• Join CFSI Associates Club
  • Donate to CFSI

Join the Associates Club

The Associates Club is a program designed primarily for individuals seeking to support CFSI's mission to educate members of Congress about the challenges facing our nation's one million first responders.

If you recognize the importance of fire service organizations working together in Washington to address the needs of firefighters and rescue personnel…

If you support the Assistance to Firefighters Grant
Program (FIRE Act) and believe that Congress should continue to fund the program…

If you believe it is important that members of Congress should have access to objective information on homeland security issues in a timely fashion …

If you believe that members of Congress and their staff can gain a better understanding of the fire service by participating in firefighter training and Ride Along programs, and attending legislative briefings featuring fire service leaders…

Then you should become a member of the Associates Club. 

How to Join

The answer is quite simple and affordable.  Featuring five levels of support, the program allows contributors to match the size of their contribution with a range of commemorative gifts and important information to help individuals stay alert of federal legislation.  All donations are tax deductible as allowable by federal law.   At the end of each year, CFSI will send you a notice for renewal, which will include a year-end report highlighting our work on Capitol Hill. 

Click here to join today by credit card!

Levels of Support

Congressional Club -- $25

  • CFSI Lapel Pin
  • CFSI Patch
  • CFSI Commemorative Challenge Coin

Senate Club -- $50

  • CFSI "Protecting Our Nation" T-Shirt

Cabinet Club -- $100

  • CFSI Polo Shirt (Navy or White)

Vice-Presidential Club -- $500

  • CFSI Polo Shirt (Navy or White)
  • Free Ticket to the Annual Dinner

Presidential Club -- $1000

  • CFSI Embroidered Job Shirt
  • Free Ticket to the Annual Dinner
  • Invitation to the Board of Directors Reception (held before the dinner)

So here's your opportunity to help the one organization in Washington, DC that builds partnerships in our nation's capital to advance the fire service agenda: the Congressional Fire Services Institute. Register now so you can begin to enjoy the benefits the CFSI Associates Club Program offers. By doing so, you will help make a difference on Capitol Hill for our nation's firefighters and rescue personnel.


Click here to join using your credit credit

If you prefer to send a check make it check payable to Congressional Fire Services Institute and send to:

CFSI - Associates Club
900 2nd St. NE, Suite 303
Washington DC 20002