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‘Deport Piers Morgan’ Creator Flips Out On Morgan’s Show: 1776 Will Commence Again If Guns Taken Away

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Tonight Piers Morgan sat down with the creator of a White House petition to get him deported from the United States. Alex Jones was fired up throughout the entire interview, launching into a series of loud tirades against Morgan and gun control every few seconds. Every time Morgan tried to ask a question, Jones continued to pile through with his arguments.

Jones said the point of the petition was to bring attention to the fact that United States has a bunch of foreigners bragging about taking away the guns of Americans while the gov’t amasses more weapons for themselves. He said that the Second Amendment isn’t for “duck-hunting,” it’s to protect us from “tyrannical government.” He raised his voice to declare to Morgan, “1776 will commence again if you try to take our firearms!”

Morgan attempted to explain that the United States has significantly more gun murders than England, but Jones dismissed the argument outright. He called England a “police state,” telling Morgan he “fled” to the United States, going so far as to call Morgan a “hatchet man of the New World Order.”

Morgan tried to patiently walk through the finer points of the gun control debate with Jones, but he went on tirade after tirade on an ever-angrier series of tangents. Jones repeatedly criticized Morgan for trying to trip him off with “little factoids” instead of getting to the heart of the gun debate.

Watch part one of the interview below, courtesy of CNN:

And part two:

UPDATE: Watch Piers Morgan and Alan Dershowitz’s reaction to the heated interview HERE.


Follow Josh Feldman on Twitter: @feldmaniac

  • Andrew C Eden-Balfour

    Yeeeesh, talk about a bizarre viewpoint of the world this guy has.

  • ItalicizedMalice

    It would be funny if these people were not armed to the teeth. Millions tune in to hear Jones’ rants. I will be shocked if we make it through ’13 without a politician getting shot by a follower of Jones or Beck or someone else with paranoid and hyperbolic rage.

    Not funny. Scary

  • http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=48805881 Michael Fitz-Gibbon

    There is no “New World Order”, Alex. It’s the same old one, they just bedazzled it.

  • X X

    Alex Jones is a F’ing LUNATIC.

  • Anonymous

    Another proud tea-party moment.

  • http://twitter.com/milynily jo gibson

    Think maybe they’ll be coming for Alexs guns sooner than he planned? What a goober.

  • http://twitter.com/mdcdnmf Matthew

    Well Piers was outmatched, and unprepared for a guest with his foot on the pedal full throttle. I’l give him credit by giving Alex the last word to talk about his 911 conspiracy, just enough rope to hang himself.

  • Jonathan Cantor

    And we were all made dumber by considering the both of em.

  • Anonymous

    Alex Jones is not the Tea Party

  • Granny is ALIVE!!!!

    I’m SOOOOOOOOOOO glad he came on Piers show….now everyday, normal, non ‘baggin’ Americans could see what a bunch of loons these far right whackjobs really are.

    This Alex Jones guy should be damn embarassed about his behavior…but I’m sure he and “his kind” were probably proud of the absolute meltdown he just went through tonite.

  • Ben Dover

    Are you kidding! That was one of his proudest moments….ever!

  • Anonymous

    Haha, good thing guys like him have guns :S

  • Anonymous

    I expected him to produce a gun and shoot Piers.
    This guy has a radio show????
    I think they should have given give him a Valium.

  • freedomrocks4

    Alex needs to lay off the coffee, maybe cut back to 10 a day pal

  • Anonymous

    They’re both lunatics that think a return to the 1700′s would be a good thing.

  • Anonymous

    Does Piers Morgan not know any better than to let this dooms day prepper nut-job platform on mainstream television to spout absolute insanity.

    Surely his New world order predictions have come true. Time for him to eat his own lead before he goes totally postal

  • Anonymous

    Alex Jones is a rising star of the Tea Party movement.

  • 31Forever

    Sorry, Cool, but I’m going to agree with Chimp.

    This guy is not a Tea Partier. He’s more of a “sovereign citizen” or a “New World Order” guy.

    He’s what the British would call a “nutter”.

  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mB6ym9oc4IQ GrammaticallyIndependent

    I can’t believe someone let Alex Jones on television.

  • Anonymous

    Hmmm….I kind of like the word “nutter” better anyway.

  • 31Forever

    I just watched this happen live on CNN, and this guy is a spittle-flinging, dark-side-of-the-moon-type lunatic.

    This guy has the right to say and believe anything he wants, but can someone please explain to me why someone thinks it’s a good idea to give him a radio program to promote that forum?

  • http://www.facebook.com/pattistone57 Patricia Dean Stone

    He is a perfect example of who should NOT be armed. Scary dude!

  • http://www.facebook.com/people/Clifford-Elisary/100003947040755 Clifford Elisary

    I don’t own a Gun don’t play on getting one but if i ever did it would be to protect myself against guys like this Prick!!!!! I don’t worry about Gang members or criminals as far as i know all of these massacres have been guys like this fool!!!!

  • freedomrocks4

    The guy appears nuts

  • Tom

    “Stop with your stupid ‘facts’ and listen to my fear-inducing rhetoric already!” – Alex Jones, perfectly summing up the current state of the gun control debate in this country.

  • Anonymous

    he is a hardcore One World Order conspiracy theorist

  • Anonymous

    Is that you Alex Jones,voting down comments about your performance.
    Or someone here agrees with him:-)

  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mB6ym9oc4IQ GrammaticallyIndependent

    Yes I am finished… suicide mass murder pills!!

    The shame of it (well, some of the shame) is that there is a reasonable, sensible argument against certain gun restrictions, but this is certainly not it.

  • 31Forever

    And, for the record: he really needs to not just read, but absorb, what the definition of a “republic” is.

    What we live in now is a “republic”.

    What Jones is threatening if the government “comes to take his guns away” would actually be termed a “revolution”…..

  • Anonymous

    Why do Americans always get stats and history so wrong on facts outside their home country. Dissapointing that he cant even get basic British facts right.

    Correlation does not equal causation

  • freedomrocks4

    His wits went bye bye long ago…. I never heard of him though, but i guess i am nothing missing much

  • dstouffermd

    Have you ever watched his YouTube channel? The madness displayed is as concerning as it is entertaining. I remember one where he was ranting about some other internet show host while shirtless.

  • Anonymous

    Alex Jones is pretty much a nut and just ranting at Pierce, but I know some accomplished leftist trolls here probably smiled with delight at the Daily Mirror burn

  • Anonymous

    No one is talking about taking all guns away, perhaps high capacity magazines and selected assault weapons but NOTHING else.
    Jones is a human manure spreader known for being a wacko paranoid dolt.

  • http://twitter.com/TREdingplaces Tre Davis

    If that’s who wants to argue for gun rights, HA, please proceed.

  • dstouffermd

    A right nutter. =)

  • Anonymous

    Hahaha. This was hilarious. Clearly a lunatic, I bet the NRA is thrilled when nutjobs like this make this type of performance. Haha.

  • Anonymous

    Wow. There are so many legitimate pro-second amendment arguments to be made, but Alex Jones just goes out there and fulfills just about every negative stereotype he could.

  • Anonymous

    Talk about DEEP FRIED.

  • Someguy

    I like how Alex Jones said
    the second Amendment isn’t for “duck-hunting,”
    Whilst he created a petition to have Piers Morgan deported because he did not like what piers said.

  • Anonymous

    semi-autos and high capacity magazines can’t be the only target, if it is, the gun control movement is a farce. There was a semi-auto ban when Columbine happened, for instance. Gun control either has to be much more restrictive or forget about it. That’s why I think the semi-auto thing is just a starting point. No serious gun control person would really be satisfied with just that I think

  • http://www.facebook.com/allen.saenz.90 Allen Saenz

    Alex Jones did the movement absolutely NO Favors tonight. Even the most unabashed Alex supporters would have to agree that an interview of this ilk may NOT be Alex’s strongsuit.

  • Anonymous

    He’s drunk.

  • http://www.facebook.com/people/Warren-Raymond/571222564 Warren Raymond

    Looks as this website is an exclusive club for “reasonable, sensible” left-handed wankers….

  • Someguy

    Holy crap that guy is completely insane..

  • Anonymous

    Many more measures to take regarding sales at gun shows etc.
    It’s far beyond your stupid paranoid fantasy “they’re gonna take my guns”.
    Get a grip!

    Again, no one is seriously talking about taking all guns away, it just isn’t going to happen for many reasons. A return of the assault weapons ban? New very strict rules on guns sales? Expect that to be in the future.

  • Anonymous

    The same could be asked about Glenn Beck. Haha. But I guess Beck takes some of his meds whereas clearly this guy does not.

  • http://www.facebook.com/allen.saenz.90 Allen Saenz

    Read my comment below. I agree with many of Alex Jones’s viewpoints, BUT unlike Mark Dice (who can conduct a fairly straightforward NON-AGRESSIVE interview, Alex Jones looks like a blithering idiot on Piers’s show (as he did on THE VIEW)

  • http://twitter.com/BlackWolf_8 Vince

    alex jones is hilariously dumb.

  • Anonymous

    He’s drunk…..on insanity.

  • Anonymous


  • Anonymous

    Piers did a public service letting this idiot spew his ignorant diatribes about conspiracies, etc. Now, no logical person will take this idiot seriously, since he refused to/couldn’t answer simple questions.

  • Anonymous

    This was brilliant! Just let him make a total and complete *ss of himself.

    What a lunatic.

  • Anonymous

    Nuts? The guy is the king of all nuts. He is the biggest conspiracy theorist alive.

  • http://www.facebook.com/allen.saenz.90 Allen Saenz

    And that is the tragic part. Alex has made many cogent points before. This pretty much ruins his credibillity

  • http://www.facebook.com/KatieAndJefferysDad Jeffery Thomas

    Alex spoke well-clearly a tirade-but he made his point. Let
    the pacifist liberal utopians keep sipping their Kool-Aid. It won’t matter
    anyway. They will succumb to a tyrannical government just like the millions
    aforementioned by Alex Jones. Research your history. The elitist will join in
    unity destroying those who refuse to obey. Even Mr. Morgan will fade into
    oblivion once he meet’s his adversary. Oh yeah, he’d best not return to the
    Motherland. They’re waiting to take him away, so he’s a hypocrite anyway. Time to
    be deported Piers-see ya!

  • Anonymous

    True. Alex appears to recognize that there is some downside to unlimited military spending, so there appear to be nuanced differences.

  • freedomrocks4

    like i said, never heard of him…..but he is a fruit loop

  • dstouffermd

    Search for links regarding his millennium eve show. I think there may still be audio links to it on YouTube. He broadcast for hours and hours, and relayed completely fictitious reports of UN soldiers taking over towns, some oil conspiracy like the fuel stations had been shut down, and wound up his listeners with cries that the New World Order was invading the US.

  • http://www.facebook.com/allen.saenz.90 Allen Saenz

    The worst part is that a good chunk of his own followers on the message/comment boards were imploring him to scale back on the ‘intensity’ level just a bit. Prediction on tomorrow’s show: Alex is gonna blame the TSA incident for getting him ‘out of sync’.

  • Anonymous

    This is your disconnect. The leaders of the NRA are not much different than this idiot. This is a conservative disconnect across the board. You have your opinions on gun control. Its not rational in my opinion but the men in the NRA who are influencing your politicians in washington do not represent your views. They are using your fear to blind you to what they truly represent. Our best hope to have a rational debate about guns in this country is to defang groups such as the NRA and others. Thats actually going to require some normal republicans who are more open minded than the lobbyist in washington who buy the politicians in the interest of the gun manufactures.

  • TheRoyalCourtJester

    Don’t forget…you’re responding to a ultra-low-information poster.

  • http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=48805881 Michael Fitz-Gibbon

    I can taste your delusion. If only I could spread it on a cracker. Delicious.

  • Anonymous

    Actually you seem to have many of the same views as Alex.

  • Someguy

    Alex Jones: STF I’m talking here we are having a debate…..you don’t talk i do..

  • Anonymous

    Pure and utter

  • freedomrocks4

    Speaking of people that are nuts….you and Alex are different sides of the same coin

  • freedomrocks4

    I have not desire to listen to nor research this clown

  • Anonymous

    Piers Morgan was a COMPLETE GENTLEMAN…! Alex Jones is looking like a fool… He is a dangerous person to Americans, because of misinformation….and fueling outrage… That is criminal…!!!

  • Mr. Sinister

    They had him on so us sane Americans can all point and laugh… And the rabid gun nuts who were on his side a few weeks ago? Hopefully some of them will see a little bit of themselves in this lunatic and feel ashamed. Judging by past tea party/conspiracy believing/gun nut behavior, though, I’m afraid most are going to just keep on keeping on.

  • Anonymous

    You’re already a devout follower of Jones, you repeat the same paranoid jive as he does.

  • http://www.facebook.com/allen.saenz.90 Allen Saenz

    Oh yeah and why is it that Gov. Jesse Ventura can make MANY of the same points that Alex Jones has ‘tried’ to make without having to resort to a shouting match with Piers.

  • Anonymous

    Jones has many loyal tinfoil hat followers.

  • Anonymous

    This is why Republicans can’t win national elections. Alex Jones acted like a total lunatic who escaped from the asylum. He wouldn’t allow Piers to talk, and yelled non stop like an unstable nut case. I do not want Alex Jones anywhere near a gun due to his insane temper. He did not help his cause by appearing on Morgan’s show and made a complete spectacle of himself. Why are these people incapable of civil discourse?

  • freedomrocks4

    wow , you are a delusion little troll…..just making sh*t up in your head like Alex…cute loafer

  • ItalicizedMalice

    roafer, lay off the guy, he said Jones is a nut, take that as a win

  • Someguy

    Anybody else think jones was acting like a 5 year old by the end of the “debate”?

  • Anonymous

    And you lie, you’re one of his lemming followers.

  • Anonymous

    I believe he may even be worse than Allen West, or the Illinois lawyer that was behind in his child support… Walsh…

  • http://www.facebook.com/allen.saenz.90 Allen Saenz

    By the end of the debate!? That thing spiraled out of control around 50 seconds into the show.

  • Anonymous

    I would call him a nutter……!

  • Anonymous

    He’s quoted Jones directly here on many occasions,,,,just saying!

  • PowerToThePeople

    As much as I love, love, love Piers — the loud guy had a couple of decent points.

  • Anonymous

    He is a hero in the South. They are listening to him.

  • Dr. Bumpy

    great avatar……

  • genxer

    Piers is usually a pushy rude bully and talks over his guests. Jones told the truth on cnn Thats a first for the network.

  • Anonymous

    They are nutters…..

  • Dr. Bumpy

    another dumbazz, paranoid teabagger, ranting and raving like an idiot.

  • ItalicizedMalice

    Actually no. If you continued to watch Dershowitz explained that even in the Scalia decision overturning the DC gun ban SCOTUS weighs in saying that many kinds of controls are Constitutional. Once you realize that simple truth you have to admit it is all mere details. They have to lie and spew hyperbole as gun control is settled law for 100 years now.

    Feinstein’s bill is nothing new

  • Anonymous

    He forgot to take his medications before getting on TV.

  • http://twitter.com/gadfly666 gadfly666

    Which of the following GOP voters have the lowest IQs?

    1) Gun nuts
    2) Abortion fanatics
    3) Gay bashers
    4) Racists
    5) Anti-immigration xenophobes
    6) Religious fundamentalists

  • genxer

    Whos the Wimpy Brit? The loud guy was telling the truth?

  • ItalicizedMalice

    I fight with him often and he can be a jerk, but he literally just said he was “nuts”. Take the win, he is on our side this time, lol

  • freedomrocks4

    really, show where I ever quoted that guy dumbass….I never heard of him till this article…go troll someplace else you liar

  • http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1391072688 Timothy Whitney

    Piers Morgan, pack your bags you pretentious Prick….Redcoat!!! We’ll
    soil the harbor once again with your beloved Tea, while we drop kick you
    in the Royal Jewels…

    “God forbid we should ever be twenty
    years without such a rebellion. The people cannot be all, and always,
    well informed. The part which is wrong will be discontented, in
    proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive. If they
    remain quiet under such misconceptions, it is lethargy, the forerunner
    of death to the public liberty…. And what country can preserve its
    liberties, if its rulers are not warned from time to time, that this
    people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy
    is to set them right as to the facts, pardon and pacify them. What
    signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must
    be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
    It is its natural manure.”

    ~Thomas Jefferson

  • Anonymous

    We needed to see just how crazed Jones is….!! He looks like a tick that is about to explode……..

  • freedomrocks4

    Ok loafer, take you meds troll boy

  • Anonymous

    Quit your lying.

  • freedomrocks4

    lol…take your meds loafer

  • ItalicizedMalice

    *armed and angry nutters

  • Someguy

    Alex Jones is the personification of the Tea Party

  • Anonymous

    By the end? More like from beginning to end.

  • Anonymous

    this isn’t a paranoid fantasy, I’m just saying objectively, if you want gun control to stop gun violence, the semi-auto thing will not solve the problem

  • Anonymous

    He’s lying when he says he’s never heard of him, and he’s directly quoted him here on many occasions.
    Just saying!

  • Anonymous

    That’s *why* he was invited.

  • freedomrocks4

    back at ya

  • genxer

    Alex Jones radio on prisonplanet.com is entertainment Piers morgon and cnn is so Baby boomer boring .

  • Anonymous

    I guess this nutjob wasn’t on the old high school debate team. His technique: If your argument is invalid, just yell louder and try to keep the other person from speaking.

    I knew he was a crank, but I didn’t know he was completely unhinged. He is a dangerous person.

  • Anonymous

    Let them talk. The gun nuts. Let them talk.

    They are the best argument against themselves.

    Great interview, Alex Jones.

    Keep up the good work.

  • freedomrocks4

    well show your proof troll boy

  • Dr. Bumpy

    “non baggin’”……………..LOL
    mind if i use that from time to time?

  • Someguy

    From the begging he was crazy from the end you start to feel sorry for the guy he just made an ass out of himself on national tv

  • Anonymous

    there is also a reasonable discussion to be had regarding certain psychiatric drugs, but this is certainly not that

  • Anonymous

    Are tin-foil hats in season now?

  • genxer

    tell it like it is Alex! Piers is a freedom hating Baby boomer

  • Anonymous

    Which explains why their education system is in the toilet.

  • Anonymous

    I think Piers was OUTSTANDING…! VERY calm and controlled….in the face of lunacy .

  • Anonymous

    Thought so. Wasn’t sure.

  • Anonymous


  • http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1391072688 Timothy Whitney

    Piers Morgan, pack your bags you pretentious Prick….Redcoat!!! We’ll
    soil the harbor once again with your beloved Tea, while we drop kick you
    in the Royal Jewels…

    “God forbid we should ever be twenty
    years without such a rebellion. The people cannot be all, and always,
    well informed. The part which is wrong will be discontented, in
    proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive. If they
    remain quiet under such misconceptions, it is lethargy, the forerunner
    of death to the public liberty…. And what country can preserve its
    liberties, if its rulers are not warned from time to time, that this
    people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy
    is to set them right as to the facts, pardon and pacify them. What
    signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must
    be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
    It is its natural manure.”

    ~Thomas Jefferson

  • genxer

    Baby boomer piers morgan is such a bully to his guests. Finally got a Real Guest on his lame show

  • Anonymous

    Yes, a very paranoid fantasy.
    No one is talking about taking ALL guns away. How many times do you need to hear that FACT?
    And again, the assault weapons ban including restricting high capacity strips, drums and magazines is an effective step. But I clearly mentioned gun sales and expect very strict rules to be on the way regarding the purchasing of weapons.

  • http://twitter.com/Werwolf96 Elliot

    How liberals and communists are all alike. Both have habit of questioning the sanity of people they disagree with.

  • ItalicizedMalice

    alright, cool

    go dig through his comments and make the case

    here he seems to be on our side that Jones is a f$%king psycho

    not calling you out or anything just saying you made a charge, might want to prove it or apologize

    we all overstep or f$%k up on occasion

    I know I have

  • http://www.facebook.com/sdfwfwfefewf Stuart Paiyakan

    That was one of the most beautiful thrashings of a British usurper I have ever witnessed and was a symphony of patriotic passion and fervor that will absolutely ignite like passion among those that needed to see and hear this!! It was a brilliant performance by Alex Jones!! Piers deserves not a MOMENT of respect and Alex did not give it to him. Our Republic and Bill of Rights is under assault by Piers and our government, and Domestic Enemies like Piers need their arses handed to them!!!

    Bravo Alex!! Way to represent our Republic and FREEEEEEDOOMMMMMM!!

  • http://www.facebook.com/allen.saenz.90 Allen Saenz

    See why couldn’t Alex Jones have stated his points AS ELOQUENTLY as Thomas Jefferson did?

  • ItalicizedMalice

    dude, I defended you, lol

  • Benny

    Yea…I guess nobody told Piers who Alex Jones really is huh…welcome to America.


  • Anonymous

    Apologize? Not gonna happen.
    Dig through his comments?
    LOL! Not gonna happen!

    Again, he has quoted Jones and he’s lied when he says he’s never heard of him.

    If you don’t believe me I don’t really care.

