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25th Annual National Fire & Emergency Services Dinner & Seminars
May 8-9, 2013

About the Event

On May 8-9, 2013, the Congressional Fire Services Institute will host the 25th Annual National Fire and Emergency Services Dinner and Seminars in Washington, DC. It is an extraordinary opportunity for fire service representatives to engage Congressional leaders and Administration officials in discussions about federal programs and legislation addressing the needs of local first responders.

Throughout the two-day event, CFSI will host a series of seminars focusing on issues that directly relate to the safety of first responders. Covering important topics such as interoperable communications, federal grant programs, health and safety, and pending federal legislations, the seminar program helps fire service leaders understand the role of the federal government in training and equipping local first responders. With local governments facing tough economic challenges, the information presented at these seminars can be of great benefit to fire officials.

During the two-day program, CFSI will encourage participants to meet with their members of Congress to exchange information and share ideas on how the federal government can support the fire and emergency services, both nationally and locally. Speaking in one voice, fire service leaders of every rank and from every region of the country can project a positive message to Congress about unity and how we are capable of working together to bring about positive change for our nation's one million first responders.

What is the purpose of the dinner?

The National Fire and Emergency Services Dinner is an annual fundraising event for the Congressional Fire Services Institute. The Dinner will mark the 25th occasion in which over 2,000 local, state and national leaders assemble together and hear from our nation's highest ranking political leaders. In past years, keynote speakers have included Vice President Joe Biden, President George W. Bush, President Bill Clinton, President George H.W. Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, Vice President Al Gore, Vice President Dan Quayle, Secretary Tom Ridge, Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert and Senator John McCain.

Why should you attend?

There are many reasons you should attend the Annual National Fire and Emergency Services Dinner & Seminars! This event is considered a unique opportunity to meet with Congressional leaders about fire service legislation. It is also about networking with your peers and with other representatives from a broad spectrum of public safety organizations and industries. During these tough economic times, it is difficult to travel to Washington. But the fire service needs to make itself heard in Washington; otherwise, we stand to lose so much of what we have achieved over the past ten years. That's why you should join your peers at this event -- so you can make your presence felt by our elected leaders.