
Sen. Rand Paul on CNBC's Squawk on the Street with Carl Quintanilla - 11/29/12

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Published on Nov 29, 2012

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  • Biff Burroughs

    Listen to Rand Paul stop spending Money

    · 21

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  • Snip714

    CNN propaganda !!!!! 0:15 it says (R) when he is DEMOCRAT !!!!!

    · 18

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All Comments (76)

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  • BradNC11175

    We live in dark times in deed.


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    in reply to 4GooMan (Show the comment)
  • MoralProWarLibQueer

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  • 4GooMan

    I can't take the credit. El Rushbo came up with that one.


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    in reply to BradNC11175 (Show the comment)
  • 4GooMan

    No thanks. I don't swing that way.

    But I'm sure you and your boyfriends will do just fine by yourselves.


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    in reply to MoralProWarLibQueer (Show the comment)
  • BradNC11175

    Chuckie is the name of one the dumbest charicters in horror film history. I never thought of applying that to Schumer but cudos to you, quite fitting! We must actually be living out some sick & lame horror show when a prick like Chuck Schumer has held political office aslong as he has. With all the talk of fuck bubbles such as Barnie "Frank & Beans", Nazi Pelosi, Hitlary Clinton, Dung beetle Harry Reid, PrezBO and the likes we often forget to shine the light on Chuck "the cock roach" Schumer..


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  • K Chenault

    He's playing the game and he's playing it well.

    Keep up the good work Rand Paul.


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  • cabalofdemons

    This guy is running for President. I can see it.


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  • BruceD1776

    Nah, that's what YOU do. You're projecting your fetishes on others. That's what's on your mind.


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