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Welcome to the Budget Section
Thank you for visiting the 2013 Schuyler County Budget page. Schuyler County has embraced the concept of Performance / Results Based Budgeting to:

  • Provide our constituents a comprehensive yet easily understood portrait of both the expenses and outcomes of all county provided services
  • Provide County administrators and decision-makers with a tool to help determine responsible resource allocation.

While a traditional line item budget demonstrates how much money is being spent and where, our results based budget additionally demonstrates why it is being spent and what the outcomes are for said expense. As you view the 2013 budget, you can obtain general or detailed information per your level of interest. As you view the opening page, a budget summary is provided to give a quick view of the total 2013 county-wide budget compared with the 2012 budget. Additionally, the county budget is divided into five areas that represent the general services provided by county departments. Also included is a graphical illustration of expenses versus revenues to reinforce the budget summary provided. To access a specific department’s budget, click on a subcategory to view all departments within that category. Once you have found the department you wish to view, simply click on the title for a more in depth look at their budget. As you review department specific information, please note the department’s mission statement and as you scroll down, the programs that have been defined in support of the mission statement. Derived from well-defined programs come specific results designed to illustrate outcomes from the dedication of financial resources to same. 

It is our hope that you find this web-based version of our budget to be informative and helpful to your understanding of the function and results of Schuyler County government and the services it provides. We would be very interested in learning your thoughts concerning this different approach to budgeting. Please refer any comments to us by email .

Thank you,

Timothy O’Hearn
County Administrator

Schuyler County
105 Ninth St.
Watkins Glen, NY 14891