Monthly Archives: March 2011

An update on Sofia & the rest of the party posts via Jenny

31 March 2011

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Dear Readers,

As some of you know, that our dear Sofia had to take a little time off after the ACBlogaversary. It was a resounding success except that Sofia, overdid it. Sofia gives a hundred percent and then some. The “then some” is what caught up with her.

It was originally thought that Sofia only needed a day or so, but since last night it looked as it maybe a little more rest would be needed. Well, the doctor has come by again and officially put Sofia on bedrest until Friday! She will be okay but she truly needs this time to get better so this doesn’t happen again.

Now there are several posts yet to be published that were supposed to have been published during the party but Sofia was so busy getting the site back up for the party all the posts didn’t quite make it.

So, we have yet to publish Sofia’s Story, (something I have read and is very beautiful and will make all of ACBlog readers understand why Divine Providence is so important in her life) the post with all the entrants in our writing contest, the very cool piece on Catholic Hip-Hop, the first in a series on Catholic Travel (this one is filled with gorgeous images!) the Top Roman Catholics on Twitter page (#tRCot), the Winners post featuring the winners of the Writing Contest & the winners of the random drawings from the partyand the update of the Two Blessed To Be Stressed pages. So starting Thursday I will help to get out the posts and everyday through the weekend we will post one or two posts finishing on the fourth of April with the winners page as promised.

We will be back on track by Monday and then, God-willing it’s back to regular posts and lots of great pieces by a number of Contributing Bloggers every week.

Let say a prayer for Sofia that she heals quickly and is back with us so we can have an exciting weekend with all the new posts and the winners of ACBlogaversary contests!

Thank you for your prayers and your patience!

God Bless you,

Intern for

A very quick mille grazie from Sofia (for now!)

29 March 2011

Sometimes in your life things work out best when your plan goes awry.

When I decided a relatively short time ago that I wanted to celebrate one year blogging, I never realized just how kind and supportive the people I have met through this venture truly are. The #ACBlogaversary (twitter hashtag ingeniously created by one of the #Twisters, @1SupremeGoddess) became an instant hit this weekend. It provided all with a window into what we were doing (great party conversation, posts, writing contest, handpicked music & music vids etc). Quite a few people who stumbled across it came and joined the fun. It truly surprised me that this “celebration” was one of the most fulfilling and joyous occasions I have ever had the priviledge to experience.

I want to just take a quick minute to thank all involved in anyway and to ask your patience once again so that I may publish a proper perspective tomorrow. I am publishing tomorrow, my story. “Divine Providence and Sofia: A love story with God”. It will explain how AlwaysCatholic came to be but more importantly I will be able to properly thank and acknowledge all from Day One who helped this special place called came to be.

Tonite, I would like to apologize that my plans did have to shift abit as I overdid it and was ordered to rest mid-celebration by my doctor. I did not get to put out everything I wanted to within the 24 hours of celebration but instead I must publish the rest during this week with help from my loyal intern, Jenny. Im only allowed a brief minute on the computer this week, but the doctor didnt say that Jenny couldn’t and that I couldn’t dictate! Hah!

So for tonight, I must keep it short as I am exhausted and need to rest. (the nurse on tonight is rough and I’m not about to get her riled up! LOL!) But I would like to once again thank all who made this celebration so special and to publish a couple of blogposts by very special bloggers who took the time to acknowledge


From our dear friend and colleague at Nunspeak, Sister Lisa Doty:


Happy #ACBlogaversary

26 Mar 2011 Leave a Comment

by Sr_Lisa in Uncategorized

To my friends over at Always Catholic. Blessed congratulations as you celebrate your one year anniversary of spreading the message of Christ on the internet. The blog always has some good Catholic content. If you have not yet checked out Always Catholic for yourself, I encourage you to click on over. They have some events taking place today and tomorrow, so, click the AC icon, and join the celebration!

Twitter: @alwayscatholic


and from our new friend and colleague Thomas Pringle at Catholica Omnia:


Happy Blogaversary to Always Catholic

March 26th, 2011 Tom Pringle

I wanted to take some time today to congratulate our friends over at Always Catholic, who are celebrating their one year anniversary of spreading the message of Christ on the internet. The blog has become one of my favorites in recent weeks. If you have not yet checked out Always Catholic for yourself, I encourage you to journey on over to their space on the digital continent. Check out all of the events taking place today and tomorrow.

Twitter: @alwayscatholic



Thank you to both of you, I am truly honored!

God Love you,


ACBlogaversary Giveaways! Prizes! Cool Catholic Stuff! Thank u to readers for your loyalty!

27 March 2011

Here are the Giveaways for the First Annual Blogaversary Bash! Some really beautiful things and some really kewl thing…all Catholic, all the time!


