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‹ U.S. States

U.S. States

State Profiles and Energy Estimates

Notes & Sources

Quick Facts, Analysis, & Maps

Quick Facts & Analysis
State/Topic Sub-Topic Source
Alabama Coalbed Methane Alabama State Oil & Gas Board, State of Alabama Calendar Year Coalbed Methane Production
Oil and Gas Alabama State Oil & Gas Board, State of Alabama Calendar Year Oil & Gas Production
Rivers University of Alabama, Department of Geography, Major Rivers(map)
Oil and Gas David I. Bransby, Auburn University, Department of Agronomy and Soils, Interest Among Alabama Farmers in Growing Switchgrass for Energy, Presented at BioEnergy ’98: Expanding Bioenergy Partnerships, Madison, WI, Oct. 4-8, 1998
Alaska Energy, General Alaska Power Association: Alaska's Energy Systems
Natural Gas Pipeline State of Alaska, The Alaska Highway Gas Pipeline: Alaska Natural Gas In-State Use

Library of Congress, Congressional Research Service, CRS Report: Proposed Alaska Natural Gas Pipelines: Potential Impacts on the Steel Industry, updated February 11, 2004
Oil and Gas EIA, EIA Report on Alaska Prudhoe Bay Crude Oil Shut-in: Facts and Impacts on the U.S. Oil Markets

EIA, Potential Oil Production from the Coastal Plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge: Updated Assessment, SR/O&G/2000-02, May 2000

AK Division of Oil and Gas 2003 Annual Report, Section Six: Alaska Refining - Sales and Consumption.
Renewable Energy EERE Network News: First Geothermal Plant in Alaska Starts Power Production, August 23, 2006
Arizona Coal U.S. Department of the Interior, Office of Surface Mining, Reclamation and Enforcement, Navajo Tribe: Largest Coal-Producing Indian Tribe
Renewable Energy APS, APS Solar Power Plants

Renewable Energy, Solar Energy Milestone Reached in the Arizona Desert, April 24, 2006
California Electricity Intermountain Power Agency: About Us
Energy, General U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, The Western Energy Crisis, the Enron Bankruptcy, and FERC’s Response

California Energy Commission, State of California Energy Action Plan, May 8, 2003
Oil and Gas U.S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Sercive, National Assessment 2000, Undiscovered Conventionally Recoverable Resources Oil (BBO) Gas (TCFG) in Moratoria Areas(map), undated

State of California Resources Agengy, California's Ocean Resources, an Agenda for the Future; Chapter 5E: Oil and Gas, July 1995

California Energy Commission, Sources of California's Natural Gas Supplies(map), February 14, 2005
Renewable Energy California Energy Commission, Staff Report, CEC-600-2005-037, Ethanol Market Outlook for California, November 2005

Calpine, The Geysers

Geysers Project: Parsons: Project of the Month—January 2004

Go Solar California: The California Solar Initiative - CSI
Transportation U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, State Motor-Vehicle Registrations - 2004
Coal Distribution & Transportation EIA, Coal Distribution Current and Back Issues; Domestic Distribution of U.S. Coal by Destination State, Consumer, Origin and Method of Transportation, 2005

EIA, Energy Policy Act Transportation Rate Study: Final Report on Coal Transportation, October 2000, Chapter 2, "Coal Distribution and Sulfur Content"
Mines U.S. Geological Survey, Assessing the Coal Resources of the United States, USGS Fact Sheet FS-157-96, July 1996, Figure 10. Locations of coal mines in the Gulf Coast region

EIA, Annual Coal Report 2007, Table 9. Major U.S. Coal Mines, 2007
Production EIA, U.S. Coal Supply and Demand: 2008 Review, Table 2. U.S. Coal Production by Coal-Producing Region and State, 2004-2008

EIA, Coal Production and Number of Mines by State and Mine Type, 2007-2006

EIA, State Coal Profiles
Reserves EIA, U.S. Coal Reserves: 1997 Update, Chapter 1. Coal Reserves Data. February 1999.

EIA, Recoverable Coal Reserves at Producing Mines, Estimated Recoverable Reserves, and Demonstrated Reserve Base by Mining Method 2006

U.S. Geological Survey, Coal Resources of Selected Coal Beds and Zones in the Northern and Central Appalachian Basin, Fact Sheet 004-02, last modified 22 Aug 2005

U.S. Geological Survey, Energy Resource Surveys Program, Assessing the Coal Resources of the United States, USGS Fact Sheet FS-157-96, July 1996
Coalbed Methane EIA, U.S. Coalbed Methane(map)

EIA, Coalbed Methane Proved Reserves and Production: Annual Production

EIA, Coalbed Methane Proved Reserves and Production: Annual Reserves

Kansas Geological Survey, University of Kansas, Open-File Report 2004-17, Geological and Geochemical Factors Influencing the Emerging Coalbed Gas Play in the Cherokee and Forest City Basins in Eastern Kansas, May 2004
Colorado Oil and Gas Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, Oil and Gas Wells in Colorado(map)

Colorado Petroleum Association, Colorado Oil and Gas Industry: Facts & Figures

Shell Oil: Welcome to the Mahogany Research Project
Renewable Energy Ethanol Producer Magazine, June 2006, Will Denver Use it or Lose it?

