Monthly Archives: January 2011

Time to Stand up for the Truth…

24 January 2011

A Challenge to Pro-Choice Conservatives

by Jennifer Miller
January 24, 2011

Most Progressives are vitriolic in their support of a “woman’s right to choose”. That’s understandable. I do not write to them. I write today to what I call the ‘fence-sitters’, the conservatives who say that they are personally opposed to abortion but believe that it is up to a woman and her doctor. I submit that this is a cowardly stance to take. President Obama, the most radically pro-abortion President in history, says as much.

Pro-choice arguments always center around women’s rights. They claim that abortion is safe, that there are no lasting emotional scars. I issue a challenge: ask a woman who had an abortion years ago and now suffers the emotional/spiritual consequences of that ‘choice’ some questions.

Ask her if she wanted the baby’s father to man up and tell her he supported her and the baby he helped to create. Ask her if she hoped against hope that he would show up and carry her out of there. Ask her if her parents were more concerned about what people would think than about their daughter and grandchild.

Ask her if she got accurate medical information. Ask her if she was seriously offered another option. Ask her if, as she lay on that cold table, with doctors and nurses joking about where they were going to lunch, she wanted to scream and run away. Then ask her if she felt like she had anywhere to go. Ask her if she has regretted that choice every single day of her life. Ask her if she thinks about what her child would look like, what he or she would have grown up to be.

Please go to Jennifer’s Blog, “TN Smart Girl” for more…

Jennifer Miller is a friend and a colleague and is truly a @TN_SmartGirl as she is so aptly named on Twitter. She is new to blogging but has the wisdom of a writer with ten times the blogging experience. I hope you will go to her blog often. I will. Her blog,is “TN Smart Girl”.God Love you, Sofia

For those who claim to be PRO-CHOICE, READ THIS & pray for forgiveness…

20 January 2011

DA: Pa. abortion doc killed 7 babies with scissors

Associated Press
Maryclaire Dale And Patrick Walters,
Wed Jan 19, 2011

PHILADELPHIA – A doctor whose abortion clinic was described as a filthy, foul-smelling “house of horrors” that was overlooked by regulators for years was charged Wednesday with murder, accused of delivering seven babies alive and then using scissors to kill them.

Dr. Kermit Gosnell was also charged with murder in the death of a woman who suffered an overdose of painkillers while awaiting an abortion.

In a nearly 300-page grand jury report filled with ghastly, stomach-turning detail, prosecutors said Pennsylvania regulators ignored complaints of barbaric conditions at Gosnell’s clinic, which catered to poor, immigrant and minority women in the city’s impoverished West Philadelphia section.

Prosecutors called the case a “complete regulatory collapse.”

“Pennsylvania is not a Third World country,” the district attorney’s office declared in the report. “There were several oversight agencies that stumbled upon and should have shut down Kermit Gosnell long ago.”

Gosnell, 69, was arrested and charged with eight counts of murder in all. Nine of Gosnell’s employees — including his wife, a cosmetologist who authorities say performed abortions — also were charged.

Prosecutors said Gosnell made millions of dollars over three decades performing thousands of dangerous abortions, many of them illegal late-term procedures. His clinic had no trained nurses or medical staff other than Gosnell, a family physician not certified in obstetrics or gynecology, prosecutors said.

At least two women died from the procedures, while scores more suffered perforated bowels, cervixes and uteruses, authorities said.

Under Pennsylvania law, abortions are illegal after 24 weeks of pregnancy, or just under six months, and most doctors won’t perform them after 20 weeks because of the risks, prosecutors said.

In a typical late-term abortion, the fetus is dismembered in the uterus and then removed in pieces. That is more common than the procedure opponents call “partial-birth abortion,” in which the fetus is partially extracted before being destroyed. Prosecutors said Gosnell instead delivered many of the babies alive.

He “induced labor, forced the live birth of viable babies in the sixth, seventh, eighth month of pregnancy and then killed those babies by cutting into the back of the neck with scissors and severing their spinal cord,” District Attorney Seth Williams said.

Gosnell referred to it as “snipping,” prosecutors said.

Prosecutors estimated Gosnell ended hundreds of pregnancies by cutting the spinal cords, but they said they couldn’t prosecute more cases because he destroyed files.

