shameless rumormongering

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Rumor Roundup: Sexism at CES? It Ain’t Me, Babe

#RealTalk Dave McClure, our favorite giver of zero fucks, went on a bit of a Twitter tear the other day. It started with the admission that he’d “just had really hard tough love talk w/ startup founder. fucking sucks, but better harsh truth than bullshit ‘you’ll make it work’ lies.” He didn’t stop there, adding that ”what really sucks is none of other investors (incl big lead VC) have the balls 2 tell them its not going 2 fucking work & shut it down.”

He concluded: “the Silicon Valley story is indeed the 1% story of Instagram $1B win, but also 99% broken dreams, shattered hopes & try, try again. sigh.” Read More

And Then He Pinned Me

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Cops Now Pinning Mugshots to Pinterest Because the Police Can Be Aspirational Too

Few social networks are as adroit at triggering man’s aspirational impulse as Pinterest. Of course, different people covet different things. In the case of police departments in fourteen cities–including Pottstown, Penn., Kansas City, Mo. and now Philadelphia–Buzzfeed reports that cops are using Pinterest to advertise what want to catch: criminals. Read More

Angry Nerds

Secretly seething?

Let’s Play a Game: Everyone Look Up Your Startup on Glassdoor!

While browsing our Google Reader this morning, we came across this list of wacky interview questions compiled by You know the drill: “How many cows are in Canada?” (Correct answer: Who cares?) However, we were reminded of our favorite party game, which we haven’t played in quite some time, wherein we investigate God-only-knows-how-reliable Glassdoor reviews of our favorite startups.

Let’s just say there are some very unhappy underlings running around Silicon Alley. Read More

Starship Enterprise


Flybridge’s David Aronoff Explains Why He Led a $5 M. Series A in NYC Enterprise Standout BetterCloud

In a recent blog post about the Series A crunch for consumer Internet startups, Fred Wilson wrote, “now that the momentum/late stage wants enterprise, we should expect the layers below to give them enterprise.”

Flybridge Capital Partners, an early-stage VC firm with a focus on enterprise startups and companies that support infrastructure for consumer-facing startups (like 10Gen), is well positioned to capitalize on that trend. In September, the Boston-based firm opened an office in New York City, moving principal Matt Witheiler out to join the team. And today Flybridge leading a $5.05 million Series A round in BetterCloud, an enterprise startup that provides cloud management tools for Google Apps. Read More

zuck's world


Messaging Mark Zuckerberg: Facebook Founder Charges $100 to Stay Out of His ‘Other’ Box

Oh, Zuck. We know you have a busy schedule, especially now that you’re running a public company, and we imagine that if you were to ever hang up your CEO boots, you’d have no shortage of speaking engagements that paid you princely sums for a little of your time. Still, the idea that there’s a Facebook fan out there who’d pay the company $100 for the privilege of sending you a message fairly boggles the mind. Read More


Everyone will knowwwww (Photo:

Booting Up: Get Ready to be Publicly Embarrassed By Your Netflix Habits

Obama just signed into law a bill that makes it legal for Netflix to share what you watch on your Facebook page (provided you give them the okay, of course). [Gizmodo]

Yikes: CNET was forced to withdraw a “Best of CES” award by its parent company, CBS, which is currently embroiled in a lawsuit with Dish, the company that makes the product in question. [Buzzfeed]

Hey, Groupon stock is trading at double its all-time low! Before anyone breaks out the champagne, that’s around $5.20. [TNW]

GM is hiring a thousand high-tech workers–software developers, database experts, etc.–for a new “innovation center” in a suburb of Atlanta. [Wall Street Journal]

“We’re fucked. These guys don’t want to take over our land—they want to come over and take our water and go back. They like where they are.” [AllThingsD]