Data and Publications

Spotlight on Food Hardship

April 2012 - New FRAC Analysis Finds Food Hardship Prevalent in Rural Districts (pdf) Report: Food Hardship in America 2010-2011 Analysis: Data for districts of House Agriculture Committee members

Nearly One in Five Americans Report Inability to Afford Enough Food Analysis: Data for the Nation, States, 100 MSAs, and Every Congressional District Released: February 2012

To gauge the success and reach of the federal nutrition programs, FRAC charts participation in these programs through monthly updates, annual publications, and additional research. This section of FRAC’s website contains the latest reports and data for all the major federal nutrition programs.

FRAC also has three e-newsletters – the Weekly News Digest; FRAC Focus: Obesity and Poverty; and FRAC Features. Click here to subscribe.

Latest Reports

Hunger Doesn’t Take a Vacation: Summer Nutrition Status Report 2012 (pdf)
Only one in seven of the low-income students who depended on the National School Lunch Program during the regular 2010-2011 school year received summer meals in July 2011.

A Half Empty Plate: Fruit and Vegetable Affordability and Access Challenges in America (pdf)
Households with incomes less than $24,000/year reported struggling to afford and access fresh fruits and vegetables 2.5 times more frequently (13.8 percent) than those with incomes between $60,000 and $89,999 (5.7 percent). More…

A Tightening Squeeze – The Declining Expenditures on Food by American Households (pdf)
Food spending by the average household fell dramatically over the past decade, with particularly dramatic drops in 2000-2002 and 2006-2010. Hispanics and African Americans have been especially hard hit. More…

Nearly 46.3 Million Americans Received SNAP/Food Stamps in September 2011
SNAP/Food Stamps national participation rose to a record 46,268,257 people – an increase of more than 430,434 people compared with September 2010.

SNAP Cuts = Cuts in Meals for Americans Struggling To Heat and Eat (pdf)
FRAC analysis of Heat and Eat (pdf) shows how cuts to the program would mean fewer meals for struggling Americans.

One in Four Americans Worried about Having Enough Money for Food
One in four Americans is worried about having enough money to put food on the table in the next year, according to a national hunger survey by Hart Research Associates, commissioned last month by the Food Research and Action Center (FRAC) and Tyson Foods, Inc. (NYSE: TSN).  Another key finding is that many Americans are unaware of how serious hunger is in their own communities.




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