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Jim Himes

Jim Himes
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  1. Two years ago today, I was shocked and horrified to learn that my colleague Gabrielle Giffords and 18 other people were gunned down in a grocery store parking lot. I could have never imagined that we would be so rocked by gun violence less than two years later, even closer to home. The victims of the Newtown and Tucson massacres and the thousands of other innocents who die every year as a result o...f gun violence deserve a commitment from us to do everything in our power to reduce this threat. It’s time our laws caught up to what we know about preventing gun violence—innocent people can be saved by laws that implement the commonsense ideas that no one outside of law enforcement needs an assault rifle and it doesn’t take 30 bullets to kill a deer. As we begin a new Congress in a new year, we must rededicate ourselves to implementing fair protections that do more to keep weapons of mass killing off America’s streets.See More
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  3. Alongside Republican and Democratic colleagues alike, I spoke this morning on the floor of the House, calling on Speaker Boehner to reverse his decision and allow us to simply vote on the Sandy relief bill.
  4. Had a special visitor in my DC office today:
    Photo: Had a special visitor in my DC office today:
  5. Representatives from the states hit hard by Sandy just spoke on the floor of the House -- one after the other, Republican and Democrat alike --- to urge the Speaker to put the Sandy bill up for a vote. We've come to the immediate aid of our fellow Americans were in need nationwide time and time again.
    Photo: Representatives from the states hit hard by Sandy just spoke on the floor of the House -- one after the other, Republican and Democrat alike --- to urge the Speaker to put the Sandy bill up for a vote. We've come to the immediate aid of our fellow Americans were in need nationwide time and time again.
  6. I'm on Squawk Box on CNBC in just a few minutes. Tune in!
  7. I'll be on CNBC tomorrow at 8am to talk fiscal cliff.
  8. Earlier today, I joined some of my colleagues in urging Congress to take action to ensure that what happened in Newtown never happens again:
  9. Last night, I spoke on the House floor in honor of the Sandy Hook victims. Watch my floor speech below:
  10. At 6 pm, the Connecticut delegation in Washington will hold a vigil to honor the brave children and adults of Sandy Hook. You can watch live here, with thanks to the office of Sen. Blumenthal.
  11. This morning, I met with the CT Coalition Against Gun Violence and parents from across Southwest Connecticut to discuss steps we can take to ensure the Newtown tragedy never happens again.
    Photo: This morning, I met with the CT Coalition Against Gun Violence and parents from across Southwest Connecticut to discuss steps we can take to ensure the Newtown tragedy never happens again.
  12. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration has activated its Disaster Distress Helpline to provide immediate counseling to anyone who needs help dealing with problems arising from the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

    Anyone can call 1-800-985-5990 for assistance.

    The Helpline is a 24 hours-a-day, seven-days-a-week resource that responds to people who need crisis couns...eling after experiencing a man-made or natural disaster tragedy.

    The Helpline immediately connects callers to trained and caring professionals from the closest crisis counseling center in the nationwide network of centers. The Helpline staff will provide confidential counseling, referrals and other needed support services.
    See More
  13. The flag at the U.S. Capitol is flying at half-staff in memory of the victims in the Newtown school shooting today.
    Photo: The flag at the U.S. Capitol is flying at half-staff in memory of the victims in the Newtown school shooting today.
  14. I'll be on Fox News to talk about the tragic shooting in Newtown at 5:20 today.
  15. I'll be on Fox News to talk about the tragic shooting in Newtown at 5:20 today.

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