Legislative Action Center

News Headlines:

Take Action:

Urge President Obama to Continue to Protect SNAP and Other Low-Income Programs in all Budget and Deficit-Reduction Negotiations. More…

FRAC Statement: House Agriculture Committee Passes Farm Bill Proposal
House Ag Committee slashes SNAP funding by $16 billion over ten years, mainly by restricting states’ ability to coordinate SNAP with two other low-income programs. More…

Members of Congress Join Feeding America, FRAC, and Dozens of Organizations to Rally Against Proposed Cuts to SNAP in House Farm Bill Proposal
July 10, 2012 – Dozens of national organizations joined Feeding America, the Food Research and Action Center, and several Members of Congress, including Agriculture Committee members, today outside the Capitol Building to rally against cuts to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) included in the proposal and to describe the impact these cuts would have on vulnerable populations. More…

About the FRAC Action Council

The FRAC Action Council is the 501(c)(4) arm of the Food Research and Action Center (FRAC).

Farm Bill Preserves Strong SNAP Structure; Makes Unnecessary and Harmful Cut to Benefits
We commend the Senate for rejecting amendments that would have crippled the program and left poorer, hungrier, and unhealthier millions of people who rely on the program for basic food. The bill contains a $4.5 billion cut to SNAP that will harm large numbers of struggling families. See Farm Bill section for more…

Senate Defeats Harmful SNAP Amendments But Defeats Gillibrand Amendment
The Senate voted on a number of amendments to the Farm Bill (S. 3240), including Senator Gillibrand’s amendment to restore the SNAP cut to the Farm Bill. The House Agriculture Committee could mark up its Farm Bill as early as the week of June 25th. See Farm Bill section for more.

Senate Votes to Table Paul Amendment to Block Grant SNAP Program
The final vote was 65-33. Thanks to your efforts the Senate overwhelming voted to table Senator Rand Paul’s amendment to block grant the SNAP program.

Senate Farm Bill Votes June 13
A vote to table the SNAP block grant amendment offered by Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) will be debated and voted on June 13. The New York Times today editorialized against SNAP cuts and endorsed Senator Kirsten Gillibrand’s (D-NY) amendment to restore the SNAP $4.49 billion heat and eat cut. See Farm Bill section for more…

Senator Gillibrand (D-NY) introduces amendment restoring $4.5 billion SNAP cut
Watch Senator Gillibrand introduce the amendment…

The Farm Bill includes a $4.5 billion cut to SNAP over 10 years by reducing the ability of states to take part in the “Heat and Eat” program. The cut would mean that an estimated 500,000 households a year would lose $90 per month in SNAP benefits (Congressional Budget Office estimate). See the Farm Bill section for more.

House Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittee Mark Up Scheduled
The House Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittee will be marking up its FY2013 funding bill at 10am EST, Wednesday, June 6.  We will post details here  after mark-up.

FRAC Condemns House Vote to Slash SNAP and Other Vital Low-Income Programs
The bill passed on May 10 includes a nearly $36 billion cut to SNAP. No SNAP household would be spared from seeing its benefits reduced, and millions would be forced out of the program. More…

Senate Agriculture Committee Passes 2012 Farm Bill
The bill includes a $4.49 billion cut to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) by limiting states’ ability to operate “Heat and Eat” policies . More….

Senate Agriculture Committee Chairwoman Debbie Stabenow Releases 2012 Farm Bill Mark
Includes a $4 billion cut to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) by limiting states’ ability to operate “Heat and Eat” policies. This cut would mean less food in the refrigerator for already hungry families. More…

FRAC Decries House Agriculture Committee Vote to Slash SNAP
The cuts – more than $33 billion – spare no household from seeing its benefits reduced and that would result in millions of low-income people being forced out of the program. More…

Joint Economic Committee (JEC) Releases report, Lifeline for Families, Support for the Economy: The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program

Congress Members Support LIHEAP
Many Americans, struggling financially during this period of high employment and a sluggish economy, are finding themselves forced to choose between paying for food or paying for energy. More…

Senate defeated Cat-El Amendment
The amendment would have eliminated categorical eligibility for SNAP. Such a cut would have taken 1 million needy people from more than 40 states out of the SNAP program, taken free school breakfast and lunch away from 200,000 low-income children, increased hunger among children and seniors alike, and vastly increased state administrative costs and red tape. More…