THOMAS is Now on

Last week I discussed THOMAS off of THOMAS, and this week I’m happy to announce there is another location to add to the list:  The 111th and 112th Congresses have been added to the basic search: By including THOMAS in your search, you will be guided to the “Bill Summary & Status” containing information …

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While I love it when people use THOMAS, I also like the idea of other good sources enabling the public to learn about legislation that will affect us.  THOMAS is an incredibly valuable tool, but there are areas of information that other sites use and enhance.  I’ve mentioned two examples before, where video is added …

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Lame Duck

Now that the 111th Congress is officially over, we can start preparing for the 112th!  Since the election in November, the House and Senate were busy putting the final touches on several pieces of legislation.   This is commonly referred to as a lame-duck session.  So what is a lame-duck session? When Congress is in …

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Happy Thanksgiving!

Although I’m from New Zealand, my mother is American and my family gets together with other American Kiwis to celebrate Thanksgiving each year.  However, as there is no public holiday for this day, we tend to need to improvise with dates, with Thanksgiving dinner generally occurring on a weekend some time between October and January.  …

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UK Legal Resources Provided Online by the Law Library of Congress

I have decided to take advantage of the blog to draw a little attention to some of the legal research aids for my primary jurisdiction, the United Kingdom, that we have available online through the Law Library of Congress website.  There are a mixture of resources available from this site on the U.K., from research guides …

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Happy Veterans Day!

Whether or not you’re enjoying the day off, take a minute today to explore the Library’s Veterans History Project. There’s also a bill in THOMAS, S.Res. 670, that would designate this week beginning on Monday, November 8, 2010, as “National Veterans History Project Week.” Want to learn more about Veterans Day?  The Department of Veterans …

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Our First Century of Lawmaking and More

While I frequently mention THOMAS, I should point out that other parts of our website also feature legislative information, especially historic information.  We have one of the most complete collections of U.S. Congressional documents in their original format.  A Century of Lawmaking For a New Nation provides access to U.S. congressional documents and debates from …

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