Partnership to Increase Cataloging of pre-1976 U.S. Forest Service Publications PDF Print E-mail
Written on Tuesday, 28 June 2011

The U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO) and the Maureen & Mike Mansfield Library at the University of Montana (UM Libraries) have partnered to increase access to bibliographic records for pre-1976 and fugitive publications from the U.S. Forest Service. The UM Libraries have been working to completely catalog their collection of Forest Service material for several years. The first batch of records from this partnership is now available through the Catalog of U.S. Government Publications (CGP). Examples of Aleph system numbers from this batch are:

  • 802061
  • 802055
  • 802068
  • 802065

Under the partnership, the UM Libraries are sending the bibliographic records for publications in 13 Forest Service Superintendent of Documents numbers (SuDoc) to GPO in batches. Following the procedures in the “Cooperative Cataloging Partnerships Guidelines”, GPO staff are performing any required authority work as well as verify the SuDoc number. If UM has supplied a SuDoc number in the record that is valid (i.e. a series classes), but GPO records indicates a different class (i.e. General Publications class) was assigned when the publications was originally distributed, both SuDoc numbers will be recorded in separate 086 fields. In some cases, GPO may not be able to determine whether or not a publication was distributed to depository libraries. When this occurs, a 500 note will be added to the record that reads “As of (date), GPO could not validate the distribution status of this title for the FDLP”.

Once all the required work on a batch of records is completed, they will be available through the CGP and the Record Distribution Project.  The records will be identified with a 955 MARC field that will read “Cataloging Partner; University of Montana”.

GPO appreciates the collaborative contribution made by UM Libraries to increase access to historic U.S. Government publications through this new partnership.

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