Become an Associate Member of the Python Software Foundation and support the Python community!
Your donation of US$99 or more makes you a PSF Associate Member for 12 months.
Here’s what the Foundation did in 2011:

  • Presented the PyCon 2011 conference, the largest gathering of Python programmers anywhere.
  • Gave funding assistance to 11 other Python conferences, held all over the world in locations in such as Argentina, Brazil, Germany, New Zealand, United Kingdom, and the United States.
  • Funded grants for PyPy development, porting to Python 3, hosting and, and running smaller local events such as sprints.
  • Purchased servers and hosting for the * servers. Continued to hold the Python and Jython trademarks, and tracked contributor agreements.
  • Provided guidance on the use of the Python logo trademark.
  • Presented the quarterly PSF Community Awards to deserving recipients.

Your donation goes to support these and other efforts, and in the US is tax-deductible to the full extent provided by law.
We would love to have you join us.
Login/Register to become an Associate Member.