The Detriot News,, Coors ramping up production of ethanol from beer waste, October 24, 2005
Crude Oil Consumption EIA, State Energy Data System (SEDS), Updates by Energy Source, Table F9a:  Total Petroleum Consumption Estimates by Sector, 2006
Fields See Oil & Gas Fields, below
Imports EIA, Petroleum, Company Level Imports
Industry National Association of State Energy Officials (NASEO), Understanding the Petroleum Industry: Trade and Imports

Gibson Consulting, Some interesting oil industry statistics
Pipelines Cheryl J. Trench, Allegro Energy Group, How Pipelines Make the Oil Market Work - Their Networks, Operation and Regulation, Memorandum Prepared for the Association of Oil Pipe Lines and the American Petroleum Institute’s Pipeline Committee, December 2001
Oil Shale/Tar Sands RAND Corporation, Oil Shale Development in the United States Prospects and Policy Issues, prepared for USDOE/NETL, 2005

American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Energy Minerals Division, Oil Shale, undated

University of Alberta China Institute, Canada Sands Yield More Oil for U.S., July 12, 2006

Kinder Morgan Canada Inc., Investing in Alberta Oil Sands: Downstream Markets & Infrastructure Session, presentation, June 8th & 9th, 2006
Refining EIA, Top Ten Petroleum Refining States, as of January 1, 2006

EIA, Refinery Capacity 2007, Table 1. Number and Capacity of Operable Petroleum Refineries by PAD District and State as of January 1, 2008

EIA, Ranking of U.S. Refineries: U.S. Refineries Operable Capacity (Atmospheric Crude Oil Distillation Capacity as of January 1, 2008)
Strategic Petroleum Reserve DOE Office of Fossil Energy, Strategic Petroleum Reserve Storage Sites
Delaware Energy, General Delaware Energy Office, Delaware Energy Facts
Oil and Gas Valero Energy Corporation, Delaware City Refinery
Electricity Capacity EIA, 100 Largest Electric Plants by summer capability, 2005
Consumption EIA, Regional Energy Profiles, Household Electricity Reports
Generation EIA, State Electricity Profiles, Table 5. Electric Power Industry Generation by Primary Energy Source, 1990 Through 2006, Various States

EIA, Electric Power Annual, Figure 1.1. U.S. Electric Industry Net Generation by State, 2005
Outages U.S.-Canada Power System Outage Task Force, August 14th Blackout: Causes and Recommendations, Chapter 7. The August 14 Blackout Compared With Previous Major North American Outages
Overviews EIA, State Electricity Profiles 2006
Sales EIA, U.S. Electric Industry Total Retail Sales by State, 2006(map)

EIA, Retail Sales of Electricity by State by Sector by Provider, 1990-2006

EIA, Electric Power Annual, Figure 7.2. U.S. Electric Industry Total Retail Sales by State, 2005
Sales The ABB Group, The Western USA interconnection (Pacific Intertie), last updated 3/28/2008

EIA, Major Transmission Facilities in California and Western U.S. (230 KV and above), June 1998 (map)

Platts, California Power:, Western governors pursue four-state Frontier Line, undated

Global Energy Network Institute, National Energy Grid Canada: Grid Summary, Update 6/28/2007
Energy (General) Supply and Demand EIA, State Energy Consumption Estimates 1960 Through 2005, DOE/EIA-0214(2005), February 2008, Table S1. Energy Consumption Estimates by Source and End-Use Sector, 2005

EIA, State Energy Consumption Estimates 1960 Through 2005, DOE/EIA-0214(2005), February 2008, Table S3.  Energy Consumption Estimates by Source, 2005

The Power Planning Committee of The New England Governors’ Conference, Inc., Meeting New England’s Future Natural Gas Demands: Nine Scenarios and Their Impacts. A Report to the New England Governors, March 1, 2005
Ethanol Corn Production Corn Refiners Association, U.S. Corn Production: 2004-2006
Refineries Renewable Fuels Association, Ethanol Biorefinery Locations, U.S. Fuel Ethanol Industry Biorefineries and Production Capacity
Florida Renewable Energy U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Citrus Peel Ethanol: Florida's Biofuel for the Furture, October 15, 2004

U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, News & Events, Citrus Peel Waste a Potential Source of Ethanol, April 6, 2006
Gasoline State Requirements ExxonMobile, U.S. Gasoline Requirements(April 2007)

US Environmental Protection Agency, Air and Radiation, Office of Transportation and Air Quality, State Winter Oxygenated Fuel Program Requirements for Attainment or Maintenance of CO NAAQS, October 2001

EIA, Areas Participating in the Reformulated Gasoline Program, last modified June 15, 1999
Overviews Arizona Department of Transportation, et al, Frequently Asked Questions About Gasoline

U.S. Evironmental Protection Agency, Fuels and Fuel Additives
Georgia LNG Moran, LNG Activities

U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, LNG - Existing LNG Terminals: Elba Island, Georgia
Hawaii Economy, Hawaii - Economy
LNG University of Hawaii at Manoa, College of Social Sciences, Hawaii Energy Policy Forum, Final Report On Evaluating Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Options for the State of Hawaii, January 2004
Oil and Gas Tesoro, Tesoro Refineries: Kapolei Refinery / Tesoro Hawaii

Enterprise Honolulu, Economic Research & Info: Utillity: Natural Gas
Heating Oil EIA, The Northeast Heating Fuel Market: Assessment and Options, Service Report, SR/OIAF/2000-03, May 24, 2000

EIA, Northeast Heating Oil Reserve
Idaho Rivers Idaho Rivers Unilimited website
Industry EIA, Industry Analysis Briefs for Aluminum, Chemicals, Forest Products, Glass, Metal Casting, Petroleum, and Steel. Last Modified February 5, /2004
Illinois Oil and Gas Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Oil and Gas Fields of the Illinois Basin(map)
Indiana Oil and Gas BPAmerica, Whiting Refinery

Indiana Geological Survey, Petroleum Topic Report: A Brief Overview of the History of the Petroleum Industry in Indiana, October 31, 2005

