Capturing The Value Of Social Media Using Google Analytics

Tuesday, March 20, 2012 | 6:55 AM

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Measuring the value of social media has been a challenge for marketers. And with good reason: it’s hard to understand exactly what is happening in an environment where activity occurs both on and off your website. Since social media is often an upper funnel player in a shopper’s journey, it's not always easy to determine which social channels actually drive value for your business and which tactics are most effective.

But as the social industry matures, marketers and web analysts need true outcome-oriented reports. After all, although social is growing in popularity, brand websites - not social networks - remain the place where people most often purchase or convert. 

That’s why we’re releasing a new set of Social reports within Google Analytics. The new reports bridge the gap between social media and the business metrics you care about - allowing you to better measure the full value of the social channel for your business. We wanted to help you with 3 things:
  • Identify the full value of traffic coming from social sites and measure how they lead to direct conversions or assist in future conversions 
  • Understand social activities happening both on and off of your site to help you optimize user engagement and increase social key performance indicators (KPIs)
  • Make better, more efficient data-driven decisions in your social media marketing programs

The Social reports allow you to analyze all of this information together and see a more complete picture of social impact than often used today. Here are a couple of the things you can do with our new reports:

Overview Report: see social performance at a glance and its impact on conversions

The Overview report allows you to see at a glance how much conversion value is generated from your social channels. The Social Value visualization compares the number and monetary value of all your goal completions against those that resulted from social referrals - both as last interaction, and assisted.

A visit from a social referral may result in conversion immediately or it may assist in a conversion that occurs later on. Referrals that lead to conversions immediately are labeled as Last Interaction Social Conversion. If a referral from a social source doesn’t immediately generate a conversion, but the visitor returns later and converts, the referral is included as an Assisted Social Conversion. 

Conversions Report: which goals are being impacted by social media

With the Conversions report, marketers can now measure the value of each individual social channel by seeing the conversion rates of each social network and the monetary value they drive to your business.

For example, you can see the effect that social content (i.e. a new video you created) had on conversions. Look at the time graph to see whether Goal Completions via Social Referral peaked after the content was published. Remember that you need to define goals and goal values in order to see data in this report, so tailor it to the things that matter to your business. Networks with a higher assisted / last interaction conversions ratio provide greater assisted conversions.

Social Sources - find out how visitors from different sources behave

The Social Sources report shows engagement and conversion metrics for each social network so you can see how people are interacting with your content and whether it’s leading to a desired outcome.

For example, if you run social campaigns that promote specific products, you can see via the Social Visitor Flow whether visitors from each social network entered your site through these product pages and whether they continued on to other parts of the site or whether they exited.  

Social Plugins: find the content that’s good enough to share

If you publish content, you'll want to know which articles are most commonly shared or recommended, and on which social networks they're being shared. The Social Plugin report shows which articles on your site are receiving the most engagement and which social buttons - for example, Google +1 - are being clicked to share them. 

You can use this information to create more of the type of content that's popular with your visitors, and test different layouts of social sharing buttons to improve use by your community. 

Activity Stream: what’s happening outside of your website

While the other reports show you the impact that social engagement is having on your site, the Activities Stream tab (located within the sources report) shows how people are engaging socially with your content off your site across the social web. 

For content that was shared publicly, you can see the URLs they shared, how and where they shared (via a “reshare” on Google+ for example), and what they said. Currently, activities are reported for Google+ and across a growing list of our Social Data Hub partners including recently signed brands Badoo, Disqus, Echo, Hatena and Meetup.

These new social reports will be available for all users over the next few weeks under the Standard Reporting Tab - please take a look and tell us what you think.

Posted by Phil Mui, Group Product Manager


Bror S. Skardhamar said...

Will the Google Analytics script automatically implement on-site social action buttons or do we need to manually track these with _trackSocial?

I know it's already being done with G+, but what about Facebook, Twitter etc.?

Plus, is there any timespan for when the social hub will be extended?

Clayton Pritchard said...

This is great! I can't tell you how often I'm asked about the ROI for social media and this will surely help. Thanks to the Google Analytics Team!

Dan said...

Fantastic - something to tie together the countless social networks that have been popping up. Hopefully the niche sites work well with this system too.

Martin Edenström said...

Great work, we've been waiting for this one!

Ilya Grigorik said...

Bror: We offer auto-instrumentation for G+ widgets like +1 button, etc. Also, if you use a tool like sharethis/addthis, then those buttons can be auto-instrumeted as well -- check their documentation / settings to enable this. Finally, if you're installing a standard button, or a custom one, then you will need to add a small snippet of code to register the trackSocial event.

For the Data Hub question: we have an open invitation to any and all networks interested in participating. Hence, the list will be extended as we onboard each network - there are no specific milestone dates.

LiuFreds said...

Can you articulate how marketing video effectiveness (eg: ROI) might be best measured differently than it is now in conjunction with these new tools?

kmelen said...