  • freedomrocks4

    Yeah…wow, thanks for the jerk comment….back at you

  • http://www.facebook.com/MadamDeb Deb Moschkin

    I knew Morgan was loving this. He will get so much mileage out of it. He always makes public enemies and milks the situation for all it’s worth. I’ll bet this interview will be his highest ratings so far.

  • http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=48805881 Michael Fitz-Gibbon

    Not sure if Poe’s Law or actual imbecile.

  • MikeG

    Sadly this type of exchange is all too common. No discussion, no exchange of knowledge, just ranting.

  • Anonymous

    Other than his public uncoded trutherism, he’d be fully accepted by the Tea Party. In Texas, the TP-supported Republican candidate for Governor had no major disagreements with Jones’ worldview.

  • genxer

    Cancel The Bully Piers Morgans boring baby booming show! Give Alex Jones a show instead

  • Anonymous

    A good percentage of Ron Paul supporters are Alex Jones guys, even though Paul and Jones had a falling out at some point. Austin has a fair number of whackos who believe this crap. I was in a bar a few years ago and some guy started asking me about these conspiracies. I answered “What about the Draconian Lizard People?,” thinking my sarcasm would be understood. He then went on to tell me about how the New World Order is really run by a cabal of aliens who control the bankers.

  • Anonymous

    Watching it, I had mixed emotions. On one hand I was angry that Pierce gave this nut a platform. But then I thought, maybe it is good that people get a look at what is really out there. The irony in his statements on mental health was astounding. The NRA blames the lack of mental health services, yet I challenge any professional watching that interview to conclude that that man should be anywhere near guns.

    But the scary part is, tomorrow he will be lauded as a hero who stood up to the Brit…

  • ItalicizedMalice

    fine you and roafer go at it

    you can be a jerk but he did not make his case and prove his charge

  • Anonymous

    A judge should issue an order for him to be picked up and committed for a mental evaluation ASAP.
    Jones is nuttier than I ever thought he was.
    Keep on talking Alex so America can see how insane you are.


  • http://www.facebook.com/allen.saenz.90 Allen Saenz

    Stop man.. you’re making the movement look nuttier than it already is. If anything, head to Infowars and chastise Alex Jones for NOT being fully prepared and coming across as a raving lunatic.

  • Anonymous

    suicide mass murder pills!!

    Best line of the interview!!

  • genxer

    Retire piers. Alex Jones Put you too shame

  • http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=48805881 Michael Fitz-Gibbon

    Alex Jones is one of those halfwits who thinks that the winner of a debate is the person who yells the loudest.

  • http://www.facebook.com/MadamDeb Deb Moschkin

    All of the above?

  • http://www.facebook.com/allen.saenz.90 Allen Saenz

    Look man, I know I won’t be able to convince you. This is the worst of Alex Jones. He’s had some decent mainstream media interviews in the past. I’m NOT asking you to even frequent his website, BUT simply to consider he had a really bad day behind a microphone.

  • Anonymous

    Can someon explain to me why someone thinks it’s a good idea to give him a gun?

  • Anonymous

    My god.

  • genxer

    Hang it up Piers your show is nothing without Alex Jones on it

  • X X

    Since people seem to love starting petitions these days….perhaps we should petition to have Alex Jones arrested immediately. Click like if you’re onboad!

  • http://twitter.com/missezhoneyeyez NeNe/Nisha

    I’m disappointed in Alex. I bet he would have gotten his point across better had he not been yelling. He could have calmly spoke and told the “TRUTH” that way rather than shouting it. lol. He’s crazy.

  • Anonymous

    Jones was right about Piers dodging charges in the UK. From the look of things, he was tied to the phone hacking stuff.

    But Jones… Jones is a complete shyster POS.

  • http://www.facebook.com/allen.saenz.90 Allen Saenz

    What ‘crime’ did he commit?

  • Anonymous

    Nah, just have him committed.

  • Anonymous

    That whole accent thing, I mean I couldn’t make up something more off the rails than this

  • http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1391072688 Timothy Whitney

    You people just dont get it….go back to watching honey boo boo or american idol…or jersey shore….it’s too deep for you to even grasp

  • http://www.facebook.com/MadamDeb Deb Moschkin

    The only worse thing I can imagine is if he had a loaded gun with him.

  • freedomrocks4

    There are crazy people all over the country….but the lizard thing made me laugh, thanks

  • genxer

    Is Piers still on the air? Prisonplanet .com infowars.com

  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mB6ym9oc4IQ GrammaticallyIndependent

    We’re a completely over-medicated society, there are unanswered questions about 9/11, the Gulf of Tonkin incident was a lie to get us into Vietnam, there are people who would do away with the uniquely American 2nd Amendment entirely, drones are now legal to us over our airways and do surveillance on Americans, and I could probably go on.

    I guess after years of talking to yourself it ends up being all you hear and the words just reverberate in your head and intensify until you don’t know up from down. Screaming suicide mass murder pills isn’t much of an argument, though. Neither is they are behind 9/11 or blaming fareners.

  • Andy

    Right after Bill-O. That should be the correct time for nutz.

  • Anonymous

    you are not getting it. I’m not saying “they want to take all the guns away!!! Let’s buy organic seeds!!” I’m saying, as a logical matter, that gun control aimed only at semi autos can’t really be serious

  • genxer

    Prison planet.com

  • Anonymous

    Gun control advocates could just run this interview as an ad to build support for more gun control.

  • PowerToThePeople

    I thought the mocking British accent was the best part.

  • http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=48805881 Michael Fitz-Gibbon

    To all the “baby boomer” accusers, Piers was born in 65, that’s past the cutoff.

  • WiddleBabyWepublican
  • http://twitter.com/GlennJericho Glenn Jericho

    Not a fan at all of Mr Piers or his agenda, but if he invited Alex Jones knowing that this would be the result… PURE GENIUS!!!!

  • Dr Robert Neville

    I loathe Piers Morgan and support his deportation, but after watching Alex Jones I was on Pier’s side. Heck even I would take Jone’s guns away after that fools performance and I am pro guns. I almost wonder if if Piers planted him??

  • Anonymous

    That was Alex’s way of continuing to avoid answering a simple question.

  • genxer

    outlaw beer ! Beer kils

  • Anonymous

    Genius move to put Alex Jones on. He’s such a narcissist moron he accepted the bait. The best thing that could have happened for those opposing gun control.

  • Anonymous

    No one is saying gun control aimed only at banning assault weapons is the answer. I clearly explained that above.
    You are not getting it.

  • http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=48805881 Michael Fitz-Gibbon

    The sad thing is, conservatives will delude themselves into thinking Jones won the debate by yelling louder. They’ve been really grasping at straws since the election.

  • genxer

    the spoon made me fat

  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mB6ym9oc4IQ GrammaticallyIndependent
  • Anonymous

    Not my problem if you’re a sucker and believe him.

  • Anonymous

    I thought it was funny but still couldn’t believe he was taking me seriously. He basically looked like a normal guy–a bit of a douche, but fairly normal. The conversation got so weird that four or five people stopped talking and just listened.

  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mB6ym9oc4IQ GrammaticallyIndependent

    It’s true! I mean, that it’s a belief, not that there are actual lizard people… ahem….

    They’re alien, shape-shifting Illuminati.

  • freedomrocks4

    Wow, thanks for the laugh, I thought he was just kidding

  • Anonymous

    That’s exactly what I’m talking about.

  • huffnnoccupyn

    your mouth made you stupid

  • Esteban Rey

    I have to say, old friend, that you do sometimes appear to be very similar to Alex Jones.

  • Anonymous

    Piers Morgan should be outlawed because he puts me to sleep.

  • Anonymous

    you said something about tighter restrictions at gun shows. Give something more concrete than that and show me how it will actually affect gun violence rates. You do realize that many gun crimes happen because legally acquired firearms are stolen?

  • News Of The World

    Another darling of the right wing baggers, I see. Good Lord, the stupidity is simply stunning. But, I agree – keep putting these nutjob baggers on TV. Let the whole country see what they’re about!!

  • genxer

    why are all the shootings like sandy hook ,the batman shooters are all under care of shrinks and on priscription drugs. from pharma pushers sue the drug companys

  • freedomrocks4

    Someone just showed the link below…..now that is some funny sh*t

  • ItalicizedMalice

    dude you would suck as a lawyer

    you can’t make claims without any proof and expect people to just trust your recollection

    he is an ass but til you prove that claim…..just sayin

  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mB6ym9oc4IQ GrammaticallyIndependent

    Because they have psychological problems?

  • http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=48805881 Michael Fitz-Gibbon

    Yeah, you know, people should have assault rifles and NO medication for their mental disorders.

  • Anonymous

    Yeah, and Pearl Harbor was a plot to get us into WWII… We have heard them all. But guess what, there still was no one on the Grassy Knoll…

  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mB6ym9oc4IQ GrammaticallyIndependent

    Nah, just regulate it.

  • Anonymous

    Because it’s an easy fix

  • freedomrocks4

    Wow, delusional people like you, loafer, and Alex are out in full force tonight. Is the moon full?

  • Anonymous

    I know he really seems unhinged. But I agree with you. I don’t want to sound like a conspiracy theorist myself, but it really behooves anyone involved with real cover up to point to people like Alex Jones and say “look it’s all nuts”. We need a sensible discussion, at the least, of what’s going on with psychiatric drugs. And, further, we have to talk about how to help people with mentally ill young adult children

  • Guest

    smh, Gram was just trying to indicate that a blind squirrel can find a nut. Conspiracy theories start for reasons and sometimes where there is smoke there is fire.

  • ItalicizedMalice

    goatee, costcutter haircut and tubby?

  • Anonymous

    Hey Wingnuts— Take a good look at Alex Jones in this interview…..this is what the rest of America thinks of you.

  • freedomrocks4

    thanks, seriously….but dont waste you time with loafer…and thanks for the jerk and ass you work in….bless your f*cking heart

  • Andy

    If you had a brain you would have found out that many States do background checks before allowing anyone to take possession of a gun. This includes making sure they aren’t mental.

  • Anonymous

    Wow…haven’t seen such a nutty dysfunctional interview ever.

  • Anonymous

    Very entertaining. Love the disrespect Morgan deserves.

  • Anonymous

    this is what I always say when people bring this up. People get on psychiatric drugs because they have problems. That being said, I think there is a very legitimate debate to be had about whether or not many of those drugs make the underlying problems worse

  • http://www.facebook.com/eljujo Jules Arnold

    the internet made you brave

  • Anonymous

    Gun control advocates should thank you Alex Jones. You’re doing our work for us.

  • http://www.facebook.com/allen.saenz.90 Allen Saenz

    “Whoa, that heated debate totally changed my opinion,” said no one ever.

  • http://profiles.google.com/fatlibertarianinokc Fat Libertarian

    Over 90% of mass school shooters are on these anti-depressant drugs. That’s what Jones was talking about, but of course, Piers cares not about that, but about guns and only guns. He does not care if you’re killed – unless you’re killed by a gun.

    Some of you need to wake up. Piers was gonna walk all over Alex Jones, and Jones knew it. So he, instead, walked all over Piers.

  • genxer

    alex tell it like it is! piers should be taken off the air Give the show to alex full time

  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mB6ym9oc4IQ GrammaticallyIndependent

    Hey, I’m not a nut (my indifference shields me from it) but the Gulf of Tonkin incident came out years ago, I thought.


    I could be wrong. But either way, it’s not exactly something we wouldn’t do. A 90 second google search of the CIA brings up way worse, covert stuff than that.

  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mB6ym9oc4IQ GrammaticallyIndependent

    Exactly, I’m not saying that President W. Bush flew a plane into the WTC, just that the 9/11 report neglected to mention building 7 for some reason.

    Unanswered questions doesn’t mean the answer is one world government, it just means unanswered.

  • genxer

    Listen to alex jones at prisonplanet.com

  • Anonymous

    Since Alex Jones wasn’t available, they had to bring on Yosemite Sam?

  • Anonymous

    If Morgan doesn’t like the Constitution, he should go back to his own country.

  • dstouffermd

    I’m pretty sure his shirtless rant about another internet broadcaster and his claims to be number one, or perhaps his Millennium Eve broadcasts are far worse than this.

  • Anonymous

    Are you for real? The only people Alex represented were nuts like you.

  • ItalicizedMalice

    we were not gonna be BFFs over it, but I don’t lay into people even when know they are in the right. We disagree often, doesn’t mean I can’t call something out when someone being unfair to you, you do the same for me, or wish happy new year.

    Or is this a kung fu movie where we are mortal enemies as someone killed someone’s father?

  • Anonymous

    Maybe Alex jones needs some of those meds he was talking about.

  • freedomrocks4

    I’m not tubby…lol

  • ॐ peaceful_revolutionary

    Do you have unresolved issues with your parents?

  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mB6ym9oc4IQ GrammaticallyIndependent

    Exactly. These doctors often times just act as drug deals making money for and from the manufactures. It’s a serious problem, just not a conspiracy with fluoride to keep us pacified so the UN can come in and… change the flag?

  • ॐ peaceful_revolutionary

    Wow hard choice.

  • Anonymous

    This isn’t a court of law…sucker.
    And you’re the one defending an Alex Jones drone not me.

  • ItalicizedMalice



    well played

  • Anonymous

    There is no question the man is a lunatic, but he went in with a plan and executed it. At one point he mentioned how Pierce always “talked over” other pro-gun guests and Jones was prepared (prepped/rehearsed…?) not to allow Pierce to say anything. He will be lauded as a hero who stood up to the Brit… Scary, actually.

  • ItalicizedMalice


    prove it dude or STFU

  • dstouffermd

    I ask this in all seriousness: are you affiliated in some way with Alex Jones? It appears you registered for your account solely to comment on this story.

  • ॐ peaceful_revolutionary

    He always does.

  • Anonymous

    Alex took up so much time, Morgan didn’t get play his trick cards. Morgan isn’t use to someone taking over his show.

  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mB6ym9oc4IQ GrammaticallyIndependent

    What’s too deep? What does the pronoun represent that you, for whatever reason, assume I don’t get?

    And I haven’t owned a tv in a decade so sell your lazy generalizations elsewhere.

  • Anonymous

    No, the only thing he walked over was his own message. Everyone except the crazy teabaggers saw a nutjob on screen.

  • Rooster Cogburn

    WRONG. When you fill out an application for firearm purchase the FBI “asks” if you are addicted to drugs/alcohol, or have been deemed mentally unfit. They ASK because due to doctor/patient confidentiality they are not allowed to find out themselves. That needs to change.

  • Anonymous

    That must be your answer for people that you disagree with…put them on meds.

  • freedomrocks4

    no movie…lol

  • Caribou “QUIT” Barbie™

    No. I have to wash my hair

  • Anonymous

    Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex!

  • ItalicizedMalice

    roafer is getting a callous right now down-voting all this for both of us


  • Anonymous

    Jones was a typical wingnut in this interview….can’t win with facts, so just shout and talk about unfounded conspiracy theories.

  • Caribou “QUIT” Barbie™

    I bet it is C4p

  • Caribou “QUIT” Barbie™

    Are you C4P?

  • Devon Graham

    I love pro wrestling!

  • Anonymous

    It would help if conservatives remembered that there are more amendments to the constitution than just the 2nd.

  • Anonymous

    Is that you John Edwards?

  • ItalicizedMalice

    I hate this limp d$%k “I am not saying” BS

    Be proud of your opinions, speak plain. Stop playing the word games

  • Anonymous

    I don’t have to prove anything.

    I’ve heard freedumb’s drivel that comes directly from Jones and other far right nuts. He’s used links to Jones here as well. If you actually think I gonna bother searching his comments to please you then think again. He’s got you trolled heavy! To buy his lies is as lame as it gets!

  • Anonymous

    No, when I disagree with people I have a reasoned debate with them. But when people are wacked-out crazy like this guy, just put them on meds.

  • WiddleBabyWepublican

    If you don’t like freedom of expression, perhaps you should go.

  • Anonymous

    Pierce had a couple of the Kennedy boys on afterwards and they said as much. There were death threats after the ACA passed and politicians were walking around in bullet proof vests.

  • http://twitter.com/Sibkiss Karismata

    Exactly, the people committing the mass shootings are on SSRI meds. An angry American – not on any prescription drugs, or flouridated water, unleashes, because he doesn’t want to see a mass shooting Mao or Stalin style, a democide, and like the rest of real americans, not taking any guff from a disgraced journalist , former lame talent show host, trying to ninny about with a free man about why we should all lay down our arms and suck the Queens teats too. Get off your dumb down meds and shake your fist at tyranny once in awhile. It will wake you up, sheeple.

  • Caribou “QUIT” Barbie™


  • http://profiles.google.com/fatlibertarianinokc Fat Libertarian

    What was nuts about it? You’re just prejudiced against non-progressives. You’re small minded.

  • ItalicizedMalice

    typical mediaite food fight resembles this one:


  • http://twitter.com/Sibkiss Karismata

    go back to sucking your thumb and watching Downton Abbey

  • Anonymous

    I don’t really care what Democrats think. They’re OK with Obama’s kll lists and drones. They’re ok with NDAA which takes away due process from the American people. They think this is sane behavior.

  • freedomrocks4

    links to jones? wow you do just flat out lie…..lol

  • Caribou “QUIT” Barbie™

    At least Obama has kept us safe.

  • dstouffermd

    We’ve missed you, Mr Walsh! ;-)

  • WiddleBabyWepublican


  • Anonymous

    Yeah, except everyone else in America saw the interview for what it was: Alex Jones not answering a single question and instead filibustering the host with distractions and conspiracy theories.

  • http://twitter.com/Sibkiss Karismata

    crazy about our freedom and protecting liberty. Better than crazy about being an establishment syncophant

  • Anonymous

    Why should I go? I am a citizen of the US and he’s not.

  • Rooster Cogburn

    You’ve got to admit, if you’re on the Piers Morgan show debating guns, if you’re not the yeller, you’re the one getting yelled at. I just wish Jones would have reached over and broke Piers’s nose, he seemed very aware it could happen at any second lol.

  • ItalicizedMalice

    I don’t buy s$%t. Other than you made a claim you can’t back up. I fight with him nonstop. But also remember you accusing me of being a “bagger” (before looking through my comments to see I am far from it) so….kinda thinking you might have overstepped…again

  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mB6ym9oc4IQ GrammaticallyIndependent

    Um, I’m not playing a game. And I stand behind both my opinions and my lack of them. I’m saying there are unanswered questions.

    I suppose in your view a more erect man might make up an answer so he sleeps better at night, but I don’t do that. I don’t know why the 9/11 commission neglected to mention building 7. I don’t know why President Obama okayed (with bipartisan support) to fly drones over the US, but maybe I’ll take some Viagra and then at least feel like I know.

  • Andy

    Damn Dude…People lie, especially those that may be mental. However most states are the ones that have these “mental” people on their roles under Medicaid or State disability.

  • Anonymous

    That’s because he is not a citizen of the United States and he’s speaking out against the 2nd Amendment which you probably want to get rid of like most libs do.

  • http://twitter.com/Sibkiss Karismata

    what is not funny and scary is your pic there LOL

  • danceswithsheeple

    Alex Jones = Hero! Morgan calls up Pratt of Gun Owners and Lott of the NRA; calls them disgusting names and talks over both of them each time. And now we are to believe Jones did something wrong by not letting mORGAN get his Obamanoid propaganda and false questioning in against him? Well done Jones I say. Way to treat a dog like a dog. Jones got substance and facts in. Jones had nothing to say but repeat the same line of false questioning! Couldn’t engage with the stats Jones brought up. Instead he just side-stepped them and pined on about lower gun crime in UK.

    PIERS! GET A CLUE! US = 350 million + population; UK = 60 million. If the UK (with banned guns or not) had more than or equal gun crime to the US and yet a far less human population, then we’d have need to be f****ing worried here in the UK wouldn’t we? The comparison is bogus. Morgan’s the nut here you dumb s***s! A disingenuous one at that! Get a clue, Obama tampons!

  • Eli Willfelder

    I love how almost no one is actually addressing what Alex said. You television boot licking zombies ! Wake up ! Fact. Dianne Feinstein is trying to pass legislation RIGHT NOW that would make rifles and semi automatic hand guns illegal. Fact. CNN and other media is sponsored by pharmaceutical companies that provide suicidal inducing prozac for which demon Adam Lanza was on, thus media can never bash pharmaceutical drugs. You people are ridiculously brainwashed
    because you are afraid of the truth. I understand because I was once a
    neo conservative liberal myself. Millions upon millions upon millions
    agree with what he said and millions more will, in the coming years,
    awaken to Authoritarianism. He is pissed for good Reason !!!!!!!!!!

  • 31Forever

    Fair enough, @molosky:disqus . It sounds like you maybe live near this guy, so I am willing to defer to your opinions.

    Gonna stick with “nutter”, though.

  • http://profiles.google.com/fatlibertarianinokc Fat Libertarian

    It’s better to bury your head in the sand, rather than research. NOBODY suggests you agree with everything Alex Jones says, most of all himself. But the issue with mass shootings is not guns, it’s these mind-altering anti-depressant pills that most mass shooters are either on or having withdrawals from. Even Michael Moore is aware of this connection. Don’t you think it’s rather interesting that Piers has such little concern for the fact that these drugs turn people into monsters?