“These killings became so routine that no one could put an exact number on them,” the grand jury report said. “They were considered ‘standard procedure.’”

Defense attorney William J. Brennan, who represented Gosnell during the investigation, said: “Obviously, these allegations are very, very serious.”

The grand jury report came out a day after new Republican Gov. Tom Corbett took office. Spokesman Kevin Harley pledged that Corbett’s administration, through his new health secretary, would do more to oversee such clinics.

“What needs to be done is regulators, whether on the local or state or federal level, need to properly regulate, inspect and do their jobs,” Harley said. “The safety of our citizens should be first and foremost.”

Authorities raided Gosnell’s clinic early last year in search of drug violations and stumbled upon “a house of horrors,” Williams said. Bags and bottles holding aborted fetuses “were scattered throughout the building,” the district attorney said. “There were jars, lining shelves, with severed feet that he kept for no medical purpose.”

Prosecutors said the place reeked of cat urine because of the animals that were allowed to roam freely, furniture and blankets were stained with blood, instruments were not properly sterilized, and disposable medical supplies were used over and over.

Gosnell didn’t advertise, but word got around. Women came from across the city, state and region for illegal late-term abortions, authorities said. They paid $325 for first-trimester abortions and $1,600 to $3,000 for abortions up to 30 weeks. The clinic took in $10,000 to $15,000 a day, authorities said.

“People knew near and far that if you needed a late-term abortion you could go see Dr. Gosnell,” Williams said.

White women from the suburbs were ushered into a separate, slightly cleaner area because Gosnell believed they were more likely to file complaints, Williams said.

Few if any of the sedated patients knew their babies had been delivered alive and then killed, prosecutors said. Many were first-time mothers who were told they were 24 weeks pregnant, even if they were much further along, authorities said.

Prosecutors said Gosnell falsified the ultrasound examinations that determine how far along a pregnancy is, teaching his staff to hold the probe in such a way that the fetus would look smaller.

Gosnell sometimes joked about the babies, saying one was so large he could “walk me to the bus stop,” according to the report.

State regulators ignored complaints about Gosnell and the 46 lawsuits filed against him, and made just five annual inspections, most satisfactory, since the clinic opened in 1979, authorities said. The inspections stopped completely in 1993 because of what prosecutors said was the pro-abortion rights attitude that set in after Democratic Gov. Robert Casey, an abortion foe, left office.

Williams accused state Health Department officials of “utter disregard” for the safety of women undergoing abortion, and said the testimony of agency officials “enraged” the grand jury. But he said he could find no criminal offenses with which they could be charged, in part because too much time has elapsed.

“These officials were far more protective of themselves when they testified before the grand jury. Even (Health Department) lawyers, including the chief counsel, brought private attorneys with them — presumably at government expense,” the report said.

The state’s reluctance to investigate, under several administrations, may stem partly from the sensitivity of the abortion debate, Williams said. Nonetheless, he called Gosnell’s conduct a clear case of murder.

“A doctor who with scissors cuts into the necks, severing the spinal cords of living, breathing babies who would survive with proper medical attention commits murder under the law,” he said. “Regardless of one’s feelings about abortion, whatever one’s beliefs, that is the law.”

Four clinic employees were also charged with murder, and five more, including Gosnell’s wife, Pearl, with conspiracy, drug and other crimes. All were in custody. Gosnell’s wife performed extremely late-term abortions on Sundays, the report said.

One of the murder charges against Gosnell involves a woman seeking an abortion, Karnamaya Mongar, who authorities said died in 2009 because she was given too much of the painkiller Demerol and other drugs.

Gosnell wasn’t at the clinic at the time. His staff administered the drugs repeatedly as they waited for him to arrive at night, as was his custom, the grand jury found.

Mongar and her husband, Ash, had fled their native Bhutan and spent nearly 20 years in camps in Nepal. They had three children. A man who answered the phone Wednesday at a listing for Ash Mongar in Virginia did not speak English, while their daughter did not immediately return a message.

