


John Culberson: Proud father, happy husband. TX Congressman-Jeffersonian Republican. Let Texans Run Texas. Amateur astronomer

Houston TX/Washington DC ·

Founding Fathers created fed govt to protect our liberty; Democrats have converted it into a wealth redistrib machine to elect Democrats.

Karl Rove knows Ohio better than anyone - lets wait to see the final tally in Ohio & Florida & Virginia

If you want to watch one web page to keep track of all the results, here is the best one I have found tonight:

Everyone who voted in '10 is coming back w reinforcements, so I am confident America will elect Mitt Romney today as our next President.

The legacy we leave behind for our children, grandchildren and this great nation is crucial. Vote for biblical values.

Mitt Romney showed America that he is ready to be Commander in Chief - elections are won based on trust & Romney is clearly trustworthy.

Imagine the horror of the families of our murdered ambassador & Navy SEALS when Obama laughed that their sons' deaths were "not optimal."

Real Clear Politics: "Luntz Focus Group Of Mostly Former Obama Voters Switch To Romney"

Wow. Woman who says she was undecided between Romney and not voting, says she was VERY impressed by Romney. Obama not an option.

: CNBC Debate Poll says Ryan crushed Biden by 20 points. Ryan 56% Biden 36% Toss-Up 8%” YEAH!! Geaux R&R

CNN focus group in Virginia says Ryan offered better solutions to nation's biggest problems

If even CNN pollsters show 67% of debate watchers think Romney won, you know it was an absolute blowout!

Deeply biased CNN just finished a poll of registered voters who watched debate: Who won? Romney 67%, Obama 25% - spectacular!!

Badirudi kargak luze hartuko duela.

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