BP, BP Plans $3 Billion Project to Refine More Canadian Heavy Crude Oil in the U.S. Midwest, 20 September 2006
Iowa Energy, General Iowa Association of Naturalists, Iowa Environmental Issues Series, Energy in Iowa: Energy, Environment, Economy
Kansas Oil and Gas Kansas Geological Survey, Oil and Gas Production in Kansas, Production data through June 2008
Kentucky Coal Emily Medine, The Illinois Basin, A Second Coming?, Coal Age, February 2005
Industry Kentucky Cabinet for Economic Development, Office of Research and Information Technology, Profile of Kentucky’s Aluminum Industry, July 2005
Louisiana Coal Coal and Lignite in Louisiana(Alan A. Troy, P.E., Senior Energy Engineer, Technology Assessment Division, T. Michael French, P.E., Director, Louisiana Dept. of Natural Resources, and John F. Ales, Secretary of Natural Resources, Baton Rouge, May 14,1993)
Energy, General Louisiana Department of Natural Resources, Technology Assessment Division, Louisiana Energy Facts Annual - 2005, January 31, 2006
LNG Panhandle Energy, Trunkline LNG Lake Charles Terminal
Oil and Gas Louisiana Office of Conservation, First Oil Well in Louisiana

Louisiana Department of Natural Resources, Louisiana State Crude Oil and Condensate Production Excluding OCS

Louisiana Offshore Oil Port, the LOOP LLC web site

Lousiana Department of Natural Resources, Technology Assessment Division, Louisiana Energy Topic, November 2003, America's Wetlands: Energy Corridor to the Nation: The Louisiana Offshore Oil Port (LOOP) and Connected Interstate Delivery Network, Part 3 of 7
Renewable Energy Renewables Council of Lousiana, Louisiana Biomass Resources
LNG U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Comission, LNG - Existing LNG Terminals(map)

U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Comission, Existing and Proposed North American LNG Terminals as of March 24, 2008

Northeast Gas Association, Description of Pipelines/LNG Terminal Serving the Northeast Markets, October 2007

EIA, The Global Liquefied Natural Gas Market: Status and Outlook, DOE/EIA-0637, United States: LNG Activity Expanding, December 2003
Massachusetts Forestry Massachusetts Forest Monitoring Program, B Frazier et al., Assessing Forest Cover and Change across Massachusetts Using Satellite Images, undated
Renewable Energy EIA, Cape Cod Wind Project

Live Science, Several Massachusetts Communities Eye Wind Power, by Martin Finucane, Associated Press, September 6, 2004,
Michigan Electricity Michigan Public Service Commission, Michigan's 21st Centrury Electric Energy Plan, Januray 2007
Renewable Energy Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Growth, Wind and Solar Energy
Minnesota Alternative Energy U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, State Energy Program, Minnesota's Home-Grown Transportation Fuel
Gasoline Minnesota Department of Commerce, Energy Info Center, Gasoline Pricing Facts for Consumers, May 2007

Minnesota Office of the Revisor of Statutes, 239.791, Minnesota Statutes 2006, 239.791 OXYGENATED GASOLINE., Minnesota E85 Gas Stations
Mississippi Oil and Gas Oil & Gas Journal, Deepwater Production Drives Design of New Gulf Gas Plant, March 16, 1998

Mississippi Office of Geology, Department of Environmental Quality, Under-Explored Oil and Gas Trends of Mississippi, by Stephen D. Champlin.
Montana Hydroelectricity Montana Electric Cooperatives' Association, Continuing Resolutions, undated
Natural Gas Fields See Oil & Gas Fields, Below
Overviews EIA, Natural Gas Annual 2006, various chapters and tables, Released January 17, 2008
Production EIA, Top Natural Gas Producing States, 2006
Supply EIA, Natural Gas Supply, Last Updated October 2008
Transportation EIA, "Natural Gas Market Centers and Hubs: A 2003 Update" (HTML, PDF)

EIA, Natural Gas Processing: The Crucial Link Between Natural Gas Production and Its Transportation to Market, January 2006

Rockies Express Pipeline LLC, Rockies Express Pipeline
Nebraska Hydroelectricity The Central Nebraska Public Power and Irrigation District's Hydro Division
Nevada Electricity Southern California Edison, Power Generation: Mohave Generation Station

U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, Lower Colorado Region, Hoover Dam Frequently Asked Questions
New Hampshire Oil and Gas New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission, Natural Gas in NH

California Energy Commission, Natural Gas Market Assessment, August 2003
New Mexico Oil and Gas New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources, Remaining Oil and Natural Gas Resources of New Mexico, July 1, 2003

Holly Corporation: Navajo Refinery
New York Electricity New York State, New York Power Authority, Niagara Power Project
Oil and Gas Broadwater Energy, Broadwater Project Description
Renewable Energy National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Renewable Resource Data Center, New York annual average wind power(map)
North Dakota Alternative Energy, Official Portal for North Dakota State Government, GoE, In North Dakota, It's Good for Everyone

Dakota Gasification Company, About Dakota Gasification Company and the Great Plains Synfuels Plant
Hydroelectricity U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District, Garrison Project Homepage
Oklahoma Oil and Gas Mid-Continent Oil and Gas Association of Oklahoma, Historical Tour of Oklahoma's Oil & Gas Industry

Oklahoma Geological Survey, Oklahoma Geology Notes v. 62, no. 3, Fall 2002, Oklahoma Oil: Past, Present, and Future

Mark C. Snead, Oklahoma State University, Office of Business and Economic Research, The Economic Impact of Oil and Gas Production and Drilling on the Oklahoma Economy for Oklahoma Commission on Marginally Producing Oil and Gas WellsOctober 2002

