September 26-27, 2011

CPSC Headquarters
Hearing Room, Fourth Floor
4330 East West Highway
Bethesda, Maryland
Directions (pdf) / Map

"Consumer Product Safety - Toward a North American Vision"

Welcome from Chairman Tenenbaum   About the Summit   Background   Biographies (pdf)   Agenda   Contact   Español

First North America Consumer Product Safety Summit Press Release

Watch the Webcast from the public sessions:

Summit presentations can be found in the Agenda

About the Summit

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) will host the First North America Consumer Product Safety Summit on September 26-27, 2011, at CPSC Headquarters in Bethesda, MD.

The Summit will provide an historic opportunity for product safety leaders in Mexico, Canada, and the United States to lay out their shared visions for enhanced consumer product safety cooperation among our countries. It will also provide the opportunity to discuss trilateral initiatives and develop an agenda for future engagement that reflects the three jurisdictions' shared product safety priorities.

The Summit will include public sessions and allow a wide range of stakeholders to participate in the question and answer sessions offered during the Summit. Topics to be covered during the public sessions include:

  • Managing Global Supply and Distribution Chains to Protect Consumers
  • Emerging Product Safety Issues and the Importance of International Coordination
  • Importance of Regulatory Coordination for Safety, Prosperity and Competitiveness in North America
  • Managing Consumer Product Safety Requirements in Multiple Jurisdictions
  • Private Sector Efforts on Standards Alignment

Stakeholders will be able to participate in the Summit in person or via webcast. There will be simultaneous interpretation in Spanish.

Registration for the Summit is now closed. The public sessions can be followed via webcast: English | Español

During the question and answer sessions, the panelists will be taking questions from the audience as well as questions sent via email to or

Please note that lunch is not provided for the public attending the event but a number of food service establishments are quite close to the Summit location.

There are also a few nearby hotels and a number of other resources (pdf).


CPSC Headquarters, Hearing Room, Fourth Floor
4330 East West Highway, Bethesda, Maryland
Directions (pdf) / Map


The metro/subway is located on the Red Line and the name of the stop off the Red Line is Bethesda. The access point for the Bethesda metro/subway is at the corner of Wisconsin Avenue and East West Highway. The metro/subway system site has fare information and general information

For any questions, comments or suggestions, please contact Roberta Telles at