Monthly Archives: December 2010

A Merry Christmas thank you to @LisaGraas

24 December 2010

Last spring shortly after AlwaysCatholicBlog came into being, I had a really great night on Twitter with a bunch of my Twitter buddies…lots of fun it was…it was also the night I “officially” met LisaGraas.

Actually, I really met Lisa earlier when she gently gave me a lesson in charity for a post I had written about a particular prelate. Her kind correction was done with love and example. I must say it touched me in a very profound way. I still lose it sometimes when ranting in a direction that sometimes takes me past charity, but I stop myself and redirect myself because of Lisa.

Weeks later, Lisa joined our fun night on Twitter and she unfortunately had to put up with the childish antics of myself and a funny Twitter buddy of mine. She was a great sport and fun was had by all.

The next day, a colleague of mine emailed me and said, “Do you know who Lisa Graas is? I said oh yeah, she’s that really great ProLife Catholic blogger I read. The person said to me, “Don’t you realize the lady you were having fun with last night is that Lisa Graas?” Uh-oh…

Truthfully, sometimes I watch too many Phineas & Ferb cartoons and eat way too many bowls of Trix and lose my focus! (Must be the sugar, huh?) Why I didnt put it together, I dont know to this day. I guess I never dreamed such a great lady and blogger would waste her time with such a kid…(completely relative folks, chronologically not a kid; in the mind-about 12, LOL!)

Lisa has spent so much time being a great friend and a loyal supporter of AlwaysCatholic. Her generousity in allowing us to post her material so soon after publication is an honor. I guess this Christmas I just wanted her to know what a difference she has made in my life.

Please read her blog. She gets it folks…Sometimes I would think, oh, she’s not tough enough and then bam! Lisa would set someone straight about Church teaching…firmly. Lisa always sets the record straight with charity.For this, I am truly thankful.

St Francis of Assisi said, “Preach the Gospel and sometimes use words..” Lisa has been an example to myself and to numerous Catholics. I hope she considers herself a mentor to me. If AlwaysCatholicBlog could ever gain half the respect she has with her blog, I would be eternally grateful.

So, Lisa, yes you are THE Lisa Graas…to me…always…

Merry Christmas my sister in Christ,

God Love you,


Lisa Graas is a Catholic convert and mom of four who blogs on U.S./Kentucky politics and Catholic culture. Lisa is a pre-emminent Catholic blogger and we are so proud to have her here on ACBlog. Lisa’s Blog is and is on Twitter @LisaGraas and on Facebook. Lisa also is a regular blogger at David Horowitz’s News Real Blog.

Merry Christmas from Sofia & Sean

24 December 2010

O Holy Night

Enjoy this most beautiful Christmas Card to all our loyal readers… God love you all!

Sofia & Sean

A Christmas Card for our soldiers…

22 December 2010

Christmas Soldier

Sofia, Mary, Sean and all the contributors at Always Catholic Blog pray that Our Divine Savior and His Most Blessed Mother guide and protect each and every one of our soldiers.

God Love them! Merry Christmas!

Gorgeous Time-Lapse Video Of Last Night's Eclipse

21 December 2010

From: Winter Solstice Lunar Eclipse from William Castleman on Vimeo.

Our Father in Heaven is smiling upon His Creation when He treats us to some of his greatest works like this:

Winter Solstice Lunar Eclipse from William Castleman on Vimeo.


Catholicism, and the Oceans, Will Survive

21 December 2010

by Conrad Black
December 16, 2010

2010 was a year of turmoil, and of triumph.

The year now ending has been one of immense alarm followed by serenity’s sudden rushes to the head. It is hard now to remember the hysteria generated by the tawdry and often appalling scandal of clerical abuse of young men in the Roman Catholic Church, between February and July. The New York Times appeared to be offering free visits to New York with city tours of all boroughs, capped by five-course dinners in five-star restaurants, for anyone who could recall an indiscreet clerical hand on the knee from decades before. I repeat it is a grievous problem and there were many disgusting and shameful incidents, compounded by excessive episcopal indulgence in many cases. These facts do not alter or diminish the fidelity, dedication, and self-discipline of the 99 percent of Roman Catholic religious personnel who have served through living memory throughout the world with unblemished devotion, nor blight the education and care they gave to an approximately equal percentage of the scores of millions of children confided to them.

All bad news for the Roman Catholic Church brings that Church’s enemies swarming out like hornets whose nest has just been squirted with a garden hose. To the litigators, the editorial mudslingers, the deep, thick, serried ranks of militant skepticism, Rome is a Satanic bumblebee which infests the brave, aging secular world of utilitarian progress and the methodical human march toward a plenitude of knowledge. Earlier this year, they thought they saw the end, at last, of Rome’s ghastly, tenebrous, saturnine magisterium that defies all laws of nature and reason by not simply crashing to the ground as the endlessly proclaimed laws of rational aerodynamics require. They were, as always, mistaken.

Thank you to for the story.

‘Twas the Night before January 5th

21 December 2010

December 16th, 2010
Twisters Money Bomb Blog
by Conservativeind

‘Twas the night before January 5th, when all through the House
Not a single Rep was stirring, not even soon-to-be ousted Speaker Pelosi, that Louse
Their pink slips were hung by their office doors with care,
While Americans hoped the new Congress soon would be there.

Now, if you want the rest of this, get yourself to here…

The Twisters are a self-described tightly knit group of superpower wielding, patriotic, conservative bad-asses of the female kind. Their Blog, Twisters Money Bomb is a compilation of serious political commentary, funny & smart observations on Progressives & Liberals & an accomplished fundraising vehicle for the “right” candidates. You can follow @TheTwisters on Twitter,
or on Facebook at The Twisters.

You can follow The Twisters individually on Twitter starting with @ConservativeInd, who posted this piece.The rest are as follows alphabetically: @0402sgrl @1supremegoddess @asskickymchotti
@flyingpatriot @galtsgirl @hipEchik@runedart @suziplasse

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