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HUD   >   Program Offices   >   Public and Indian Housing   >   Library - Public and Indian Housing   >   2009 Supplemental Appropriation Sec. 1203 Vouchers (THU to HCV)
2009 Supplemental Appropriation Sec. 1203 Vouchers (THU to HCV)

Under the Supplemental Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2009 (Public Law 111-32, enacted June 24, 2009), Congress provided funds of $80 million to be competitively awarded to public housing agencies (PHAs) in areas impacted by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita that will support approximately 10,000 vouchers and administrative fees.

Related Notices and Guidelines

 -   $80 Million HCV Competition Letter for PHAs in Hurricanes Katrina and Rita Disaster Impacted Areas
 -   Congressional Notifications on HCV Awards to PHAs under $80 million Competition
 -   THU to HCV Conversion Process Flow Chart

Learn More

 -   Map of HCV Funding Awards and THU Concentrations by Housing Authority Area
 -   Checklist for THU to HCV Applicants (MS-Word)
 -   THU to HCV Frequently Asked Questions