Monthly Archives: March 2010

First Recording of a Pope circa 1903 from Creative Minority Report 3/30

30 March 2010

From our astute colleagues at Creative Minority Report, a recording and film of Pope Leo XIII. In a day and age where every move Pope Bendict makes is recorded let us realize that the technology can be used for good. Viva Pope Benedict XVI in the spirit of Pope Leo XIII!

“This is kinda’ cool. The first ever recording of a Pope. Pope Leo XIII recites the Ave Maria.”

“Pope Leo was also the first Pope to be filmed on a motion picture camera.”

Posted by matthew archbold at 6:30 PM on Creative Minority Report

How Does Your Garden Grow? ……

30 March 2010

Operation Garden Plot

[Acquired via a circuitous route from the Internet. Sources have been deleted to protect their identity. Thanks to the tireless work of you guys out there. If the guy(s) who gathered this great scoop wish to be identified, please email me. Forest<> ]

The United States Civil Disturbance Plan 55-2

The following information was obtained under the Freedom of Information Act. The original printing was of June 1, 1984. The information herein is UNCLASSIFIED and does not come within the scope of directions governing the protection of information affecting the national security.
It took a little more than three years to obtain a full copy of Operation Garden Plot from the U.S. Government, and was done so under the freedom of information act for unclassified documents. The implications within the full context of this document should make the hair on the back of your head stand on end!!!!!
In this document signed by the Secretary of the Army, is hereby assigned as DOD Executive Agent for civil disturbance control operations. Under Plan 55-2 he is to use airlift and logistical support, in assisting appropriate military commanders in the 50 states, District of Columbia, and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and US possessions and territories, or any political subdivision thereof.
The official name of this project is called “Operation Garden Plot.”

Hutaree Raided by ATF, Charged with Sedition: What about Mosques

30 March 2010
Monday, March 29, 2010   by jrchaard

In a previous post, I mentioned that the Obama administration will now move toward silencing the opposition. This morning, news broke that a “christian” militia group was raided with 9 taken into custody. This group, called the Hataree, were initially only quoted from their website as saying that they would defend themselves and other Christians as well as defend the Word. I immediately wrote a blog that said it sounded fishy and a little bit of a stretch for them to get raided. I removed my post when it came out that they were planning attacks against police, which is indefensible. I would not want to appear in any way to support such a thing, which I still do not.
However, it is now coming out that they are being charged with sedition, conspiracy to commit violence. Now that sent me right back into smelling something fishing. Of course, our good friends at the ATF, responsible for the deaths of 20+ children in Waco, TX, were responsible for the raid. Now, we must certainly take action against those that intend to commit violence, but I question how sedition is being used here. How many left activist have threatened and even caused violence. Hello weather-underground and Obama’s good friend, David Ayers. How many mosques are preaching hate and violence against our government. So, is it not odd that a “right wing christian” group would be the source of our first charge of sedition in my memory. This is scary stuff.
Scarier still is to read the indictment. I wonder why this hasn’t been applied to the left. Why we haven’t heard a case since 1961 of the Smith Act being applied.

Editors note: I would strongly caution Christians not to hand out reasons on silver platters to the ‘authorities’ that would justify them coming down on us full force. As Christians, we need to remember what Jesus taught. Yes, we can DEFEND ourselves … this does NOT mean to cause harm FIRST. If just HALF the effort of organizing violence was put into SERIOUS PENANCE & PRAYER, I think it would do a world of good … in this world AND the NEXT!
God save the USA!

Pueri Hebraeorum – Tomás Luis de Victoria for Palm Sunday

28 March 2010

Palm Sunday at St. Peter's Square: Pope says Jesus the right path for becoming truly human

28 March 2010

Pope: Sacrifices are possible if they have meaning

28 March 2010

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