Partnership for Historic Panama Canal Commission Publications PDF Print E-mail
Written on Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Panama Canal Review.The Government Printing Office and the George A. Smathers Libraries at the University of Florida (UF Libraries) have partnered to provide public access to the digital collection of Panama Canal Commission (PCC) and Isthmian Canal Commission (ICC) publications housed at the UF Libraries.

The UF Libraries have cataloged and are working to digitize publications in their collections from the Panama Canal Commission (PCC) and its preceding institution, the Isthmian Canal Commission (ICC). This includes publications contributed to the UF Libraries by the Panama Canal Museum (PCM).

Under the partnership, the UF Libraries will be sharing bibliographic records for the print and digitized PCC and ICC publications with GPO. The records will be made available through the Catalog of U.S. Government Publications (CGP) following the procedures in the "Cooperative Cataloging Partnerships Guidelines" and will contain a Persistent URL (PURL) to link users directly to the content hosted by the UF Libraries. The records will be identified with a 955 MARC field that will read "GPO Historic Collection; University of Florida".

The UF Libraries serve as the regional depository library for Florida, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

GPO appreciates the collaborative contribution made by UF Libraries to increase access to historic U.S. Government publications through this new partnership.

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