U.S. Department of Labor, Wage and Hour Division Publication Distributed in Error PDF Print E-mail
Written on Wednesday, 02 January 2013

The U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO) has been informed by the U.S. Department of Labor, Wage and Hour Division that the following publication published by the Division was distributed to depository libraries in error. The publication is for internal use only and is not intended for the public. Copies should not be accessible to the public and should be destroyed.

  • Title: Field Operations Handbook, Revision No. 665, September 22, 2011
  • SuDoc Class: L 36.208:F 45/REV.665
  • Item Number: 0777-B
  • Shipping List Number: 2012-0138-P

Depository libraries are receiving an official notification letter outlining the actions to be taken in a depository shipment. Further information about this withdrawal action and withdrawal procedures for FDL’s can be found on the Procedures for the Withdrawal, Recall, and Destruction of Depository Material page.

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