McCaskill Office

McCaskill Office


Office of U.S. Senator Claire McCaskill. Staff updates on Claire's work for Missouri.

Missouri ·

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Claire: “These resources are another important step in ensuring the Joplin community has the tools they need to rebuild."

Claire: “Politicians in the House have to answer for why they put partisan ideology above Missourians’ livelihoods & jobs”

The Senate’s passed with a vote of 64-35 and reduces deficit by > $23 billion. What’s the House waiting for?

The expires Sunday b/c the U.S. House couldn’t get past partisan delays & pass the Senate’s bipartisan bill.

Claire: “Our kids should have the same opportunities that we have, to hunt in Mark Twain National Forest & fish in the Big Piney River."

Claire & Sen. Blunt worked together w/ Mississippi’s Senators to make judicial boundaries more effective for the areas they serve.

The also passed Claire & Sen. Rubio’s plan to prevent foreign regulation of the Internet. A bill endorsed by the U.S. Chamber.

.: It’s a “commonsense notion that Americans shouldn't be forced to pay a European tax when flying in U.S. airspace.”

Le chargement semble mettre du temps.

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