The malpractice suits filed against Gosnell include one over the death of a 22-year-old Philadelphia woman, a mother of two, who died of a bloodstream infection and a perforated uterus in 2000. Gosnell sometimes sewed up such injuries without telling the women about the complications, prosecutors said.

Gosnell earned his medical degree from Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia and is board certified in family practice. He started, but did not finish, a residency in obstetrics-gynecology, authorities said.

Assistant District Attorney Joanne Pescatore said: “He does not know how to do an abortion. Once he got them there, he saw dollar signs and did abortions that other people wouldn’t do.”

For the babies and the women murdered at this hellish place…”Eternal Rest Grant unto them O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them, May the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace,  Amen.”

Hey Sofia, where are you?

16 January 2011

Ok, so my wonderful, loyal and joyful readers are emailing & tweeting wondering where I am and what’s up.

Well, if you have been reading AlwaysCatholicBlog the past eleven months, you might know that I have had some annoying health issues. Now, I am pleased to say that I am hanging in there fighting tough, getting better everyday.

Sometimes,however, the schedule gets a little tough and if I am not exactly at the top of my game, the blog takes the hit. When I am feeling well, I get the posts out and your response is so overwhelmingly positive!

December 26th was one of the good days (healthwise-yes…blog-well,kinda yes). Two posts, one about my Christmas experiences as a child and a piece on The Twisters had such a tremendous response that we crashed for lack of bandwidth. As a good friend said to me..”that’s not a bad problem to have, LOL!”

That is true…To look at it with with the “glass half full” outlook, people are reading us! So, work had to be done to get us back up and luckily we have two fantastic people here, Mary (@AncientSoul) and Sean (@Commonpatriot) worked hard together to get us back up. Without them..Always Catholic wouldn’t be up.

I would like to take this time to thank Mary our Website Designer for clocking the long hours and Sean (my better half to be) for running the point. Now, originally I had hoped to use the time directly after Christmas to get the blog where I needed it to be…for it to be worthy of our readers.

I had made all of you a promise that we were going to be on a daily blog schedule and some subtle but important changes (…just really organized and fresh content everyday) I had said we would do this by January 1, 2011. As you can see I couldn’t make the deadline I set for myself.

Living now in a Long Term Care and Cardiac Rehab Center until I am well enough to resume life in the world ( and I will be!) should tell me something. But nooooooo! I act as if I am able to work sixteen hour days sleep four and pray the other four. Guess what? Hasn’t worked. I am battling an illness that I can live with as long as I don’t act like I am invincible.

God has provided opportunities for me in obedience and humility that I have ignored along the way. Saying that, I have a story I heard from a very good friend who is a priest and most of you have probably already know. Indulge me as I share this with you.

There was a priest who was a pastor of a church in a small town. One spring, the rains were heavier than normal and the town was in the middle of a flood.The waters had risen so fast that the priest had no time to get out of the church to higher and safer ground. He climbed up on the roof of the Church and began praying for God to save him and God assured him that he would be rescued. A short time later a man came along in a row boat and offered to take him to safety but he refused. He told the man in the row boat, “I’m fine, God’s going to save me. Don’t worry.” So the man in the row boat left. The man kept praying but the waters continued to rise. A few hours later some men in a speed boat came along and offered to take the priest to safety. Again he refused and said, “I’m fine, God’s going to save me.” The men in the speed boat left and the waters continued to rise. The man kept praying and a few hours later a helicopter appeared over the church which was now almost completely submerged under the flood waters. The helicopter crew lowered a ladder for the priest to climb up but he waved them off and shouted “Don’t worry, I’m fine, God’s going to save me.” The waters kept rising and a few hours later the priest drowned. When he got to the Pearly Gates he began complaining to St. Peter that God had told him that He would save him but hadn’t done it. St. Peter asked him who he thought had sent the man in the row boat, the men in the speed boat, and the helicopter…

Hmmmm…. God has sent me the row boat, I refused to take the help. He has sent me the speed boat and again I refused the help…Finally, the helicopter has arrived and I decided, hmmm, maybe I should take this ride.

The helicopter is coming in the form of a young student that could help us get the blog rolling on a schedule and providing the type of regular content all of you have supported since our inception in March 2010. Always Catholic will have the services of an intern who will help us get up to par with WordPress while we write the articles.The young lady will get to add to her portfolio while we get out our best to you.