  • freedomrocks4


  • bob ross

    Alex Jones really is as crazy as when I saw him on YouTube.

  • Anonymous

    Good for Dianne Feinstein. Tired of this country being run by a vocal kook minority of wingnuts.

  • Anonymous

    Probably because the vast majority of people don’t bother to address the rantings of the homeless guy they pass by every day.

  • Rooster Cogburn

    Yeah that pesky right to privacy gets in the way all the time.

  • http://profiles.google.com/fatlibertarianinokc Fat Libertarian

    I’m sure non-Jews thought Hitler kept them safe, even as the Jews were being gassed. It’s amazing what can be accomplished with a police state. It’s still ironic that you think Obama has kept you safe, considering you guys think there’s a walking gun around every corner hell bent on killing you.

  • Anonymous

    You know what’s really crazy? kll lists and drones. A government that takes away due process from the American people through NDAA….BO

  • Anonymous

    You may be right, but I would guess Jones would totally disagree with you. My guess is, he thinks he just hit a home run. He planned to talk over Morgan and he certainly accomplished that. He put the Brit in his place and he will be lauded as a hero for it by those that follow him.

  • ItalicizedMalice



  • Anonymous

    Don’t really watch Piers Morgan often, but when I have , I haven’t known him to be a shouter. Sorry.

  • ItalicizedMalice

    I think W was an idiot. But co-conspirator in some “truther” BS? No way. Troll elsewhere dude

  • Anonymous

    He rests his case. Obama has made it more dangerous around the world and less safe. Especially with that Libyan incident on 9-11 and Fast and Furious. Obama is a putz who has an ulterior agenda of trying to knock the USA from its pedestal as the best country to live in in the world. Obama wants to make the US into a third world nation. His world view is so warped and out of touch with reality it is not funny. He is basically the leftist statist creation. Obama is against everything that the USA stands for and is for everything the anti-America crowd has always wanted.

  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mB6ym9oc4IQ GrammaticallyIndependent

    I’m really not catching these pop references, but if you’d like to say something substantive, this is a decent platform to do so, or talk about thumb-sucking, I suppose, though I’m not sure why you’d feel compelled to do that.

  • Anonymous

    No, I’m prejudiced against people like Jones who can’t/won’t engage in a fact-based discussion.

    Sorry, but in what universe would you call that a civilized conversation?
    Even if you agree with Jones, can’t you at least admit that his was probably not the best way to convince people of your views?

  • Anonymous

    Deport this Limey !

  • http://profiles.google.com/fatlibertarianinokc Fat Libertarian

    Actually, Alex Jones brought the statistics. When you outlaw guns, gun violence may go down but other types of violence sky rocket against an un-armed society. It’s common sense. All Piers could say was – overall gun deaths dropped. Yes, but that’s not very helpful if you get raped and killed by guys with crow bars or some other weapon. It would help if you could have a gun to scare them away. Wake up you liberals, this is your right to protect yourself we’re talking about here. Not just mine.

  • Anonymous

    Guns may not kill people…..but they make it possible for people to kill LOTS of people.

  • Anonymous

    You know whats really crazy? Fast and Furious. That was a major government gun running debacle and people got killed and libs are ok with this.

  • http://profiles.google.com/fatlibertarianinokc Fat Libertarian

    No, they just behave like thieving brutes who use government in order to steal from peaceful citizens in the name of “helping that homeless guy.” Two wrongs make a right for most brain washed citizens.

  • Anonymous

    Well, at least he’s got his mom on this site defending him.

  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mB6ym9oc4IQ GrammaticallyIndependent

    Oh! Then I think you just completely misunderstood me. I said that I don’t believe President W. Bush was behind 9/11, only that certain questions went unanswered allowing people to more easily concoct elaborate conspiracy theories- theories which could have been deflated before catching on if we had a little more transparency and accountability in government.

  • huffnnoccupyn

    The Internet gave nonsense a megaphone and called it Ron Paul.

  • Anonymous

    What was nuts about it??? Are you kidding me??? His New World Order, fighting Morgan because of 1776, wanting a ring put on stage so he could fight him with red, white and blue, blaming Bush for 9/11…
    Nope, nothing crazy about this guy…

  • Anonymous

    11,000 people a year die due to gun violence…and wingnuts are ok with this.

  • Caribou “QUIT” Barbie™

    Oh really? Ask OBL that and get back to me.

  • Anonymous

    Loved the filibustering and the disrespect toward Morgan.

  • Caribou “QUIT” Barbie™

    You are disgusting.
    Never post to me again.

  • ItalicizedMalice

    she took it down but still a screen cap, there was the lady on youtube that used to talk about lizard aliens and she had HUGE boobies, would breath really deeply talking all her cray cray


  • Guest

    Actually, he is.

  • http://twitter.com/EvaDGiGi Eva D Gigi

    OMG youre right people who have no home are CRAYZAY and gross! Youre so sane Eli! And Anybody who questions consensus reality is like totally insane! Down with he homeless! Go Eli!

  • Anonymous

    Did you support Fast and Furious? Yes or no.

  • http://profiles.google.com/fatlibertarianinokc Fat Libertarian

    You’re an overly emotional moron incapable of rational thought.

    Just like PIERS MORGAN.

  • Anonymous

    I forgot about that…LOL… I actually thought he might start repeating back every thing that Morgan was trying to say…LOL…

  • ItalicizedMalice

    Je regrete for calling you a truther. But I think anyone that still is one is being obtuse and stupid. No controlled demo looks like that. Whole theory is retarded

  • Anonymous

    Moron….our country has had two parties since the very beginning. Not all of the founding fathers were “conservative” in today’s terms. So stop acting like the far-right owns this country. You don’t.

  • Anonymous

    Fast and Furious killed people and it was run under BO.

  • Anonymous

    But he could get elected in many states…

  • http://games-survival.com Justplaythegame

    except this time it wasn”t Morgan ranting… refreshing..

  • Anonymous

    Personally, it’s no contest. I’d much rather have a crazy guy walk into a mall with a knife than with a gun.

    A guy with a knife kills 1 or 2 people. A guy with a gun can mow down 30.

  • http://twitter.com/EvaDGiGi Eva D Gigi

    That’s exactly Alex’s role. He is put out there to discredit anyone who holds any of his views as a “nut” or insane. It’s easy to dismiss him, that’s what youre suppose to do. He’s an actor. If he throws a bunch of off-the-wall theories in with some real facts, nobody is going to sit there and sift thru to find the facts. Especially the mainstream, consensus-reality, TV-watching drones.

  • http://profiles.google.com/fatlibertarianinokc Fat Libertarian

    He answered Piers Morgan question multiple times. You just did not like his answer. Actually, Alex Jones answered Piers Morgan’s question BEFORE it was even asked. But because you hate guns and “wingnuts” you’ve got your ignorant head in the sand. I’m certainly not suggesting you have to agree with either person. But Alex Jones certainly answered Morgan’s questions multiple times.

  • Anonymous

    Entertainment at its finest?

    A quick search of her name on Google Images came up with her topless.

  • Anonymous

    Bush did–since he started it.

  • http://games-survival.com Justplaythegame

    Yeah, who would have believed someone would put the guy on that tells the truths….

    Alex went with his chip on his shoulder about Piers and more than once give him the chance to knock it off.. Piers was smart not to take that chance…..

    I wanna see Morgan in those boxer trunks… Was refreshing to see someone tell that Brit to pound sand and without water… It did seem Alex may have been getting a bit upset..but held it together rather well. Those texans got some brass balls thats for sure.. Good for you Alex, get those messages out.. prescription drugs have been the main killers for years..along with the hospitals..nothing the guy said seemed to far off the wall.. knives, rocks, baseball bats all out rate rifles.. 75% gun crime..gang related.. suicides.. nut jobs… was refreshing to see that snottie brit talked over for a change.

    Nice reports and statistics at his site.. nice awareness Alex..



    Kinda funny that Piers is tied to wrong doings in uK and comes to America..

    Hmmm..a hatchet man mouth peice… with an Agenda.. yeah I can see that..

  • http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=48805881 Michael Fitz-Gibbon

    So… Piers fled from police state England to become a hatchet man for the NWO who want to establish a police state, but Piers fled from England which is also a police st—- huh?

  • http://www.facebook.com/MadamDeb Deb Moschkin

    False equivalence and changing the subject.

  • Anonymous

    The real problem is you have a segment of this country that think vigilante justice is ok…and that taking the law into one’s own hands is ok.

    How many people have died because of a paranoid kook with easy access to a gun?

  • http://profiles.google.com/fatlibertarianinokc Fat Libertarian

    Yes, because Morgan routinely interrupts and talks over his guests all the time. So Alex Jones does returns the favor and his followers get mad. LOL

  • Anonymous

    Then maybe you should secede.

  • ItalicizedMalice

    she has talent (from neck down)

  • Anonymous

    I shoudl read more about the history of drug prescriptions, but it seems like we moved form the idea of institutionalization to heavy medication. There must be some middle ground that doesn’t torture mentally ill individuals

  • Anonymous

    Bush had a program but not like BO’s where he let guns go and did not track them. Of course you know this but you are a partisan hack and will defend BO at all costs.

  • Anonymous

    Ok fine. But that’s now how you convince people. It’s a big orgy for the people that already agree with him…but he’s not convincing anybody else acting like that.

  • Anonymous

    “He is the opposite of our founding fathers.”
    Hmmm, intersting analogy… Didn’t our founding fathers have slaves?

  • justsayn

    look dik we all heard you the first time damn !

  • ItalicizedMalice


    here is some dude trolling and has some footage of her in it too

  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mB6ym9oc4IQ GrammaticallyIndependent

    Oh, I completely agree. I guess I just figured it was obvious and just didn’t need stating… because clearly I forgot where I am. Not a truther, birther or whatever the new model is. The government did shoddy work during and after 9/11 and then invaded the wrong country. Suspicions are going to arise out of that, and if they head into New World Order alien lizards, I’m just saying some of that could have been averted.

    Agh! I just did it again. Let me state clearly in a disclaimer.

    I do not believe in New World Order alien lizards.

    Phew. That’s better.

  • Anonymous

    I think you needed a bigger “LOL” for your post…lol.

  • http://www.facebook.com/MadamDeb Deb Moschkin

    Adam Lanza needed something much stronger than Prozac. He needed anti-psychotics, and was probably prescribed them. Until you’ve seen it up close, you cannot know the difference between mild depression and psychosis/schizophrenia.

  • http://profiles.google.com/fatlibertarianinokc Fat Libertarian

    I would love too Secede. If a state ever does attempt Secession we’ll FINALLY see you progressives for what you are – Brutal tyrants as you send in the troops to kill us all who try to secede. Why? Because then your precious big government will have less tax revenue. I always knew you were nothing but crooks and bullies, but secession would go a long way toward illustrating it.

  • Anonymous

    You wingnuts are hilarious…you concoct your own narratives about why Piers left England and then criticize him for it? LOL.

  • Anonymous

    I use to be a Democrat but switch to Independent because you guys are now socialists and extreme IMO. Dems want to control everything…what you eat, drink, drive. They want to take away guns and want to redistribute wealth (take others stuff.) Libs are just crazy and out of control

  • http://www.facebook.com/MadamDeb Deb Moschkin

    And on whose watch did 9/11 happen?

  • Anonymous

    He called them “factoids.” Unbelievably unhinged fellow. Scary, even. Scarier is that he has a forum where he can reach out to (apparently) millions of listeners. That can’t be true, can it?

  • Firestarterfive

    Anyone who defends Alex Jones, then surely must defend this as well:

    Video posted online captured Jones shouting into a bullhorn outside the meeting place, claiming Bilderberg members “ship in roasted babies wrapped in gold foil for them to eat” — and making it clear he wasn’t kidding. “Every week they catch them shipping little babies wrapped in gold foil for these guys to eat. They admit that’s where it goes to, I’m not making this up,” Jones said.

  • Anonymous

    I’m in favor of tracking guns, so yes. Just not in favor of when someone screw up and people get killed.

  • Rooster Cogburn

    You just blew your own mind – Obama is a slave to corporations under the guise of an elected official. You welcome for the eye opening.

  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mB6ym9oc4IQ GrammaticallyIndependent

    I have to think that it’s just cheaper and easier. That’s it. I admit my theories aren’t as grand (or conspiracy-heavy) but I think it’s just that. Hospitals cost money. Pills make money.

  • dstouffermd

    The EDL meeting let out early, did it?

  • TJ

    Ron Paul and Alex Jones had a falling out? Jones then asked Paul to go quail huntin’ with him.. Chaney-style.

  • Anonymous

    Oh yes you do buy his tripe. He claims he’s never heard of Jones, he’s lying. And I apologized to you because I was wrong.
    I’m not wrong in this case so there will be no apology to freedumb.

  • http://profiles.google.com/fatlibertarianinokc Fat Libertarian

    Why don’t you ask 15 year old – Abdulrahman al-Awlaki, a U.S. citizen who was born in Denver who was killed by President Obama in Yemen? Does that sound like the act of a benevolent, peaceful leader or a brutal tyrant? Abdulrahman was a U.S. Citizien and a kid, no evidence he was a terrorist either. Irrespective, if you support this then you support the President being able to label anyone a terrorist and summarily execute them and anyone around them. This is not justice, this is tyranny.

  • Eli Willfelder

    So you think its a conspiracy that Hitler took all guns and knives away from Jews ? So, you think its a conspiracy that over 4,000 gun deaths in the USA are induced by gang on gang violence ?? So, you think its a conspiracy that Obama within the last two months has launched drone attacks in countries like Yemen and Pakistan which have killed up to 127 children ???!!! Go look it up ! These are facts !

  • ItalicizedMalice

    I am over it

  • http://gregingleright.weebly.com/ Greg

    Josh…did Drudge out-Mediaite Mediaite using lessgrossman?

  • Anonymous

    “Independent”? Really? You seem like every other right-wing hack based on what you’ve been posting.

    Besides, I’ll never understand the logic you just described. You leave the Democrats because they “want to control everything”…..and instead you vote for a party that wants to control who you marry, whether you have kids, what you watch on TV, to have government-run prayer, etc etc.

    Sorry, no sympathy for that argument. The Republicans want to use government to legislate their own values just as much or more so than Democrats do.

  • Anonymous

    …and yet you voted for BO and did not speak out against fast and furious and I am sure you just wished it would go away. No accountability for anyone.

  • Benjamin Eugene NElson

    Appears? That’s like saying ‘the sun appears to be in the sky…”

  • http://profiles.google.com/fatlibertarianinokc Fat Libertarian

    You’re in favor of government killing people with guns, just not individuals. Got it. Nice morals you got there. Makes a ton of sense. If I’m ever killed, I want the state to do it – I’ll feel better about it.

  • corri anderson


  • Benjamin Eugene NElson

    It’s scary when cousins are allowed to marry, isn’t it?

    Or wait, he was a Scientologist then, right? Isn’t’ that what they believe?

  • http://www.facebook.com/MadamDeb Deb Moschkin

    Who is saying to outlaw all guns? You are listening to the NRA waaayy too much. I live in Florida and since I moved here, our state government has created a wild west with its stand-your-ground crap. Also, a hospital employee cannot even ask a patient about having guns in the household — they can ask about many other things, but they have to couch the gun question in language like “Do you feel safe at home?”

    Both of those were lobbied by the NRA. They are not just a group of rifle enthusiasts. NRA leadership will tell their members that they are, but they are really just your run-of-the-mill lobbyists for gun manufacturers. They don’t even care about the people and their right to protect themselves. All they care about is selling more guns.

  • Rooster Cogburn

    Cant agree more about Jones, but cant agree less about accepting a ban when it didn’t work last time. Addressing the problem of the mentally ill and mood altering prescription drugs is a bigger issue. Only way to prevent a person mentally unfit from owning a gun is if the family of the person signs them away, even if it is just for a 2-week evaluation that stays on their record for life and they cannot purchase firearms. Anyone else is fair play.

  • Benjamin Eugene NElson

    Claim I’m nuts, just don’t call me a teabagger?

    Seems legit..

  • http://www.facebook.com/people/Matthews-Motivation/100002072378153 Matthew’s Motivation


  • http://twitter.com/SammieDavion SammieBox

    Secession really worked out for you guys the last time it was attempted.

  • Anonymous

    Operation Wide Receiver was a major government gun debacle and people got killed and cons are ok with this …

  • Todd Scheller

    Funny, I heard it called huffnnoccupy this evening.

  • Anonymous

    Either way, I’m dead. Whether it’s the government or some right-wing militia kook.

  • http://www.facebook.com/people/Matthews-Motivation/100002072378153 Matthew’s Motivation


  • Anonymous

    good point. I really feel for people who have kids with serious mental problems. It just isn’t obvious what you should do, but relying on a pill combo is a recipe for disaster

  • http://profiles.google.com/fatlibertarianinokc Fat Libertarian

    Firestarterfive, I can defend Alex Jones on guns and not agree with him on that. As for that particular story, maybe he’s wrong. So what? Unlike people like Piers he does not advocate we use government against peaceful individuals to force his opinion like a brutal tyrant.

    As a result, that story means very little to you or I. He says things I disagree with and he says things I agree with. Big Whoop.

  • Promeat Locker

    What comments did he make regarding firearm stats that appeared to be nuts?

  • Anonymous

    I don’t vote based on scandals manufactured by the far-right wingnut machine.

    Why didn’t you speak up about it when Bush started it?

  • http://www.facebook.com/mckenny.stleger McKenny St-Leger

    This is Truly embarrassing….

  • danceswithsheeple

    As a black man, I’m not sure the EDL would be the best group to affiliate with in order to help amplify my frustrations with people like yourself and Mr Morgan.

    So try again, keyboard hero.

  • http://twitter.com/SammieDavion SammieBox

    If we were to take the population of the UK, with their violent gun-related murders, and expand it out to the size of the US’s population, you still only have around 204 gun-related murders. Versus the numbers in the US, 12,000 per year (roughly). How do you not see a problem here? (Hint, it’s because you are batguano insane)

  • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rwWW2DQS_DU Booker T. (D-Utopia)

    Well, Piers got his ratings boost. Pfft.

  • Anonymous

    I am fiscally conservative and anti-war; that’s why I don’t fit into either party. Obama is now the warmonger prez and libs are no longer anti-war.

  • http://profiles.google.com/fatlibertarianinokc Fat Libertarian

    That’s MY point. You seem to find guns somehow immoral, unless it’s government doing the killing. Seems rather odd to me. It reminds me of Mayor Bloomberg saying he did not want peaceful citizen with guns because then they might get caught in a cross fire. Well, if cops show up with guns – guess what? The SAME THREAT OF CROSS FIRE STILL EXISTS. And would he really rather have everyone mowed down, rather than SOME killed by cross fire?? I don’t get it. Where’s the logic? Ugh.. I’m about to have an Alex Jones inspired melt down.

  • Anonymous

    You know what else is crazy? Warrantless wiretapping and holding people indefinitely without a trial. Thanks GWB.

    Oh one more thing that’s crazy: spending 8 years fighting a war over non-existent WMD. That’s pretty effed up if you ask me.

  • http://profiles.google.com/fatlibertarianinokc Fat Libertarian

    So did Alex Jones. Heh

  • freedomrocks4

    did i say anything about stats…nope. I said the man appears to be nuts, ranting and raving like a crazy drunk so anything he spits out I take with a grain of salt…

  • Anonymous

    Hey great, go ahead secede. Fewer electoral votes for the GOP. LOL

  • Anonymous

    He told you the truth. That’s disgusting?

  • TJ

    Hey GI, I agree. Too much gray, that needn’t be, still out there. Much of it could be cleared if there was, from the top, an interest to clarify.

  • Anonymous

    I am not a “con” or a lib. I am an Independent. Both parties stink IMO. D vs R is a dumb game.

  • Anonymous

    You just wrote the you were against Fast and furious and now you’re calling it manufactured. You’re screwed up. Drank too much kool-aid

  • Anonymous

    So, now that you’ve successfully deflected us onto talking about Fast and Furious, how ’bout you take a break to respond to my initial question:

    Why are you ok with 11000 people dying because of gun violence?

    You’ll vote to go to war overseas when terrorists kill 3000 people, but you’re silent when guns kill 11000 people every year?

  • Anonymous

    What’s wrong? Is it difficult to defend BO and Fast and Furious?

  • Anonymous

    Fast and Furious has to do with guns and killing people only it was the government that did it. I guess that makes it ok for you.

  • Vintage Viral

    This guy is a big fat liar. Three minutes in Morgan asked him if he’s finished and he says “Yes I am finished”. He was not finished.

  • Anonymous

    All fair and balanced … Never mind the tactics of Issa (where was he during Operation Wide Receiver?) – turns out the OIG investigation found that AG Holder was not aware of the strategy and tactics used in ‘Fast and Furious’ and turned up no evidence that Holder tried to cover up the operation, or mislead Congress about it.

    Both parties may stink, but the stench coming from the right is nauseating

  • Anonymous

    Oh, he could never speak again?

  • Anonymous

    Jesus didn’t need to.

  • Anonymous

    Well this is part of the problem. Alex Jones is a long-time conspiracy theorist nutjob. He’s right about things like a broken clock is right two times a day. Mostly he’s just nuts. And he’s definitely not a spokesman for gun-rights advocates.

