SINNOTT, Nicholas John



SINNOTT, Nicholas John, a Representative from Oregon; born in The Dalles, Wasco County, Oreg., December 6, 1870; attended the public schools and Wasco Independent Academy at The Dalles; was graduated from the University of Notre Dame, Indiana, in 1892; studied law; was admitted to the bar in 1895 and commenced practice at The Dalles, Oreg.; elected to the State senate in 1909 and 1911; elected as a Republican to the Sixty-third and to the seven succeeding Congresses and served from March 4, 1913, until his resignation effective May 31, 1928; chairman, Committee on Public Lands (Sixty-sixth through Seventieth Congresses), Committee on Patents (Seventieth Congress); appointed by President Coolidge on April 18, 1928, as a judge of the United States Court of Claims, at Washington, D.C., in which capacity he served until his death in Washington, D.C., July 20, 1929; interment in St. Peters Cemetery, The Dalles, Oreg.

View Record in the Biographical Directory of the U.S. Congress

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External Research Collections

University of Oregon Library

Eugene, OR
Papers: In the Edwin Aldrich papers, 1906-1934. 1 cubic foot. Personal and congressional correspondence. Aldrich was a newspaper publisher whose correspondence includes items concerning state and national political activities and issues.
Papers: In the Thomas Neuhausen papers, 1850-1936. 23 cubic feet. Neuhausen was the leader of the Progressive Party in Oregon; the collection includes numerous letters from state political figures.
Papers: In the Robert Sawyer papers, 1913-1953. 26 cubic feet. Sawyer was a newspaper publisher whose papers include letters from political figures regarding state and national politics.
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