The First three prizes are for the Writing Contest! Then, the prizes below those on the page will be picked randomly because the drawing of the Giveaways is random! You have to be patient though…the party continues through 11PM tonight so we are still getting comments and entries!! The winners will be announced on April 4th the Feast of Saint Isadore of Seville, the Patron Saint of the Internet…now that’s kewl–a Patron Saint of the Internet!

Here we go!!

First Prize for ACBlogaversary Writing Contest

Second Prize for ACBlogaversary Writing Contest

Third Prize for the ACBlogaversary Writing Contest













Random Prizes for our Random Drawing…Maybe you will be “Randomly Lucky!!”

Very kewl Womens Twisters TShirt


























and alot more goodies that will be in the Winners Post on April 4th!

See ya!

And the party continues…

27 March 2011


The First Annual Blogaversary Bash continues on Sunday, March 27th from 3pm to 11pm EST.

Sofia had this fond wish of having a LIVE 24 hour Event to thank all those so kind to her and so supportive of Always Well,she almost pulled it off, but Sofia overdid it a little. She was sent off to bed a little while ago by her Dr after she started to show signs of the recent long days negatively affecting her health. She is getting better and better everyday, and so Sofia thought that her idea would work.

Well, in a way it did…the official party has to finish up tomorrow after Sofia rests up on Drs orders. As we speak, partygoers keep Retweeting out AlwaysCatholic links, music vids marked #ACblogaversary and are posting tremendous tribute posts on their blogs for Sofia as she sleeps! Now those are good friends…

Know this, the reason that they are doing this is because they know if they need prayers for their special intentions, Sofia has their back. They know if a word of support is needed, Sofia will be there with words of comfort. They know that the best way to get Sofia better and back to finish up the party tomorrow would be to keep it going these last few hours.

Well, when she reads this tomorrow, she will be thrilled…but then, thats Sofia…as long as her friends are enjoying themselves. she’s happy!

See you Sunday, March 27th at 3pm when the fun continues WITH Sofia!

God Bless you,


Intern at

Sofia’s Favorite Posts: Number One

26 March 2011

Best Political Story of the Year-The Twisters!

Ending 2010 with the Best of the Rest

The last few months I have been trying to write a piece about a dynamic group of conservative women named, “The Twisters”. My health (or lack of) had forced me to put the piece off since before the November 2nd Election. Originally, I wanted to feature The Twisters and their their partnership with the Contract from America .  The candidates they supported had to sign it during their campaigns in order to be a Twister-endorsed candidate. Their “Twister Money Bomb” campaign for these candidates was featured on The Twisters Blog, The Twisters Money Bomb and on their Facebook page, simply titled, The Twisters.

I wanted to see the how and why of what these fearless women were actually doing. I figured just checking out their organization with the “Contract from America” and seeing which candidates they had backed actually won and for which office would be enough for a post about these gals. I was wrong…(Yup, I said it… LOL!)

I have to say that I was so impressed with their Purpose:“We’re here to walk the Conservative talk” and similarly, their Mission Statement: “To vet, back, and promote conservative candidates who have signed the Contract from America.” Additionally, they hit the homerun with me with their explanation of just what and who “The Twisters” are: “A tightly knit group of superpower wielding, patriotic, conservative bad-asses of the female kind.” Hoo-rah!

Before I get into my Rave about the girls, let me fill you in on their story as I have it from The Twisters themselves (with the help of Tina @0402sgrl on Twitter).

Our history is short and sweet. We ran into each other while ranting on Twitter. None of us had met before but we immediately recognized kindred spirits. I believe @Suziplasse came up with the term “Twisters” meaning Twitter Sisters but it soon became a double entendre. We are a force of nature both individually and together. We started chatting on conference calls and eventually it congealed into this organization dedicated to promoting conservative candidates. We have widely varying backgrounds but come together over our love of this country.

We are (in alphabetical order):


* Name Tina Marie
* Location Cradle of Liberty
* Web:
* Bio: USMC Wife, mom of 2, political junky, wayy conservative. Member of @theTwisters!

2,540 Following 3,172 Followers 328 Listed


* Name: The Supreme
* Location: Western PA
* Web:
* Bio: Force of Nature! Christian&ReaganCon God/Guns/Military Loving wife of @nukneutron. Founding Member: @TheTWISTERS American & NO APOLOGY! (aka 1SG50)

897 Following 3,964 Followers 422 Listed


* Name: Green Eyed Warrior
* Web:
* Bio: Founding member of The Twisters trying to return America to glory once again. Criminal Justice Major I’M FABULOUS! #twisters If you are a LIB DON’T FOLLOW!!