    Sadly, most people don’t know that. Instead of logical, sound-minded gun-rights advocates getting time and a chance to lay out their position, loud obnoxious guys like Jones (who doesn’t represent gun-rights, really) get put on TV, and people think he’s representative.

    I don’t think that Piers did it for this reason, but it is almost like a tactic to discredit your foes by finding the craziest person you can to supposedly represent your foes’ views.

  • Anonymous


  • Anonymous

    Alex Jones is controlled opposition. He is there to lampoon. But he is still waking people up.

  • Anonymous

    No I didn’t…I said I was in favor of tracking guns, which was what the program was designed to do.

    The fact is that some people screwed up….but it’s not this Watergate-style scandal that the Right has been trying to hype it into for the last 2 years.

    Time to move on.

  • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rwWW2DQS_DU Booker T. (D-Utopia)

    Although I don’t know much about this Jones guy, he really put Piers in his place. That’s how most people should address Piers. After calling a gun rights supporter “unbelievably stupid”, several days ago, Piers doesn’t deserve any respect. Stupid English loon.

  • Anonymous

    Not a fan of GWB or Obama. I put them both in the same category.

  • Anonymous

    It’s not that hard to comprehend, Fatty.

    Cops are trained….vigilante citizens may not be (and since your side is opposed to any kind of licensing, they don’t have to be).

    If only the bad guy and the cops have guns, it’s much easier to figure out who to shoot, right?

    Why don’t you ask they guy in Tucson who had a gun at the Gabby Giffords shooting? Ask him why he didn’t use it.

  • Anonymous

    LOL, he is nutty.

    And Piers sure did not want to talk about the violence in Britain.

  • http://www.facebook.com/people/Matthews-Motivation/100002072378153 Matthew’s Motivation

    Fox News would never allow this !!! Congrats Morgan !!! You’re more american then those bastards at Fox News

  • http://www.facebook.com/people/Matthews-Motivation/100002072378153 Matthew’s Motivation

    waking people up to what ? bullshi8 ?

  • http://profiles.google.com/fatlibertarianinokc Fat Libertarian

    lol.. lol.. Oh man. People are scaring me. He thought he had something there!

  • http://www.facebook.com/people/Matthews-Motivation/100002072378153 Matthew’s Motivation

    lol you’ll change the meaning of the bible to fit your needs

  • Anonymous

    Ask the gun nuts why they’re willing to go to war over a terrorist attack that kills 3,000 people, but they’re perfectly okay with guns killing 11,000 people *every year*.

    Now waiting for the wingnuts to provide me with a non-answer and deflection onto some other topic….

  • Anonymous

    No he’s not.

  • Caribou “QUIT” Barbie™


  • Caribou “QUIT” Barbie™

    Do something about then.

  • Anonymous

    Wrong. There were no deaths with OWR

  • Anonymous

    So Jesus did need it???

  • Caribou “QUIT” Barbie™

    No, Foxghazi!

  • Anonymous

    This is your disconnect. The leaders of the NRA are not much different than this idiot.

    OK, but you seem to be wrongly assuming that I support the NRA in its current form. I agree that the NRA is insanely out of touch with reality. You need to stop connecting the general idea of being pro-second amendment (which, as I said, has plenty of well thought out and reasoned arguments) with particular media figures.

  • http://profiles.google.com/fatlibertarianinokc Fat Libertarian

    But my point in bringing that point up is because you said you supported Fast and Furious gun running. Do you think those guns only went to well trained cops and drug dealers? Haha..

    You can be against fast and furious and Obama will still let you into Heaven.

  • Anonymous

    Thanks for the series of unrelated facts.

    Now, since this hasn’t sunk in yet, go look up how many people die because of guns here vs every other developed country.

    As for the 4000, I’ve never contested that. I think ANY deaths because of gun violence is senseless. But that number would be more like a couple hundred if those gangs didn’t have guns. A knife fight kills one or two….but guns make violence an easy choice.

    At least with a knife you have to actually have enough guts to go hand-to-hand with someone.

  • Anonymous

    That’s just BS and you know it. You will defend the BO administration at all costs. How’s that tax increase on the middle class working out for you? Obama said that no one making under $250,000. would receive a tax increase. He lied….as usual.

  • http://profiles.google.com/fatlibertarianinokc Fat Libertarian

    I never brought up Fast and Furious, someone else did.

  • Anonymous

    It’s not his ‘role’, but it is definitely how Piers Morgan is using him.

  • Anonymous

    No one died in watergate.

  • dstouffermd

    For what it’s worth, I am now an “independent” as well, though I am Conservative. As the US does not have a major Conservative or Liberal registration, being independent is not necessarily indicative of your ideological preference.

    Are you saying you’re a moderate, or that you lean rightward but find issues with the two major parties?

  • Anonymous

    Not a GWB supporter…he’s as bad as Obama. Neither one believes in liberty. GW owns the Patriot act and Obama owns NDAA.

  • dstouffermd

    Nice use of a slur.

  • Anonymous

    If we had better mental health care in America people like Alex Jones could get the help they desperately need.

  • Anonymous

    We have at least one point of agreement, I think.

    The only party in favor of small government is the one that’s out of power.

  • Anonymous

    I never claimed to be a “moderate.” I consider myself a libertarian. Yes I have issues with both parties…They are the same except one claims to be conservative. Romney was a liberal.

  • Anonymous

    Why would he? Gun violence in this country completely dwarfs GB by huge margins.

  • danceswithsheeple

    “Those Who Sacrifice Liberty For Security Deserve Neither.” Engage your mind a little please, for your own sake!

    The overwhelming majority of gun crime takes place in the states with strict gun laws, in gang warfare not mass shootings, and with handguns not bushmasters. So why does your kind pretend as if semi-autos are the problem when these anomaly mass shootings happen? (Hint: you’re a lemming who doesn’t know what he/she is talking about and would rather see your fellow Americans emasculated and subjected to your Kenyan King, Mr Obama.)

    Bottom line: An armed man is a citizen. A disarmed man is a subject. Get a clue, bandwagon hopper!

  • Anonymous

    I’m not really for it or against it. It was basically a bungled law enforcement operation. That’s it. Not some vast conspiracy or whatever.

  • Anonymous

    Right…and if Jesus didn’t need guns, really we don’t either.

  • danceswithsheeple

    As a black man, I’m not sure the EDL would be the best group to affiliate with in order to help amplify my frustrations with people like yourself and Mr Morgan.

    So try again, keyboard hero.

  • Anonymous

    You mean none of the guns involved in Operation Wide Receiver killed a US patrol officer … since the majority of the 450 guns in that program were never recovered your assertion that there were no deaths resulting from these guns is optimistic at best.

  • Anonymous

    Really? Nothing?

    Cmon…no Fast n Furious? No drones? No ‘Obama’s a socialist’? LOL

  • dstouffermd

    I do apologise then. What Party or coalition do you support, then? You certainly seem to buy into the Jones snake oil, so you’re no Tory.

    “people like yourself [...]“

    You mean sane people? People who see Alex Jones for the paranoid lunatic he is?

  • Anonymous

    Jesus didn’t need a car either.

  • Logan Via

    That’s not fighting the issue, the real issue is mental health and poverty. We need to change the gang culture and find a real way to combat mental illness. Guns or not murder will still happen. Whether you want to nitpick over stats and not address the real issue then I’m afraid things will never get better.

  • Anonymous

    That’s BS? Because you say so? Or is there yet another conspiracy theory you want disclose?

    Instead you are changing the topic … mind staying on-topic?

    p.s. I see, you are “independent” ups, sorry, “libertarian”

  • Anonymous

    Eric Holder admitted that he knew more than he initially suggested. He’s a liar just like BO.

  • Anonymous

    I did speak out against Bush but you won’t speak out against Obama because you’re so loyal, he can do no wrong in your eyes. We live in dangerous times.

  • Logan Via

    They also make it possible to save people in danger like protecting your house from an intruder or shoot a maniac before he kills dozens of people in a mall with most likely an illegal gun that would be available with or without gun control, just look at the state of illegal drugs in this country.

  • Vintage Viral

    Just trying to make a very dry, sarcastic joke Ray. Like that was the part of the interview that made Jones look so nutty. Sorry you took it so extremely the wrong way.

  • dstouffermd

    The Swiss mental health system was a model I studied and visited in the 90s. It was brilliant, though expensive. So while it was working (at least at the time) it will never be employed in the US, as there is resistance to paying for even substandard systems. It is far-less expensive to treat than to jail, but Americans have no issue paying for prisons. It’s that “looking strong on law and order” is better than “looking like a bleeding heart” type of thing.

  • Anonymous

    You keep writing the same thing over and over. Strange.

  • Logan Via

    What are the stats on stabbings or just plain beatings? Just because you don’t have a instant kill weapon doesn’t mean his country is any less violent.

  • Vintage Viral

    I’m jewish by the way. Do you hate me?

  • Anonymous

    Sorry, you are simply not telling the truth if you’re trying to say that gun violence can all be traced to gangs and mentally ill people.

    Stats matter…because those are people. Those are 11,000 families that will never get their loved ones back.

  • http://www.facebook.com/MadamDeb Deb Moschkin

    Actually, the people of the US, when we found out how they attacked, have now outlawed any sharp instrument over an inch long on an airplane, and, indeed, because of other attempted hijacks, none of us can carry more than three ounces of liquid in our carry-on luggage.

    Because of an attempted shoe bomb attack, we all are required — and we willingly comply — to remove our shoes as we go through Security at an airport, and often to be checked with a wand detector. And, in fact, we had those security systems because of guns even before 9/11. Do you complain about going through those detectors?

  • dstouffermd

    You are correct; the comments at RCP are lauding Mr Jones as the conquering hero.

  • Boon Companion

    Mr. Jones hardly let Mr. Morgan get a word in. Interesting strategy. I wonder if anyone else has ever tried that? O, wait. Mr. Dershowitz hardly got a word in with Mr. Morgan. I dare say, Piers Morgan is a rather dangerous chap.

    Guns and Violence: The English Experience, Joyce Lee Malcolm

  • Anonymous

    Then why do these mass killings happen with increasing frequency?

    And why do they still happen in states that ALLOW concealed carry?

    There were people in Tucson, for example, who had guns on them….but it still didn’t stop it.

    In my view, guns make it easier to resort to violence and give people a sense of invincibility. I bet 90% of these nutcases wouldn’t be so brave if they had to go in and do hand-to-hand combat with a knife.

  • Anonymous

    Overall violent crime is higher in the UK than in the USA. And it got worse when they got rid of their guns.

  • Anonymous
  • http://24ahead.com/ 24AheadDotCom

    AJ is crazy, like a fox. He’s so crazy he got his name in the news before his appearance, and afterwards.

    As for his theories, some have a grain of truth. Those involved in his real theories use his manner and unreal theories to avoid wider mention of them. AJ’s libertarian craziness assists with that.

  • http://www.facebook.com/MadamDeb Deb Moschkin

    There are several issues here. We need to address each one. And we need to solve those that can be solved.

  • Anonymous

    The meaning of the bible has been changed many times so…

  • Anonymous

    Well look at who’s all sanctimonious all of a sudden – for a “libertarian” you seem quite the partisan – FYI it’s not my intention to defend Holder or that gun-walking program, but I want to call out the pharisaic BS you are spewing around here …

  • http://www.facebook.com/MadamDeb Deb Moschkin

    What gun-related violence in Britain? A little over 320 a year vs. over 10,000 a year here?

  • http://www.facebook.com/MadamDeb Deb Moschkin

    Ignorance and horrible rudeness. That’s what passes for intelligent discussion in their world.

  • http://akemi-mokoto.me/ Akemi Mokoto

    He is the most paranoid man on earth. The founder of NAMBLA, David Thorstad, and President of Iran is less delusional and more civilized than Alex Jones. That is pretty sad. I found myself yelling at my TV because that SOB drove me bonkers.

  • http://www.facebook.com/MadamDeb Deb Moschkin

    He left for one reason, the reason for 99% of people’s activities: Money. Same reason the NRA exists.

  • Promeat Locker

    Are you incapable of simultaneously looking up the stats while you continue to believe he is insane?

  • dstouffermd

    You misunderstand my point. Your comment wasn’t informative, as you conflated lack of Party affiliation with lack of ideology; not being “a ‘con’ or a lib”. I was trying to understand what you were trying to express. Substituting “libertarian” for “Independent” in your initial comment resolves my query. Cheers.

  • http://truth-and-opinion.dyndns-blog.com/ The Peripatetic Apostate

    Even Glenn Beck thinks Alex Jones is insane.

  • http://www.facebook.com/MadamDeb Deb Moschkin

    Not from me, he didn’t.

  • Anonymous

    Well good. We agree. I just hope more on your side see the light that the NRA is out of touch.

  • Anonymous

    Where in my post does it say gun related?

  • http://www.facebook.com/MadamDeb Deb Moschkin

    What happened after he tracked them? Did he take them away from the gun-holders?

  • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rwWW2DQS_DU Booker T. (D-Utopia)

    I swear, I almost died laughing when Jones made that pseudo-English voice.

  • Anonymous

    Both plans were stupid and your people’s plan was stupider.

  • http://games-survival.com Justplaythegame

    pushing that number one killer are you? Prescription drugs?

  • Anonymous

    STFU troll.

  • http://games-survival.com Justplaythegame

    I just wanted to hear him say Popi cok while doing it…lol

  • http://truth-and-opinion.dyndns-blog.com/ The Peripatetic Apostate

    Ignoratio elenchi fallacy.

    Comparing violence is inane when the outcomes are different. Clearly violence resulting in death is FAR MORE SIGNIFICANT than violence that results in injury or violence manifest only as the threat or potential of violence.

    Apples-to-apples comparisons are ONLY ever appropriate.

    Thus, get the statistic of murder-by-firearms per 100,000 population, and ONLY that one, for the meaningful datum in arguing cases here.

    Perhaps you can make some cases of murders per 100,000 to examine differences in which murders are committed by other means.

    The complication of gun advocates is that murder effected by other devices are with devices that serve absolutely useful purposes. A murder effected by a car is done with a device not purposely designed or constructed to cause “target destruction” (death in the case of living things) unlike a weapon: weapons are not designed to transport cargo or passengers. When a car is designed specifically and solely for the purpose of killing humans, then a debate proposing its ban is quite reasonable.

  • Anonymous

    Jones has been a big TeaParty conspiracy pusher.
    He makes Limbaugh sound “lite”, I kid you not.

  • Anonymous

    another dumbazz, paranoid teabagger, ranting and raving like an idiot.

    Hahaha they’re like cockroaches.

  • http://www.facebook.com/MadamDeb Deb Moschkin

    How many people died in one day in an American city with F&F? How many first-graders were killed at one time with that operation? I don’t like that F&F happened, or that the gun-running happened under Bush. But I don’t live in Arizona, and there is that second amendment.

    But, I also don’t like the way a lot of people interpret the second amendment, but I’m probably going to be buying a gun myself soon. In Florida, when I walk out the door, I assume everyone else walking around has a loaded gun and they are batsh*t crazy as well.

  • Key Demographic

    I must admit I’m incredibly surprised that Morgan dared to let a man that so completely and accurately represents the conservative worldview onto the air.

  • http://www.facebook.com/MadamDeb Deb Moschkin

    Because there’s only one amendment that you care about, right?

  • http://games-survival.com Justplaythegame

    I got a feeling Morgan was on a few to take that shouting down and not cry

  • Anonymous

    Are you and Dizzy really that stupid to not comprehend what this debate is about? For what other purpose, other than killing lots of people, would an assault rifle be used for? Why do you think they call it “assault?” We’re talking about GUN violence. Maybe y’all need more time to figure that out for yourselves. By all means, take your time.

  • http://games-survival.com Justplaythegame

    take your meds..call us in the morning..

  • Key Demographic

    I’m a gun owner. This guy’s contention was that the American people need semi-automatic rifles in order to take on the U.S. military. But people who think that’s absurd are the ones in need of a reality check?

  • http://loathsomehuman.wordpress.com/ Keane

    Whoa. I expected Jones to snap if Morgan pushed him, but he kind of snapped on his own. He just lost it. After watching this segment, one of the last people I’d want to see having a gun is Alex Jones.

  • http://games-survival.com Justplaythegame

    yeah how dare him..that’s usuallywhat Piers does!! damn that guy for yellin!!

  • Anonymous

    The last thing I would do is something that you tell me to do

  • Anonymous

    Alex Jones is not conservative but conspiracy, alternative, new world order and sovereign citizen guy. He loves Ron Paul, Jesse Ventura and Gerald Celente. He is a 9-11 Truther who yelled at Michelle Malkin in 2008 at the DNC convention.

  • http://games-survival.com Justplaythegame

    Alex may not have been as eloquent.. but I will assume he got his point across clearly.

  • http://www.facebook.com/MadamDeb Deb Moschkin

    They’ve watched too many cowboy movies and cop shows.

  • http://games-survival.com Justplaythegame

    “I knew he was a crank”
    Yeah thank goodness Alex silence him for a change huh… peanut?

  • http://www.facebook.com/MadamDeb Deb Moschkin
  • http://games-survival.com Justplaythegame

    lol..you just got a special tingle over british accents..come on..be honest..
    Criminal is the deflection Morgan constantly does when ignoring the crime rate rise in the uK..

  • Ben Tyson

    Alex Jones is a true American hero!

  • Anonymous

    He’s a right-winger… lunatic fringe division.

  • Anonymous

    He bashed Bush though and made enemies with the right.

  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mB6ym9oc4IQ GrammaticallyIndependent

    Hey TJ, yeah it’s a shame. Conspiracy theories are like snowballs rolling down a hillside. Sometime they start from pebbles or snowflakes, but there’s always something that gets turned into something more. Though vernabc may not agree, I believe bureaucratic ass-covering and reactionary secrecy over incidents like 9/11, the assassination JFK etc. are like kindling to the fire.

  • Anonymous

    So your saying Alex Jones is a liberal or moderate, yeah sure.

  • Anonymous

    zero not hero

  • Sir Boo

    Who is this guy? I mean, I thought Glen Beck was the crazy
    one. I was hoping for some good debate but this lunatic simply would not listen.
    He had to speak over others to get the attention as if this was his stupid radio
    show. This is national TV, we can see you, you don’t have to shout. Piers wasn’t trying to molest you.

  • http://games-survival.com Justplaythegame

    High strung with reason?

  • Ben Tyson

    The founder of NAMBLA is more civilized than Alex Jones??? You just said that the leader of proud and out pedophiles is more civilized than a man trying to protect his 2nd Amendment rights, your 2nd Amendment rights, and every single man and woman’s 2nd Amendment rights. Smdh…

  • Ben Tyson

    Safe from who? The boogey man? Osama bin hidin’?

  • Ben Tyson

    Do something about your written English.

  • Ben Tyson

    Boom! Got him.

  • http://loathsomehuman.wordpress.com/ Keane

    A lunatic with a gun? Sure. So was John Wilkes Booth, Jared Lee Loughner, Sirhan Sirhan, and Adam Lanza.

  • http://loathsomehuman.wordpress.com/ Keane

    By the way, why is Mediaite not naming Alex Jones in this headline? Alex Jones is easily a popular enough personality to warrant his own name in the headline.

  • Ben Tyson

    Jones isn’t a Republican, he’s a Libertarian. He sees the Republican-Democrat paradigm as false, a continuum meant to swing right and left without ever accomplishing anything of substance. The goal of this false paradigm is to get plebians (you people) to bicker and argue and get passionate about social issues while the Elite (1%, New World Order, Bank$ters, etc.) continue to run this country whichever way they want. 74% of all US gun deaths in 2011 were gang related…where is that on your nightly national news? But when one drug-addled psychopath grabs his mom’s guns and tears a whole in the side of a kindergarten then you all get up in arms about gun control. Smdh…

  • Guest

    I am no fan of Piers Morgan, and I certainly support our 2nd amendment, but Alex Jones needs to shut the hell up!! He makes us all look crazy!

  • Ben Tyson

    there is no spoon…

  • Anonymous

    Does this Alex Jones do parties? Bar mitzvahs? The Poconos offseason?

    The guy’s hilarious. A buffoon, but hilarious.

  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mB6ym9oc4IQ GrammaticallyIndependent

    Who would down-vote this? Ugh, anyway…

    Here’s this blog I found a while ago your comment reminded me of. I thought it was interesting and insightful as I read it.


  • Anonymous

    Well, Jones and Morgan are two sides of the same counterfeit coin. It’s an old trick of Lefties in the media like Piers Morgan to invite the farthest out whackos on and implicitly pass them off as run-of-the-mill. Conservatives, which serves TWO purposes: it manages to sell.Piers as a reasonable moderate in contrast to people like Jones, and also fulfills the primary function of discrediting the entire 2nd amendment adherents by tarring them with the same brush Alex Jones brought into the studio.
    See how it all works out?
    Alex Jones is a truther conspiracy theorist and everything else he may
    believe is poisoned by that fact. All one has to do to discredit Jones
    is to bring up his loopy truther fantasies.

  • Ben Tyson

    Voted you up just because you know what you’re talking about!

  • http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=48805881 Michael Fitz-Gibbon

    The New World Order doesn’t pay well enough?

