The One Image You Shouldn't Send (Or Should Definitely Send) To Redskins Fans Today

Just don't do it. Unless you are a fan of another NFC East team. posted

I know, right? Now tell your friends!
The One Image You Shouldn't Send (Or S...
Jack Moore

As you've probably heard from the epic screams reverberating across the country from our nation's capital, RGIII badly injured his knee last night.

1. Redskins fans were disappointed.

2. "Oh my God."

3. "Shit."

Today an image has been going viral on Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, and Reddit: a clever visual joke about the RGIII injury that's capable of triggering crazed fits of Redskin-fan anger.

If you prefer to not risk a closet Skins fan seeing it over your shoulder and killing you instantly, I suggest you exit this page now.

4. Are you sure you want to see it?

5. Last chance...

6. The Internet's a jerk.

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    5 Responses So Far

    • KGM801   The One Image You Shouldn't Send ... and thinks it’s LOL  a few minutes ago
    • KGM801 a few minutes ago

      I felt so bad for Skins fans at first, then I looked at Facebook. They were literally all over that shit complaining about the Ravens and Ray Lewis. If there's anyone you should be pissed off at, it should be your idiotic coach, not a team that wasn't anywhere near your stadium yesterday. Anyway, now I'm glad they lost :-D Bunch a bitter babies.

    • dawgette68   The One Image You Shouldn't Send ...  about a half hour ago
    • JonHaven360 thinks The One Image You Shouldn't Send ... is LOL  about a half hour ago
    • Jassy217 a half hour ago

      He makes poor decisions that cause injury; I have no sympathy for him or his fans. Quarterbacks are supposed to slide to avoid tackles that could hurt them, and he consistently takes them head-on. Great talent and versatility will be for naught if he can't figure out how to be less risky next season!

    • Jassy217 thinks The One Image You Shouldn't Send ... is LOL  about a half hour ago
    • orbs a half hour ago

      Yea. Fuck you too.

    • sergeantscruffy thinks The One Image You Shouldn't Send ... is Win & LOL  about a half hour ago
    • Couleurmoiriva   The One Image You Shouldn't Send ...  about a half hour ago
    • prettyjumbles thinks The One Image You Shouldn't Send ... is cool story bra  about an hour ago
    • tinap3 thinks The One Image You Shouldn't Send ... is Shameless & LOL  about an hour ago
    • fartsman thinks The One Image You Shouldn't Send ... is Trashy  about an hour ago
    • eg25 an hour ago

      I watched the game last night and this still pisses me off. It was irresponsible of him and the coaches to let him play. I've torn my ACL and MCL - I know that feeling and the SOUND it makes. He was touched by an angel the first time when he didn't tear it. He should have been more careful. He was limping! He couldn't play his game and therefore was doing mediocre. Playing this game wasn't worth his career. I know he had stars in his eyes, but he needed to think about the bigger picture. I hope this doesn't fuck the rest of his career. I know he can rehab it and get better, but it is a hard injury to get over mentally as well. Obviously people can do it (Adrian Peterson), but it is a hard road.  /rant. !

    • LeSamourai an hour ago

      Ooooooooooh……that's some cold blooded shit.

    • Ben Rosen thinks The One Image You Shouldn't Send ... is a Poor Decision, Awesome & FTW  about an hour ago
    • Quege thinks The One Image You Shouldn't Send ... is LOL  about an hour ago
    • Shanna B.   The One Image You Shouldn't Send ... and thinks it’s Trashy  about an hour ago
    • thenateperry thinks The One Image You Shouldn't Send ... is LOL  about an hour ago

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