I'm not seeing where to access this in Analytics. Please share!

Rbnights said...

As social increases in importance, this is the kind of thing that more and more companies are going to be looking at because tracking social media is going to be seen as a vital part of tracking how a business is doing. It's unbelievable to me that so many companies are using social media and investing all kinds of money into advertising without seriously making efforts to track the actual ROI. Between various types of Facebook ad units, the dozens of companies listed at BuyFacebookFansReviews, various types of cross-promotions between websites and social media, email marketing, holding live events, and other methods, there's hundreds of ways to go and promote yourself through social media. But different things work best in different contexts, and to that end you really do have to measure what is going on and calculate actual return on investment. Some things get you great traffic without producing sales. Some things get you great sales but minimal traffic. Some things get you great sales and great traffic but are a pain in the butt to manage and become unmanageable. So there's a lot to keep track of and that's why I think that there's a huge untapped market in social analytics tools that's just waiting for better and better solutions.

Ilya Grigorik said...

LiuFreds: You can apply the same methodology and analytics on YouTube, Vimeo, and similar sites.. just as you do for G+ and other social networks. All of the same ROI metrics and funnels apply.

kmelen: Just like any other GA feature, the social reports will be rolled out incrementally to 100% of our users over the period of next few weeks (effective today). So check back, and you should see it in your GA account soon!

Unknown said...

Ilya: Does this mean there is no need to create a custom segment and filter social media traffic exclusively anymore? We only need to define goals and goal values in order to see data in the new social reports right? Please advise.

zahirdeshi said...

Thanks I read your Article it's, Wow, so cute, this is wonderful, thanks. A website that brings together the BrNoticias
(best news) from Brazil and the world.

Jigs said...

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Jigar Pandya said...

Wow, Great news for webmasters, now we can manage our social traffic, and will give more understanding to big social accounts like G+ and Twitter..

imaginedesign said...

I know this is still extremely new, but can we get an article on how to exactly use this, so we are prepared to make changes when it becomes available.

1. Where will this report be?
2. What GA code do we need to implement
3. What special tags need to be added to get this to track
4. Examples with other social networks and google +

remember your audience is not heavily developer oriented.

ramalone said...

We're so excited about this new feature!

Under the social tab for our company it lists one category "Not Socially Engaged," however, we are. How do I get GA to recognize our social networking?

Joakim Nilsson said...

I'm under the impression that this is the same data as under the dimension "social sources", just labelled and package by default as social reports now...

BGH Company said...


I echo your comments.

Looking forward to using new feature.

Emdadul Huq Tuhin said...

i dont understand this matter how to earn money by blog and adsence

mackyanderson said...

Google analytics usually shows the ammount of traffic, where it came from, referral links and so on. It is really helpful to trace the social media usage.

hilda dada said...

Thanks for an excellent article! I appreciate your insights and agree with what you wrote. website

Hiren Modi said...

How can I see all data in my Google Analytics dashboard? Can anyone help me?

ClickZs said...

Do we need to edit to code?

Ilya Grigorik said...

Unknown: We will do all the pre-aggregation and filtering for you in the Social Reports. So the short answer is yes. Having said that, you're welcome to use advanced segments if you have any custom logic you want to apply.

imaginedesign, ClickZs: Traffic Sources > Social. No additional code required on your side, with exception of instrumenting the on-site plugins (search our docs for "social plugins").

Ramalone: You're looking at the older plugin tracking report. The new section will be under Traffic Sources > Social once your account is whitelisted.

Hiren: Once your account is whitelisted you'll be able to add social metrics to your GA dashboards. said...

21 mart da 61 ziyaret gözüküyor 61 ziyaretden fazla girdiğinden eminim. ben analiz ayarlarını galiba yanlış ayarladım. şuan ayarları değiştirdim bakalım yarın istatistikler nasıl olacak teşekkürler google analiz ekibi

Alfred Pinto said...

It will be very useful.

laracd said...

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laracd said...

This is great! Please can you please tell me how to get whitelisted. Thanks.

Axel Chanfrault said...

Nice feature, I'll check this.

Wise Solutions said...

Google Analytics rocks, it was helpful, it is and is gonna be in future as well :)

Jenson Taylor said...

Definitely a very necessary feature with all the social networks and their high influence on traffic.

I use a post rank extension on Google Chrome which ranks Blog posts in Google Reader.

innomarkjen said...

It is more important today more than ever to have the right tools in order to protect the Truth from being tainted by False data! After years of projecting such a tool as Google Analytics to all my clients,I have truly enjoyed applying this tool to their accounts today! THANKS GOOGLE!
and optimized listings

Lothaire Ruellan said...