  • Ben Tyson

    Libertarian, dumbass.

  • Ben Tyson

    Are you saying it’s a conspiracy….dun dun dun.

  • Anonymous

    Whatever, he’s still a right-winger no matter how much you wish to disown him. You’re not fooling anyone.

  • http://akemi-mokoto.me/ Akemi Mokoto

    Yes, I’ve seen how the founder of NAMBLA acts and I’ve seen how Alex acts and that scumbag pedo behaves better than Alex. On the scumbag scale, I don’t see the 2 any different…they are both pieces of crap that should die in my eyes.

    PS: I don’t give a ratass about the second amendment. I’d like to see it killed off.

  • Anonymous

    You mean like the birthers?

    Israeli science website: Obama birth certificate forged

  • Anonymous

    And you’re a tolerant, peaceful lib.

  • http://games-survival.com Justplaythegame

    Jesus was falsely accused.. stripped and crusified by those in power… yeah, if he didn’t want it to happen.. he could have used a gun..if they had one.sigh.. in fact.. he had a few of his followers carry swords and one actually cut the ear off of one of his accusers before he said enough and allowed them to take him away.. he was nice enough to heal that ear on the way to his crusification by those in power…
    But Jesus came to be persecuted.. most others did not..

  • Anonymous

    While Jones’ style is off the wall, his substance is on the mark…at least for the most part. Taking guns away from law-abiding citizens will only keep criminals safe.

  • http://loathsomehuman.wordpress.com/ Keane

    I agree. While I don’t think Alex Jones is credible in all areas (his obsession with “globalists” and 9-11 is rather insane), his approach to gun control has been, to my previous reading, somewhat reasonable. This appearance will, and I think *should*, ostracize him from the legitimate political media.

    And I think Piers knew that. That’s why he let Jones ramble on, like a man off his meds. I don’t like Piers, and he’s likely a criminal back in the UK, but I must admit that he was smart here, letting Jones hang himself with his own rage.

  • Ben Tyson


    This is what Jones was talking about. Just read the first two sentences if you’re super lazy…

    “The strategy of tension (Italian: strategia della tensione) is a theory that describes how to divide, manipulate, and control public opinion using fear,propaganda, disinformation, psychological warfare, agents provocateurs, and false flag terrorist actions.[1]

    The theory began with allegations that the United States government and the Greek military junta of 1967–1974 supported far-right terrorist groups in Italy andTurkey, where communism was growing in popularity, to spread panic among the population who would in turn demand stronger and more dictatorial governments.”

    Still happening today.

  • Anonymous

    Or that legitimate rape stops pregnancy.

    There’s a few other crazy things right-wingers have said that you may want to disown.

  • Anonymous

    Did Alex Jones argue we need to keep guns out of the hands of crazy people?

  • Anonymous

    Well nobody on the right agrees with Truther conspiracies.

  • Anonymous

    What a freakshow!

  • http://www.facebook.com/MadamDeb Deb Moschkin

    He knew what he was doing. I predict he’ll ask Rush on next.

  • http://www.facebook.com/chris.gordon.3551 Chris Gordon

    no, more guns has not equaled lower crime- increased use of computer technology data bases has.

  • http://www.facebook.com/MadamDeb Deb Moschkin

    The issue is gun availability and misuse, not violence of all kinds.

  • http://www.facebook.com/chris.gordon.3551 Chris Gordon

    as if calling hard data a ‘factoid’ makes it any less true.

  • http://www.facebook.com/chris.gordon.3551 Chris Gordon

    he made an utter fool of himself by refusing to talk rationally about real, hard data. Really his behavior is an intentional distraction away from proof that reducing guns reduces gun crime.

  • Caribou “QUIT” Barbie™

    From your mom.

  • http://www.facebook.com/chris.gordon.3551 Chris Gordon

    the tirade of a desperate man

  • http://www.facebook.com/chris.gordon.3551 Chris Gordon

    he’s 100% absurd and a detriment to the gun cause.

  • http://www.facebook.com/chris.gordon.3551 Chris Gordon

    Wow what a bully. Impersonating his accent???

  • http://www.facebook.com/chris.gordon.3551 Chris Gordon

    Alex Jones’s behavior here may well go down in history as the biggest fail of the 21st century

  • http://www.facebook.com/chris.gordon.3551 Chris Gordon

    the most entertaining part is the paranoia.

  • http://www.facebook.com/chris.gordon.3551 Chris Gordon

    Jones acted like a desperate freak on a limb

  • http://imcravingpresidency.tumblr.com/ SedanChair

    “Yes, I’m Piers Morgan, I’m interested in having a serious debate. That’s why I’ve booked ALEX JONES

  • Orestes Ippeau

    That’s Classic Americana Paranoia to YOU, bub. Plus he barely scratched the surface of it: not a single mention of Bilderberg, or the FEMA internment and rape camps, or the hallucinogens “they” are putting in our water, and our food, our FOOD, OUR FOOD sheeple.

    These clips shouldn’t surprise anyone, because … these 2 … have met before:

  • http://profiles.google.com/fatlibertarianinokc Fat Libertarian

    Spoken like a true murderous tyrant.

  • http://profiles.google.com/fatlibertarianinokc Fat Libertarian

    What evidence do you have to suggest that Alex Jones is violent or dangerous with a gun? And his point about the SSRI drugs is completely accurate. Over 90 percent of these mass shootings are done by people either on anti-depressant type drugs or suffering withdrawals from them. And a large majority of these people did not show violent tendencies until they were on these medications. And as Jones said, this is something they don’t want out because of the kind of money these drugs make which allow them to run very expensive ads on CNN and the like. There’s no violence in Alex Jones history. You’re just a brutal authoritarian who personally has an opinion that differs from someone so you wanna take away their right to defend themselves. That’s sad.

    Do you have no sense of liberty and what it is? Are my liberties really to be so tenuous that I would have to be careful what I say around you that you might decide I can no longer defend my own life? I don’t understand this world you so-called Liberals inhabit. It’s a twisted world where the peaceful are evil and the tyrants are benevolent.

  • Orestes Ippeau

    See this here? How the reader-commenter grants that Jones is screwier than corked ripple, but that his “approach to gun control has been … somewhat reasonable”?

    That’s what actually reasonable, actually sane, actually educated, actually functioning-brained people in this country are up against: not people like Jones, who after all are large indistinguishable from old medicine show geeks who bit the heads off chickens and ranted in tongues — but people like Keane, who grant that maybe those like Jones go a little too far, but he sure gets the planes, trains and automobiles running properly.

    A nation of Wingnuts, Nitwits, Lame Brains, God Swallowers, Chicken Fried Chuckleheads, and Caffeinated Fruitbars with extra refined glucose.

  • Anonymous

    LOL! This Alex Jones is an absolute representation of the Republican party and the teabaggers.. !! dumbed down extremism mixed with a tinge of mental illness.

  • Anonymous

    did glenn beck dye his hair?

  • Anonymous

    the list is long :)

  • http://profiles.google.com/fatlibertarianinokc Fat Libertarian

    Nobody gave him a radio program, he built it himself. I know that’s something progressives would not understand. It’s sad that you contradict yourself so willingly. You say he has the right to say and believe anything but then seem to suggest he should be censored and not allowed a radio show. Then let me let you in a little secret – this would make you a brutal authoritarian who seeks to use the state to silence a peaceful individual because you don’t agree with his opinion. Don’t worry, you’re not alone apparently

    The reason Alex Jones got so upset is because he does not like Piers Morgan or Alan Derschowitz. He views them as brutal globalists who want to reduce world populations and disarm them. He hates them and what they want to do. Maybe you don’t agree. That’s certainly fine, but don’t go suggesting we use government force to silence him.

    And if you were not suggesting that then forget everything I wrote.

  • http://www.facebook.com/zak.horner.31 Zak Horner

    The nambla guy is a sicko. Jones is just a wacko.

  • Anonymous

    huh? michelle malkin at the “dnc convention” WTF are you talking about?

    and yeh, he’s a conservative alright

  • Orestes Ippeau

    His wits went on extended vacation with his nits. What you’re missing is that he does this same thing on his show every night, solo.

    The Brit accent was a bit of alright.

  • Orestes Ippeau


    I’m guessing early on in his post-infant sentient period, in his teen years while on some really bad high, Jones had a revelation about the Orsen Welles radio production of War Of The Worlds


    listened to it, read about the widespread goober panic,


    and realized he’d found his grift … uh, I mean calling.

  • Anonymous

    why is he yelling so loudly?

  • http://www.facebook.com/james.james.564 James James

    Alex Jones is an American with rights and put he put that Brit right in his place. Piers Morgan is a nut that has no country and has not even a right to vote.

  • http://www.facebook.com/james.james.564 James James

    Good job Alex the Brit doesn’t run this country. 200 million more gun owners feel the same way.

  • http://www.facebook.com/james.james.564 James James

    Morgan just can’t accept the fact that after the gun ban violent crime and murder tripled in England they stopped using guns and went to knives and other means.

  • Anonymous

    Genghis Khan managed to kill millions without ever committing a “gun murder.”

  • 31Forever

    I was suggesting nothing of the sort. In fact, if you were to reread my post, I said he had the right to say whatever he wanted.

    What surprises me is that his subject matter is so radioactive, I’m amazed that anyone gave him the opportunity to even create the forum.

    You sound as though you are a listener.

    And an NWOer.

  • http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=48805881 Michael Fitz-Gibbon

    Hey, remember how violent Japan is without guns everywhere?

    Oh wait. No, wait, it isn’t. .

  • http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001154023994 Daniel Thompson

    I just loved the obvious thought process of Alex Jones at this point -

    “Come on Piers! Let’s box one another! I’ll put on the red, white and blue and you can put on…(visualizes the Union jack, realizes it has the same colours)…uh, your jolly roger…!!!”

    It’s moments like these which make me cherish my sanity XD

  • Anonymous

    To be fair, hosting a show on CNN and then travelling back and forth from the UK is a terrible hiding strategy if they wanted to press charges

  • Anonymous

    Am I allowed to hate Alex “I believe in EVERY conspiracy theory” Jones and Piers “I’m an arrogant blowhard impervious to facts and hostile to American culture” almost equally? B

    Because I do :)

  • Anonymous

    lol I kinda liked that part actually. It was the ranting about 9/11 and pharmaceuticals where went off the rails for me.

  • Anonymous

    He doesn’t like “Jooooos” very much, so I doubt the Bar Mitzvah thing

  • Anonymous

    He’s not, we mock him mercilessly on our websites. He belongs to the same people who WORSHIP (not like or admire) Ron Paul. His ideas are as much left wing extremism on some issues as right wing extremism.

    I agree with him about the guns, but he’s a lunatic

  • Flitzy

    Ladies and gentlemen: Here are the a**holes that make up the pro-gun/pro-second amendment movement….

  • http://www.facebook.com/people/Brian-Mo/100001524663725 Brian Mo

    “The coward believes he will live forever If he holds back in the battle, But in old age he shall have no peace Though spears have spared his limbs”

  • Flitzy

    I dunno, I think it’s great for America to see just how insane the gun lovers are.

  • http://www.facebook.com/people/Brian-Mo/100001524663725 Brian Mo

    totally safe bro. he’s protecting us from those medical marijuana people he keeps having arrested.

    “Two words for you: predator drones. You’ll never see it coming.”
    The Drone King Barry Soetoro AKA Barack Hussein Obama II

  • http://www.facebook.com/stephen.acts.35 Stephen Acts

    Morgen do yous still have your armed security team. No more guns for you first then yo talk about taking away other people guns

  • expatpatriot

    So is this Jones crackpot secretly paid by the Brady Campaign?

    I can imagine no more compelling poster-manchild of gun-lovers as psychopathic, obnoxious, embarrassing, and needing to be shunned by all thinking people.

    Mr. & Mrs. America, how’d you like to have that living next to you?

  • expatpatriot

    That would be because it’s not true. Which kind of explains Morgan’s viewpoint.

  • http://www.facebook.com/soelyla Soelyla Salie

    Wow it’s been so long since I’ve seen a real man with real passion about something as important as real self defence. I have’nt seen a real man on mainsteam TV, not since Sam Elliott and Tom Selleck. Where have all the cownboys gone?

  • http://www.facebook.com/soelyla Soelyla Salie

    Alex Jones reminds me of Sam Elliott and Tom Selleck. Where have all the cowboys gone? Piers was completely disorientated around a real man :) Loved it. Well done Alex!

  • SickOfTheStupid

    you do not need a bunch of education to know right from wrong .

    Just remember the anger and rage Alex displayed is common and much more prevalent out here in the real world .

    We have had enough of a out of control criminal government and gun control is going to be topic that ignites the powder keg .

    Americans are locked and loaded and ready for the fight

  • SickOfTheStupid

    and he has more viewers and listeners than Piers Morgen .

  • Anonymous

    Alex is just another GOP wacko. There seems to be millions of wackos in the GOP.

  • Anonymous

    A lot of what bothers gun owners is emotional and it probably helps to get a guy on there who really let’s lose with how he feels. That was a pretty cool interview, and Piers kept it together.

  • Anonymous

    Typical angry liberal.

  • Anonymous

    Liberal? Liberals don’t believe in liberty. Liberals like a nanny state.

  • http://www.facebook.com/people/Matthews-Motivation/100002072378153 Matthew’s Motivation


  • http://www.facebook.com/people/Matthews-Motivation/100002072378153 Matthew’s Motivation

    hE LIVES OUTSIDE OF AUSTIN, most liberial city in AUSTIN

  • Anonymous

    Why would the Brady Campaign have anything to do with this crackpot? If it’s the old reverse physcology ruse I could see your point. Tell me I’m missing something here. Jones is a crackpot from way back, he’s a, Black Helicopters, 9-11 was caused by the government, the U.N. is amassing troops and equipment in Texas, the Bilderberg group is going to destroy us from within, type of nut, that I can’t see the Brady Campaign anywhere near.

  • http://www.facebook.com/people/Matthews-Motivation/100002072378153 Matthew’s Motivation

    exactly ……..sometimes you just gotta shut up and let the idiot dig his own hole.

  • http://www.facebook.com/people/Matthews-Motivation/100002072378153 Matthew’s Motivation


  • Anonymous

    Yee-hah! Alex Jones really rocks! It’s about time somebody smacked down prissy Brit punk Piers Morgan. Go, Big Alex! You the Man.

  • http://www.facebook.com/people/Matthews-Motivation/100002072378153 Matthew’s Motivation

    he’s on INFO wars saying Bloomberg is gonna hire a crackhead to kill him while he’s in New York ..lmao

  • Anonymous

    Alex made a few good points but ruined the little bit of good things he was saying by acting childish by mocking Piers accent. How old is that guy? And let’s get real we are all foreigners, calling Piers a red coat are you kidding me. We all don’t have to agree but we also don’t need to be immature about our ways of disagreeing.

  • http://www.facebook.com/people/Matthews-Motivation/100002072378153 Matthew’s Motivation

    Piers played it real cool…

  • http://www.facebook.com/people/Matthews-Motivation/100002072378153 Matthew’s Motivation

    Sean Hannity/ Bill O Reilly would have cut his MIC

  • Anonymous

    Nice try but really, the man came off as unhinged and immature.

  • http://www.facebook.com/people/BigOle-Tater/100003221375360 Big’Ole Tater

    The Bohemian Grove seems like a real fun time.

  • http://www.facebook.com/dr.nick.sanders Nick Sanders

    Dear red states

    We’re ticked off at your Neanderthal attitudes and politics
    and we’ve decided we’re leaving.

    We in New York intend to form our own country and we’re
    taking the other Blue States with us.

    In case you aren’t
    aware that includes California,

    We believe this split will be beneficial to the nation and
    especially to the people of the new country of The Enlightened States of
    America (E.S.A).

    To sum up briefly:

    You get Texas, Oklahoma and all the slave states.

    We get stem cell research and the best beaches.

    We get Andrew Cuomo and Elizabeth Warren. You get Bobby
    Jindal and Todd Akin.

    We get the Statue of Liberty. You get OpryLand.

    We get Apple, Intel and Microsoft. You get WorldCom and

    We get Harvard. You get Ole’ Miss.

    We get 85 percent of America’s venture capital and

    You get Alabama.

    We get two-thirds of the tax revenue. You get to make the
    red states pay their fair share.

    Since our aggregate divorce rate is 22 percent lower than
    that of the Christian Coalition’s, we get a bunch of happy families. You get a
    bunch of single moms.

    With the Blue States in hand we will have firm control of
    80% of the country’s fresh water, more than 90% of the pineapple and lettuce, 92%
    of the nation’s fresh fruit, 95% of America’s quality wines (you can serve
    French wines at state dinners) 90% of all cheese, 90 percent of the high tech
    industry, most of the US low sulfur coal, all living redwoods, sequoias and
    condors, all the Ivy League and Seven Sister schools plus Harvard, Yale,
    Stanford, Cal Tech and MIT.

    With the Red States you will have to cope with 88% of all
    obese Americans and their projected health care costs, 92% of all US
    mosquitoes, nearly 100% of the tornadoes, 90% of the hurricanes, 99% of all
    Southern Baptists, virtually 100% of all televangelists, Rush Limbaugh, Bob
    Jones University, Clemson and the University of Georgia.

    We get Hollywood and Yosemite, thank you.

    38% of those in the Red states believe Jonah was actually
    swallowed by a whale, 62% believe life is sacred unless we’re discussing the
    death penalty or gun laws, 44% say that evolution is only a theory, 53% think
    that Saddam was involved in 9/11 and 61% of you crazy bastards believe you are
    people with higher morals then we lefties.

    We’re taking the good weed too. You can have that crap they
    grow in Mexico.


    Citizen of the Enlightened States of America

  • RyanT

    Yes, nothing says “facts” like 9/11 truthers threatening violence. The guy is a crackpot.

  • RyanT

    All untrue. Countries with less guns have less murders ..Other weapons are far less deadly. There may be the same amount if attacks, but less people are dead.

  • ItalicizedMalice

    I was born in Alabama and live in NC. Please don’t assume I am some cousin-f$%king gun nut Truther retard due to my geographic proximity to some red-state minded people. It is condescending and stupid

  • http://www.noneedforastinkingwebsite.com dow daytrader

    nah, Alex did fine…sarcasm and counter-bullying by Alex was well done…too bad he didn’t remind Piers that the USA kicked his ass in 1812 and 1783 and his days are numbered here, pitching his European socialism schtick on American (ahem!) media !!

  • Anonymous

    Piers is incorrect- per capita England has far more gun murders than the US despite their draconian gun laws. Jones is as big a blowhard as Morgan but his argument has more legs than anything that pommy poof Morgan has said. This article was entertaining though, I’m sure Josh Feldman would give Morgan a hummer on the spot if he asked.

  • Anonymous

    Good grief, Jones is even more unhinged than he sounds when I hear my half-crazed mother worshiping his every word on his podcast/radio show.

  • http://theghostwriterofindependence.blogspot.com/ Republicus

    Do you suppose that Alex Jones realizes that the “Father of the American Revolution”, Thomas Paine, had been on the continent less than a year when he began to write Common Sense? Alex Jones, and Dittoheads like him, are history challenged morons.

  • Anonymous

    Holy sh@t this guy is freaking nuts

  • ItalicizedMalice

    isn’t that the gay capital of the south?

    just sayin, lotta rage there…perhaps self aimed at self (and not the UN)

  • Anonymous

    The point is that violence went up in the UK once they banned guns. And that violent crime is higher in the UK than in the US. This is because we have guns and they do not.

  • http://www.facebook.com/julius.pantera Julius Pantera

    Alex Jones has total distrust of the government but yet when making any points on the topic of guns and crime refers to the FBI as his source for his arguments. Why would Alex Jones place so much credence on FBI reports and stats? The FBI is not only part of the government but also has had a dubious history with regard to civil liberties and spying on people.

  • Anonymous

    Which ones are the “red” ones – the communist ones? People who actually use this infantile color scheme should not call themselves “Enlightened.”

  • The Professor

    Hothead pyschos shouldn’t be allowed to have a gun. Video evidence above.

  • Anonymous

    He was totally prepared for what he got and did keep his cool.

  • nvtncs

    What’s unnerving is that millions in the US listen to this guy and believe what he said.

  • bob ross

    “I haven’t seen a real man on mainstream TV, not since Sam Elliott and Tom Selleck. Where have all the cowboys gone?”

    News flash..There actors and the characters they play aren’t real! The real men are the ones working two jobs in a really fouled-up economy that the republicans brought on them. But you cant see it because you fall for every diversion they come up with (Assault Weapons this time) If you find this guy Jones a role model like the others you mentioned then you have a very interesting set of values.

  • Anonymous

    Someone swallowed a bit too much of the fluoride brushing his teeth!

  • kriserskine

    I was born in NC, and live in TN, and I am well educated. We also have some of the best public universities in the United States. UNC and UVA come to mind. Private Universities? Try Duke, Vanderbilt. He is not my hero, and in fact, I’d never heard of him until I watched this clip. Guess both of you need to go back and check your sources.

    You only show your own lack of knowledge and education when you perpetuate such myths.

  • http://www.facebook.com/people/Darren-Isaac-Gove/108004087 Darren Isaac Gove

    Gosh…This guy has all the facts he needs to destroy Morgan in an argument, but he is nearly insane himself. I can see why Morgan brought this guy to be his debate opponent…What a mess.