Oklahoma Marginal Wells Commission, Quick Facts, The Oil and Gas Industry in Oklahoma

Enbridge, Enbridge's Spearhead Pipeline Delivers Canadian Crude Oil to Cushing, Oklahoma, March 2, 2006
Nuclear Energy EIA, State Nuclear Industry, Select a State

EIA, U.S. Nuclear Reactors
Oil and Gas Fields DOE/EIA-0370(07), Oil and Gas Field Code Master List 2007, March 4, 2008

U.S. Geological Survey, Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources of the Black Warrior Basin Province, 2002, USGS Fact Sheet FS-038-03, April 2003

Appalachian Basin, NY Area (Panel 1 of 7), Oil and Gas Fields By 2001 BOE Reserve Class, undated

EIA, Top 100 US Oil & Gas Fields By 2006 Proved Reserves
Outer Continential Shelf U.S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, National Assessment 2000: Undiscovered Conventionally Recoverable Resources Oil (BBO) Gas (TCFG), Outer Continental Shelf Planning Areas(map)

U.S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico Region Offshore Information, Eastern Gulf of Mexico Overview. Undated

U.S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico Region Offshore Information, Activities Offshore Florida. Undated

U.S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico Region Environmental Information, History of Offshore Oil and Gas Development in the Gulf of Mexico. Undated

Lousiana Department of Natural Resources, United States OCS Crude Oil and Condensate Production. Last Updated September 10, 2008

U.S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Deepwater Gulf of Mexico 2002: America's Expansing Frontier, OCS Report, MMS 2002-021. April 2002
Pennsylvania Coal, Stories from PA History, Overview: Mining Anthracite
Nuclear U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Fact Sheet on the Three Mile Island Accident, February 20, 2007
Oil and Gas Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Drake Well
Renewable Energy Biomass National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Biomass Resources Available in the United States. (map) September 2005
Generation EIA, Total Renewable Net Generation by Energy Source and State 2006. Released July 2008

Renewable Electric Power Sector Net Summer Capacity Source by State 2005. Released July 2007

Nuclear Energy Institute, State Electricity Generation Fuel Shares (2007), April 2008
Geothermal DOE, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Geothermal Technologies Program: GeoPowering the West, State Profiles

University of Utah, Energy & Geoscience Institute, Geothermal Energy: Clean Sustainable Energy for the Benefit of Humanity and the Environment, May 2001
Hydroelectricity DOE: Hydropower: Partnership with the Environment. June 2001

Idaho National Laboratory, Hydropower: Undeveloped Hydropower Potential by State. Last Updated 12/5/2006

Idaho National Laboratory, Hydropower: Resource Assessment. Last Updated 9/18/2006

EIA, Renewable Energy Annual 2004, Table 9: Net Generation and Fuel Consumption at Power Plants Consuming Coal and Biomass
Overview EIA, Renewable Energy Annual, 2006. Released April 2008

NC State University, NC Solar Center, Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency(interactive map)
Potential EIA, Renewable Potential Maps. Last modified July 14, 2005
Wind American Wind Energy Association, Wind Energy Fact Sheet: Wind Energy: An Untapped Resource. Undated

American Wind Energy Association, U.S. Wind Energy Projects(As of 11/06/2008)

National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Wind Energy Resource Atlas of the United States, DOE/CH 10093-4. October 1986

USDOE, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Wind & Hydropower Technologies Program, Wind Resource Maps

USDOE, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Wind & Hydropower Technologies Program, Wind Powering America. Last Updated 11/04/2008
Rhode Island Economics Rhode Island Sea Grant and The University of Rhode Island Coastal Insititue, Making the Waterfront Work: A Case for True Mixed-Use Redevelopment of Providence Harbor
South Dakota Oil and Gas South Dakota Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Minerals and Mining Program, South Dakota Historical Oil & Gas Wells/Tests, Jan 2007 (map)
Renewable Energy NC State University, Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency, South Dakota Homeowner Incentives for Renewable Energy: Black Hills Power - Residential Energy Efficiency Rebate Program, 05/16/2007
Tennessee Ethanol Ethanol Grain Producers, LLC, Press Release, January 26, 2007, Ethanol Grain Processors, LLC Closes on Debt Financing and Breaks Escrow on its Initial Public Offering
Transportation   U.S. Census Bureau, Americans Spend More Than 100 Hours Commuting to Work Each Year, Census Bureau Reports. 3/30/2005 press release

U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Sruvey 2003, Average Travel Time to Work of Workers 16 Years and Over Who Did Not Work at Home(Minutes)
Texas Industry The Handbook of Texas Online, Petrochemical Industry
Oil and Gas University of Texas, Bureau of Economic Geology, Texas Oil and Gas, by Dr. Eugene Kim, and Anadarko Petroleum Company, "Giddens Oil and Gas Field," by Daryl Mazzanti

U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Fossil Energy, Strategic Petroleum Reserve Storage Sites
Renewable Energy Texas State Energy Conservation Office, Texas Solar Energy

Texas State Energy Conservation Office, Texas Biomass Energy

Texas State Energy Conservation Office, Texas Ethanol Plants

Texas State Energy Conservation Office, Texas Wind Energy

FPL Energy, Horse Hollow Wind Energy Center
Virginia Oil and Gas Virginia Tech, Virginia Center for Coal and Energy Research, Virginia Energy Patterns and Trends: Virginia Natural Gas

Report of the Secretary of Commerce and Trade to the Governor and the General Assembly of Virginia, House Document No 22, Commonwealth of Virginia, Richmond, Study of the Possibility of Exploring for Natural Gas in the Coastal Areas of the Commonwealth, 2006
Washington Oil and Gas, Puget Sound
West Virginia Coal West Virginia Office of Miners' Health, Safety and Training, West Virginia Coal Mining Facts