1,025 Following 3,175 Followers 399 Listed


* Name: Kimberly Morin
* Location: Massachusetts
* Web:
* Bio: A Conservative Independent who wants to UNITE and FIGHT for what is RIGHT for America!!!!!!!!

3,257 Following 7,468 Followers 847 Listed


* Name: Reagan Republican
* Location: The Republic of TX!!
* Bio: Reagan Republican, HOOAH!!!! Radio DJ passionate about the USA, our Warriors and Heros. Fighting for FREEDOM & LIBERTY! RLTW! #twister #SOT #HONORVETS

6,603 Following 6,039 Followers 426 Listed

* Name: Galt’s Girl
* Location: Behind The Obama Curtain
* Web
* Bio: Earning my way.

1,203 Following 2,940 Followers 267 Listed


* Name: Teri Peters
* Location: San Diego, CA
* Web:
* Bio: Conservative. Rockin’ the Left Coast Right 1 tweet at a time! Happily Married to Marine Vet! All posts are My Opinion.

14,622 Following 14,754 Followers 1,289 Listed


* Name: Rune
* Location: Next Door To Someone Else
* Web: * Bio: Air Force brat, Army Wife, RWE, Founding Twister, keeping a country for them to come home to.

2,401 Following 3,087 Followers 351 Listed


* Name: Suzi Q
* Web
* Bio: The question isn’t, ‘Who’s going to let me’; the question is, ‘Who is going to stop me?’ One of the Founding #Twisters & true Conservative Punk.

1,046 Following 3,004 Followers 336 Listed

As a group they have a Twitter page from where @TheTwisters tweet info as a group and direct followers to their blog and FB page. Please go to and on Facebook to their page called, “The Twisters”.

The Twisters hail from all over our beloved USA and they all are VOLUNTEERS…

Sofia’s Rave

I was lucky enough to have someone tell me about the Twisters not long after their organization came together. I started to follow them watching tweets and thinking, “WTH?” Why? Because NEVER before have I seen something come together so naturally in such a dynamic way in politics.

These women (noted above) epitomized the trend in America of conservative, smart, hard-working and patriotic women leading the way. Yes, we have been blessed with quite a few celebrity conservative women working the cable stations and making us proud. But as a grassroots organization this is the first group to pull itself together so quickly, so strongly and in such an organized way, it really impressed myself and many conservatives with whom I have had the pleasure of discussing Twister-mania!

These women pulled together a brand with such a timely fashion, it made my head spin. Impressed?, You bet. For quite a few years, I did business consulting and these gals…well…they are the goods.

What really moved me to pick their story as the political story of the year for ACBlog? The Twisters are about hope. I know, I know you’re thinking, PUH-LEEZ. you didn’t say “HOPE” did you, Sofia? Yep, I did. Mr. O at 16th & Pennsylvania NW hijacked the word but that doesn’t mean we can’t use the word so beautifully phrased throughout Scripture.Hah!

These women are the example to all of us about standing up and working for what we believe in. THAT’S why this is the best political story of the year. These women embody the American spirit. We are exceptional as a nation and The Twisters are the example of that very exceptionalism.

The Twisters will continue their success into 2012, I am sure. They are called to help us get back the very freedom being torn from our grasp.So, if you want to make a difference…go to their website, “The Twisters Money Bomb”, to their Facebook page, “The Twisters” and of course follow @TheTwisters on Twitter as well as each of the Twisters individually on Twitter (see above for links).

Know one thing: as long as there are women like The Twisters, there is hope for America because behind all successful men there ARE great women…like The Twisters…HOO-RAH!

For Twister gear, (so very hip, logo is definitely a icebreaker!) go to the girls Cafe Press page here.


Thank you and God Love you all,

Sofia’s Favorite Posts: Number Two

26 March 2011

Buon Natale or “Where did our Catholic stories go?”


I was speaking with an old friend the other day doing our usual lamenting over the Faith we knew as kids and we both agreed that the thing that is missing today are the stories.

Stories, you say? Yup. You know, the kind of stories that bring laughter to our bellies and tears to our eyes. The kind of Catholic stories that are not slam-sessions on nuns and priests or a lackadaisical nod about something that happened at the parish that week.

Growing up Catholic you have a legacy of stories and experiences that keeps your Faith whole even in the darkest of days. To those who are nodding their heads right now, you know what I mean. To those who are reading this, still not understanding my ranting, let me tell you a Catholic story… A Christmas story about growing up Catholic in an Italian family on Christmas Eve…

So, pull up a chair, grab something Christmasy to drink, and let me tell you about my Grandpop…

Antonio Constantino Guerra came to this country via Ellis Island with a wife and a pack of kids including my Dad (who was 6 months old at the time). From the moment he stepped on the shores of this country he was truly American. He never returned to Italy he whole life…He insisted he was American and that he would not ever leave the shores of his new country. He was..a true Patriot.