  • kriserskine

    The real problem with the gun debate is that reasonable people don’t control the debate. People who care about the country but who also care about HOW we debate the issues are, unfortunately, not going to get much air time. Consequently, you have people like Alex Jones who get the air time.

    And then even those who do get airtime are further corrupted by lobbyists. So here we have the pharm lobby pitted against the gun lobby. In a party that does not like regulation, who will win that battle? Both? Let’s hope for America’s sake it’s neither.

    You can hold onto your constitutional beliefs all you want. You can die defending these rights, but the constitution is not sacred. It is not perfect. If all Americans defend their own interpretation of the constitution then this country will very quickly disappear.

    What is the solution? Arms in every school? In every mall? In every street? Under everyone’s coat? Is that really what we want to become… an armed nation of scared citizens? Is that how we want to live?

  • Craig

    First of all lets get one item straight once and for all, yes Lanza had a assult rifle, it was found in his car in the parking lot(not one single shot fired by it at the school). The weapons used were a glock 9 mm, and a sig saur 9mm, both of these are pistols not an assult rifle. Another fact that the liberal media is glossing over is the Oregon mall shooting. Yes there were 3 victims, but what the media has stopped reporting is that a private citizen with a concealed carry weapons permit stopped the shooter. Perhaps we need to look at the homicides by firearms a little differently, in 2012 there was 500 homicides in Chicago and 411 homicides in Detroit, these two cities account for 5.4% of all the homicides in America. Kind of makes you wonder what the true problem is.

  • Anonymous

    What’s with this English citizen coming to the USA and spouting off on national TV his views for a UK type police state ? Since Piers is NOT a US citizen I don’t believe he is covered by OUR Bill of Rights ? I wonder what would happen if this type of discourse against a another countries constitution was broadcast in say Israel, Egypt, Russia, etc. etc. ?
    Perhaps CNN should vet possible employees more closely before they hire people involved in media scandals ??

  • shonangreg

    Come on, Orestes. Gun paranoia and mindless parroting of whatever the NRA puts out is far, far too common among gun rights advocates. But Alex Jones has to make sense about some things. He probably would say that we shouldn’t drink hot liquids from plastic containers, for example. I know that is absurd, but that is how you are reacting here.

    And maybe before this outrage, Jones had been a reasonable gun rights advocate. I doubt it, but I don’t know, and you don’t either, or surely you would have mentioned Jones’ having propagated the misinformation.*

    You’re almost pulling your own Anti-Alex rant/meltdown here with Keane. I doubt I would agree with more than half of Keane’s views on gun control, but you just totally missed the target. From what Keane said here, not including any inside information that you might have about him, he might be close to reasonable, perhaps a little too swayed by the groupthink of his comrades, but that is all that can be said. Alex Jones really did just destroy himself here! Keane is just ambiguous or vague.

    As to the real target here, I think never again will we have to take seriously anyone arguing for Alex Jones’ pet issues. This was Howard Deane on coke screaming “yahhhhh!” for ten minutes. He is never going to live this incident down. All his paranoiac rants from now on will now be but echoes to this on-camera meltdown. Only the true idiots on the right would defend Jones now.

    As to what is reasonable regarding gun rights and control, I can state a basic framework for gun control:

    1) Do bigger clips make mass killings easier?**
    2) What usefulness do large clips serve in hunting or self-defense or use in a well-regulated militia?

    If anyone I’m arguing with cannot address these basic issues, then they are just another Alex Jones — unable to stay on task and answer basic questions — unable to think for themselves on the spot. The “Alex Jones” do not deserve to be taken seriously.

    I think the answers to 1) and 2) above, by the way, lead inexorably to the an analysis of a similar distinction we make in applying the 1st Amendment: you are free to express your opinion, but you are not free to yell “Fire!” in a crowded theater. The left would not begin to defend such an abuse of the 1st Amendment. Yet the right does this and far more with the 2nd.

    I’ve not heard anyone say why the 2nd Amendment is limitless while the 1st is not. The 1st is actually much stronger in this regard. Our freedom of speech is not recognized “in order to maintain a well-regulated press”, as the 2nd Amendment is conditioned on maintaining well-regulated militias, after all.

    *Ditto for one-handed grips,…

    ** Based on what statistics he ascribes importance to, I’d say that he has been one of the paranoid gun nuts. You didn’t say anything like that, though.

  • Anonymous

    Gotcha…if only Jesus had had a Glock. Right.

  • Anonymous

    “What you permit, you promote.”

    Rule of Liberalism: Government failure always justifies more government.

    ” April 17, 1775 An English attempt to confiscate guns from Americans triggered a successful Revolution ” Is Piers filling in for a deceased King ?

  • Anonymous

    I maintain that the deeper problem lies not with guns themselves, but with a decline in values that creates such a culture of anihilism. Diminishing the second amendment is just a bandaid that solves nothing, and hurts many.

  • Anonymous

    Wait the assault rifle was never used? Why is every liberal station lying then and claiming it was?

  • Anonymous

    It was all a calculated game to portray Alex Jones, king of conspiracies as your typical gun users. Thank god those of us with common sense know better.

  • http://games-survival.com Justplaythegame

    “Gotcha…if only Jesus had had a Glock. Right.”

    obviously..you “didn’t” get me… peanut?

  • Anonymous

    What a surprise. Stoney is a fan of the lunatic.

  • Anonymous

    “What evidence do you have to suggest that Alex Jones is violent or dangerous with a gun?”

    Did you watch the show? Mr. Jones presented himself in an angry and defiant manner, and appeared agitated beyond what was appropriate for that given situation. Mr. Jones made threats and was verbally abusive. Mr. Jones’s actions were not rational given the atmosphere (i.e., the situation and his surroundings) and were not the result of any outside threat (thus, any threat Mr. Jones may have felt was his perception, thus calling in to question his state of mind, and decision making). Along with making verbal threats, Mr. Jones also made a number of irrational and delusional statements. Given these observed actions by Mr. Jones, and his state of agitation, a rational person may have felt threatened by Mr. Jones had they been in his presence. Now, had Mr. Jones also been carrying a weapon at this time, a rational person would have been justified calling for security and security would have been justified in removing this threat.

    “Over 90 percent of these mass shootings are done by people either on anti-depressant type drugs or suffering withdrawals from them”

    Sorry, but you are going to have to prove that claim.

    “And as Jones said, this is something they don’t want out because of the kind of money these drugs make which allow them to run very expensive ads on CNN and the like.”

    This was not the topic of the show/interview, and was certainly not an answer to the question he was being asked. Jones was not able/willing to have a civil conversation. As an observer, I would conclude that he was either faking his anger in an attempt to get out of answering the questions he was being asked, or he was a lunatic that was on the verge of needing to be restrained. If his actions had been in public, there would have been calls for security. That was not acceptable behavior from a rational person.

    “There’s no violence in Alex Jones history.”

    You don’t know that and I don’t know that. All I can go by is what I witnessed in that interview. I would also add that there was no history of violence with the shooters in any of the recent mass shootings either… And also consider this. Had Mr. Jones had his way, he would have been armed at the time of this interview. Had Mr. Jones had a weapon on his person, do you think he was acting in such a way that you or anyone would have not felt threatened by his actions?

    “You’re just a brutal authoritarian who personally has an opinion that differs from someone so you wanna take away their right to defend themselves.”

    And you know this how? You don’t know the first thing about me, yet you want to dismiss any kind of rational debate by labeling and dismissing someone that may not agree with you. When did I ever say I wanted to take away anyone’s right to defend themselves? We are discussing this specific interview. And in this interview, who was the one making threats, and who may have felt threatened? Mr. Jones was using his 1st amendment rights of free speech, but free speech does not give a person the right to threaten others.

    “Do you have no sense of liberty and what it is?”

    Yes, I have a sense of liberty, and that does not include a country where we have over 300 million guns. The 2nd amendment does not give anyone the right to make other citizens fear for their well being or the well being of their children. You are wrong thinking that gun control is an attempt to take away your right to defend yourself, and you are being used by the gun manufactures and gun sellers. How many more guns do we need before you will feel safe? Mr, Jones stated he had approx. 50 (?) guns… And he stated he now felt safe. So what was the number of guns he had to own before he felt safe? 5? 10? 30 guns??? The point Piers was trying to make (and Mr. Jones refused to let him make) is that we now have over 300 million guns in this country and we have over 11,000 gun related deaths. How many more guns do we need before the number of gun related deaths decrease?

    “It’s a twisted world where the peaceful are evil and the tyrants are benevolent.”
    Again, I would focus you back to this specific interview. Would you describe Mr. Jones actions during this interview as “peaceful”..?

  • http://games-survival.com Justplaythegame

    Liberals only like Yelling when they are doing it..didn’t you get the memo? Any guy that can Yell as well as Alex Jones and not biatch slap the guy a foot away.. has control and is far from crazy.. He also got free media for the next week or so… gotta love it..Molon Labe

  • Anonymous

    Tin-foil hat, check.

    Extra teabags, check.

    Fox News on, check.

    Rush Limbaugh on, check

    Screaming at the black guy on TV, check.

    Ample food and supplies in the bunker, check.

    Misspelled sign attacking the government, check.

  • http://games-survival.com Justplaythegame

    “Only the true idiots on the right would defend Jones now”

    Awww.. did the loud texan scare you? So Yelling at someone makes them crazy? I guess once Mental health programs kick in alot of Liberals will be going silent.. enjoy those meds..

    Think..idiots.. if he can yell and for that alone be considered unstable.. maybe that’s why we don’t have any proper Mental health at the present.. abused in the past..

    As Piers would say.. Popi Cok.. anyone want a peanut?

  • Anonymous

    Besides the 9/11 truther BS, everything Jones said was true. And it was entertaining to see Piers get a taste of his own medicine. Piers yelled over one of the pro-gun guys before he could get five words of his answer out at his gun control townhall.

    Jones is right about drones, the billions of rounds of ammo the US has bought up, pills links to suicide and mass murder, etc.

    And further Jones is right about government tyranny. The only bipartisan things congress has been able to agree on are FISA (Warrentless wiretapping, something Piers would love), the NDAA, and the Patriot Act. It’s telling that congress can agree that the president should be able to have the same power as Mao, Hitler, Stalin, etc. to execute any citizen he wants. Further the justification is kept secret.

    People ask why do people need guns? I ask why does the government need the same powers of every modern dictator in history? That’s why we need guns.

  • ItalicizedMalice

    is this English?

  • Anonymous

    As the majority of guns owners are responsible law abiding citizens, I’d actually feel safer and more secure knowing we outgun the monsters among us.

  • ItalicizedMalice

    of course it is, the internet is 90% boobies, gambling, pirated music, and cray cray

  • Anonymous

    Not sure weather they should just shoot Jones so he will not be a danger to society or he should be put in a straight jacket for life. For sure this guy should not be roaming the streets, let alone filling ignorant listeners with venomous brain bile.

  • http://games-survival.com Justplaythegame

    Welp Rock.. you kinda brought this on yourself… instead of listening to the stats and what Alex was saying.. you was shocked someone would have the balls to shout back and first at this British weenie.. That don’t make him a loon.. in fact it got all his points out and didn’t get silenced by Piers as usually happens.. No unstable person sits within a foot of a grown man and yells that loud and that good without going further..
    Alex never did anything but shout the brit down.. and for that..I assume you have led a sheltered life and don’t see yelling much.. or cringe when someone does it to you? I dunno.. Looks like an Alex win to me.. his facts and stats are much better than the brits..
    Trying to jump on these idiots side here gets you what they are given.. they don’t care about right or wrong..just their Agenda..
    The scaruy part..the brit and his lawyer friend want him commited because he shouted at Piers.. hmmm.. these mental health programs of the future will be interesting.. nothing like pushing more drugs on people… its the AmeriKan way…

  • Anonymous

    This guy needs to have his broadcast license revoked. You are not entitled to a broadcast license.

  • http://games-survival.com Justplaythegame

    “is this English?”
    ofcourse… do you need me to bring crayons and paper out and draw you a picture for you can understand better? here..have a peanut…

  • http://twitter.com/DerekRife Derek Rife

    Republicans? That’s YOUR guy. I would GLADLY claim Bill Ayers before having to take ownership of Alex Jones.

  • Anonymous

    Who needs more proof that Texas is full of azz hats.

  • Anonymous

    He forgot to mention the chemtrails! The tyrants are coming folks!
    (this is sarcastic)
    What a loon. Go back to Texas and start your own country and take 99% of the south with you. Let us keep DisneyWorld.

  • http://www.facebook.com/people/BigOle-Tater/100003221375360 Big’Ole Tater

    If it weren’t for people like Alex Jones – you could ask a serious question like “how did amateur pilots fly massive commercial jets for the first time ever and flawlessly hit their targets which were less than twice their width and narrower than a runway, all while using no automated controls?”.

    A logical answer would be that the pilots were actually extensively trained by a government in preparation for an attack.

    His answer is, they were flown by military remote control without passengers (which they killed somehow).

  • Anonymous

    I would have said that is about the funniest thing I have ever heard, had it not been true.

  • Anonymous

    Which is exactly what Morgan knew was going to happen. He picked the only guy who’s an even more blinkered, delusional loudmouth than he is.

  • Devil’s Spawn

    Right off the bat, Mao did not kill 80 million people. Quite a few people died due to starvation during one period of communist rule in China, but far more died during the two decades of civil war in which Chang Kai-Shek decided it was more important to fight against the communists than it was to fight against the Japanese invaders! The flat out lie that Mao was a mass murderer is wrong!

    I am not writing this to defend Mao. Far from it. I am writing this to say that the numbers are so grossly exaggerated as to be worse than meaningless. They are a flat out lie! I find it interesting that this is the first time I even heard 80 million. The previous high number was 20 million, which is also a lie, but to multiply that by four just because 20 million doesn’t sound bad enough is utterly despicable.
    I do not challenge that Hitler and Stalin were mass murders. I do not defend Mao because he was a communist. I only report that Alex Jones is a liar.

  • http://www.facebook.com/wayne.wilkins.94 Wayne Wilkins

    Watched that whole rant and here’s news for ya’ll. That man is MENTALLY SICK and one of those that should never own any sort of weapon! I’m serious about the mental illness in that Whacko. It’s people like him that is a major part of the problems in this country!
    They scream like mental midgets that everyone and the Govt. wants to take guns away! THAT IS TOTALLY FALSE belief and not even reality!
    Like someone is coming around to clean out every gun everyone owns.
    You listen to all of these idiots and that’s their words. Guess the NRA got to them????
    So this WHACKO wasn’t even on board as to what the problem is and wants work to resolve the problem there is. Magazines capacity, AR14 assualt weapons, background checks.!
    This country has gone mental!

  • http://games-survival.com Justplaythegame

    “I am not writing this to defend Mao. Far from it.”

    Yeah 80 million down to 20 million… must be a relief off your mind to show MAO was not as bad as all that..sigh.. You actually took time out of your life NOT to defend MAO and attack a man that has not broken any laws and supports his rights under the 2nd Amendment that YOU believe he should not have…wow..we thank you MAO Jr… sigh

  • http://www.facebook.com/wayne.wilkins.94 Wayne Wilkins

    That had nothing to do with the SUBJECT! Piers didn’t dodge, he was sticking to the topic.

  • Anonymous

    I don’t think that is why Piers did it, in fact, I don’t think Piers had any idea that was going to happen. And Piers has had other gun-rights advocates on his show, and although they did not act like Mr. Jones, they are all basically saying the same things… “We have the 2nd Amendment” and “guns don’t kill people…” It is impossible to talk to these people regarding gun controll…

  • Devil’s Spawn

    I just looked it up at this site: http://www.guardian.co.uk/news/datablog/2012/jul/22/gun-homicides-ownership-world-list

    The per capita death by gun homicide rate in the US is 42 times higher than it is in England and Wales. Scotland is listed separately, and it had zero murders by gun.

  • Anonymous

    There are so many things wrong with the South. And he’s one of ‘em. It’s time for us to unshackle ourselves from these backwoods hicks and bigots. Let ‘em secede and good riddance to bad rubbish.

  • http://games-survival.com Justplaythegame

    aww.. did the LOUD Texan scare you? awww… he did the Brit accent part..that was pretty good.. but he forgot to say Popi cok…

    and what unstable act did he do so we can add it into our Future Mental Health database?

    Morgans Premise to the Judge:
    Morgan: Judge..he YELLED at me..boo hoo..boo hoo..
    Judge: did he touch you or pull out his BIG gun..
    Morgan: umm no…
    Judge: did he just shut you up for a change and got his point across?
    Morgan: umm..well.. yeah..
    Judge: then go growup.. you can’t just spew your agenda all the time without expecting someone will shout right back.. hows it feel to have it turned on you?
    Morgan: It just does not seem fair
    Judge: But it is. here have a peanut.. next case..

  • Devil’s Spawn

    Only the northern most part of Florida is “Southern.” Disney world is surrounded by retired “Yankees.”

  • Anonymous

    I don’t like the South. History. I’m black and they’ve done too much damage to my people and the nation. Let’s let ‘em go. They recieve much more than they contribute anyway.

  • http://www.facebook.com/people/James-Burns/1212041328 James Burns

    Alex should have his gun taken away he has mental and has anger issues. Possible the next mass shooting suspect

  • Anonymous

    Alex is a southern gentleman who is passionate about the truth, trying to educate dumb ass zombies and obamabots. I’d choose a southerner over a liberal puke any day of the week. Alex is my hero.

  • Devil’s Spawn

    Alex Jones is a liar, and would still be a liar if he had said 20 million or ten million were mass murdered by the communists from the day they took control of China on Oct 1st, 1949 to the present.
    So, since when is insisting that the truth be told an attack on an “honest” man and the defense of a mass murderer?

  • Anonymous

    A person like Morgan doesn’t exactly have to “hide”, provided he’s in another country and has the resources to turn potential charges into a long legal fight. I have no idea whether he’s traveling back and forth to the U.K. Do you?

    All I know is that he’s on tape discussing hacking in 2003, although he later claims to not have known about it.



    Again, I’m not defending Alex Jones. Jones is the worse of the two.

  • Craig

    This is all part of their propaganda the liberals are using to get approval to take our firearms. The police that were the first responders reported on CNN that had Lanza used the assult rifle there would have been more victims. Now all you here is about an assult rifle that magically kills without firing a shot.

  • Anonymous

    Boys, boys… how quickly you digress…
    Topless you say? What? No link..?

  • Anonymous

    I didn’t say he was dodging questions. I said he was dodging charges in the U.K.–or at least is conveniently out of the country while being increasingly tied to phone hacking.


    I agree, though, that Jones brought it up for no good reason. Alex Jones is a serious idiot.

  • The Professor

    People like that idiot don’t scare me in the least. And all that immaturity and anger usually is a cover for other… shortcomings somewhere else.

  • http://games-survival.com Justplaythegame

    MAO Jr… the guy that wants you to understand 10 million dead is better.. sigh

    What parts of his statistics lie? What parts of unarming citizens did he say was wrong in history? What part of deflecting from Piers on other than murder in his uK was Alex lying about?
    Are you just insecure having a Texan Yelling over the usual Brit yelling and interupting? Come on..we know Piers Morgan would have a much better platform as a Brit Jerry Springer.. look how many times he could say “Popi cok”.. we all think its “cute”…

  • Anonymous

    “But the issue with mass shootings is not guns, it’s these mind-altering anti-depressant pills that most mass shooters are either on or having withdrawals from.”

    You keep saying this. Where is your proof?

    “Don’t you think it’s rather interesting that Piers has such little concern for the fact that these drugs turn people into monsters?”

    As I replied to you earlier, it was not the topic of the discussion, not that it would have mattered. Mr. Jones had no intent of allowing Piers to reply to anything… And by continuing to shout out “suicide mass murder pills!!!” does not make it true or further an argument. Show me a scientific report that links any psychotropic drug to mass murder.

  • http://games-survival.com Justplaythegame

    So that means Piers and his short comings don’t scare you either.. good to know.. so why label them Pyschos? because you don’t like what they say even if it may be the truth? “you can’t handle the truth?”

  • shonangreg

    Maybe I should thank you, Justplaythegame, for being Exhibit B of what conservatives should steer clear of. Your paranoia has warped your logic. Everything you, and the NRA, say is suspect of being borne of the same illogic that preys upon Alex Jones.

    And yes, shouting at someone who is not shouting but is trying to have a conversation or debate with you is crazy — period.

  • Anonymous

    The photos of him at an Arsenal game in London less than 2 weeks ago suggest he does travel back to London, but then again a man of his resources could have the pictures doctored in a attempt to keep people off his trail. Now I’ll never know exactly how he found out who Charlotte Church was shagging. I’m off to make a foil hat.


  • The Professor

    The video is plenty of evidence. People who can’t maintain civility shouldn’t be armed.

  • Eric B

    In an exercise of expressing his First Amendment right, Alex Jones exposed himself as a total nutjob. To his credit Morgan gave him the rope to hang himself. I still say that if Piers Morgan doesn’t like it here go back home. Alex Jones supporters would applaud his performance but as a retired radio professional I found it disjointed, loaded with talking points (just like Fox News and MSNBC) and pretty much embarrassing. Not once did he not answer a direct question just rambled on like President Clinton when defining what “is is” when talking about Monica Lewinski. If it were me I would have cut his mic and tossed his crazy ass out of the studio.