I would love to say that I promise we will be ready in the next couple of days, but I cannot. I will tell you though, that we will post as much as possible during our “mini-renovation” time. I will promise that we will work hard to get AlwaysCatholicBlog producing as it should everyday except Sundays & Holy Days of Obligation (unless of course there is a special Mass to post for those days…we will post those events the evening before).

I promise to be obedient to Our Lord and take care to be well for His work.Given that, I promise to listen to my Doctor, rest and not work like a workaholic. I promise to pray for all of you everyday and ask that you pray for me in return.

I promise to do God’s Will and accept the helicopter ride because it’s the right thing to do and I’m not Superwoman. All I ask from you, our loyal and devoted readers, are your prayers and your continued loyalty.

Today I am here with
(Sarah) working hard to get us ready for our new intern.

Only great days ahead when you do God’s Will!

God Love you,

Sofia & Company

Santo Subito!

15 January 2011

For many, beatification announcement confirms long-held sentiment

By Carol Zimmermann
Catholic News Service

WASHINGTON (CNS) — The news of Pope John Paul II’s upcoming beatification was welcomed by many as a confirmation of something they already felt from the moment the shouts of “Santo subito!” (“Sainthood now!”) reverberated through St. Peter’s Square at the pontiff’s funeral.

Many in the crowd were young people who had a special affinity to Pope John Paul, whose pontificate started and ended with a special greeting to young people. During his installation ceremony in 1978, the newly named pope told youths: “You are the future of the world, you are the hope of the church, you are my hope.”

And his last words, reportedly delivered hours before his death, were also to youths, in response to the thousands of young people praying and singing in St. Peter’s Square.

“I sought you and now you have come to me. … I thank you,” said the pontiff, who died April 2, 2005 at age 84.

Basilian Father Thomas Rosica, founder and CEO of Canada’s Salt and Light Television, said it was no coincidence that he heard the news of the pontiff’s beatification while attending a meeting in Spain for the upcoming World Youth Day.

“A thunderous, sustained, standing ovation followed the announcement,” he said in a Jan. 14 statement.

The priest, national director for World Youth Day 2002 in Toronto, said the date for the beatification, May 1, is also no coincidence. Not only is it Divine Mercy Sunday, but it is also the feast of St. Joseph the Worker, known as “May Day” on secular calendars.

“Communists and socialists around the world commemorate May Day with marches, speeches and festivals,” he said, adding that it was fitting that “the man who was a unique instrument and messenger in bringing down the Iron Curtain and the deadly reign of communism and godlessness will be declared blessed” that day.

Father Rosica said the announcement is “the formal confirmation of what many of us always knew as we experienced the Holy Father in action throughout his pontificate” particularly among youths, noting that one of the pope’s gifts to the church was his establishment of World Youth Day.

Tim Massie, the chief public affairs officer and adjunct professor of communication and religious studies at Marist College in Poughkeepsie, N.Y., called the news of Pope John Paul II’s upcoming beatification a “morale boost” especially for Catholics in the United States “where sex abuse scandals, financial crises and disagreements with church hierarchy have dramatically affected parishes, dioceses and the faithful in the pews.”

Because of the pope’s extensive travels in the United States, he said, “there are literally millions of people who were touched by his charisma and holiness.” The pope visited the United States seven times and in each visit urged Catholics to use their freedom responsibly and to preserve the sacredness and value of human life.

In an e-mail to Catholic News Service, Massie said the “general public already considers John Paul II a saint and those who saw him, listened to him, prayed with him, already believed they met a saint — not a future saint, but someone who, like Mother Teresa, lived out the Gospel message in his everyday life.”

Michele Dillon, who chairs the department of sociology at the University of New Hampshire in Durham, said she believes most American Catholics will welcome John Paul II’s beatification.

She described him as the “first cosmopolitan pope for a cosmopolitan age, and his warm, energetic, and telegenic personality served him well on his many trips to all parts of the globe.”

Dillon remarked that it would “be interesting to see whether his beatification, at this time of uncertain commitment among the faithful, will reignite a new spark of church engagement especially among the generation who as teenagers turned out in force” for World Youth Day events.