The West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey, West Virginia GeoFacts
Wisconsin Energy, General Wisconsin Division of Energy, Department of Administration, 2006 Wisconsin Energy Statistics
Map Element Description Source
1002 Area (AK) A 1.5-million-acre coastal section of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, an important wildlife habitat with potentially enormous oil and gas resources. U.S. Geological Survey.Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, 1002 Area, Petroleum Assessment, 1998, Including Economic Analysis.
Last Modified: December 14, 2005.
Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (AK) Established by the 1980 Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act, of which a small portion is the 1002 Area. U.S. Geological Survey.Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, 1002 Area, Petroleum Assessment, 1998, Including Economic Analysis.
Last Modified: December 14, 2005.
Biomass Energy Potential Biomass resources available in the United States with 50 metric tons or greater per square kilometer per year, normalized by County. U.S. Department of Energy, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Dynamic Maps, GIS Data, & Analysis Tools.
Last Modified: April 22, 2009.
Coal Mines Mines that produced more than 4 million short tons of coal in 2009. EIA, Major U.S. Coal Mines, Table 9. Major U.S. Coal Mines, 2009.
Released: October 1, 2010.
Counties, States, Canada, and Mexico All U.S. Counties and States, Canada, and Mexico. Ventyx, Velocity Suite.
Released: January 2009.
Electric Generating Plants Electricity plants with net summer capacity of 100 megawatts or greater. EIA, Annual Electric Generator Report
(Data for 2007).
Released: February 2009.

Ventyx, Velocity Suite.
Released: January 2009.
Electric Generating Plants - U.S. Territories American Samoa American Samoa Power Authority.
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Commonwealth Utilities Corporation, Power Generation Division, February 22, 2005.

Commonwealth Utilities Corporation, Request for Proposals CUC - RFP 07-015, Appendix G – Power Distribution One-Line Diagrams. Undated.

U.S. Department of the Interior, United States of America Insular Areas Energy Assessment Report: An Update of the 1982 Territorial Energy Assessment, 2006, Chapter 6. Commonwealth of Northern Marianas Islands (CNMI), pp 151-195.
Guam Guam Power Authority.

EIA, Geographic Information System (GasTran). Town and village tables.
Last Modified: October 2006. Unpublished.

Google Map by town and country name.

Environmental Protection Agency, Envirofacts Data Warehouse.
Puerto Rico Ventyx, Velocity Suite.
Released: January 2009.
U.S. Virgin Islands U.S. Department of the Interior, United States of America Insular Areas Energy Assessment Report: An Update of the 1982 Territorial Energy Assessment, 2006, Chapter 4. U.S. Virgin Islands. pp 59-107.
Electric Transmission Lines Electric lines with voltage of 345 kV or more. Ventyx, Velocity Suite.
Released: January 2009.
Geothermal Energy Potential Areas with geothermal surface heat flow of 80 milliwatts per square meter, which is suitable for generating electricity. Idaho National Laboratory, State Geothermal Resource Maps.

U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Geothermal Technologies Program.
Last Modified: October 23, 2006.

Southern Methodist University, Geothermal Lab, 2004 Surface Heat Flow Map.
Released: 2004.
Heating Oil Reserves (CT and NJ) Established in July 2000 to cushion the effects of disruptions in the supply of home heating oil. Storage contracts for these reserves expire every several years. As of December 2009, reserves are located in Groton, CT, New Haven, CT, and Perth Amboy, NJ. U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Fossil Energy, U.S. Petroleum Reserves.
Last Modified: August 13, 2009.
Kilauea East Rift Zone (HI) Source of active volcanic geothermal energy, supplying approximately 20 percent of the total electricity needs of the island of Hawaii. State of Hawaii, Department of Business, Economic Development & Tourism, Geothermal.
Last Modified: December 1, 2008.
LNG Import & Export Facilities (AK, GA, LA, MA, MD, PR, and TX) Terminals capable of liquefaction of natural gas for transport (Kenai, AK), or receipt and regasification of LNG for use as natural gas (GA - Elba Island; LA - Cameron, Lake Charles, Gulf Gateway Deepwater Port, and Sabine Pass; MA - Everett, Neptune, and Northeast Gateway Energy Bridge; MD - Cove Point; PR - Peñuelas; TX - Freeport and Golden Pass). EIA, Geographic Information System (GasTran).
Last Modified: September 2009. Unpublished.

EIA, U.S. LNG Markets and Uses: June 2004 Update.
Released: June 2004.

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, FERC Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Projects.
Last Modified: October 27, 2009.
Louisiana Offshore Oil Port An offshore port that is the only U.S. port capable of offloading deep draft tankers known as Ultra Large Crude Carriers (ULCC) and Very Large Crude Carriers (VLCC). LOOP LCC.

Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, LOOP Program.
National Petroleum Reserve - Alaska A 23-million-acre area located on the North Slope of Alaska, which the U.S. Geological Survey estimates has between 5.9 and 13.2 billion barrels of technically recoverable oil. U.S. Department Of the Interior, Fact Sheet: Northwest National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska Integrated Activity Plan, Environmental Impact Statement and Record of Decision. Undated.

U.S. Department Of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, Northeast National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska, Supplemental Integrated Activity Plan, Record of Decision. July 2008. Map 1. Northeast National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska Decision.
Natural Gas Flow Natural gas transportation routes that have a capacity of more than 100 million cubic feet per day. Capacities determined at State borders. Note: Arrows indicate the net direction of gas flow. EIA, Geographic Information System (GasTran). Last Modified: September 2009. Unpublished.