  • Anonymous

    Well I tried to watch and got to the second section and learned nothing. The smaller the caliber the louder the boom, except in this guys case.

  • http://games-survival.com Justplaythegame

    Growup.. Piers never has a conversation..look up what he dished out to the last Gun Advocate on his show..
    Hmmm.. exibit…B so if a person supports the 2nd Amendment and does not follow your Ideals..they MUST BE CRAZY.. thanks for that… kinda shows just how crazy you are… period… here have a peanut..

  • http://games-survival.com Justplaythegame

    lol, if they dont use Popi cok..they must be uncivil.. look up Piers last Gun Advocate show..and see the Piers of crazy.. Alex put him in his place right off and kept him there.. the evidence is in the statistics presented and in the 2nd Amendment. thats all the civil needed.

    Freedom of Speech allows for yelling and out shouting your opponent.. or does that only count if you are liberals and brits on American soil?

  • Anonymous

    “From the look of things”? What does that mean? From the look of things Jones has a meth addiction?

  • Anonymous

    Perhaps that’s why you do not host a show…Why cut their mic off when they are entertaining the audience?

  • Nathan Lee Bush

    Whoa… How to lose a debate while contributing 95% of the words. When did the right become represented by zany conspiracy theorists talking about the New World Order on prime time? Keep it up dude! You’re the biggest recruitment tool for reasonable people increasingly disenchanted with your insane ideas.

  • Anonymous

    I’m as conservative as they come and this guy is such a wingnut, I could barely watch. He had some points on some of his rhetoric but he had that “I’m crazy glint in his eye”. We all know that look. Good Lord! He made Piers Morgan look like a great statesman. Morgan should have him on every week. Hey 9/11 truthers, keep up the good fight and see if you can find out who that gunman was on the grassy knoll, while you’re at it.

  • Nathan Lee Bush

    Should have let them secede when we had the chance.. Now we’re stuck with these low-performing states that are seized with an extremist agenda.

  • Anonymous

    Piers got a taste of his own medicine.

    Piers Morgan bullies John Lott, calls him a liar and refuses to let him explain his point”

  • http://www.facebook.com/people/Bo-Bright/100001283736203 Bo Bright

    Piers dodged the SSRI connection to mass shootings no mistake about it, more than 66 school shooting incidents linked to SSRI’s. Morgan has no credibility without addressing this known issue. Stick your pills up your ask(sic) big pharma.

  • Anonymous

    Do you think Piers Morgan can’t be charged if he’s out of the country? That’s not how the legal system works in Great Britain or the USA…

  • http://www.facebook.com/people/Bo-Bright/100001283736203 Bo Bright

    Every time you see a shooting spree you should begin with asking which SSRI the shooter was taking. The drugs warn suicidal and homicidal ideation. Media remains silent. Worthless press.in America.

  • Anonymous

    This interview was like
    mixing mementos and coke.

    Alex Jones and Benny Hinn are both
    great at their jobs.= Jones is a charlatan who mixes a lot of
    facts into his manufactured business plan to sell Ron Paul T-shirts
    and survival seeds.

    I would challenge anyone to discredit the
    majority of the factoids either one of these guys tossed out.

    Morgan tripped Jones off of the planned script he had and Jones

    Jones gave Morgan more factual information than he could process
    as he tried to stick to his script.

    Somebody Mail Jones a joint and Morgan a clue about scary guns.

    Great Interview = TOP THAT FOX NEWS.

  • ItalicizedMalice

    that is stupid, but you have a right to your opinion

    writing someone off for their accent or zip code is close-minded

    using your logic, a racist GOP NYer is better than me as political ally. that makes zero sense

  • http://www.facebook.com/people/Bo-Bright/100001283736203 Bo Bright

    yes he could be charged for sedition in the USA. The NDAA labels the homeland as a battlezone. His comments and actions are a crime.

  • Gregory Williams

    Did he really thinking showing up drunk slurring his words was the way to go? Crazy sounding and preaching the message of WE WILL RISE AGAIN and he had about a hundred different insane spews through out this interview … I would have stopped the process after he decided to go full on crazy which was about 30 or seconds into this.

  • Anonymous

    Dan, you seem to have the wrong idea. I don’t think there’s some “conspiracy” about Morgan and I’m not an Alex Jones type. I’m pointing out that Morgan has been repeatedly tied to the phone hacking stuff. That’s an empirical fact.

  • Anonymous

    That’s not what I said. I just pointed out that it’s easier to fight potential charges abroad, even if we’re talking about the U.S. and U.K.

  • Anonymous

    You are SHARP , I bet nobody ever found you at hiding seek.
    LOL Piers get found quick.

  • Anonymous

    Thanks, wing-nut.

  • Anonymous

    Jones will be a rock star for this . He pulls these stunts all the time..just not a huge platform like this.
    Video everywhere of Jones getting his fake outrage on. Jones tells a lot of truth….but the over the edge stunts he pulls are to keep the coffers filled.
    Look at him trending on Google . He is loving this.

  • Anonymous

    I agree about Jones. Just because I’m pointing out Morgan’s issues doesn’t mean I don’t think Jones is a POS. I agreed entirely with Morgan in this interview.

    About the “look of things”, I’ve already linked two out of easily dozens of UK news stories looking at whether Piers Morgan was aware of phone hacking by his editorial team. The coverage suggests that, yes, he was aware of it and was aware of it years before he denied it. You can look this up yourself with a quick search of news sites and Google.

  • Anonymous

    “No unstable person sits within a foot of a grown man and yells that loud and that good without going further..”
    What does that mean? Without going further? What would be further? Hitting him? And your argument is that he should also be allowed to carry a gun? So if Jones had gone “further”, and hit Morgan, and then Morgan kicked his ass, then Jones would have the right to defend himself and shoot him???
    “Alex never did anything but shout the brit down..”
    And that is acceptable? What did “the brit” do to warrant being yelled at? He disagreed with him. So now, when a person disagrees with you, it is acceptable behavior to yell, threaten, and verbally abuse the person you disagree with?
    “his facts and stats are much better than the brits..”
    LOL….How would you know??? The “brit” was never allowed to talk.
    “hmmm.. these mental health programs of the future will be interesting..”
    Do you understand the word “ironic”. It is Mr. Jones and the NRA that are blaming “mental health” (not the fact that we have over 300 million guns in this country) for all of these shootings. So tell me. What would you do if you were in this situation, i.e., you have an angry man with a gun, shouting at you and every time you tried to ask him a question or you asked him to calm down he yelled louder. Then he threatened you, verbally abused you, and even started to mock you… What would be your response?
    “No unstable person sits within a foot of a grown man and yells that loud and that good without going further..”
    So are you a stable person? So does that mean you would go “further”..?

  • http://www.facebook.com/people/Audrey-Smilgys/1008434409 Audrey Smilgys

    A REAL southern gentleman can debate in a civilized, respectful manner. He did neither, but did do a disservice to his fans and his “movement.

  • Anonymous

    You guys/gals are more fun than smoking dope in a penticostal church full of rattle-snakes.

  • http://www.facebook.com/people/Audrey-Smilgys/1008434409 Audrey Smilgys

    He did make some good points, but they were squeezed in between such craziness! Honestly, we need good discussions about anti-depressants, our drone war, etc. But to go off half-cocked is not the way to have that discussion. It turned people off to him and to his points.

  • Anonymous

    But most of the time, where there is smoke there are mirrors.
    Gram writes:
    “here are people who would do away with the uniquely American 2nd Amendment entirely if they had their way”
    Yeah, well there are also people that want everyone armed and carrying guns, but that does not mean we give into that.

  • Anonymous

    the crazier he gets, the bigger his audience will be.

    plus, his paychecks will increase exponentially.

  • http://games-survival.com Justplaythegame

    ” So now, when a person disagrees with you, it is acceptable behavior to yell, threaten, and verbally abuse the person you disagree with?”

    You obviously have not seen prior Morgan interviews with Gun advocates…
    here..have a peanut..

  • Anonymous

    How about the biggest one… “The more guns we have the safer we will be.”

  • Devil’s Spawn

    Better yet, you tell me where he got that 80 million number.

    Here is a more realistic statement of facts: China was in Civil War mode from 1927 to Oct 1949. That is a whole lot of years in which communists fought Nationalists. The Nationalists were every bit as bad as you and Alex Jones fear the US government could be. They were fascists, and their European equivalent would be Benito Mussolini. Their Asian equivalent was Emperor Hirohito, and when Japan invaded China in 1937, the Nationalists were more concerned with fighting the communists than they were in fighting the Japanese. There is even strong evidence to suggest that the Nationalists were willing to let the Japanese keep Manchuria forever, but the Japanese took even more.

    It is a fact that the nationalists and communists killed each other almost equally, and the Japanese killed both without distinguishing one from the other. Finally, in desperation, the communists kidnapped Chang Kai-Shek, the leader of the Nationalists, and convinced him to fight the Japanese first. They didn’t kill him. They convinced him to fight for China first, and Nationalism (fascism) second. From 1945 to 1949, it was back to Chinese against Chinese, and when the Nationalists lost, they fled to Taiwan, which remained a dictatorship until Chang died in 1975.

    Taiwan was a dictatorship, but it was “our” dictatorship, so we didn’t call it that. Taiwan did not have a Second Amendment and did not let civilians have guns for self-defense or for defense against the government’s tyranny.

    Then, in the 1958-1961 period, a combination of floods and droughts and communist incompetence, plus the usual corruption that China (and most of Asia) has always had, cause a great famine. That FAMINE was real, I now see that the estimates are AT LEAST 15 million deaths. Some say it may have gone as high as 30 or 40 million.
    Any death is a tragedy, of course, but to say that Mao used government guns to shoot that many people is still a bald-face lie. To assume that the Nationalists would have allowed the Chinese people to have guns of any caliber or barrel length or magazine capacity is also a foolish idea, and as usual, China is not a good example to present in a discussion about gun control.

  • http://www.facebook.com/people/Bo-Bright/100001283736203 Bo Bright

    This was obviously a staged interview shill to make gun owners look crazy but CNN blew it again. No matter how staged CNN had this interview Morgan lost any credibility he would have gained (by Jones ranting) by running from the SSRI issue about the known SSRI link to violence and homicide. LMAO at CNN your advertiser Monsanto won’t be happy. Piers dodged the SSRI connection to mass shootings no mistake about it, more than 66 school shooting incidents linked to SSRI’s. Morgan has ZERO credibility without addressing this known issue. Stick your pills up your ask(sic) big pharma. This interview backfired when Jones brought up the SSRI truth and now CNN has inadvertently made Alex Jones relevant. hahaha “ain’t that a pill” lol

  • Anonymous

    I believe Piers accomplished exactly what he was intending to do; show his audience how much of a wack job Alex Jones truly is. No doubt he was smiling inside while watching Jones freak out. I can’t believe that conspiracy nut job is on over 100 stations.

  • Anonymous

    I agree that he was hyper. Regardless, I will always stand behind him. The truth is all that matters.

  • Anonymous

    Spewing random statistics without any context makes absolutely no sense. There were only 35 gun related murders in the UK last year. Their level of violence PALES in comparison to the US. Besides, crime goes up and down in MANY countries. No context, no argument.

  • Anonymous

    It is interesting, if not ironic, that Mr. Jones, the NRA, and yourself, use the issue of “mental health” as a talking point to deflect away from the topic of having over 300 million guns in our country and 11,000 gun deaths, and yet you feel that Mr. Jones’s behavior during the interview was acceptable/appropriate. However, if you are going to talk about a person’s “mental health”, I would suggest that you would be hard pressed to find any “professional” that would have viewed Mr. Jones behavior as appropriate. In fact, try finding a “professional” that would view this interview and suggest that Mr. Jones should also be allowed to have a gun. You want to place blame on “mental health”? Then be ready for the consequences when “mental health” becomes more involved in determining who should or should not be around guns.

  • http://games-survival.com Justplaythegame

    Are you still trying to find some common ground and acceptance of MAO? disgusting at best…next you will be saying the holocaust “didn’t” happen.. let it go man..MAO has no defense… you going on the lessor of two evils factor again? evil..is just plain..well.. evil… no matter what color lipstick you put on it.. peanut?

  • Anonymous

    He definitely needs the drugs he is advocating. Calling all available therapists. What a loser!

  • Anonymous

    Alex Jones doesn’t know how to speak without his act that goes with his point. . I prefere my “truthers” to be HOT Asians ( maybe she is not asian..close enough for me .

    But this gal tells it like it is , truthfull and crediable witness to the truth :)

    You will never forgive yourself for not enjoying a min of her two vids listed.



  • Anonymous


    What a brilliant stroke of gamesmanship last night. Through your “calm” you showed that nut Jones – to be the insane rabble-rouser that he is. Until last night Jones preached only to his crazy out of tune choir.

    You enabled the rest of the country to hear every note, every rest, and every off key moment.

    Please keep up the good and honorable work of the discussion of gun violence in this country. And always remember – If not now – when.

    Thank you Mr. Morgan.

  • Jane Dough

    I agree . . . Alex Jones didn’t achieve a thing other than making himself look like a raving lunatic who should NOT be allowed to possess a gun under any circumstances!

  • http://games-survival.com Justplaythegame

    “talking point to deflect away”
    Interesting how one can deflect is it not? So you are saying only sane people do mass shootings? thanks for sharing that… peanut?

    If you find any “professional” that would deem Jones a unstable person due to yelling down a Brit known for yelling down alone.. I would say you did not find a “professional” , just a stooge with an agenda… peanut?

  • gassius clay

    If gun control is your example of our out of control government, you have not been paying attention. Can you please tell me one single piece of legislation passed by this administration that has limited gun rights in any way shape or form?

  • Devil’s Spawn

    No you empty headed sheep! You refuse to accept the fact that you have been lied to by YOUR personal hero(s).
    You are the one with Jones’ lipstick all over YOUR face. Or is that your lipstick on his face?

  • Anonymous

    Alex Jones – the true terrorism in this country.

  • Anonymous

    News reports coming out that he went to youtube after the show stating that his life is now in danger because of what he said. You could see that coming a mile away… Time for him to buy more guns. He is going to milk this for all it’s worth.

  • Anonymous

    LOL… Nice retort… “He stated it!!!”
    You did not answer my question. Are you a stable person? Would you have gone further?

  • http://games-survival.com Justplaythegame

    “No you empty headed sheep! ”
    here..have a Peanut… sigh…

  • Anonymous

    Um, no. Unlike in 1776, the US government now has drones, missile, and nukes. The US government has an arsenal of nukes that could basically destroy the earth 100 times over. But go ahead Alex. Keep on thinking you live in a small African country where you take on a government. and that government doesn’t have the strongest military that ever existed.

  • http://www.facebook.com/anna.soull Anna Soull

    This man has stated many times over that the guns will NOT be relinquished because of the threat of a tyrannical government/regime.
    He said essentially they are keeping their guns to protect themselves from the government, and then adds thugs to the list.
    BOTH threats are subject to a matter of an individual’s perception (see Sandy Hook) and is borderline conspiring to commit an act of terrorism in the United States against the government.
    This man wants to get rid of drugs but he clearly may need some medication of his own. He is hostile and armed. He feels threatened and he is armed. He believes the USA government would actually attempt an act of Tyranny in 2012, clearly delusional and he is armed. He is racist, ignorant, and displays signs that he feels socially impotent .. and he is armed.

    …. and people wonder why we have so many mass murderers among us?

    May God Help Us All

  • Anonymous

    “So you are saying only sane people do mass shootings?”

    What..??? Was this an typo or just ramblings..?

    “I would say you did not find a “professional” , just a stooge with an agenda…”
    And you are qualified to make that assessment? Ok, so give me your assessment of Mr. Jones’s mental status during that interview.

  • Anonymous

    A true gentleman would be smart enough to know that their 100 guns is no match for the arsenal that the US government has access to and the best way to take on the US government is at the ballot box.

  • Devil’s Spawn

    Let me put it this way: It is the absolute truth.
    Both Marx and Mao were the worst kind of fools, and they both believed in giving guns to as many people as possible in order to overthrow the governments of the world. They considered all governments to be tyrannical.

  • http://games-survival.com Justplaythegame

    ” Would you have gone further?”
    I would have never been there in the first place… why give Morgan the time? We all know he will twist it to his agenda.. Just as Alex will use it for his..

    The question shouldn’t be if Im stable..but if you feel your stable.. because when it comes to them bringing you in and checking you.. that will be the only answer you will need to know.

  • Anonymous

    This Jones fella is a real lunie toon, somebody get him some prozac please.

  • http://twitter.com/EvaDGiGi Eva D Gigi

    Alex Jones is a CIA asset- Cointel-Pro. – Meant to murk up truth-seekers by being the loudest, most accessible to those awakening to hard truth.

    Why else would Stratfors (CIA front) write his mis-Info-Wars newsletter?

    He wouldn’t be on the news if he wasn’t a fear-mongering dis-information queen- just like Piers Morgan. Alex Jones bragged that they wouldn’t ever kill him, so this is a bluff.

  • Anonymous

    This is what happens when you put Alex Jones on national television. The man is a nutball, always has been.

  • http://games-survival.com Justplaythegame

    When we ignore the problem of Mental Health as Morgan is good at doing and just blame the gun.. you ignore the base problem.. anyone that thinks any SANE person kills is insane themselves… you have two acceptable reasons for killing… For defense and for punishment of those that kill… period.

    “Ok, so give me your assessment of Mr. Jones’s mental status during that interview”

    I already did.. he out shouted the shouter… no unstable person could have sat that close to piers without goig further.. this is something YOU can’t understand? loud voices bother you? do you hear them when you try to sleep?

    you really need to go look at the last video with Piers and his previous Gun Advocate.. take a bag of peanuts with you..enjoy..

  • Anonymous

    I did post the context below. And, like I said, violent crime, per capita, is higher in the UK. That is why Piers did not want to have that discussion.

  • Anonymous

    So let me get this straight…. Alex Jones, being such a staunch defender of liberty, thinks the government should deport Piers Morgan because he expressed views on gun control that Jones does not like? Oh please do tell me more about freedom and liberty Alex. Hahaha

  • http://games-survival.com Justplaythegame

    “Let me put it this way: It is the absolute truth.”
    Yeah, everyone believes a guy named “Devil’s Spawn” as a truth sayer…

    “as soon as you overthrow the US government?”
    And he is the crazy one huh..okay…here..have a peanut
    Please direct me to those postings of taking over the US ..and not the multitude of postings with me saying I am supporting my rights as well as every Americans right to the 2nd Amendment.. you got a little “twisted” mind there MAO jr… salted or unsalted?

  • Anonymous

    Why are all of you liberal morons moving to southern states where there are actual jobs? Remain in the states that you destroyed with your demon liberal ideals. Nobody in the south wants you.

  • Anonymous

    I agree with you there. But in this instance Piers and Alex both needed each other. Piers knew exactly what would happen, and Alex knew that if he didn’t go full on, Piers would just shout him down or just change the subject.

  • Anonymous

    Holy crap, I swing by to check out the morning headlines only to find this article heading towards the 800 mark. It’s always fun to see what the hot topic of the day is — so congrats to Dan Abrams (and staff) on Mediaite’s ever-growing popularity.

    That said — speaking as a right of center Independent — I gotta admit this clown does the Right NO favors at all. In fact, he’s pretty much the poster child for WHY the Republican Party needs to take a long look in the mirror about their “messengers” and how they desperately need to clean house. So in the future they can argue particular conservative talking points effectively — all while pushing complete IDIOTS like this to the side and no longer giving them the time of day.

    Worst of all, this dope loses it SO fast…and becomes SO angry and full of himself…that you have to wonder what meds this moron must be on when he’s not on the air. And the fact that an overly emotional dope like this owns 30-50 guns almost makes me want to back overreaching gun reform.

    And a return to 1776 and open fighting? Little news flash for Jones coming from a guy who’s currently writing a big budget action movie about a second, modern Civil War. For all your bluster, you’d better hit the exercise bike and lose a ton or two, pal. Because your flabby ass couldn’t keep up with any real fighters and it wouldn’t survive the first wave, tough guy.

  • gassius clay

    Precisely, N4W, precisely.

  • http://twitter.com/gurpreetdhillon Gurpreet Dhillon

    alex jones would be much more credible if he wasnt so weird

  • Anonymous

    Wow. That hot-headed, paranoid nutjob is exactly the sort of mentally unstable person who should never be allowed to own a firearm. If I were doling out permits, he wouldn’t even qualify for a glue gun.

  • Idontgetit

    Alex:Rabble Rabble Rabble Guns RABBLE RABBLE GUNS

    Piers: Uh could I get in a word….please

    Alex: RABBLE RABBLE ‘MERICA rabble rabble

    Dafuq did I just watch

  • Anonymous

    Alex Jones was over-the-top in his CNN interview, but as Piers Morgan pointed out they both have 1st Amendment protections to say what they believe, over-the-top or not. And whether Jones was ranting or not, his point was valid. The New York main-stream media live in an isolated little Manhattan world all their own and have less understanding of what happens in this country, exclusive of the East and West coast urban enclaves, than they do of central Africa or western China. If the Obama Administration tries to confiscate Americans’ firearms, especially in the so-called “fly-over states” in the heartland, there will be a revolution in this country that will make 1776 look like a walk in the park. Believe it.

