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Emergency Management



  • The area is currently under Tropical Cyclone Condition of Readiness V. Note: In case of an actual emergency, evacuation, or emergent situation, the preceding link may be activated.)

The Emergency Management Office supports Submarine Group 10 and Naval Submarine Base King Bay and provides guidance for Kings Bay organizations to mitigate the effects of disasters, such as hurricanes, tornadoes, flooding, bomb threats, accidents, fires, or other significant events.

To do so effectively, all assigned activities must be prepared to employ every available resource to support the effort required to ensure a rapid response and recovery from emergency situations impacting Kings Bay.

The Emergency Management department operates an Emergency Operations Center (EOC) that provides command and control operations for any Kings Bay incident. It directs Kings Bay manpower, supplies, and equipment and has the ability to coordinate outside assistance from federal, state, and local agencies.

The EOC is under the joint control of Submarine Group 10 and Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay. To quickly notify essential response leadership and personnel, a computerized Emergency Notification System (ENS) is used. The ENS is tested on a monthly basis to ensure system operability and accuracy of contact numbers.

Emergency Management maintains a mobile command post that is self-contained and immediately ready to extend command and control functions to a disaster scene.

During an actual or potential disaster, emergency or evacuation, Kings Bay workers and families will be kept abreast of information and requirements through a variety of sources such as this and other Web sites, the on base closed circuit television system (Channel 29), local radio and television stations, chain of command, and other means.

It is especially important for everyone to review the Hurricane Preparedness Brochure and Hurricane Information (link pending) before and during hurricane season (June 1 to November 30). These links also provide useful information and guidance:


Always Prepared

Above photo: Base and government officials conduct a mock press conference during an emergency exercise. To help you be better prpeared, please visit the Ready America site below.