EIA, State to State Natural Gas Pipeline Capacities and Flows (spreadsheet).
Released: March 1, 2009.
Natural Gas Market Centers and Hubs A hub is a physical transfer point for natural gas where several pipelines are connected. A market center is a hub where the operator offers services that facilitate the buying, selling, and transportation of natural gas. EIA, Geographic Information System (GasTran).
Last Modified: September 2009. Unpublished.

EIA, Natural Gas Market Centers: A 2008 Update.
Released: April 2009.
Oil & Gas Active Leases (AL, FL, LA, MS, and TX) Boundary of active Federal oil and gas leases. U.S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico Region.
Updated: September 1, 2009.
Oil Refineries All operable petroleum refineries as of January 1, 2009. EIA, Refinery Capacity Report, Table 3. Capacity of Operable Petroleum Refineries by State as of January 1, 2009.
Released: June 25, 2009.
Oil Seaport/Oil Import Sites All ports of entry for crude oil and petroleum products that showed activity from January through December 2008 of at least 10,000 barrels per day. EIA, Company Level Imports Historical, Historical Imports by Month Including Final Revisions. 2008.
Oil Seaport/Oil Import Sites - U.S. Territories American Samoa American Samoa Government, Department of Port Administration.

U.S. Department of the Interior, United States of America Insular Areas Energy Assessment Report: An Update of the 1982 Territorial Energy Assessment, 2006, Chapter 5. American Samoa, pp 108-150.
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Commonwealth Ports Authority.
Guam Port Authority of Guam.
Puerto Rico EIA, Company Level Imports Historical, Historical Imports by Month Including Final Revisions: 2007.
U.S. Virgin Islands Central Intelligence Agency, The World Factbook, Virgin Islands (Territory of the US).

Virgin Islands Port Authority.
Propane Supply Hubs (KS, MS, and TX) Hubs in Kansas (Conway), Mississippi (Hattiesburg), and Texas (Mont Belvieu). EIA, An Analysis of U.S. Propane Markets Winter 1996-97, June 1997.
Rivers Major rivers of the United States. United States Geological Survey, Lengths of the major rivers.
Solar Energy Potential Monthly average daily total solar resource available to a flat plate collector, such as a photovoltaic panel, oriented due south at an angle from horizontal equal to latitude of the collector location, of 6 kilowatthours per square meter per day or greater. U.S. Department of Energy, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Dynamic Maps, GIS Data, & Analysis Tools.
Last Modified: April 22, 2009.
State Capitals Pitney Bowes Business Insight, MapInfo Professional.
Strategic Petroleum Reserve (LA, MS, and TX) The largest stockpile of government-owned emergency crude oil in the world, established in Bayou Choctaw and West Hackenberry, LA and in Big Hill and Bryan Mound, TX to protect against disruptions in U.S. commercial oil supplies. A new site in Richton, MS has been selected to increase capacity. U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Fossil Energy, U.S. Petroleum Reserves.
Last Modified: February 27, 2009.
Synthetic Natural Gas Plants (HI, MO, and ND) Plants that manufacture a product, chemically similar in most respects to natural gas, resulting from the conversion or reforming of hydrocarbons, that may easily be substituted for or interchanged with pipeline-quality natural gas. EIA, EIA-176 Query System 2008. (Data for 2007)
Released: November 30, 2008.
Territories American Samoa, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Pitney Bowes Business Insight, MapInfo Professional.

Ventyx, Velocity Suite.
Released: January 2009.
Trans-Alaska Pipeline System The largest-capacity crude oil pipeline in the United States, transporting crude oil from Alaska's North Slope to the warm-water Port of Valdez, on Alaska’s southern coast. U.S. Department of Transportation, National Pipeline Mapping System, Pipeline Integrity Management Mapping Application.
Wind Energy Potential Areas with wind resources of Wind Power Class 3 or greater, which are suitable for most utility-scale wind turbine applications. U.S. Department of Energy, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Dynamic Maps, GIS Data, & Analysis Tools.
Last Modified: April 22, 2009.


Population and Employment
Population U.S. Department of Commerce, Census Bureau, National and State Evaluation Estimates, Comparison of Preliminary Population Estimates and Census Counts for the United States, Regions, States, and Puerto Rico.
Released: December 2011.

U.S. Territories: EIA, World Population, Most Recent Annual Estimates, 1980-2007.
Table Posted: December 8, 2008.

Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands: Central Intelligence Agency, The World Factbook, Northern Mariana Islands (Commonwealth in Political Union with the US).
Last Modified: November 12, 2009.
Civilian Labor Force U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Civilian Labor Force and Unemployment by State and Selected Area, seasonally adjusted.
Per Capita Personal Income U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis, Per Capita Personal Income 2011.
Released: March 28, 2012.
Energy Intensity U.S. Territories: EIA, International Energy Annual 2006, Table E.1p World Energy Intensity--Total Primary Energy Consumption per Dollar of Gross Domestic Product Using Purchasing Power Parities, 1980-2006.
Table Posted: December 19, 2008.
Gross State Product U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis, Gross Domestic Product by State.
Land in Farms U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Statistics Service, 2007 Census of Agriculture - State Data, Table 1. State Summary Highlights: 2007.
Market Value of Agricultural Products Sold U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Statistics Service, 2007 Census of Agriculture - State Data, Table 2. Market Value of Agricultural Products Sold Including Direct Sales: 2007 and 2002.
Domestic Crude Oil First Purchase EIA, Domestic Crude Oil First Purchase Prices by Area  |  More Information.
Natural Gas
Wellhead EIA, Natural Gas Prices, Wellhead Price  |  More Information.
City Gate EIA, Natural Gas Prices, City Gate Price  |  More Information.
Residential EIA, Natural Gas Prices, Residential Price  |  More Information.
Average Sales Price of Coal by State and Mine Type EIA, Average Sales Price of Coal by State and Mine Type.
Delivered to Electric Power Sector EIA, Average Cost of Coal Delivered for Electricity Generation by State.
Residential EIA, Average Retail Price of Electricity to Ultimate Customers by End-Use Sector, by State: Residential.
Commercial EIA, Average Retail Price of Electricity to Ultimate Customers by End-Use Sector, by State: Commercial.
Industrial EIA, Average Retail Price of Electricity to Ultimate Customers by End-Use Sector, by State: Industrial.
Reserves & Supply
Crude Oil EIA, Crude Oil Proved Reserves, Reserves Changes, and Production  |  More Information.

