
Afterschool and Summer Programs | Child and Adult Care Food Program | Child Nutrition Reauthorization | SNAP/Food Stamps | School Breakfast Program | School Meals | School Wellness | State of the States | WIC | Other Publications

Afterschool and Summer Nutrition Programs

Hunger Doesn’t Take a Vacation: Summer Nutrition Status Report

State Agency Summer Nutrition Sponsor Retention Strategies

Providing Nutrition Education (Nutrition Education Curriculum)

Strategies in Tough Economic Times: Increasing Access to Summer Meals

Afterschool in California – Making the Most of Child Nutrition Funding: A Guide for Afterschool Education and Safety Grantees

A How-To Guide for Summer Food Sponsors on Purchasing High-Quality Summer Meals

Fresh from the Farm: Using Local Foods in the Afterschool and Summer Programs

Moving from Afterschool Snack to a Meal: It is easier than you think!

Brochure: Start Serving Meals at your Afterschool Program

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Child and Adult Care Food Program

CACFP Participation Trends

Child Nutrition Fact Sheet – CACFP

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Child Nutrition Reauthorization Issue Briefs

2010 CNR:

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SNAP/Food Stamps

Replacing the Thrifty Food Plan in Order to Provide Adequate Allotments for SNAP Beneficiaries

SNAP and Public Health: The Role of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program in Improving the Health and Well-Being of Americans

SNAP/Food Stamp Access in Urban America: A City-by-City Snapshot

Access and Access Barriers to Getting Food Stamps: A Review of the Literature

An Advocate’s Guide to the Disaster Food Stamp Program

A Review of Strategies to Bolster SNAP’s Role in Improving Nutrition as well as Food Security

A Guide to the Supplemental Security Income/Food Stamp Program Combined Application Projects (January 2004)

SNAP/Food Stamps Outreach and Access Toolkit

Making a Difference: Effective SNAP Strategies Tailored to Target Groups and Locations

SNAP/Food Stamp Toolkit for Changing Times: Rebranding, Program Improvements and Economic Hardship [html version]

FRAC’s Guide to the Food Stamp Program (December 2006)

FRAC’s Guide to Food Stamp Outreach Collaborations (September 2006)

Get Ready for Food Stamp Reauthorization Changes in Your State (August 2002, revised October 2002)

Getting Food Stamps to Hungry Families on Time: Federal Rules and the High Performance Bonus for Timeliness (September 2005)

Take the Challenge: Living on a Food Stamp Budget – A Toolkit for Members of Congress

Opportunities to Maximize the Effects of Immigrant Restorations in the Food Stamp Reauthorization Act of 2002

State Options in the Food Stamp Program (August 2005)

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School Breakfast Program

Start the School Day Ready to Learn with Breakfast in the Classroom: Principals Share What Works (November 2013)

School Breakfast Scorecard

School Breakfast: Making it Work in Large School Districts

School Breakfast in America’s Big Cities

Fact Sheets

Child Nutrition Policy Brief – How to Expand Participation in School Breakfast

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School Meals

National School Lunch Program: Trends and Factors Affecting Student Participation

Improving Direct Certification Will Help More Low-Income Children Receive School Meals

Community Eligibility: Making High-Poverty Schools Hunger Free

Healthier School Meals – A Summary of the New USDA Standards for School Breakfast and Lunch

A Guide to Qualifying Students for School Meals

Back to School Strategies: Improving School Meal Access and Expanding Participation

Child Nutrition Fact Sheet – National School Lunch Program

Commodity Foods and the Nutritional Quality of the National School Lunch Program: Historical Role, Current Operations, and Future Potential

School Meals Outreach Brochure

Also available in Spanish

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School Wellness

Parents: Join Your School Wellness Team

School Wellness Policy and Practice: Meeting the Needs of Low-Income Students (February 2006)

School Wellness Policy Checkup: Is Your School District Addressing the Needs of Its Low-Income Students?

Brochure – Support healthy food, quality physical education and hands-on nutrition education in your child’s school, afterschool and summer programs

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State of the States: A Profile of Food and Nutrition Programs Across the Nation

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Impact of the Revised WIC Food Packages on Nutrition Outcomes and the Retail Food Environment

WIC fact sheet

The Child Nutrition and WIC Programs – Support Good Nutrition for Young Children from Immigrant Families

Making WIC Work for Multicultural Communities: Best Practices in Outreach and Nutrition Education

New WIC Food Package – Time for a Change Guide summary

New Healthy WIC Food Packages Farmers’ Markets Can Play a Key Role In Providing Fruits and Vegetables

State WIC Food Package Advisory Councils Can Bring a Diversity of Voices and Support to the Implementation Process

USDA Issues New WIC Food Packages Fruits and Vegetables Will Support Good Health and Healthy Communities

USDA Issues New WIC Food Packages Fruits and Vegetables Will Support Good Health and Healthy Communities

WIC In the States: Thirty-One Years of Building a Healthier America (2005)

WIC Partnerships and the Nurturing Parent (September 2002)

WIC Directors Survey on Nutrition Services Funds – Report Summary

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Other Publications

Smart Choices in Hard Times – Strategies for States, Communities, and Advocates to Reduce Hunger, Stimulate the Economy, and Sustain Recovery

Proceedings of the Roundtable on Understanding The Paradox of Hunger And Obesity (2005)

Good Choices in Hard Times – Fifteen ideas for states to reduce hunger and stimulate the economy (February 2002, revised July 2002)

State Government Responses to the Food Assistance Gap (2000)

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