Two questions about these reports)

1- I assume "social" channel is determined by looking at referring site domain. But a lot of social activity come from mobile apps which dont pass a referrer. Is it possible to tag the links we publish on social media so that when they are accessed from a social media app, they can be tracked as "social" in GA even though no referrer information is present? If so, how can this be done: could utm_medium=social do the trick?

2- in the last / assist conversion report, my understanding is that a given conversion can be in a path in which social is both an assist and a last touchpoint. In that case, my understanding is that the total conversion value will be counted both as an assist and as a last interaction.
Therefore, it's not possible to simply "add" assist + last conversion values to determine the total value of conversions in which social played a role. The way to determine the exact value of all the revenue that has been "touched" by social either as an assist and/or as a last touchpoint would be to go in the top funnel paths and filter by social, and look at the total revenue in the report scorecard. Is this correct?

Thank you.

Ideal Mobile said...

measuring the data of social networks shows that the future Google will do, I believe this is the beginning and recognition of Google on what is inside of facebook. I liked and I use for my clients in Brazil!

Casper Blicher Olsen said...

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Ilya Grigorik said...

Lothaire: (1) most popular networks wrap all of their links in a shortlink redirect, which allows us to automatically assign proper attribution: mobile visitor first lands on a meta-redirect, which assigns a referrer, and is then sent to the site. Having said that, yes you can apply utm_medium=social on your links and we'll automatically merge that traffic into social reports.

(2) Assisted numbers will be for upper funnel conversions only. In the conversions report a "direct conversion" will only increment the "last interaction" counter. As such, you can add the numbers together to get the "optimistic social value", or you can use last interaction number for "same session value".

Beer Cartel said...

Awesome! This is going to be a great feature. Good work Google.

MMA South Africa said...

Thank you! Social media is a huge part of my blog traffic, I just haven't been able to accurately measure it until now.

Edgar Bok said...

Great, good work Google. Analytics rocks!!!

Eddie B said...

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ebarcell said...

An all inclusive Social Media analytics should source out information from Facebook Insights for Pages. Why doesnt Google buy a company like Pagelever, which provides great depth of useful and actionable information based on FB Insights?

Albert Albs said...

This is really expected update form Google Analytics. Social conversations are important when it considering the traffic from Social sites. Million thanks to Google.

Carlo Powe-Crawford said...

I've been watching the analytics of PostRank that I've had on my site. And, to now have the two of you "double-teaming" the social network landscape with the results showing up in one place, Google Analytics... well, this is GREAT! Thanks for the heads up.

District Pantry said...

Great information. Will make sure to practice and get the full value!

Cristiano Siqueira said...

Congratulations Analytics, I'm learning to use in various social networks and more each day I'm amazed with the latest in Web Analytics, I'm a fan of this tool! I'm in Brazil and work every day with Google Analytics!

Stijn Vogels said...

I loved the Postrank plugin for Google Analytics. Very sad to hear it will be discontinued come tomorrow morning. :(

Dario de Judicibus said...

Just a reminder. The separator in CSV files for Excel import/export is NOT always the comma, that is, ",". In other countries are used other punctuation characters. One of the most common is semicolon, that is, ";". Please, allow users to specify which character has to be used. Thank you in advance.

Ed Dolan said...

How will your new service handle traffic from shortened links like and Often reports hundreds of clicks through to a post on my blog, but Analytics only shows a few visits. Obviously, in the past, much incoming traffic from Twitter and others is just not being recorded. I have read several very wonky reports on this problem by people who are more tech-savvy than I am, but it is obvious from the raw data.

Bottom line: Will this problem be fixed?

blah said...

I have a question - I have a client project that I needed to break down different social actions (i.e. facebook share, tweeting, +1 etc) across different subsections on my site (so I had to filter it by the URL in social entity).

I used to be able to do this with the previous revamp of "social" with social actions.

Now I can't do it at all, it seems. I can apparently still filter down by URL but not get the actions broken out per social network. I can get # of actions broken out per social network but not based on URLs (i.e. not across the entire site).

What can I do to make it work for me?

David Smet said...

A lot of social activity come from apps which don't pass a referrer. You already replied it is possible to tag the links we publish on social media. You say utm_medium=social would do the trick?

The problem is that I have been using utm_medium=socialmedia. (socialmedia instead of social) This does NOT seem to work and doesn"t show up in the social reports. Can you have traffic that is tagged like this be recognized as social traffic as well?

Nag Pappula said...

Hi friends,
i have been facing the issue is that: my visitors in analytics showing 10 times low as of my normal visitors. (dropped from 4000 to 400 couple of days back). After reading this article, i guess : any update should i do in my analytics ? my visitors mostly come from social networks.


Social Media Monitoring Tools said...

Social media analytics guides you to avenues that suit your customer demographic. Say you notice that your post gathers tons of retweets, then you definitely must ensure you get to enhance your Twitter account, where your potential customers are obviously more active. With that, it's essential that you give full attention to fewer platforms to facilitate content management.