U.S. Territories: EIA, International Energy Statistics, Crude Oil Proved Reserves.
Dry Natural Gas EIA, Natural Gas Reserves Summary as of Dec. 31: Dry Natural Gas  |  More Information.

U.S. Territories: EIA, International Energy Statistics, Proved Reserves of Natural Gas.
Natural Gas Liquids EIA, Natural Gas Reserves Summary as of Dec. 31: Natural Gas Liquids  |  More Information.
Recoverable Coal Reserves and Average Percentage at Producing Mines by State EIA, Recoverable Coal Reserves and Average Recovery Percentage at Producing Mines by State.

U.S. Territories: EIA, International Energy Statistics, Recoverable Coal By Type.
Rotary Rigs & Wells
Rotary Rigs in Operation Baker Hughes Inc., Baker Hughes Rig Counts.
Crude Oil Producing Wells World Oil Magazine, February Issue, United States: Producing Oil Wells. (To access the article, select the desired year, scroll down to the February issue, select Special Focus or Full Contents, then scroll down to the article.)
Natural Gas Producing Wells EIA, Number of Producing Gas Wells  |  More Information.
Total Energy EIA, Energy Production Estimates in Trillion Btu by Source and by State.

U.S. Territories: EIA, International Energy Statistics, Total Primary Energy Production.
Crude Oil EIA, Crude Oil Production  |  More Information.

U.S. Territories: EIA, International Energy Statistics, Production: Crude Oil, NGPL, and Other Liquids.
Natural Gas - Marketed EIA, Natural Gas Gross Withdrawals and Production: Marketed Production  |  More Information.

U.S. Territories: EIA, International Energy Statistics, Production of Marketed Natural Gas .
Coal EIA, Coal Production and Number of Mines by State and Mine Type.

U.S. Territories: EIA, International Energy Statistics, Total Primary Coal Production .
Crude Oil Refinery Capacity (as of Jan. 1) EIA, Number and Capacity of Petroleum Refineries: Atmospheric Crude Oil Distillation Operable Capacity  |  More Information.
Electric Power Industry Net Summer Capacity EIA, State Electricity Profiles: Net Summer Capacity.
Total Electricity Installed Capacity U.S. Territories: EIA, International Energy Statistics, Total Electricity Installed Capacity .
Net Electricity Generation
Total Net Electricity Generation EIA, Net Generation by State by Sector.

U.S. Territories: EIA, International Energy Statistics, Total Electricity Net Generation .
Petroleum-Fired EIA, Net Generation from Petroleum Liquids by State by Sector.
Natural Gas-Fired EIA, Net Generation from Natural Gas by State by Sector.
Coal-Fired EIA, Net Generation from Coal by State by Sector.
Nuclear EIA, Net Generation from Nuclear Energy by State by Sector.
Hydroelectric EIA, Net Generation from Hydroelectric (Conventional) Power by State by Sector.
Other Renewables EIA, Net Generation from Other Renewables by State by Sector.
Motor Gasoline (Excludes Pipelines) EIA, Refinery, Bulk Terminal, and Natural Gas Plant Stocks by State: Motor Gasoline  |  More Information.
Distillate Fuel Oil (Excludes Pipelines) EIA, Refinery, Bulk Terminal, and Natural Gas Plant Stocks by State: Distillate Fuel Oil  |  More Information.
Natural Gas in Underground Storage EIA, Underground Natural Gas Storage by All Operators: Natural Gas in Storage  |  More Information.
Petroleum Stocks at Electric Power Producers EIA, Stocks of Coal, Petroleum Liquids and Petroleum Coke: Electric Power Sector, by State: Petroleum Liquids.
Coal Stocks at Electric Power Producers EIA, Stocks of Coal, Petroleum Liquids and Petroleum Coke: Electric Power Sector, by State: Coal.
Production Facilities
Major Coal Mines EIA, Major U.S. Coal Mines.
Petroleum Refineries EIA, Refinery Capacity 2009, Table 3. Capacity of Operable Petroleum Refineries by State as of January 1, 2009.

