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Various aspects of Wikipedia can be monitored with RSS or Atom feeds, to make it easier to keep track of changes.


[edit] RSS Feeds on Wikipedia

[edit] Atom (1.0) Feeds on Wikipedia

  • Changes to any Wikipedia article: go to the article's history page and use the toolbox link labeled "atom" to subscribe to this feed
  • Recent changes (alternatively: go to Special:Recentchanges and use the toolbox link labeled "atom" to subscribe to this feed)
  • New Pages (alternatively: go to Special:Newpages and use the toolbox link labeled "atom" to subscribe to this feed)

[edit] Externally hosted RSS Feeds of Wikipedia pages

Scraped feeds from Wikipedia pages:

[edit] XML exports

You can export the contents of a particular article or set of articles in XML format via the Special:Export page. This special page allowed exporting the history of the page as well, but this feature is currently disabled for performance reasons. The article history was presented as a separate content-entry for each revision, from earliest to most recent.

[edit] See also

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