustain the Christian communities of the African continent; may he grant them hope in facing their difficulties, and make them peacemakers and agents of development in the societies to which they belong.

May the risen Jesus comfort the suffering populations of the Horn of Africa and favour their reconciliation; may he help the Great Lakes Region, Sudan and South Sudan, and grant their inhabitants the power of forgiveness. In Mali, now experiencing delicate political developments, may the glorious Christ grant peace and stability. To Nigeria, which in recent times has experienced savage terrorist attacks, may the joy of Easter grant the strength needed to take up anew the building of a society which is peaceful and respectful of the religious freedom of all its citizens.

Happy Easter to all!

Solemn High Mass in the Traditional Roman Rite: Mass of Easter Sunday narrated by Archbishop Fulton J.Sheen & the Regina Caeli Laetare

8 April 2012

Ordo Missae for Dominica Resurrectionis begins on page 436 from Sancta

Regina Caeli Laetare begins on page 498.

Archbishop Fulton J Sheen narrated this Solemn High Mass on Easter Sunday, 1941. His cause for canonization is currently in progress. For more info please go to: Archbishop Sheen Cause

Editor’s Note: Thank you to trady & vianinigiovanni on You Tube

AlwaysCatholic Wishes You All a Most Blessed & Happy Easter!

8 April 2012

He is Risen!

He is truly Risen!

The Resurrection is depicted in "Christ Risen from the Tomb," a painting by Italian Renaissance artist Bergognone. The artwork is from the Samuel H. Kress Collection at the National Gallery of Art in Washington. Easter, the feast of the Resurrection, is April 8 in the Latin-rite church this year. (CNS photo/courtesy of the National Gallery of Art) (March 27, 2012)

Click below for Music

His Holiness Benedict XVI blessing crowds in Rome

Livestream Easter Morning TLM from Christ the King FSSP parish in Diocese of Venice

7 April 2012

Please click here for link

All times are Eastern Standard Time

Easter Sunday Mass Schedule for Christ the King is:

Low Mass: 8:30 Low Mass: 10:30 EST

“Good Friday” by Nikita Phillips, new Contributing Blogger at ACBlog

6 April 2012

Good Friday

April 6, 2012
by Nikita Phillips
“The unpaved path that is my journey towards God…”

If I could pick a day in the liturgical year that I love the most other than Easter (Well the Vigil) it would be Good Friday.
Before noon I was already at the back entrance of the parish, praying the Liturgy of the Hours. I wore all black, as I normally do especially today it is a joyous mourning you could say. I placed my Dominican scapular on. (I tell you I looked the opposite of the Dominican Friars, Brothers, and Sisters) Thanks to Fr. Michael, O.P. I was able to enter the parish.

I walked into the stillness that form the aura of the chapel. Jesus is not there; He had been stripped away from the altar as He had been stripped from His Disciples to be taken to the chief priests.

I sat there looking at the bare altar and thought of something, the bare altar is our life without Jesus. It is a beautiful structure, but it is just that and nothing more. We can add things to the altar but it just make it a more beautiful structure, but with Jesus it is a place that holds something greater than itself. We can see that in ourselves in many examples.

Click HERE for the rest of the post.

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