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We believe everyone deserves fantastic support for their blog. Our backlog of requests has consistently grown as our team of 10 receives nearly 8,000 messages a week. To get caught up and give our customers the support they expect with paid upgrades, we made the difficult decision to limit the contact form to customers with upgrades. Once we are caught up we will work on bringing a high level of support back for everyone.

If you are a new user of we have a step-by-step guide to all things WordPress. Our helpful forums remain open and you can find more details in our support documentation. There we have guides on getting started, writing your first post, and finding your readers.

If you have purchased an upgrade on your account you can log in in the top left of this page. Once logged in you will be able to contact us through this page.

We will update this space as we work on bringing back outstanding, free support for everyone. Thank you.

Trouble Activating?

If you've signed up for an account but haven't gotten an activation email, just enter the email address you used to sign up and we'll resend the activation for you.


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