Dennis Doyle, University of Dayton religious studies professor, noted that many U.S. Catholics didn’t understand the pope and wondered how he “could be liberal on social issues but yet so conservative on church issues. He was consistent in a way that was difficult for some people in the U.S. to understand.”

“But ultimately, he is being beatified because he was loved throughout the world and is recognized iconically as a holy person,” he added.

Tony Melendez, the armless guitarist whose embrace by Pope John Paul electrified an audience during the pope’s 1987 visit to Los Angeles, said he had always considered his encounters with the pontiff “like I got to meet a living saint.”

Melendez, in a phone interview with CNS while en route to his Missouri home, said he got to see Pope John Paul six more times, including a private audience at the Vatican about a year and a half after the 1987 U.S. pastoral visit.

“He remembered me,” Melendez remarked. “And he said, ‘Oh! My friend from Los Angeles!” without me saying anything. He hugged my head after I was (done) playing a song. … To me, he was a wonderful man who did great things.”

Told of the May 1 beatification date, Melendez said, “If I can be there, I want to go. I’ll make some time to go. He was a living saint, in my heart.”

Contributing to this report was Mark Pattison.

Pro-life champion John Paul II to be beatified

15 January 2011


by Patrick B. Craine ROME, Italy, January 14, 2011 ( – Venerable John Paul II (1920-2005), a beloved model and leader to many in the pro-life and pro-family movement, is to be beatified on May 1st, the Vatican announced Friday. The announcement comes after the miraculous healing of a French nun was confirmed Tuesday by the Congregation for the Causes of Saints. Sr. Marie Simon Pierre Normand, a religious of the ‘Institut des Petites Soeurs des Maternites Catholiques’ who had suffered from Parkinson’s disease, was determined to have made a scientifically inexplicable recovery, which has been attributed by the Vatican to the late pope’s intercession.

The beatification decree, issued by the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, describes John Paul II’s pontificate as “an eloquent and clear sign, not only for Catholics, but also for world public opinion, for people of all colour and creed.”

More here…

Best Political Story of the Year-The Twisters!

2 January 2011

Ending 2010 with the Best of the Rest

The last few months I have been trying to write a piece about a dynamic group of conservative women named, “The Twisters”. My health (or lack of) had forced me to put the piece off since before the November 2nd Election. Originally, I wanted to feature The Twisters and their their partnership with the Contract from America .  The candidates they supported had to sign it during their campaigns in order to be a Twister-endorsed candidate. Their “Twister Money Bomb” campaign for these candidates was featured on The Twisters Blog, The Twisters Money Bomb and on their Facebook page, simply titled, The Twisters.

I wanted to see the how and why of what these fearless women were actually doing. I figured just checking out their organization with the “Contract from America” and seeing which candidates they had backed actually won and for which office would be enough for a post about these gals. I was wrong…(Yup, I said it… LOL!)

I have to say that I was so impressed with their Purpose:“We’re here to walk the Conservative talk” and similarly, their Mission Statement: “To vet, back, and promote conservative candidates who have signed the Contract from America.” Additionally, they hit the homerun with me with their explanation of just what and who “The Twisters” are: “A tightly knit group of superpower wielding, patriotic, conservative bad-asses of the female kind.” Hoo-rah!

Before I get into my Rave about the girls, let me fill you in on their story as I have it from The Twisters themselves (with the help of Tina @0402sgrl on Twitter).

Our history is short and sweet. We ran into each other while ranting on Twitter. None of us had met before but we immediately recognized kindred spirits. I believe @Suziplasse came up with the term “Twisters” meaning Twitter Sisters but it soon became a double entendre. We are a force of nature both individually and together. We started chatting on conference calls and eventually it congealed into this organization dedicated to promoting conservative candidates. We have widely varying backgrounds but come together over our love of this country.

We are (in alphabetical order):


* Name Tina Marie
* Location Cradle of Liberty
* Web:
* Bio: USMC Wife, mom of 2, political junky, wayy conservative. Member of @theTwisters!

