
Photo Essay

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The Daily Planet Blog

The Luna 1 Hoax Hoax

How the world's first lunar mission got mired in cold war conspiracy theories.
By Tony Reichhardt

Space Exploration

Asteroid Watch

A team of NASA alums is building a spacecraft to protect Earth - and you can help.
By Bruce Lieberman


The Versatile Beech 18

From sculptural beauty to functional transport, the Model 18 is an airplane of many guises.
By Diane Tedeschi and Caroline Sheen

Flight Today

Pedal Power

University of Maryland students close in on the human-powered helicopter prize.
By Paul Glenshaw

The Once and Future Moon Blog

How Are Places On The Moon Named?

The rules for naming features on the Moon are simple, but not always logical.
By Paul D. Spudis

Flight Today

Drones for Hire

The newest eyes in the sky are drawing the attention of power companies, conservation groups, and the ACLU.
By James R. Chiles

Flight Today

Fear Factor

Panic attacks in an airliner? Try a smaller airplane, with a friend as your pilot.
By Jeremy Davis

History of Flight

When Airplanes Had Beds

In 1955, some transatlantic flights still offered sleeper berths.
By Mariana Gosnell

Flight Today

Robot Reporters

Will UAVs become as indispensable for journalists as notepads and digital recorders?
By Rebecca Maksel

The Daily Planet Blog

Chapeau by Blériot

In the winter of 1909, chic Parisians sported Blériot, Antoinette, and Voisin biplanes on their heads.
By Rebecca Maksel

Space Exploration

“Life Out There”

The Library of Congress’s first resident astrobiologist takes inspiration from both Carl Sagan and Jerry Garcia.
By Pat Trenner

Military Aviation

The Ordeal of VF-653

From a Navy Reserve pilot’s letters home, a picture of the darkest days of the Korean War
By David Sears

Space Exploration


The Ranger series of space probes finally succeeded — on the seventh try.
By George C. Larson

The Daily Planet Blog

A Note From Ho Chi Minh

In 1968, in the midst of war, Apollo 8 offered a glimmer of hope and humanity.
By Tony Reichhardt

Military Aviation

The X-47 Ships Out

The Navy’s unmanned combat aircraft makes a historic takeoff, and prepares for carrier trials at sea.
By John M. Doyle


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