Most of all, he was a good Catholic. He wasn’t a showy Catholic. He was the kind of Catholic everybody wants to be today. He lived the Faith, day in and day out. He was my inspiration for “Always Catholic”. Grandpop was Always Catholic, everyday. He had a phenomenal prayer life and did it quietly, without show. Wow!

I could talk to you all day about him, but let’s get to the Christmas Eve thing before Santa is tapping on my shoulder…LOL!

I was five years old and of course mesmerized by Christmas. What 5 year old in America with a big Italian family wouldn’t be? Christmas was so overwhelming, it even kept me quiet, sometimes…

This particular Christmas Eve, it had been snowing lightly all day and was like something out of a Christmas movie. My dad, A Display Designer in NY always decorated the house in and out like it was a set for a Christmas show. Never gaudy, truly magnificent. The splendor of growing up like that was a gift I will never forget.

Well, the house was decked, the Nativity in its’ place of prominence (sans Baby Jesus-He’s placed in the crib after Midnight Mass) and the smells of Christmas wafting through the house.

We, like many Italians in America celebrate Christmas Eve as if that’s the holiday. The Festa of the Seven Fishes is a feast that lasts from late afternoon until about 4 am. The meal is something to behold and our only break is to go to Mass at Midnight and then back again for the second party.

My story though centers around the time I spent after Mass with Grandpop. We all left for our parish about eleven o’clock pm. My grandfather was revered in the parish so our family always got a pew without having to worry about going too early.

Mass, of course, was still Latin, the church beautiful in the Italianate style and the experience ethereal. After Mass concluded, the tradition was to visit the creche and to say a prayer to the Baby Jesus and take a piece of straw from the Nativity to place with the palm from Eastertime on the Crucifix at home.

The parish was predominately Italian of course and the church always filled with old ladies in black dresses (why always black??? LOL!) and their veils and their Rosaries. They loved walking around after Mass going up to statues rubbing the hand of a particular Saint and praying at all of the side altars. This night however, was reserved for the Nativity and the Baby Jesus.

As the many people milled around after Mass, my Grandpop took me by the hand and led me up to the creche. He lifted me up so I could reach the straw. We then knelt together and prayed. I looked over at him and saw a tear roll down his cheek. I have never been more moved to this day by this simple display of faith. It shaped me for life as a Catholic. I may have been 5 at the time, but I will never forget that moment.

As we finished praying, as if almost on cue, a voice started to spontaneously sing from the back of the church. One by one,, the many people still there joined in…My Grandpop got up, picked me up and sang with the people in front of the Manger. I will never forget this Christmas hymn. It is probably the most favorite of Italians, far and wide. Maybe now, it’s becoming forgotten, but I play it always at Christmas and particularly on Christmas Eve. I want to share it today and hope you feel as I did that Christmas Eve when my Grandpop held me tight singing, his tears rolling down his face. The voices joining him sealed my heart with love for this Catholic Faith.

So, Grandpop, I pray you are in Heaven this Christmas Eve, singing Tu Scende dalle Stelle with all those old ladies to the Baby Jesus. Then, tell everybody the story how you gave me my Faith, my Christmas present that never ends…

I pray that all of you will make your own Catholic stories. It’s important, our Catholic Faith depends on it.,,

Tu scendi dalle stelle


Tu scendi dalle stelle
O Re del Cielo
E vieni in una grotta
Al freddo al gelo.
E vieni in una grotta
Al freddo al gelo.

O Bambino mio Divino
Io ti vedo qui a tremar,
O Dio Beato
Ah, quanto ti costò
L’avermi amato.
Ah, quanto ti costò
L’avermi amato.

A te che sei del mondo,
Il creatore
Mancano panni e fuoco,
O mio Signore.
Mancano panni e fuoco,
O mio Signore.

Caro eletto, Pargoletto,
Quanto questa povertà,
Piu m’innamora
Giacche ti fece amor
Povero ancora.
Giacche ti fece amor
Povero ancora.

Here’s a rough English translation of Tu scendi dalle stelle …

You Come Down from the Stars

You come down from the stars
Oh King of Heavens,
And you come in a cave
In the cold, in the frost.
And you come in a cave
In the cold, in the frost.

Oh my Divine Baby
I see you trembling here,
Oh Blessed God,
Ah, how much it cost you,
Your loving me.
Ah, how much it cost you,
Your loving me.

For you, who are of all the world
The creator,
No robes and fire,
Oh my Lord.
No robes and fire,
Oh my Lord.

Dear chosen one, little infant
This dire poverty,
Makes me love you more
Since Love made you
Poor now.
Since Love made you
Poor now.

Buon Natale,


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