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Legislative Session
Legislative Meetings

The Schuyler County Legislature welcomes your interest and concern in County Government. Community support and input is essential. Be sure to follow along on the Agenda at our Legislative Meetings. The Meetings of the Legislature are open and public but unless otherwise published, is not Public Hearings permitting public participation. Members of the public are requested to respect this rule, affording others an opportunity to hear and observe legislative deliberations and decisions. Public Participation time will be allowed after the opening of the official session for up to 30 minutes and at the completion of the agenda for up to 15 minutes. With regards to questions, to avoid faulty information, any questions deemed to be unanswerable shall be submitted in writing and answered as soon as possible. Remember, this is supposed to be a discussion time for public to give their views of what is happening in County Government. Regular Meetings will be held in the Legislative Chambers at the County Office Building located at 105 Ninth Street, Watkins Glen at 6:30 p.m.



The Legislature Resolution Review (LRRC) Committee meets monthly on Wednesday at 9:00 am in the Legislative Chambers the week before the Regular Meeting. The Regular Meetings of the Legislature are held the second Monday of each month at 6:30pm. During a Regular Meeting the order of business is as follows:

  • Meeting called to order by the Chairman
  • Pledge of Allegiance & Moment of Silence
  • Roll Call
  • Announcement of Emergency Resolutions
  • Public Participation
  • Resolutions
  • New Business
  • Unfinished Business
  • Report on Standing Committees
  • County Administrator Report
  • Public Participation
  • Adjournment

Agenda for the Legislative Resolution Review Committee Meeting
Please Note: Information provided here is subject to change and if you want the text of any resolution listed here to please contact the Legislative Office.

Resolutions & Motions

A Resolution is an item on which the entire Legislature votes. A Resolution is generally brought before the Legislature by a standing committee. Each committee has a Chairperson appointed by the Chairman of the Legislature and is composed of four members. If a Department Head has an action item, it is presented to Committee. The Committee votes for approval. If approved, the resolution is brought before the entire Legislature for a vote. Each Resolution must have at least five yes votes to pass. After approval by the Legislature, the Clerk of the Legislature sends copies to the appropriate personnel and the Department Head takes any appropriate action. It may appear that some items being voted on are dealt with briefly; however, these topics have been discussed at length in Committee Meetings and at the Legislative Review Committee.

2012 Standing Committees

There are five Standing Committees:
  1. Community Development & Natural Resources
  2. Human Services
  3. Management & Finance
  4. Public Safety & Criminal Justice 
  5. Public Works

Committees meet the second full week following the Regular Meeting of the Legislature. Each County Department Head is responsible to a particular committee. Generally, the Committees meet each month. The schedule can be obtained from the Clerk of the Legislature’s office and is also available by selecting the Legislative Calendar.

Please Note: Information provided here is subject to change and if you want the text of any resolution listed here to please contact the Legislative Office.

Community Dev. & Natural Resources

Monday at 10:00 a.m.
Legislative Chambers
Field, Chair, Karius, Larison, Fagan
Staff Advisor—Husted

Public Safety/Criminal Justice
Monday at 9:15 a.m.
Legislative Chambers
Barnes, Chair, Yuhasz, Field, Halpin
Staff Advisor—Husted

Human Services
Tuesday at 9:00 a.m.
Held at the Human Services Complex, Room 115
Karius, Chair, Yuhasz, Fagan, Halpin
Staff Advisor— Mack 
Public Works
Tuesday at 10:15 a.m.
Held at the Human Services Complex, Room 115
Larison, Chair, Karius, Barnes, Field
Staff Advisor—Mack 

Management & Finance

Wednesday at 9:15 a.m.
Legislative Chambers
Fagan, Chair, Larison, Yuhasz, Field
Staff Advisor - Husted 

Contact Information for your Legislator 

Schuyler County
105 Ninth St.
Watkins Glen, NY 14891