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Thank you for choosing to teach i-SAFE lessons. You'll find the lesson plans and activities effective training tools for students at any grade level. This module explains i-SAFE and i-LEARN procedures. Watching it will give you a better understanding about what curriculum and materials are available and how to access and implement i-SAFE lessons in the classroom. Suggested strategies for a comprehensive Internet safety plan is also discussed in this module. Login to Start
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This lesson explains the many facets of Internet safety and what i-SAFE does to help protect communities regarding those issues. You will learn detailed information about online communications and the best ways to help students use the Internet safely and responsibly. You will find cyber safety tips from the FBI. And you will learn about hidden dangers that lurk online and how to teach students to guard themselves.
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There are rules of the road for students on the information superhighway. This lesson will teach you about the detours and roadblocks students face online. It delves into material found on the Internet that is inappropriate for students including pornography, gambling, and hate. You will also learn more about spam, mouse trapping, and cyber bullying. Most importantly, you will find ways to help students avoid these problems.
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A recent i-SAFE survey reveals 53% of students prefer to be alone online, 31% admit to chatting with people they have never met in person, and 12% say they have met face-to-face someone they previously met online. There are cyber predators out there that are looking to take advantage of these numbers. This lesson details the methods of the grooming process used by predators and how you can recognize them.
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Every time you log on to the Internet or open your e-mail you are at risk of exposure to viruses, worms, Trojan horses, and worse. This lesson informs you about malicious code. You will find out how it can damage any computer or network and how to recognize and avoid it. The lesson also explores the growing problem of identity theft. You will learn how to avoid becoming a victim and how to recognize phishing, spyware, and more.
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Society has been very quick to embrace technology. However, we have been much slower to embrace the moral implications that go with using intellectual property found on the Internet. This lesson will stress the importance of protecting, but more importantly, respecting intellectual property. You will find education concerning proper use is a much more effective tool for learning than punishment for improper use.
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i-SAFE is the only Internet safety education program that combines curriculum with activities for community outreach and youth empowerment. This lesson shows you how to make a difference through the i-Mentor, i-Adopt-a-School, and i-Parent programs. You will find out about the Community Action Teams and Town Hall Meetings and you will learn the most effective messages are spread peer-to-peer among adults and students.
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