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Eleanor Holmes Norton

Eleanor Holmes Norton
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  1. Our inauguration ticket lottery has been postponed until Monday at noon.
  2. Recent Posts by Others on Eleanor Holmes NortonSee All
    •  HERE IT IS...THE ERA PETITION! PLEASE SIGN AND SHARE! http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=442928765762610&set=a.442928762429277.100099.174441862611303&type=1&theater
      53 minutes ago
    • How can I get inauguration tickets or enter for lottery?
      19 hours ago
    •  HAH! Former DC neighbors! Eleanor Holmes Norton gets a shout-out for the inauguration!
      3 · Yesterday at 6:48pm
    • Did the lottery happen already? How do I enter?
      Yesterday at 12:04pm
    • Dear Congresswomen Eleanor Holmes Norton, As a concerned citizen and supporter of our national parks, I urge you to support the Frelinghuysen amendment to the Sandy supplemental bill, which provides full and fair relief to communities and our national parks devastated by Superstorm Sandy, when the House considers it next week. When Superstorm Sandy made landfall in the Northeast, killing nearly 130 people, destroying communities and causing billions of dollars of destruction, our national parks were no exception to the devastation. In a matter of hours, some of our greatest national treasures, like the Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, Governor's Island, and Sandy Hook at Gateway National Recreation Area, were extensively damaged. Although Congress has provided $9.7 billion in immediate flood insurance funding, the region has waited over 72 days for comprehensive federal relief, compared to the 10 days it took for Congress to provide over $60 billion in relief to communities after Hurricane Katrina. Our beloved national parks in the region will receive the support they need to recover with this amendment, which includes $398 million to rebuild our national parks, $360 million to better rebuild coastal habitat and infrastructure in national parks and wildlife refuges to better withstand storms and reduce future storm damage, and authorization of an interagency planning process to prevent future flood and storm damage. The amendment will also provide shelter, power, and other basic necessities to struggling coastal communities. Full and immediate funding will also allow some park units to get the needed work done in time to reopen by the summer vacation season, which will provide a critical economic and morale boost for local communities impacted by the storm. Thank you in advance for supporting our fellow Americans and national parks during this time of need. Sincerely, Deborah J. Akwei
      Monday at 9:34pm
  3. Doing a lottery tomorrow for the 3500-plus residents who entered our drawing for inauguration tickets. So far, we have less than 200, including my own, but I continue to beg other members for tickets, since some surely will not have people coming from thousands of miles away, as they did last time.
  5. Good riddance already to the Repub congress that convened for two days, then recessed for a week, after denying D.C.'s vote in the Committee of the Whole, despite its approval by federal courts, on day one of the 113th Congress. It was downhill from there - a Repub civil war erupted over super storm Sandy. Repubs need a new start on January 14 when Congress reconvenes.
  6. Obama’s re-election sent holiday shopping soaring over Thanksgiving weekend, but the fiscal cliff has kicked the country in the gut, judging by limp 2012 holiday sales – the worst since the Christmas 2008 holiday sales crash. We’re not over the cliff yet, but lax consumer spending is the country’s answer and warning to Repubs’ frozen posture on taxes. There’s still time to get the country out of intensive care where the Republicans have already sent us. This is no time to give up!
  7. Hope my constituents had a happy holiday. Unlike Congress, you earned it.

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