
Who we are

We’re unlocking the power of data to help create a better tomorrow

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Our brand

We have refreshed our brand to better reflect who we are and what we do

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Financial access

Giving millions of entrepreneurs access to fair and affordable micro-loans

Read more here >

Financial results

Trading update for the three months ended 31 December 2016

Read the report here



    Third quarter trading update


    Brian Cassin
    Chief Executive Officer

    Open webcast Download PDF, 158.7KB

    Who we are

    We unlock the power of data to create opportunities for people, business and society. At life’s big moments – from buying a home or a car, to sending a child to college, to growing your business by connecting it with new customers – we help you to manage your data with confidence so you can make the most of every opportunity.

    Our differentiators and fundamentals

    Identity and access to credit

    We help people improve their financial identities and access to credit.

    Financial education

    We work in partnership to provide credit and financial education to people, communities and schools.


    We help tackle unmanageable debt among vulnerable groups.


    We protect and manage our data securely and responsibly. Data quality and accuracy is fundamental to our business.


    We operate efficiently and minimise our impact on the environment.


    We strive to create a great place to work for our people.

    Our four global business activities

    Working at Experian

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