U.S. Territories: EIA, Number and Capacity of Petroleum Refineries.
Major Non-Nuclear Electricity Generating Plants EIA, State Electricity Profiles, Table 2 of each State's Profile.
Nuclear Power Plants EIA, State Nuclear Profiles, Table 2 of each State's Profile.
Imports & Exports
Total Imports (U.S. Territories)
Crude Oil EIA, International Energy Statistics, Imports of Crude Oil including Lease Condensate.
Petroleum Products EIA, International Energy Statistics, Refined Petroleum Imports by Type.
Natural Gas EIA, International Energy Statistics, Imports of Dry Natural Gas.
Coal EIA, International Energy Statistics, Total Coal Imports.
Total Exports (U.S. Territories)
Crude Oil EIA, International Energy Statistics, Exports of Crude Oil including Lease Condensate.
Petroleum Products EIA, International Energy Statistics, Refined Petroleum Exports by Type.
Natural Gas EIA, International Energy Statistics, Exports of Dry Natural Gas.
Coal EIA, International Energy Statistics, Total Coal Exports.
Distribution & Marketing
Distribution Centers
Oil Seaports/Oil Import Sites EIA, Company Level Imports Historical. Crude oil and total petroleum imports by the top 15 countries (monthly) and a summary of crude oil imports by company from the Persian Gulf for 2005 (year-to-date).
Natural Gas Market Centers EIA, Natural Gas Market Centers: A 2008 Update. April 2009.
Major Pipelines
Crude Oil PennWell Maps, Crude Oil Systems Map, 1998.
Petroleum Products PennWell Maps, Refined Products Systems Map, 1998.
Liquefied Petroleum Gases PennWell Maps, LPG/NGL Pipeline & Facilities Map of the US and Canada, 1999.
Interstate Natural Gas Pipelines EIA, About U.S. Natural Gas Pipelines - Transporting Natural Gas.
Fueling Stations
Motor Gasoline National Petroleum News. MarketFacts 2007  "2007 NPN Station Counts (a)" (Rosemont, IL, Oct. 2007), p. 92.
Liquefied Petroleum Gases U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Alternative Fueling Station Total Counts by State and Fuel Type: LPG.
Compressed Natural Gas U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Alternative Fueling Station Total Counts by State and Fuel Type: CNG.
Ethanol U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Alternative Fueling Station Total Counts by State and Fuel Type: E85.
Other Alternative Fuels U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Alternative Fueling Station Total Counts by State and Fuel Type: BD | ELEC | HY | LNG.
per Capita
Total Energy EIA, Energy Consumption by Sector and Total Consumption.

U.S. Territories: EIA, International Energy Statistics, Total Primary Energy Consumption per Capita.
Consumption: by Source
Total Energy EIA, Energy Consumption by End-Use Sector.

U.S. Territories: EIA, International Energy Statistics, Total Primary Energy Consumption.
Total Petroleum EIA, Petroleum Consumption, Price, and Expenditure Estimates.

U.S. Territories: EIA, International Energy Statistics, Total Consumption of Petroleum Products.
Motor Gasoline EIA, Motor Gasoline Consumption, Price, and Expenditure Estimates.
Distillate Fuel EIA, Distillate Fuel Oil Consumption Estimates.
Liquefied Petroleum Gases EIA, Liquefied Petroleum Gases Consumption Estimates.
Jet Fuel EIA, Jet Fuel Consumption, Price, and Expenditure Estimates.
Petroleum Products U.S. Territories: EIA, International Energy Statistics, Refined Petroleum Consumption by Type.
Natural Gas EIA, Natural Gas Consumption by End Use: Total Consumption  |  More Information.

U.S. Territories: EIA, International Energy Statistics, Dry Natural Gas Consumption.
Coal EIA, Coal Consumption by End Use Sector, by Census Division and State.

U.S. Territories: EIA, International Energy Statistics, Total Coal Consumption.
Consumption: by End-Use Sector
Residential EIA, Energy Consumption by End-Use Sector, Ranked by State.
Commercial EIA, Energy Consumption by End-Use Sector, Ranked by State.
Industrial EIA, Energy Consumption by End-Use Sector, Ranked by State.
Transportation EIA, Energy Consumption by End-Use Sector, Ranked by State.
Consumption: for Electricity Generation
Petroleum EIA, Consumption of Petroleum Liquids for Electricity Generation by State by Sector.
Natural Gas EIA, Consumption of Natural Gas for Electricity Generation by State by Sector.
Coal EIA, Consumption of Coal for Electricity Generation by State by Sector.
Consumption: for Home Heating (share of households)
Natural Gas, Fuel Oil, Electricity, Liquefied Petroleum Gases, Other/None U.S. Bureau of the Census, Census of Housing, Historical Census of Housing Tables, House Heating Fuel.
Special Programs
Clean Cities Coalitions U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Clean Cities Coalition Locations.
Alternative Fuels
Alternative-Fueled Vehicles in Use EIA, Alternative Fuel Vehicle Data (State Ranks), Estimated Number of Alternative Fueled Vehicles in Use, by State and Fuel Type.
Ethanol Plants Renewable Fuels Association, Biorefinery Locations, Data as of February 13, 2012.
Ethanol Plant Capacity Renewable Fuels Association, Building Bridges to a More Sustainable Future: 2011 Ethanol Industry Outlook, p. 2.
Ethanol Consumption EIA, Fuel Ethanol Consumption Estimates.
Electric Power Industry Emissions
Carbon Dioxide EIA, Environment, Electric Power Plant Emissions, Electric Power Industry Estimated Emissions by State (EIA-767 and EIA-906), State Historical Tables for 2007: CO2.
Sulfur Dioxide EIA, Environment, Electric Power Plant Emissions, Electric Power Industry Estimated Emissions by State (EIA-767 and EIA-906), State Historical Tables for 2007: SO2.
Nitrogen Oxide EIA, Environment, Electric Power Plant Emissions, Electric Power Industry Estimated Emissions by State (EIA-767 and EIA-906), State Historical Tables for 2007: NOX.
CO2 Emissions by Source (U.S. Territories)
Total Fossil Fuels EIA, Total Carbon Dioxide Emissions from the Consumption of Energy.
Petroleum EIA, International Energy Statistics, CO2 Emissions from the Consumption of Petroleum.
Natural Gas EIA, International Energy Statistics, CO2 Emissions from the Consumption and Flaring of Natural Gas.
Coal EIA, International Energy Statistics, CO2 Emissions from the Consumption of Coal.