2,540 Following 3,172 Followers 328 Listed


* Name: The Supreme
* Location: Western PA
* Web:
* Bio: Force of Nature! Christian&ReaganCon God/Guns/Military Loving wife of @nukneutron. Founding Member: @TheTWISTERS American & NO APOLOGY! (aka 1SG50)

897 Following 3,964 Followers 422 Listed


* Name: Green Eyed Warrior
* Web:
* Bio: Founding member of The Twisters trying to return America to glory once again. Criminal Justice Major I’M FABULOUS! #twisters If you are a LIB DON’T FOLLOW!!

1,025 Following 3,175 Followers 399 Listed


* Name: Kimberly Morin
* Location: Massachusetts
* Web:
* Bio: A Conservative Independent who wants to UNITE and FIGHT for what is RIGHT for America!!!!!!!!

3,257 Following 7,468 Followers 847 Listed


* Name: Reagan Republican
* Location: The Republic of TX!!
* Bio: Reagan Republican, HOOAH!!!! Radio DJ passionate about the USA, our Warriors and Heros. Fighting for FREEDOM & LIBERTY! RLTW! #twister #SOT #HONORVETS

6,603 Following 6,039 Followers 426 Listed

* Name: Galt’s Girl
* Location: Behind The Obama Curtain
* Web
* Bio: Earning my way.

1,203 Following 2,940 Followers 267 Listed


* Name: Teri Peters
* Location: San Diego, CA
* Web:
* Bio: Conservative. Rockin’ the Left Coast Right 1 tweet at a time! Happily Married to Marine Vet! All posts are My Opinion.

14,622 Following 14,754 Followers 1,289 Listed


* Name: Rune
* Location: Next Door To Someone Else
* Web: * Bio: Air Force brat, Army Wife, RWE, Founding Twister, keeping a country for them to come home to.

2,401 Following 3,087 Followers 351 Listed


* Name: Suzi Q
* Web
* Bio: The question isn’t, ‘Who’s going to let me’; the question is, ‘Who is going to stop me?’ One of the Founding #Twisters & true Conservative Punk.

1,046 Following 3,004 Followers 336 Listed

As a group they have a Twitter page from where @TheTwisters tweet info as a group and direct followers to their blog and FB page. Please go to and on Facebook to their page called, “The Twisters”.

The Twisters hail from all over our beloved USA and they all are VOLUNTEERS…

Sofia’s Rave

I was lucky enough to have someone tell me about the Twisters not long after their organization came together. I started to follow them watching tweets and thinking, “WTH?” Why? Because NEVER before have I seen something come together so naturally in such a dynamic way in politics.

These women (noted above) epitomized the trend in America of conservative, smart, hard-working and patriotic women leading the way. Yes, we have been blessed with quite a few celebrity conservative women working the cable stations and making us proud. But as a grassroots organization this is the first group to pull itself together so quickly, so strongly and in such an organized way, it really impressed myself and many conservatives with whom I have had the pleasure of discussing Twister-mania!

These women pulled together a brand with such a timely fashion, it made my head spin. Impressed?, You bet. For quite a few years, I did business consulting and these gals…well…they are the goods.

What really moved me to pick their story as the political story of the year for ACBlog? The Twisters are about hope. I know, I know you’re thinking, PUH-LEEZ. you didn’t say “HOPE” did you, Sofia? Yep, I did. Mr. O at 16th & Pennsylvania NW hijacked the word but that doesn’t mean we can’t use the word so beautifully phrased throughout Scripture.Hah!

These women are the example to all of us about standing up and working for what we believe in. THAT’S why this is the best political story of the year. These women embody the American spirit. We are exceptional as a nation and The Twisters are the example of that very exceptionalism.

The Twisters will continue their success into 2012, I am sure. They are called to help us get back the very freedom being torn from our grasp.So, if you want to make a difference…go to their website, “The Twisters Money Bomb”, to their Facebook page, “The Twisters” and of course follow @TheTwisters on Twitter as well as each of the Twisters individually on Twitter (see above for links).

Know one thing: as long as there are women like The Twisters, there is hope for America because behind all successful men there ARE great women…like The Twisters…HOO-RAH!

For Twister gear, (so very hip, logo is definitely a icebreaker!) go to the girls Cafe Press page here.


Thank you and God Love you all,

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