  • http://www.facebook.com/people/Jamie-Murphy/1788049486 Jamie Murphy

    “1776 will commence again?” What is this, Assassin’s Creed 3?

  • Devil’s Spawn

    Salted, of course.

    Want some deviled eggs?

    I do apologize sincerely for saying you want to overthrow the government, but you have to admit, I think, that Mr. Jones was so angry that he was ready to do it.

    By the way, I stand by the statement that Marx and Mao were in favor of arming all citizens with the specific aim of overthrowing all governments. Mao actually got to do that, and it seems that once the Chinese Civil War was over the average citizen didn’t feel the need to have a gun in hand. They were too busy trying to eke out a living and they much prefer the traditional martial arts over prohibitively expensive firearms and ammunition.

  • Devil’s Spawn

    It is a completely different issue, but if Piers did want to dodge charges (of any kind) in the UK, he wouldn’t be able to do it here. Extradition treaty.

  • http://www.facebook.com/people/BigOle-Tater/100003221375360 Big’Ole Tater

    Ridiculous, yet very thorough.

  • http://twitter.com/forestnomad Matt Stone

    Wow. You know nothing of Manhattan. It’s very interesting to see someone romanticize their own ignorance so proudly.

  • http://games-survival.com Justplaythegame

    “I do apologize sincerely ”
    Not accepted.. don’t apologize for your outbursts… you have a right to them no matter how wrong they may be..
    you’re a loon..always been a loon..and will always be a loon… peanut?

  • Anonymous

    Sounds like it could be one of Alex Jones’ (AKA King Tinfoil Hat’s) influences.

  • Anonymous

    “romanticize their own ignorance” <– I love this turn of phrase. <3

  • Anonymous

    No kidding. When I saw that he was who the headline was referring to I had to laugh.

  • Anonymous

    Murders but GUNS. Context. Please, look it up. Seriously, what is wrong with you?

  • Anonymous

    Hahaha… I’ve been trying to decide if Morgan having Jones on his show was a stroke of brilliance or idiocy. Thanks for the input. :’D

  • Anonymous

    Please. Secede already.

  • KeepItReal

    lol. “All untrue” and then address 1 comment (and the one you address only specifies murder not violent crime as a whole. )

  • Anonymous

    Now we agree on something! Say good bye to half the north and southern states. Enjoy supporting your welfare society. Obama will have them picking up garbage soon enough.

  • RyanT

    Yes, because saying knife violence is “far larger” than gun violence is utterly meaningless in a discussion of gun control. Knives rarely kill people. That’s the point. We can’t actually stop people from being violent. The most we can do is minimize the deaths and injuries when they are violent. The crazy man in China attacked 20 something children with a knife and none of them died, the same week that the crazy man in the US murdered 20 something children with a gun. Both were equally violent. Only one resulted in dead children. I suspect you realize that, too. The actual cause is mental illness, but we don’t yet know how to cure that. Until we do: minimize the damage.

  • Lord_British

    Haha! It’s Bobby “The Brain” Heenan interviewed by Lord Alfred Hayes!!!

  • Anonymous

    Hey dumb dumb….the high performing states all have republican governors! Chicago, good example of liberal rule. How about California? They are all heading south. Don’t let the facts get in the way dude.

  • Anonymous

    You are not making any sense. You stated:

    “No unstable person sits within a foot of a grown man and yells that loud and that good without going further..”
    I am asking you, since I am assuming that you consider yourself a stable person, would you have gone further (and what do you mean by “further”?)? You are saying that because Mr. Jones did not go “further” that is some kind of proof that he is stable?

  • Anonymous

    A dangerous person with a lot of guns.

  • Anonymous

    History will also tell you that it was southern LIBERALS that started the KKK. It was the republican party that fought to give blacks voting rights. The democrats resisted this. It is the democrats who created planned parenthood to reduce the black population. If you really studied your history, you’d kick yourself in the ass. Martin Luther King must be rolling in his grave. He was a proud republican!

  • Anonymous

    “no unstable person could have sat that close to piers without goig further..”
    And I am stating that you are not qualified to make that assessment. And you still have not explained what going further means.

  • Anonymous

    Good one. :-) There is a fantasy aspect to all this.

  • Anonymous

    The purveyor of pedantic Pommy Pap V the deranged neanderthal…waste of time!

  • http://games-survival.com Justplaythegame

    “and what do you mean by further”

    An unstable person cannot control their actions..which if Alex was actually unstable..he would have spit..hit or kicked Piers.. that is the persona of Alex, to be loud like the late comedian sam kinison..

    much like saying “Popi cok” and interrupting his guests is Morgans persona… other than me breaking out crayons to draw some picture for you..I don’t know any better way to explain it to you.

  • Anonymous

    Dang, I felt bad for Piers here. Easily the most entertaining show he’s had though.

  • http://games-survival.com Justplaythegame

    “And I am stating that you are not qualified to make that assessment”
    As neither are Morgan or a lawyer who did not practice medicine qualified but yet they try to pass it on with a tv show, although unqualified to do just that..

    or any other idiot here in these comment sections claiming him to be unstable.. it’s all an “agenda”.. for the side you choose..

    So whats your point? peanut?

  • http://www.facebook.com/people/Audrey-Smilgys/1008434409 Audrey Smilgys

    At the end of the day, it was bad tv. It was not newsworthy or informative at all.

  • Anonymous

    You seem to keep going back to Morgan. I am not advocating for or agreeing with Morgan. I am referring to this specific interview and Mr. Jones’s behavior. In this interview Morgan did nothing to warrant the reaction he got from Mr. Jones (i.e., Mr. Jones’s behavior was unprovoked). Now you may call it “loud voices”, but in my professional opinion, after watching the interview, Mr. Jones presented himself in an angry and defiant manner, and appeared agitated beyond what was appropriate for that given situation. Mr. Jones made threats and was verbally abusive. Mr. Jones’s actions were not rational given the atmosphere (i.e., the situation and his surroundings) and were not the result of any outside threat (thus, any perceived threat Mr. Jones may have felt was not consistent with the conversation or interaction with Mr. Morgan at that time, thus calling in to question his state of mind, and decision making). Along with making verbal threats, Mr. Jones also made a number of irrational and delusional statements. Given these observed actions by Mr. Jones, and his state of agitation, a rational person may have felt threatened by Mr. Jones had they been in his presence. Now, given Mr. Jones’s actions/behaviors a rational person would have been justified calling for security and security would have been justified in removing this threat.

  • Anonymous

    You are grossly mistaken. Would you call any of the shooters in the latest massacres “unstable”..? You already admitted that no stable or sane person could perpetrate such devastation. Yet were they spitting, hitting, kicking, or acting like Sam Kinison? How does a psychotic killer (and you can be psychotic and not be a killer) act? Could you pick one out of a crowd? No! They can appear rational, and are usually calm and collected. They act with ruthless efficiency and can kill without remorse.

    “I don’t know any better way to explain it to you.”
    You don’t need too. You have proven to be quite ignorant regarding mental health issues.

  • http://twitter.com/Luke_Copeland Luke Copeland

    Insanity, thy name is Alex Jones.

  • http://twitter.com/Luke_Copeland Luke Copeland

    Funny thing is that the red states are all of our biggest welfare states. But you already knew that, right?

  • http://games-survival.com Justplaythegame

    “You seem to keep going back to Morgan.”
    You need to understand Morgans past to understand Jones Present.. deflecting from it..wont ever calm your mind. not that I really care.

    now you can keep asking the same questions over and over again..and I will respond with basicly the same answers over and over again.. but it does get old.. I would suggest you read previous and allow it to “sink in” for your answer.. else.. people may assume your repeated efforts for a different response..may seem unstable.. care for a peanut?

  • Anonymous

    And I’m not talking about Mr. Morgan “or a lawyer” am I? I am talking about Mr. Jones and his behavior during this interview. Again, you try to deflect his inappropriate behavior by trying to blame Mr. Morgan. So you are basically saying that Mr. Jones is not responsible for his own behavior. Yet you think he should be allowed to own guns? Do you think anyone (or everyone) that is not responsible for his or her own behavior should be allowed to own guns?

  • http://games-survival.com Justplaythegame

    “They can appear rational, and are usually calm and collected”
    So you are assuming Morgan is the psychotic in question..ahh I see..
    good spin…

  • Anonymous

    FBI got 16 million calls for background checks in 2012, people are not buying guns as an investmewnt, so, Molon Labe,

  • http://games-survival.com Justplaythegame

    I am starting to question your ability to own guns..but my concern should not concern you.. to ignore this as a WHOLE does not prove for one or the other… peanut?

  • Anonymous

    Typical of the inferior breed is Jones.

  • Anonymous

    If that means that we like to live in a society where we take care of each other and where we make sure that everybody has the same chances, then you’re right.

  • Anonymous

    Good luck protecting yourself from a “Tyrannical Government”. Nations around the globe have tried to protect themselves from the same, leading to deaths of thousands of civilians. Way to go GUN FOLKS, protecting yourself from the US GOVERNMENT is better served through use of you vote, SMARTLY, or a rubber band around your finger! BUT, I can tell by most GUN FOLKS arguments that SMARTLY is not a defining word. The whole idea that THIS is the reason for the second amendment and how it is useful in contemporary times is so much of a joke that it hurts to think I live in the same country with idiots who actually believe it.

  • Anonymous

    He doesn’t know anything. Most of the countries he mentioned actually do have legal firearms. Also a gun is the most efficient suicide tool.

  • Anonymous

    Double checked. Nope, liberal states biggest welfare states.California #1.

  • 31Forever

    This guy is a wild-eyed lunatic who sees conspiracies behind every tree.

    Don’t believe me? Will you believe it if he says it himself?


    He tells you that this is mere hours after his debate with Piers Morgan on CNN.

  • Anonymous

    Here’s another conundrum for die hard gun nuts out there:

    “If guns don’t kill people then why are they the weapon of choice of almost every person who goes on a killing spree?”

  • http://www.facebook.com/people/Brian-Mo/100001524663725 Brian Mo

    Drones may not kill people…..but they make it possible for presidents to kill LOTS of people/children.

  • http://www.facebook.com/zak.horner.31 Zak Horner

    At the end of the day he is just as much of a lunatic as MSNBC’s Ed Shultz and they both look and sound alike.

  • http://twitter.com/815Sox Stephen T

    No, Alex Jones does “not tell a lot of the truth”… he makes money spewing paranoid drivel in order to make the paranoid pay for the privilege of hearing him spew more drivel. He is a con man.

  • http://twitter.com/815Sox Stephen T

    No, he doesn’t “scare” anyone.. he just sounds like an asshole basically. I am not “scared” of him at all. Its scarier that people actually pay him money to do what he does.

  • http://twitter.com/815Sox Stephen T

    Probably should double check again then because you are wrong. You also have the highest rates of teen pregnancy and unwed mothers on public aid (the dreaded “welfare queens”)

  • http://www.facebook.com/sgraffwriter Stephen Graff

    Agree. A nut wing is someone like Alex Jones. They should have a straitjacket sized just for him.

  • Joan Kelly

    Tell you what – - – I am , have always been – anti-gun – - – but I’d give a thousand bucks to anyone to buy a gun and shut this idiot up! Good Lord! Enough to make a grown woman shiver.

  • Randy Ragsdale

    What the hell is wrong with this lunatic Alex Jones? 1776 will commence again if you try to take away our guns. Great. That means we’ll all be citizens of the British Empire, and black people will be enslaved as the founding fathers rise from the grave to relitigate the American Revolution. Give me a break! Alex Jones needs help and therapy. A lot of therapy. That garbage he spewed on Piers Morgan last night was the most reprehensible garbage I’ve ever seen!

  • Randy Ragsdale

    Alex Jones is an idiot. Have you ever listened to his radio show? It’s full of conspiracy theories against the government, nonsense and other garbage.

  • Randy Ragsdale

    Hey, Mr. Fierce Independent Alex Jones lets get you a straight jacket and a one way ticket to Hell. I’m fully aware of the bs and utter nonsense you like to spew on your radio show. You say you’re an independent, but you take being an independent to the extreme every time you open your mouth! You ought to be ashamed of what you said last night sir. #Ashamed!

  • Randy Ragsdale

    Piers Morgan will not be deported. It’s called television people. You have to create suspense. His ratings are on fire right now, because while Hannity is spewing his garbage and someone is on MSNBC joining Rachel Maddow for [Maddow voice] “The Interview” after a twenty minute monologue, Morgan is stirring up sense over the possibility of getting him deported and his interview with this idiot.

  • Randy Ragsdale

    Erin Burnett just got upset and lost her temper, because President Obama hired someone who doesn’t like to sleep. She totally blew the issue out of proportion.

  • robert morgan

    what a loud mouth retard jones is lol

  • wiwade52

    God Bless Alex Jones. He pummeled Piers Morgan.

  • wiwade52

    Piers Morgan’s ratings are so “on fire” CNN is thinking of moving him up to the next time slot that is for people barely able to stay awake….

  • wiwade52

    Piers Morgan will be moving to a later time slot on CNN, according to a new report from the New York Post.

    The change is part of a bigger shakeup at the network, as incoming presidentJeff Zucker attempts to revamp CNN’s primetime programming. One executive familiar with the situation told the paper that Morgan, whose show currently airs at 9 p.m., will be moved to 10 p.m. or even later.

    The network is also reportedly looking to end Anderson 360. The first broadcast airs at 8 p.m. “As for Anderson Cooper, I’d expect he’d no longer keep the 8 p.m. slot and the 10 p.m. slot, and Piers Morgan would be moved out of 9 p.m.,” the executive said.

    Hehehhe. Anderson “blow job” Cooper is getting near fired as well as Piers “hate the 2nd Amendment” Morgan…! Too funny!

  • wiwade52

    Oh my. CNN now playing how the NRA got Harry Reid to insert a provision into Obamacare that restricts ANY invasion on our 2nd Amendment rights! WOW!

  • Larry Linn

    The United States would be better off if we deported Alex Jones.

  • Anonymous

    Alex Jones screaming at the top of his lungs didn’t make his arguement anymore compelling or concrete. All that was show was the desperate ignorance of an uninformed moron batting for Crazies.

    …Piers Morgan only had to appear reasonably sane to win the arguement, which wasn’t difficult. Jones shot his mouth and his own foot off at length!

  • Anonymous

    Let me know when he comes remotely close to it.

  • http://www.facebook.com/people/Jeff-Weiss/100000817744695 Jeff Weiss

    Wow, what a psychotic.

  • Anonymous

    Yikes – BEST COMEDY EVER !

  • Anonymous

    “No one will take him seriously…”

    wanna bet ?

  • Anonymous

    Nice deflection. Your analogy would be interesting….except that drones are used for killing in WAR by highly trained people, whereas guns can be used any time by anyone.

    Have drones killed more than the 11000 who have died in the US alone from gun violence?

  • Caribou “QUIT” Barbie™

    Bro? I not your bro, moron.

  • http://onwardstate.com/author/evanponter Evan Ponter

    Oh, no. Not the fake British accent. Anything but the fake British accent.

  • Devil’s Spawn

    OK, and right back at ya.

  • TrollStomperBoots

    More Sharon Engle style threats of violence if you don’t do as we say.
    Baggers need their own island.

  • My avatar is worth 1,000 words

    That guy is every reason for gun control.

  • My avatar is worth 1,000 words

    shoosh… Don’t stop them. With a little luck we’ll win 2014 and 2016 just like 2012.

  • Anonymous

    “You need to understand Morgans past to understand Jones Present..”

    Again, so what you are saying is, Mr. Jones is not responsible for his behavior. You are justifying his inappropriate behavior because of how Mr. Morgan acts…? Sorry, but that dog won’t hunt.

    If I am being verbally harassed by someone, and this goes on for some time, but then finally I feel like I have had enough and the next time this jerk mouths off I bitch slap the person, do you think the judge will care? I am still responsible for my behavior.

    I do not need to understand Morgan or know anything about him. Mr. Morgan has nothing to do with this other then the fact he allowed Mr. Jones on his show. No one forced Mr. Jones to be there. In the video we are discussing, Mr. Jones was seen as being angry, threatening, and verbally abusive. You seem to be trying to make a case that Mr. Jones’s behavior was justified because of Mr. Morgan’s past behavior…? Again, try using that defense in a court of law. And that excuse will never work with trying to determine or justify a person’s mental status. Only Mr. Jones is responsible for his behavior, and he was acting inappropriate in that interview, and had he exhibited that kind of behavior in public, he may very well have been arrested, or at the very least he would have drawn attention to himself in such a manner that some form on intervention would have been appropriate.

  • Anonymous

    I blame myself… The fact that you have tried to defend Mr. Jones’s actions should have been my first clue.
    You can’t fix stupid…

  • http://games-survival.com Justplaythegame

    “You can’t fix stupid…”

  • http://www.imdb.com/name/nm3769949/ thatpj

    This guy puts the capital CRAZY in tea party.

  • Anonymous

    Severe incurable case of American gun disease.
    Do not let him leave the country.

  • Soothsayer123

    At our workplace, we had CNN on one big-screen TV and the BCS game on the other. We literally could not hear the game when Jones launched into his rant.

  • expatpatriot

    He’s walking, talking, spitting proof that gun-lovers are nuts and need to be restrained by the larger society.

    My joke was that, while the Brady folks (and all decent people) would rightly despise this jerk, he does help them advance their cause — for free!

  • KeepItReal

    Semi-automatic assault rifles KILL less people than knives. They are rarely used.

    AGAIN the bulk of gun crime is HAND-guns and the bulk of that is from gang members. How many people were killed under those less dramatic scenarios today?

    A person interested in causing damage such as what happened could very easily make an explosive device causing equal damage or burn down a building or drive an automobile through a parade. You’re gun ban wouldn’t even be a speed bump. The difference in your knife attacker and the shooter wasn’t one’s lack of access but ones lack of premeditation.

    Are you interested in minimizing what causes the most damage by the statistics or what causes the most dramatic headlines. If you were interested in the former you would be proposing a ban on knives.

    Now you said “All untrue” so back it up.

    You don’t think the media glorifies these crimes and gives unknown losers a chance for 15 minutes of fame? Defend that position.

    You don’t think the shooter was on prescription drugs or that they are known to cause suicidal thoughts? I’d love to hear how you can refute that.

  • Anonymous

    No “logical person” will take him seriously. That eliminates the residents of Wingnuttia.

  • Anonymous

    I don’t own a gun…and I’ve never felt “persecuted” and never felt a need to own one.

  • http://www.facebook.com/BridgingtheGapMinistries Randy Wiggins

    Hey, 4th wife,
    I do not wear a foil hat, but the more facts I check, the more believable those guys are. Both sides of the debate have those people who only have emotions as their argument (Jones is one of them), but if you search the connection between gun control and genocide you might start thinking about making a hat as well. After that search, you might try researching the U.N.’s support of those committing genocide in Darfur, and knowing that the current (and some previous) administration(s) support the U.N.’s actions. But please don’t dismiss this information, and DON’T take my word for it. Do the research, and then check their research.

  • http://www.facebook.com/BridgingtheGapMinistries Randy Wiggins

    Question 1) I no not know, I’ve never had the notion to go on a spree.
    Question 2) The Second Amendment does not grant the right to keep and bear arms, instead it protects the rights we already have. The “well regulated militia” phrase was put in as a reference to the fact that the states may need to defend themselves from the federal government in case it over-steps the lines set forth in the U.S. Constitution. This being said, if (BIG IF) it comes to it, do you want 9 rounds to protect yourself and your family from the government when it decides you stand in the way of its goals, or would you prefer 30? Remember, the government forces coming for you will be carrying several 30 round magazines, and multiple firearms.

  • http://AverageBro.com AverageBro

    That guy makes Rush Limbaugh look like a shrinking violet. Sheesh.

  • http://games-survival.com Justplaythegame

    Well Im quite happy for you..feel lucky… obviously others have or we wouldn’t be discussing this… here have a peanut..

  • http://www.facebook.com/chris.gordon.3551 Chris Gordon

    OH SHUT UP you stupid ignorant posturing fool. Your guns WILL be taken away from you specifically BECAUSE you’re too dumb to handle them. YOU are WHY you cant have your guns.

  • http://www.facebook.com/chris.gordon.3551 Chris Gordon

    Exactly. its always high drama and exaggeration with these idiots which is why their guns WILL be taken away. I heard their same bravado just before the last TWO elections and look where it got them. Let’s not forget their resolve in the Civil War. And look where THAT got them.

  • http://twitter.com/SammieDavion SammieBox

    Cue laugh track.

  • Anonymous

    Pummeled him with stupidity.

  • Anonymous

    Alex Jones doesn’t know the difference between the US constitution and the Turner Diaries.

  • Anonymous

    Alex Jones is a nut… wow.

  • Anonymous

    Dude, I’m not afraid of the truth. I’m afraid of you!

  • Anonymous

    No, Piers invited him on his show because Jones started petition to have Piers deported.

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