Presenting "Tweenchronic," From The Man Who Brought You Rebecca Black

That's enough, Patrice Wilson.

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Presenting "Tweenchronic," From ...
Julian Shenoy

"Skip Rope" was written and produced by Patrice Wilson, creator of Rebecca Black's ultra-viral "Friday" and Nicole Westbrook's "It's Thanksgiving." The song is performed by the somewhat disturbingly named Tweenchronic, a tween duo, with an appearance from Wilson at the end. The video features a young hispanic kid wearing a fake mustache and selling 'illicit' candy on a street corner. Kids line up to buy his product, including one of Tweenchronic's singers, who receives a ziploc bag full of Pixi Stix.



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    2 Responses So Far

    • Balzac 2 hours ago

      Boo-hiss. Blatant pandering to youngsters, encouraging drug addiction.

    • Jara Amarillo thinks Presenting "Tweenchronic," From The M... is Fail, LOL & Trashy  about 2 hours ago
    • Wombatish 2 hours ago

      Yeah, it's trashy (we're surprised?). The brown-paper bagged ice tea was alllmost worse than the fake mustache kid. However, we're doing exactly what their parents paid out the nose for: giving it attention. Just don't post them! The world will be better off and maybe parents will realize that paying 40 grand for what ultimately becomes a home movie isn't worth it.

    • Erin Kinsella thinks Presenting "Tweenchronic," ... is Trashy, Fail & WTF  about 4 hours ago
    • tiffchin thinks Presenting "Tweenchronic," ... is WTF  about 4 hours ago
    • Roger Myles thinks Presenting "Tweenchronic," ... is WTF  about 5 hours ago

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