
Sen. Rand Paul on FOX News' Gretawire - 11/26/12

SenatorRandPaulSenatorRandPaul·291 videos
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Published on Nov 27, 2012

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  • DeaDraug

    Rand Paul 2016!

    · 43

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  • BTNH24

    He makes too much sense.

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  • sam224423

    Refreshing. Now that's a winning message!


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  • DystopianEmpire01

    It's obviously not. What would make you think it would be?


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    in reply to Rev0lutionIsMyName (Show the comment)



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  • heymisterderp

    The government is a fiscal disaster right now and everyone on both sides deserves to eat crow whether they don't like spending cuts or don't like tax hikes. Raising taxes would be bad for the economy for some as would the cutting spending be for others, but the economy needs a recession to cure itself anyway. Useless bureaucrats inadvertently starting the recovery off now because they don't have any economic sense is better than kicking the can down the road in perpetuity.


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  • Rev0lutionIsMyName

    But surely the government is more efficient at spending than free market participants...


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  • dalekmoon

    If you've ever played Sim City you know the population hates it when you raise the taxes.

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  • CircaSriYak

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    in reply to TheeBudGuru (Show the comment)
  • RedOnyxProductions

    The R3VOLUTION continues.

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    in reply to DeaDraug (Show the comment)
  • out2gtme

    I voted for Rand and it was the best vote I ever voted, and I'd be glad to vote for him again!

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