
The Department of Cultural Affairs is unique in state government because people actively engage its programs and facilities for direct, positive cultural experiences. The department is the flagship of Nevada government, showing both citizens and visitors the best benefit of exercising their franchise for the common good.

Nevada State Museum to Receive Donation

A 1937 Lamp Given to Public Works Administrator Associated with Construction of the Boulder Dam- Pioche Power Line

July 5, 2011

FeltCarson City, Nevada.  A special commemorative lamp given to Wright L. Felt, then Director of the Public Works Administration for Nevada by the Lincoln County Power District No. 1 for his assistant in getting the first state power line from Hoover (Boulder) Dam to Pioche, Nevada in 1937 is being donated by his family to the museum. His and son and daughter will be at the Nevada State Museum on Thursday, July 7, 2011 at 1:15 to make the donation to the Nevada State Museum of the commemorative lamp given to their father by the Lincoln County Power District No. 1 on September 25, 1937.

Felt directed the government’s assistance to Nevada for the construction of the first line delivering electrical power from the newly completed dam.  That line, to Pioche, Nevada served as a kind of model for the succeeding ones, and it cost $ 900,000 to complete.  The PWA under Felt’s direction provided about a third of that money as an outright gift and another third as a long-term loan.  The line to Pioche, Nevada, some 155 miles north of the dam, was built in 1937. 

Nevada Arts Council Announces FY2012 Nevada Heritage Award

July 1, 2011

Carson City, Nevada.  The Nevada Arts Council is proud to honor cowboy poet Bruce “Waddie” Mitchell, of Spring Creek, with the 2012 Nevada Heritage Award. Nevada Heritage awardees are among our state’s living cultural treasures. They embody the highest level of artistic achievement in their work and the highest levels of service in their communities and in their commitment to ensuring that their traditions stay strong.

Mitchell was nominated by the Western Folklife Center and supported by letters from his community of Elko, as well as the community of cowboy and western poets. “Waddie Mitchell has become an icon of Nevada, of buckaroo culture (cowboys of the Great Basin), and of cowboy poetry itself,” wrote Charlie Seemann, director of the Western Folklife Center.

Mixed Media Artwork by Darren Johnson Featured at OXS Gallery

June 24, 2011

Carson City, Nevada.  The Skeletons in Our Closets Are Planning a Parade in Honor of the 2010 Census, a series of mixed media artwork by Darren Johnson, is featured in the Nevada Arts Council’s Carson City office now through August 5 as part of the Office eXhibition Series (OXS).

Johnson employs traditional realist techniques in unorthodox presentations to examine human interaction. While working for the Census, Johnson witnessed a similarity between the Census and community parades- both are communal activities involving public participation and the art of communication.  Issues of trust, privacy and secrecy can develop when a person is communicating within and for the sake of a diverse civil society.

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